Into the Dark

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Into the Dark Page 17

by T A. McKay

  Chapter Eighteen


  “Are you comfortable?” The look that Niamh gives me is one of pure murder, she doesn't want to be here, I can tell. I can’t help smiling at her, I don't think she realises how cute she looks when she tries to be mad.

  “Don't blame me, the doctor said that you had to be on full bed rest for four days. There is no way I’m sending you home when Talia can’t be there with you the whole time. I have holidays due at work so it’s not a problem for me to be here. So are you comfortable or do you need more pillows?” I’m loving every single minute of this and every evil look she gives me just gets me hard. I need to try and stop my bodies’ reaction to her or this friendship thing won’t last very long.

  “I’m fine, in fact, I could do with less pillows and less bed. You do know bed rest doesn’t mean I have to stay in bed?” I finish placing the first of her supplies on the bed next to her, magazines, her kindle, the TV remote and the box of chocolates I grabbed from my cupboard before heading in here. She had told me not to go to any trouble, but I think she forgot who she was talking to.

  “Mason, you’re not listening to me are you?” I smile at her and kiss her forehead.

  “Rest and I will go and make you some dinner, you must be hungry.” I turn on the TV as I walk to the door and just as I’m about to leave I am hit in the back of the head with a chocolate. Laughing and rubbing my head, I turn back and look at the moody Niamh lying in my bed, and I swear I have never seen anything sexier.

  I’m not the best cook in the world, but I know enough to keep myself alive, but I’m hoping that I might just impress the sexy woman lying in my bed. The doctor said that Niamh needed to have a healthy balanced diet and to make sure that she had lots of iron and protein. The buzzer for the oven goes off and I remove the spinach and salmon quiche, placing it on the side to cool while I dress the salad. This is more effort than I would normally go to if I were here on my own, but for the woman who is carrying my baby nothing will ever be too much. I plate up the meal and put the two plates on a tray along with the glasses of water, grabbing the tray I head back to the bedroom.

  “Here you go pretty lady. I hope you’re hungry.” I pass her plate to her before getting myself comfortable on the bed with mine. I take the first bite and I have to admit that I’m impressed with myself, it’s not half bad.

  “Wow, Mason. This is so good. Maybe I will lie here for the next four days and let you wait on me hand and foot.” She nudges my shoulder as she eats. She is eating faster than me and it makes me wonder how hungry she really was, has she eaten today at all?

  “There is no maybe about it. The only reason you will be getting out of my bed in the next four days will be to go to the bathroom. That’s it, nothing else.” She freezes with a forkful of quiche halfway to her mouth.

  “You're serious aren’t you?” I just smile as I take another forkful of food. She will see how serious I’m being.


  I couldn’t believe when the doctor said I needed to be on bed rest, actually it wasn’t that bit I couldn’t believe, it was when Mason informed me that I would be staying with him that my real shock showed. Why would he want me with him? My day has been surreal from the moment I woke up in the hospital bed. I was sure I had lost the baby, so to find out it was still there and healthy, that it was just my placenta bleeding was like a miracle. When Mason arrived and kissed me, I was lost for words. I was sure he would still be angry about the baby and I would get more of the words that he had thrown at me before, but he was nothing like that. He was loving and gentle, and when he used the words our baby, I swear I felt my heart swell with love. The apology he gave me, the words he had said to me was exactly what I had wanted to hear from him, but I can’t let him in too much. I want to just grab him and tell him how I feel, but I’m scared, even though he says he has feelings for me I don't think they are the same feelings I have. So the decision was made to be friends, I think that is the safest thing at the moment, but I know if I have to stay in this house for four full days, I won’t be able to keep to just friendship. Mason has been everything I dreamt about, he’s attentive and funny, showing none of the faults that I imagined he would have, the ones that would turn me off. When he sat next to me so we could eat dinner, an amazing dinner that he had made especially for me, I couldn’t help but feel like a normal couple and that made my heart hurt, knowing that it would never happen. I’m trying to keep my heart closed to him, not to let my pregnant emotions takeover, but he is making it difficult.

  Now I’m lying here in bed resting, the lack of sleep finally catching up with me. Mason’s in the bathroom having a shower I think, I can hear the water running and all I can think about is the last time I saw him in the shower. The look of his body as it hardened to the sound of my voice, his muscles tight and his skin glistening. I’m just getting into my daydream when the duvet is pulled off and I’m suddenly in a strong pair of arms.

  “Mason! What are you doing?” I squeal at him as he carries me into the bathroom.

  “You are going to relax, just as the doctor ordered. So you are gonna get stripped down and get your cute little arse in that bath.” I look over to the other side of the bathroom and notice the bubble bath with candles arranged around it. I feel tears stinging my eyes as I take it all in. He really is trying and I can’t help but feel important in his life, and at this moment I vow to myself to make the most of my time with Mason, no matter how short it is. I give in to my emotions, leaning into him and kissing him on the lips, a gentle kiss showing him how amazing he is. The kiss deepens but I can’t tell who is pushing for more, but I have a feeling it’s equal. Mason's arms tighten around me, pulling me back from the sensation of his lip. He places me down gently on my feet and kisses my nose.

  “I’m going to leave now, I only have so much control over myself and if I kiss you again I will have no control. So get in the bath, but leave the door open in case you need me.” He walks towards the door but stops and looks back at me.

  “I will be back soon with a drink for you, unless you need some help getting out of your clothes?” My breath stutters, as he looks me up and down with so much heat in his eyes. I know I look like shit at this moment, spending the day at work and then all that time in the hospital hasn’t left me looking my best, but he doesn’t seem to see it and I can feel my body reacting. Just as I’m about to ask him to help me he laughs.

  “Don't worry, beautiful, I’m only kidding. Get in the bath before it’s cold and I will be back.” Little does he know that him getting me naked is exactly what I want, but I need to forget that at the moment, with the bleeding I need to just forget I’m a woman, forget I want Mason more than anything else in this lifetime.

  The water feels amazing on my body, it’s relaxing the muscles I didn’t even realise were tense. Mason has added some sort of bubble bath that smells like cinnamon, and add that to the dimmed lights and candles burning all around the bathroom and I couldn’t be more relaxed. He has thought of everything, there is a little blow up pillow that I’m leaning against and gentle music playing through speakers that I can’t see. I settle into the water a bit deeper, feeling the water splash against the bottom of my chin.

  “Knock knock. Can I come in?” Mason pushes the door and peeks around it, obviously seeing if I’m decent. When he sees me in the water, he pushes the door open further and walks in carrying a little stool and a glass of orange juice. He places the stool next to the bath within reaching distance and places the juice on it. He sit’s on the edge of the bath and I know it should feel awkward, but it doesn’t, it feels completely natural having him in here with me.

  “You better be careful, Mason. I could get used to this, do you hire yourself out for butler services?” He smiles as he pushes a piece of hair away from my forehead.

  “Just don't let it get out, everyone will want this Mason. They are used to the dickhead, you don't want to make them jealous.” I can hear the laughter in his voice as he says th
is to me, and I can’t help but smile because the truth is ... he’s a dickhead.

  “Why are you being so nice to me? You couldn’t bear to look at me a few weeks ago, and now you are being super sweet. I just don't understand why.” His hand slips under the water and his fingers gently caress my stomach.

  “Maybe I just realise now what I have to lose. I will admit, I’m scared shitless with everything that has happened but it’s happened, it’s time to man up to it. I was so close to chasing you down the night we were together, I wanted nothing more than to take you into my bed and snuggle. What have you done woman, I don't snuggle?” I know he is trying to get rid of the tension that is building in my body, but I need to know what is happening. Even if I it's not the answer I want I need to know.

  “So where do we go from here?” His hand stills on my stomach and he looks me straight in the eyes with a look of such intensity it almost takes my breath away.

  “We take it one day at a time. I can’t promise you forever, that has never been on my radar, but I can promise you right now. The one thing you need to know though is I will never leave you to raise this baby on your own. I didn’t have the best parents growing up and I refuse for any child with my blood in its veins to live the life I had to.” He stands and dries his hands on the towel next to the sink.

  “Now you rest. I need you feeling better by Saturday.” He walks towards the door.

  “What happens on Saturday?”

  “I introduce you to the most important people in my life.”


  This couch is so fucking uncomfortable. This is part of the plan I didn’t think through properly. Even though I have a two bedroomed house I actually only have one bed, the one that Niamh is currently sleeping in. That leaves me with the couch and it’s not easy to squeeze my six-foot frame into the tiny two-seater thing. I try to roll over again and I end up lying on my back on the floor. Fuck this. I grab the cushions from the couch and throw them flat on the floor, hoping that it will be easier this way to get some rest, if nothing else at least its less distance to fall.

  “Mason?” My eyes move to the door and I see Niamh leaning against the doorframe looking like an angel in a long white t-shirt that hangs from one shoulder. I sit up quickly.

  “Is everything ok? Do you need something?” I’m worried that the pains have started again, I don't know how I would handle that.

  “Why don't you come share the bed with me? At least that way we can both get a good nights sleep, I can’t sleep knowing you’re out here all uncomfortable.” I sigh realising I’ve probably been making a huge fuss, and I know I’ve been swearing out loud, it must have been louder than I thought. I get up and move over to her, not able to stay away from her any longer. I just wish I were in the position to be able to touch her freely, to run my hand up her thighs and kiss that naked shoulder.

  “I’m sorry, baby. Just go back to sleep and I will keep the noise down.” She doesn’t respond with words, she just takes me by the hand and leads me towards the bedroom. When we get to the bed, she climbs on and crawls over to the other side. I go instantly hard with the flash of her underwear, I turn away trying to stop myself from taking her right here and now. She pulls the duvet back and pats the bed next to her. I sigh and climb in, careful not to make any contact with her while I pull the duvet over us both and turn the light off. I lie on my back staring at the ceiling. I can smell her, she smells like cinnamon and I want nothing more than to lick her all over. Thoughts like these aren’t helping the hard on that I’m trying to get rid off, the are just making me lose the blood from the rest of my body and I can feel it pulse through my dick. I never imagined I would be this close to her again, and my body obviously remembers what it’s like to be with her, to touch her, to slide inside her.

  “Mason?” Her voice drags me from my fantasizing and I try to focus on it.

  “Can you hold me? It’s been the day from hell and I just need to be held.” I roll to my side and pull her back into my arms so I’m spooning her. She feels amazing in my arms, like she has always meant to be here, but I know she can feel my now extremely hard dick pressing into her back.

  “I’m sorry, I can’t help it when you are this close.” I whisper the words into her ear hoping she will understand. She kisses my bicep and looks over her shoulder to me. I can see her eyes glistening in the moonlight.

  “It’s ok. I feel the same.” With those words, she cuddles into my body more and I feel her body relax. I lie for what feels like hours, just listening to her breath. If someone had told me a month ago I would be laying here with my pregnant ‘friend’ in my arms, I would have laughed in his face. But as I drift off to sleep I realise one thing, I wouldn’t want it any other way.

  Chapter Nineteen


  Today’s the day, there will be no going back after this. I pull my car up to the kerb outside Rocco’s house and turn the engine off. I look over to the passenger seat and watch Niamh nervously pick at her nails. I reach over and take her hand, making her look at me with her wide eyes.

  “You’ll be fine. There’s no need to worry, I promise you will like Makenzie and Rocco, but one thing, when you see Rocco just remember you’re mine.” She giggles and I have this urge to lean over and kiss the giggle from her lips.

  “So let me get things clear. We aren’t telling people about the baby just now? And can I introduce you as my girlfriend?” He cheeks redden when I ask her this, and I swear I just want to take her home and meet not let her meet anyone. I wonder when I turned into this kind of guy, never have I had this possessive feeling towards a woman before, not even Carina. I wonder if it’s knowing she’s pregnant with my kid, it brings out the caveman in me a little. Ok, it brings it out a lot.

  “No we aren’t telling anyone about the baby, I want to get to at least twelve weeks to be safe, especially after everything that’s happened.” The blush hasn’t left her cheeks when she looks down at our joined hands and says quietly.

  “And I thought we were just friends, isn’t that what I am to you?” Friends? I’m starting to wish I hadn’t suggested the friend’s shit. I want to beat my chest yelling ‘mine’ so all the guys in a hundred mile radius knows she is with me. So friends ... no, not really.

  “Ok friends it is. Are you ready to go in?” I don't wait for her answer, getting out of the car before I go insane, still thrown over the friend’s thing. Friends don't want to do what I want to do. I open her door for her, slamming it once she is out. She jumps with the noise and I realise I might be a little more worked up than I thought.

  “Are you mad about something?” Her eyes look sad when I turn to look at her. Shit. I don't want to make her feel bad because I can’t get my emotions under control. I take her hand in mine and reach up, stroking her cheek with my other.

  “No, baby, I'm not mad. Let's just go and enjoy the afternoon.”

  I lead her around Rocco’s house heading towards the back door, opening the gate and seeing everyone gathered on the decking. Ben is here with a woman I don't recognise, but that isn’t a shock, Ben is like me, never seeing the same woman twice. Bill is here with his wife, Susan and daughter, Bobbi, looking as happy as can be. Rocco is standing at the barbeque while Makenzie is handing out drinks. We approach the decking and everyone turns to look our way. There is a look of confusion on everyone’s face when they see Niamh, and I realise that no one has ever seen me bring a woman to one of our get-togethers.

  “Hey everyone. How is everyone? Let me introduce you all to Niamh.” They’re all still standing there looking at us, no one sure what to do.

  “What? Haven’t you all seen a beautiful woman before?” I pull her gently onto the decking and over to an empty seat, while I glare at everyone. Makenzie is the first to realise she is staring and she comes over.

  “I’m sorry, it’s just...never mind. Hi, I’m Makenzie and it’s such a pleasure to meet you. This guy over here is my boyfriend, Rocco and this is our house.” As the girls continue t
o chat I walk towards Rocco, grabbing a bottle of beer from the chiller by the back door. This will be my only bottle today, I’m driving my woman home later so I refuse to put her at any risk. I lean against the railing next to where Rocco is grilling and look over at both our women chatting. Niamh looks relaxed talking and I notice Ben has gone over to her, I will need to keep an eye on him.

  “Well, at least now I know what’s been on your mind recently. Nice of you tell me.” I can hear the humour in Rocco’s voice, and I know that he isn’t being serious with his comments.

  “Yeah, well this is a new development. One I didn’t see coming myself, but fuck man, I want that woman...badly.” I can hear the laughter coming from Rocco but refuse to look at him, to look away from Niamh.

  “Oh man, someone has lost his balls. Welcome to the club man, but make sure you borrow them back sometimes.” This time I look at Rocco while taking a drink from my bottle. He knows exactly how I feel, not once did he think he would get caught by Makenzie and yet here we are, celebrating them moving in.

  “So talking of losing balls, how are things going? Still excited about her moving in?” Rocco looks over towards the girls and smiles.

  “It’s the best thing ever, mate. It really is. Want to know a secret?” Oh, this should interesting.

  “As long as it isn’t about some freaky sex thing that the pair of you get up to.” Rocco picks up the oven glove he has sitting next to him and throws it at me.

  “Mind out of the gutter, like I would tell you any of the good stuff. So what I was going to tell you is, I’m going to ask Makenzie to marry me.” He says this as I’m taking a drink of beer and I gasp making the beer get stuck in my throat, leaving me a coughing mess with tears running down my cheeks. Everyone turns to look at me, but I hold a hand up to say I’m fine.


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