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Love Charms

Page 3

by Multiple

  “Raven is a unique name. How did your parents choose it?”

  “It’s a family name.” She didn’t mention that Benji was short for Benjamin. At this point, Derek thought he was the family dog. She couldn’t explain it was her brother.

  “Any other siblings? How many brothers and sisters do you have?”

  “Just one of each. You’ve met Ziara, and I have one brother who currently lives out of town.”

  “Where does he live? What’s his name?”

  “Benjamin,” she flubbed. “He’s up in Buffalo, NY.” She grabbed the first town name that popped into her head, realizing it was a lie she could live with. It was automatic to answer.

  “Hey, did you name your dog after your brother?”

  Realizing the connection a second too late, Raven made the save. “Yeah, I guess I did. I always looked up to my older brother.” She hated lies. She hated that she couldn’t tell him the truth. She knew the rules, but she didn’t have to like them. Dating a mortal was complicated.

  It was time to change the topic and put the spotlight on him. “What about you? Any siblings?”

  “I have one sister. She’s sweet, but can be nosy. I know she means well, but she’s always trying to get too many details of my life.”

  Raven noted the comment, wondering if his sister might be an issue. “All sisters are like that, always interfering. Ziara is the same way. Sometimes it’s easier just to say nothing at all than feed her desire to rule my life.” Raven grimaced.

  “Ziara is such a different name. I’ve never heard that before.”

  “My mom was unique,” she said, wanting to change the topic. “That was delicious. I was hungrier than I thought.”

  “Do you want anymore?” He motioned towards the pizza.

  “No, thanks, I’ve had my fill. But you apparently worked up my appetite.”

  “No reason why we can’t go burn off these calories.” His sheepish grin was back as he chased her back to the bedroom.

  Making love, the couple collapsed with exhaustion after a lengthy bout and snuggled against one another.

  She hated how her brother would randomly pop into her mind. His timing was really bad today.

  Benji was tired of waiting on his snack. “Ice cream, it’s all I’m saying. It’s not like I can go buy it myself.”

  Not now! Besides, you were just at the market.

  “I forgot to ask Ziara for vanilla. My doggy tummy doesn’t do well with other flavors.”

  Benji, later. I’ll get it later. Goodbye! She hinted firmly.

  She didn’t hear Derek, as she was focused on her brother’s intrusion.

  “What do you think?” Derek asked.

  “I’m sorry, I sort of zoned out for a moment. What were you saying?” She apologized.

  “I was saying, what do you think about going away for a long weekend, maybe next week? We could take some time away together.” The idea of spending an entire weekend in bed with Raven filled his body with fire. He couldn’t get enough of the gorgeous woman, and now that they’d taken the next step and grown intimate together, he couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate their newly committed relationship.

  “Ooh, that sounds great! I just need to see if Ziara can take Benji for me.”

  “We could look for a place that allows dogs,” he suggested.

  “No!” she blurted out. “I mean, Ziara can take care of him. I’m sure it won’t be a problem.”

  “Okay, great. We’ll work out the details over the next couple of days.”

  “I should probably head home soon. I have to prepare for a new client.” She couldn’t say much more. He wouldn’t understand what she did for a living. Sure, she could say she was a consultant, but what if he asked more questions? She’d brushed off the topic in the past and said she contracted, not giving out many details.

  “Wish you could stay with me,” Derek cooed.

  “Me too, but I need to feed Benji. I can see you later this week.”

  “I’m counting on it.”

  “We’d better get dressed and head out. You drove, so I’m at your mercy.”

  “Ooh, at my mercy. I like that,” he joked. “Okay, Princess, let’s get dressed and I’ll drop you off before midnight.”

  By the time she got home it was late, and Benji was already sleeping on the sofa. That dog could snore! She felt badly that she didn’t get his ice cream, but most of the stores were closed by the time she got home. She left a note on the table as a reminder to pick some up in the morning.

  Raven tip toed up the stairs, trying to avoid the spot that creaked before turning into the bathroom. Getting ready for bed, she noticed a huge smile on her face. It had been too long since she’d smiled so big. Her heart was full. The day had been amazing, more than she could have hoped for. Their bodies blended so well together, and he certainly knew how to use his mouth, as well as his fingers, and well…you know.

  She climbed into bed and pulled her pillow close. Snuggling into it, she pictured Derek’s face. Sweet dreams filtered through her mind after their romantic afternoon. She pictured his body over hers, feeling him enter her, and felt a tingle all over again.

  Raven was in love. What had she gotten herself into? She’d opened Pandora’s Box when she made love to Derek. She was in trouble. It would be complicated, but how could she not fall for the man? He was handsome, sexy, warm, and oh, so delicious in bed. She slept better than she had in ages.

  On waking, she hoped she wasn’t the only one feeling a rush of feelings this morning, and that she wasn’t just another notch in his belt. She didn’t think so, but the tiniest shred of doubt laced through her, leaving her to wonder if she’d been played a fool. She’d just put everything on the line. Was it a mistake?

  Raven’s emotions twirled and twisted, and after enough nonsense, she pushed them aside. It was pointless to get lost in the head games she played with herself. That’s all they were, head games, insecurities popping up to push her buttons and get under her skin. She refused to let them win today.

  Pushing the clouded thoughts away, she drifted back to happier visions of them tangled together in bed. The way his lips felt on her body, the way he entered her, and the way they collapsed in a heap afterward made her giddy. Thinking back on their encounter, she let the blissful feelings wash through her.

  He was a good man. He’d be good to her.

  With an early appointment in the afternoon, Raven had to ready herself. Being a witch’s image consultant, she helped witches looking to blend into mortal neighborhoods. Sometimes it was something simple, other times it took a full transformation. Dolores Hufflenecker was one such client. She wore her hair in the brightest shade of purple, and would be seen in only black, frocked clothing. In a more urban setting with more people around she wouldn’t stand out so much, but here in the suburbs it was a concern.

  Dolores’s superior sent her to Raven as she was ready for a full transformation. To enter and live in the mortal world, a witch must get permission for full submission. Otherwise, they found that they were better off in small villages of their own.

  The ability to submerge into the mortal world opened more opportunities for work and entertainment. Some witches had zero desire to explore mortal life, while others wanted the variety. Raven had always been fascinated after her sister first submerged.

  As Dolores walked into their predetermined location, Raven saw the problem immediately. Dolores liked to wear her individuality loud and outward. Her face was caked in white pancake, her hair a vibrant shade of violet. Normally, that would just be different, but when you need to blend for your safety, especially as a witch, you need a more modest approach to your appearance. The witch community found the more they blended, the better off they were off.

  Raven and Dolores went over basics. She could choose a bold pattern with a pretty silk blouse or choose a pop of color in her shoes or purse and still express herself. A tamer hairstyle and subtle earth tones for her make-up, and soon she’d blen
d in seamlessly.

  It would take some adjustment, but it was important. Dolores was sent to look after Old Lady Neller, an important healer in the witch community. Dolores was a great caretaker, and Old Lady Neller had taken some falls recently. At her advanced age, she needed somebody to be there with her.

  Old Lady Neller was a well-known and respected healer. It was an honor to be chosen as her caregiver, so Dolores didn’t kick and scream over the adjustments. She knew it would take time to adapt to her new look.

  Before leaving, she handed Raven a small package. “I almost forgot! I was asked to pass this to you.”

  Raven looked at the small brown package wrapped in twine, leaves, and brown paper. There was no outward note. “Who is it from?”

  Dolores shrugged. “I was just told to deliver it. My superior said you’d need this.” With that, she left.

  Raven couldn’t decide whether to open it or wait. Her curiosity was high, but she didn’t want to be distracted. She chose to wait until getting home. Placing it on the passenger seat of the car, she glanced over. It was no bigger than her hand. There was no note. She wondered if there might be one inside.

  Pulling into her driveway, she picked up the square package and carried it inside. Grabbing the mail before heading in, she tossed it on the small table beside the door. Planting herself on the sofa, she noticed Benji quiet, scooting down, not saying a word.

  “Benji, are you okay?”

  “Yeah, umm, I just have to go take care of something. I’ll be back.”

  “Sure.” Her mind was wrapped on the package.

  Fingering the twine, she slipped it over the edge of the box. Some of the leaves dislodged. Brown, fibered paper was all that remained. Undoing the edges, she shed the paper. On lifting the lid, Raven found the note she’d been wondering about.

  Raven’s eyes went wide. “Benji! Get back in here!”

  Before going any further, she knew immediately that Benji and Ziara had something to do with it. It was a handwritten note from her father. Damn, one of them ratted me out. Somebody leaked that she was dating a mortal, not something her traditional father wanted to hear.

  The amulet spoke volumes.

  Benji slinked back in. “Ziara’s fault,” was all he said.

  “Spill the details!” She eyed Benji, daring him to lie.

  “She’s concerned, that’s all. Season of the Witch is coming up. You know how Dad is, and well…yeah. I tried to talk her out of it.” He pleaded for her forgiveness, tossing Ziara under the bus.

  “Oh, really? Don’t make me whip up a truth serum.” She threatened her brother. “How could you?”

  “Fine,” he finally admitted. “I guess I worry, too. Ziara made some good points, Raven. I mean, I want you to be able to do your own thing, but think about how complicated this is for everyone.”

  Raven was ready to spit nails. She was fuming, and glared at her brother. “It’s my life, don’t you forget it. I’m tired of everyone always interfering. And who was here when you showed up at my door after Charlene kicked you out?”

  “You’re my baby sister. I just want you to be safe. I get that you want love, but Raven, have you really thought it all the way through? What happens if you commit to this guy?”

  She looked away. Of course she’d thought about it.

  Picking up the note from her father, she read his words. “You haven’t visited in a while. Maybe it’s time to come say hello. In the meantime, you may want to keep this nearby. Your mother insisted I send it your way.”

  The amulet was like a world within itself, holding all of the four elements. A small ocean churned at the bottom, as an angry sky flashed lightening. It represented air, fire, wind, and earth, the four classes of energy in the universe. It was meant to protect the one who wore it. Only, she didn’t need protecting from Derek.

  To an outsider, it simply looked like a glass bead swirled with color. To Raven’s eyes, it shone the truth. She knew what it was, what it represented, and why it was sent to her. It was to ground her to her roots…her witch roots.

  Raven wiped her finger across the note, and the words disappeared. A new note appeared from her mother. “I want you to be happy, but please use caution. Love, Mom.” Another swipe of her finger, and the note turned to blank paper.

  She’d sent it to keep her daughter safe, not to tell her to avoid mortals. Dad, on the other hand, didn’t like her dating mortals at all. It was a conversation they’d had before.

  And who were they truly protecting her from, herself? Was she afraid she wouldn’t offer them purebred witch grandchildren? Rolling her eyes, she hated the thoughts she was forced to confront. How was she supposed to deal with her own feelings when everybody was already bombarding her with their own?

  “Are you going to wear it?”

  “I don’t know. I know she means well…” Raven sighed. “I get that they’re full of wisdom, but they’re set in their ways. I just want to live my own life out in this world.”

  “It’s appealing. I get that. On the other hand, it won’t hurt you to wear it, right? It’s just for protection.”

  “It’s grounding me to my witch roots. You know what they’re saying. It’s more than an amulet, it’s a statement. I love being a witch, don’t get me wrong. It’s just that Mom and Dad have other plans for me. Ziara is the same way, trying to steer me back to our own ways.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t know what to do.”

  “There’s vanilla ice cream in the fridge, by the way. I picked some up this morning before I went to my appointment.”

  “Thanks.” Benji slinked off to the kitchen.

  Raven picked up the phone and dialed Ziara’s house. Ziara knew who it was before she answered it. “Before you say anything….”

  “Stop! You don’t get to talk first. You told Mom and Dad. How could you?”

  “Raven, I worry about you. You keep dabbling with mortals, and it’s a dangerous game to play. What happens if you end up falling in love with him, then what?”

  She was silent.

  “Oh, don’t you dare tell me…shit.”

  “I didn’t mean to fall in love.”

  “That’s the problem. You love the buildup, but now that you’re there – it’s going to get complicated.”

  “You think I don’t know that?” She sneered through her teeth. “Now I’ll have Dad breathing down my neck. He’s mentioned I haven’t been there in a while. And if I visit, it won’t be pretty.”

  “Raven, just really think about this before you go forward, that’s all I’m asking. This doesn’t just touch your life. Think about his life and having to hold a secret so important. Think about it…kids, cross-marriage… if you end up getting serious with this guy, it could all crumble when he finds out the truth. Your heart would end up broken, or you’d have to give up some very important things that you might not think you want now. What if you want them later, then what?”

  She made good, strong points, but Raven didn’t have an answer. She simply knew that her heart melted when she thought of Derek and that she needed more time with him.

  “I’ll think about it,” she said begrudgingly. “I’m going to hang up. I need to think.”

  “I love you, sis.” Ziara snapped in before Raven could hang up the phone.

  It was two nights later when she saw him. They met for a casual dinner. Kissing his sweet lips, she knew she was in trouble. She was already in too deep. It was love, she was sure of it. Her mind, body, and soul were all feeling gooey sitting beside him.

  As they sat and ordered, food was the last thing on their minds. Breaking free from the restaurant seemed to become a common goal. The desire to touch each other, get naked, and feel their bodies pressed together became overwhelming. Making love was the only thing Raven could think about, and Derek shared her hunger. Rushing through their meal, they quickly headed back to his place.

  They stripped off their clothes the moment they were safely inside Derek’s condo. The urgency, yanking,
ripping, tearing…a trail of clothing started at the door. Derek led Raven to an oversized living room chair and guided her to the edge. With her legs draped over the arms, she was left naked, open and exposed. Kneeling before her, his mouth explored Raven’s body, his lips flicking, teasing, and lighting her nerve endings on fire. Calling out with pleasure, Raven bucked her hips up. Derek stroked her inner thighs, enjoying the newly relaxed look that spread across her face. It was mesmerizing to see her like this.

  Giving her only a few moments to relax, Derek adjusted himself and penetrated her fast and hard. With each thrust, she felt him deeper, bringing her to the edge of ecstasy. Raven’s thighs gripped tightly around him as he grunted with release, his seed draining deeply inside of her.

  With the fast, heady need out of the way, they’d be able to slow down and take their time.

  Standing up, Raven’s knees wobbled. “You broke me.” She laughed, trying to regain the strength in her legs.

  His fingers came up and touched the amulet she was wearing. “This is pretty,” he said. His fingers grazed her neckline.

  “Thanks. Just a little gift from my mom,” she answered. Yes, I put it on. Happy now?

  It’s not like she needed protection. It just felt rude not to at least wear the thing after her mother had gone through the trouble of sending it Raven’s way. Being a witch and having elemental energies in her amulet was a nice thing. She just hated what it represented to them. To Raven, it was a tiny piece of who she was, something she needed to consider carefully if she went forward.

  Raven couldn’t get enough of Derek, and knew her feelings would intensify. There was no denying it. If she went too far, there’d be no going back. He didn’t even know what he was getting into, and that hardly seemed fair. Yet based on the witch’s by-laws, he couldn’t know until he committed to a bond of matrimony. Even then he could choose to back out, but if he did she’d have to erase all of his memories of their time together. Otherwise it could threaten the witch community. He’d barely remember who she was. He’d never remember the special moments. The thought alone crushed her. She couldn’t imagine life without him.


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