Saturdays (Challenge)
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One by one, members from each team stood on the treadmill for approximately 15 minutes, allowing the Waverly Gym Instructors to take their vitals and stats. The instructors had the breakdown of steps for each team member and made sure to congratulate and encourage them to continue their good habits. After their check in, Myla and Summer met at the locker room and both looked one another up and down. “Racquetball Wednesday?” Summer said raising her eyebrows.
“You’re on.” Myla said giving her hand a quick squeeze before waving goodbye. “Better go. I’m having dinner with mom tonight. Are you interested?”
“Thank you. But I’m treating the team tonight. Another night?” She was taken aback by Myla’s offer for dinner with her mother, hoping that she was given the opportunity again.
“You bet,” Myla said running out of the gym.
Summer won the Wednesday night racquetball match and Myla happily paid for dinner at the Mexican Restaurant five blocks away. Summer apologized during the entire dinner for crushing Myla against the wall and bruising her arm. Myla on the other hand thought it was humorous and told her to stop fretting over it. It was just a bruise, far less than the scrapes that Summer received from their bike ride.
The following Monday, Summer logged onto the team challenge to check their progress. Her crew was still neck and neck with two other teams for the lead. Myla’s team was unfortunately not one of them, though they were making minimum steps for health benefits. After comparing numbers for each team she clicked on the link to view Myla’s information and was surprised to see that she had barely clocked any steps the previous day. This was literally the first day during the entire challenge that her unstoppable friend hadn’t taken at least 10,000 steps by noon, knowing that she always took a lengthy run in the morning.
Summer shot off a quick email to Myla, offering up a new challenge. She was anxious to see her again and hoped that Myla felt the same way. Her competitive friend asked for a Saturday rematch, but Summer had plans to visit her family in New Jersey, where they relocated after she and her brother left for college.
After closing the email she grabbed the presentation for the morning meeting and grinned to herself knowing they would groan over the increase in challenge steps. Once everyone was seated with coffee and breakfast in the conference, Summer gave several announcements including their achievements for the previous week and Taryn’s new role in the company. Eddie had hooked five new accounts and they were going to be busy as usual through the end of July. Victor and Heather both planned vacations in August and they would be one person short when Lena had her baby.
She asked if there were any additional days needed off, ending with “Speak now or forever hold your peace.”
Everyone chuckled and shook their heads when she eyed each one of them. “Good. I want Emma and Taryn working on the Dennis account; Steve, you’re on the Capture account and Heather I need you to give me your ideas on the Pool’s Logo. If we can finish some of these things before you and Victor go on vacation, we’ll be in good shape.” Summer looked at everyone and found them all to be nodding their heads in agreement. “Great. Now the last bit of news is that we started the 12,500 step challenge today. We are one of 6 teams left in the running and I want everyone to make the minimum, at the very least.”
“I thought we wanted to win that gym!” Victor said to the agreement of others.
“Hey, I’m in for it, but I need everyone else to be on board. We’re neck and neck with two other teams for first. This means we need to do better. What do you think?” Summer said looking to Eddie for an answer.
“I’m in honey. I made 22,000 steps Friday night dancing at the Runway. Anyone want to join me this week?”
Taryn raised her hand and nodded her head. “I’m in.”
“Me too,” said Victor. “Candy and I haven’t been dancing in a long time. She’ll love it.”
“Lena, are you still doing okay?” Summer asked making sure she didn’t push too hard.
“Thank you for asking sweetie, but I feel great. You don’t have to worry about me, unless my womb-mate comes early.”
“Cute. We’re going to use that for our next baby advertisement.”
Lena laughed and nodded back at the group. “I’m in.”
“Sounds like we have a challenge on our hands,” Summer finished.
Slowly everyone filed out of the conference room grabbing more food and coffee on their way out. Summer watched them leave and smiled knowing that they would give it their all. After returning to her desk, she opened her email to check for a response from Myla, but was disappointed when there was none. Her lips pulled tight and she told herself to stop being so impatient, it had only been an hour.
At four o’clock, Summer sent out an email with their progress for the day and posted everyone’s steps. She was pleased that some had taken a walk during their lunchbreak, it was obvious because they had each logged over 7,000 steps. She still hadn’t received a response from Myla which again surprised her since Myla was always quick to respond with a short note. Had she done something wrong to put Myla off, or was she getting too cozy with the idea that they were more than friends? No, Myla would have said something, she was always straight forward and honest.
Summer clicked on the Human Resources Team and then Myla’s name to gain some connection. She was surprised when she found that Myla hadn’t logged any additional steps. A smile grew on her face when she realized that she had a reason to call Myla before she left from work, thinking perhaps that Myla hadn’t charged her bracelet. But then she stopped herself, knowing this would be the first time she actually called her.
Whatever. She pressed Myla’s work number into her phone and waited for a response.
“Randy, Human Resources, how can I help you?” A female voice responded.
“May I speak with Myla Allen please.”
“I’m sorry, but she called in sick today. Can I give her a message or have someone else answer your questions?”
“She’s sick?” Summer said with concern in her tone.
“She got food poisoning from chicken at Jane’s Sports Pub, her and two others. I told them to stay away from that place, it’s nothing but trouble. They’re the third group from here to get sick in two months and for some reason these kids just keep going back for that damn beer. Silly if you ask me.”
Summer was in a whirlwind from Randy’s jabbering. When she finally finished, Summer whispered, “Okay. Thank you.”
Now what? Should I go over there to make sure she’s okay? No, that would be stupid. We’ll maybe it’s not such a bad idea. She might need some electrolytes. Right, electrolytes. That has to be the dumbest thing I’ve said today. Summer stood from her seat and pushed in her chair after closing down her computer for the evening. She had a plan and it didn’t involve any excuses for seeing Myla. Just the fact that she wanted to make sure that her friend was okay. Though she was going to stop for some Gatorade on the way, knowing it couldn’t hurt.
After finding her way to Myla’s condo building, Summer knocked on the large red door and waited for a minute before finally hearing Myla, or someone walking around inside. Summer gave a shy smile when Myla slowly opened the door with a surprised look on her face. “Oh God,” Myla uttered with embarrassment.
“I’m sorry I came over unannounced. I should leave?”
“Noooooo. I just don’t want you to see me like this. I’ve been sick and I haven’t even showered today. Damn,” Myla said opening the door wide.
Summer snickered, taking in Myla’s disheveled appearance. She was wearing pink Life is Good pajama bottoms and a grey tank top. Cute she thought. “I called your work and Randy told me that you had some bad food yesterday. I just wanted to check on you to see if you needed anything. You didn’t respond to my email.”
“You called my work?”
Summer nodded her head. “Yes, to find out why you hadn’t logged any steps today.”
nbsp; “Oh, so you called to taunt me?” Myla said teasingly.
“Yes. I mean no. I wondered if something happened to your bracelet and you didn’t know it.”
“Are you keeping tabs on me?” Myla said taking in Summer’s casual appearance for the first time. She was wearing dark jeans, and a linen blazer with a black camisole underneath. Casual but incredible sexy, especially if she was coming from work.
Summer put her face in her hands, rubbing it quickly before looking into Myla’s eyes. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t.”
Myla grinned and put her hand on Summer’s arm. “Come inside. And thank you for checking on me.” When she turned around to head into the kitchen she added, “I’ve been keeping track of your steps, too. Would you like something to drink, water or juice?”
Summer was relieved and little surprised. “No. Thank you.”
“I just got out of bed not too long ago. I… I threw up on myself for the third time last night in bed and the bracelet was an innocent bystander. I think I cleaned it but left it in the bathroom to dry. I hope I didn’t ruin it. It took all my energy to put a new sheet on the bed to sleep on and then I pulled a blanket over my body.”
Summer went to Myla in the kitchen so they weren’t talking across the room any longer. “How are you feeling now? Better?”
“Yes, actually. I slept most of the day and feel like I’m starting to get my energy back. At least I’m hungry, just no chicken. God I stink.” Myla said babbling as she stepped away from Summer, laughing at herself.
Summer’s cheeks rose as she grinned at Myla. “Hey, why don’t you go take a shower and I’ll help you change your bed.” Summer realized what she had offered and blushed from embarrassment. Here she was inviting herself into Myla’s bedroom, without permission. “I mean, I just want to help. I can wait out here, why don’t you take a shower and then I’ll get us something light to eat. Is that okay?”
“That sounds very okay. And I won’t object to you changing my sheets,” Myla teased. “Nothing like having a sexy woman prepare your bed,” she said before heading towards the bedroom for a shower. “Help yourself to anything I have in the refrigerator. I’ll just be a few minutes.”
“Right, that’s what you always say.”
“Okay, fifteen minutes. I need to wash my hair.” With that Myla was gone and Summer was left to look at the numerous pictures around the room. There were pictures from college, with individual teammates, a team photo, and then others that appeared more recent. Two however, are what held Summer’s interest. One was of Myla and another woman hiking as someone captured a great picture of them holding hands.
Summer brushed her finger over Myla’s face, smiling at the woman looking back at her. Then she took in the other woman, who was tall like Myla, slim and incredibly beautiful. They looked so happy together. She wondered what Myla went through when her partner passed, knowing it must have been difficult.
The second picture was of them dressed up, at what looked like a charity function. They were again holding hands, only this time the other woman was watching Myla with obvious endearment. They were a beautiful couple.
“That was six years ago. We were at a charity event for muscular dystrophy. Linda was gorgeous that night. I was so proud to have her on my arm,” Myla said smiling.
“You were both stunning. I bet heads were turning.”
Myla smiled at her and ran her fingers through her wet hair. “Fifteen minutes. If you want me to dry my hair it will be another five.”
Summer laughed and shook her head. She knew that Myla was changing the subject and was apparently not very good at taking compliments. “Wet it is,” Summer said wiggling her eyebrows.
Myla hit her arm and laughed. “I feel so much better having taken a shower. Thank you for getting my butt moving.”
“Are you well enough to walk to the sandwich shop down the road? Dinner is on me, and no chicken.”
“I feel bad because I didn’t beat you in anything,” Myla said playfully.
Summer clenched her jaw knowing Myla was teasing but still yet, she wanted it to be more between them then just a competition. “If you would feel better, we can go dutch.”
“Dutch? Is this a date?” Myla said with one side of her lip curling into a grin.
“I care about you and want to make sure you’re well,” Summer said innocently.
“Thank you,” Myla said suddenly embarrassed. It was obvious to her that Summer was being serious. Summer had done something nice and she hadn’t stopped teasing since her friend had arrived.
Myla lead them down the stairs out to the sidewalk where they began their journey to the sandwich shop. When they finally made it 20 minutes later, Myla was exhausted. “Jeez, maybe I wasn’t ready for this.”
“Please sit while I get us some food. You can rest for a while and if you don’t feel well enough to walk back, I’ll call us a cab.”
“Why are you doing all this for me?” Myla had learned during the last few weeks that Summer was very reserved with an intimidating exterior, yet very sensitive and squishy on the inside. As Myla discovered new layer’s to her personality, she began to grow hopeful that Summer was giving her a second chance at life. During the past month she actually began to see her old self begin to surface.
Summer had never been so shy around anyone in her life. She was always so confident and unaffected by simple questions and gestures. Myla, on the other hand was different from anyone she had ever spent time with. Somehow this vibrant brunette, with adorable freckles, was able to read Summer’s moods and actions as if they had known each other for years. “I’ll tell you, but why don’t we eat a little bit and maybe we’ll get to that shortly. You need nourishment. What will you have?”
Myla gave her a sly look indicating that she wasn’t going to let her off the hook, but nodding her head to suggest that she would be patient. “How about a cheese and pickle sandwich. If I can’t stomach that, I won’t be able to eat anything.”
“Really, cheese and pickles. That’s all?” When Myla shrugged her shoulders, Summer nodded her head.
Myla watched as Summer put their order in at the counter, and she also didn’t miss how clueless her sexy friend was when the cashier checked her out. “I don’t blame you,” she uttered to herself.
As Summer returned to the table with drinks in hand, she took in Myla’s smile that spread across her face. She was always so happy and optimistic. Just minutes later their meals arrived and both were quiet while they unwrapped their food, taking a few bites before looking at one another.
“So, tell me, what more is there”
Summer smiled and took another bite of her sandwich to stall. When she was finished and had taken another drink as well, she put her food down and looked at Myla seriously. “I like you, as more than a friend…” Summer said, putting her hand up to stop Myla from interrupting her thoughts. She picked up her phone and typed into it quickly, then put it back on the table.
Within seconds Myla was alerted to a new text. “Date?”
Myla burst into laughter and nodded her head at Summer. Then instead of answering she typed in her phone, “You’re on!”
Summer smiled and took Myla’s hand. “Thank you.”
“Thank you for finally asking me. I was beginning to think this really was just a competition.”
“No. I wanted to ask you out the first time I saw you, but I was so horrible in high school that I thought you would laugh in my face.”
“You certainly remember high school differently than I do. You really weren’t that horrible. Cocky yes, but horrible, no.” Myla chuckled.
Summer picked up her sandwich and finished in two bites while watching Myla grin at her from across the table. When she was finished she stood to throw her trash away. “Are you going to take that with you?”
“Yes, I can’t finish it.”
“Are you able to walk back to your place?”
“Yes, slowly.” Myla stood from her seat and wrapped up her sandwich,
placing it in the bag on the table. “Shall we?” she asked taking Summer’s hand.
Summer just smiled and nodded. They walked slowly back to Myla’s condo, stealing glances at one another, but neither saying a word. When they reached Myla’s door, Myla gave Summer a quick kiss before unlocking it. “Thank you for getting me out of the house. Does it stink in here?”
“No, that’s probably just the smell still up your nose.”
Summer chuckled and took Myla’s hand. “Thank you for taking a walk with me.”
“Are you always this sweet?”
“No.” Summer said with a deadpan face.
“I find that hard to believe. I appreciate you checking on me Summer,” Myla said giving her another kiss on the cheek. “When would you like to have that date?”
“Is tomorrow too soon?” Summer said grinning. “Would you like to come over so I can fix you dinner? We could take a swim afterwards if you’re up for it.”
“You have a pool?” Myla said excitedly.
“Yes ma’am. That was one of my stipulations for purchasing a house.”
“Sounds wonderful.”
“So it’s a date?”
“A date,” Myla replied.
With that, Summer leaned down and gave Myla a soft kiss goodbye.
The following evening, Summer put veggies and shrimp on the grill and cold beer in the poolside refrigerator. She had called Myla during the day to make sure she was feeling well and was okay with the menu. Myla approved and asked if she could bring anything, but Summer insisted that she already had everything covered.
At 5:30 p.m. Myla rang the doorbell and waited nervously on the front stoop. When Summer opened the door, she pulled her inside and gave her a hug, thanking her for coming over. Myla’s body responded with just the slightest touch and was completely on fire when they pulled apart.
“You look really nice,” Summer said taking in Myla’s summer weight khaki shorts and white button down shirt. Her legs were tanned and her sleeves were rolled up to her elbows.