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Palmetto Passion: A Sweet Small Town Family Romance (The Bradford Brothers Book 1)

Page 15

by Christina Benjamin

  I pulled my face back from his only to catch my breath. The entire room was spinning as Rowan gazed at me, those blue eyes aflame. His fingertips pressed into my bare thighs, his eyes churning with a desperate need that I shared.

  All I wanted was to be his, to feel his body against mine. He was my anchor in this storm of desire sweeping me out to sea. And Rowan . . . he wanted this too.

  “Tess,” he choked out, his lips grazing mine again.

  “My room,” I gasped, nodding my head to the hall behind us.

  Rowan stood with ease, still holding me wrapped around his waist, and we made our way down the hall, pinballing off the walls while sharing kiss after kiss until we collapsed onto my mattress.

  We rolled across the bed tearing clothes from one another until we were both bare. My chest heaved, my eyes finding his. Rowan slowed his passion just long enough to stroke his hands slowly down my body, his devouring gaze restrained just enough to ask my permission.

  “I want you, Tess.”

  “I want you, too,” I whispered, threading my fingers with his.

  Rowan’s blue eyes darkened as he gently pulled my hands above my head, sinking them into the pillows before his mouth owned mine once more.

  It was impossible to tell where my body ended and his began. We rolled across the sheets fiercely intertwined for the second time in less than an hour. The first time had been fast and explosive. Now we were drawing out our satisfaction.

  The sounds of our shared pleasure mounted as my body responded to his, fingertips tracing and memorizing every pleasure point. I couldn’t hold on much longer. In a moment, he had me hurtling toward the peak of my pleasure and just when I thought I couldn’t survive another second of his decadent torture, his tongue threw me over the edge into a mind-blowing bliss that left me shaking and trembling in his arms.

  Rowan growled my name in ecstasy, and we collapsed together, sweaty and damp and unwilling to let go of one another. Our kisses grew lazy and languid and eventually, when my eyelids grew heavy, Rowan slipped from my embrace only to return a second later with the pizza box and beer. I laughed and welcomed him back into my bed where we curled together, feeding one another pizza and sipping on booze.

  “This is perfection,” I sighed, nestling my head on his shoulder.

  He tipped my chin up to steal one more kiss, a playful glint to his eye. “The sex or the pizza?” he asked, teasingly.

  I smirked back at him, wiping tomato sauce from his lip. “Both.”

  With a laugh, he playfully pinned me down on the mattress, peppering my face with kisses before pressing a deep one to my lips.

  “That’s just what I was thinking,” he whispered, brushing my hair from my face.

  I loved this carefree side of him. Just one glimpse and I knew it was the real him, the one he’d buried under painful memories and scars. I traced a finger over the patchwork of scar tissue on his chest, knowing without a doubt that I could die a happy woman making it my life’s mission to make this man feel safe enough to show his true self to the world again.

  And somehow, that made me feel braver, like my feet were finally on solid ground, like my past was finally in my past . . . and my future was my own again.

  Chapter 17


  The next few days passed in a blur of wedding plans and Tess’s lips.

  Though she was incredibly busy working on her flower arrangements and I was just as busy being ordered around by my mother and little sister, we did our best to spend every spare moment we could together. That included grabbing a beer at the Porch and squeezing into our booth back at the Low-Country Kitchen whenever we could. But perhaps my favorite new addition to this smiling-version of my former self I was becoming, was spending the night at Tess’s place whenever I was able to sneak away.

  Despite my attempts to dodge questions about my bright mood and odd disappearances I could tell my family was getting slightly suspicious. Both Colton and Asher had questioned what was putting a spring in my step. And I’d caught my mother eyeing me curiously from time to time as I hummed while going about my wedding chores. Not willing to let anyone else into our little bubble just yet, I’d simply told my family that I was just looking forward to seeing Ivy get her happily ever after.

  I'm not sure if anyone bought it. But they didn’t pry either.

  To their credit, Ivy and Brooks kept their mouths shut about where I’d vanished to the other day when I left them at their cake tasting. When I turned up back home that evening, Ivy had just wrapped me up in a big hug when she saw the delighted expression on my face. Brooks had given me a thumbs up and a wink that made me roll my eyes. He was a goofball, but he was Ivy’s goofball, and I could tell those two were going to be happy forever.

  I’d never thought it would be my little sister’s love story that inspired my own, but I’d never been more grateful to have that pushy blonde as my youngest sibling. If it wasn’t for Ivy I don’t know if I ever would’ve taken the leap with Tess.

  And my god am I glad I did.

  As far as the wedding decorations were going, Tess’s installments were coming along magnificently. With the rehearsal dinner tomorrow, she was doing her best to get everything set up by then so she could reveal the final product for Ivy’s approval before the big day.

  Tess had been working nonstop lately, but as the sun faded, I managed to convince her to slip away one last time.

  Once I was sure no one was looking, I took her hand and guided her around the back of the boathouse. We’d only barely made it around the side of the building before our lips found each other’s desperately. I lifted her in my arms, pinning her against the back of the house as her fingers knotted in my hair. She sighed against my lips, her fingers roaming every inch of me she could reach.

  Kissing Tess was nearly a religion for me. Her lips were as soft as satin and they seemed to grant absolution. And her tongue . . . Well I felt like I had to go to church twice on Sunday to make up for my feelings about that devilish little thing.

  Being in Tess’s arms made my heart feel so very full.

  Things between us were moving quickly, but I was okay with that. I’d realized recently that Rachel would approve.

  My late fiancée would’ve wanted me to find happiness again. And I doubted there was a kinder more compassionate woman than Tess. She reminded me of Rachel in that way.

  The love that I had for both women was of different calibers. I would always treasure my time with Rachel, just as I treasured the time I had now with Tess. My love for one didn’t diminish that for the other.

  It’d taken me a long time to figure that out. I was by no means spontaneously cured of my heartache or haunted memories. But I hadn’t had one flashback since I’d finally let love into my heart again

  Love . . . Is that what this beautiful feeling in my soul is?

  It had to be. What other reason did I have for smiling like a fool just at the thought of Tess? She’d become so important to me. I knew I’d do anything for her. She made me feel like I could sprout wings and soar through the sky.

  It was unbelievable how much she’d changed me. She brought so much joy to my life without even trying. I could kiss her until time stopped. I could lay with her endlessly. I could listen to her laugh on a loop for the rest of my days. That’s why I couldn’t keep her to myself any longer.

  “This is so crazy,” Tess murmured, our noses brushing as she pressed her forehead to mine to gaze warmly into my eyes. “Every time I'm around you I just . . .” she trailed off, blushing and looked away, but I knew exactly what she meant.

  “Fall for me more and more?” I urged, earning a slightly bashful nod.

  “Me too,” I admitted.

  Tess beamed, her eyes filling with hope. “It’s just . . . after everything that happened in Chicago, I thought I would never be able to trust someone like this again. But with you, it’s impossible not to fall head-over-heels, Rowan. Holding back isn’t even an option anymore,” she said with a lau
gh, pressing another kiss to my cheek.

  I gazed at her, agreeing in every way. In fact, that very sentiment had been on my mind lately. It’s why I’d dragged her back here. Well, partially. I stole another kiss before attempting to prove to Tess just how serious I was about her.

  I wasn’t a man who was great with words, but hopefully my actions would show her how deeply I cared. “Listen, Tess, tomorrow . . . ” I started, uncertainly.

  “Is the rehearsal dinner, right?” she asked, biting her lip. “I know I still have a lot to do with the flowers but I promise I'm going to get it done tonight. It’ll look beautiful for Ivy tomorrow and I—”

  “Tess!” I interrupted, my head tilting back with laughter.

  She stared at me in bewilderment, trying to figure out where the punchline of the joke was.

  “This isn’t about the flowers,” I said, softly. “I know you’ll finish and I’ll do whatever I can to help you in the meantime. What I'm trying to do is ask if you would come to the rehearsal dinner with me . . . as my date.”

  Her eyes widened. “What?”

  I felt heat filling my cheeks as I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly. “Tess, I want to officially introduce you to my family, not just as the beautiful woman on my arm for the wedding but as the girl I can’t get enough of, the girl who has awakened my heart.”

  “Oh, Rowan,” Tess gasped, throwing her arms around me and smothering me with kisses.

  “Is that a yes?” I asked when we came up for air.

  She nodded, but then asked. “Are you sure?”

  I grinned and stole one more kiss, savoring the pressure of her sweet lips on mine. “It would make me happier than anything else in the world.”

  Chapter 18


  I arrived at the Bradford Estate for the rehearsal dinner just as the sun was disappearing behind the horizon of the inlet, washing the water in a hazy golden glow that made me give pause for a moment just to take in the sight.

  A few people milled around me, heading toward a group gathered beneath the beautiful canopy of flowers that Rowan and I had worked on until the wee hours of the morning. In the evening light, the floral installation glittered and glowed with the strung fairy lights and strands of hanging crystals.

  Had I really created that?

  It was breathtaking and beautiful. I lifted my phone, snapping a quick picture so that I could share it with Mabel and Hal. We’d already talked with the wedding photographer and he promised to send us a few pictures of the trellis and the flower canopy for us to add to our portfolio.

  Mabel had made me the official wedding florist at the shop, promising me that any future weddings that came our way would be my pet projects. The trust she had in me made me so proud. We’d already gotten several calls from brides who’d heard through the grapevine that we were decorating Ivy’s big event, so my work schedule was going to be full for months. But not so full that I had no time for my handsome man.

  I still couldn’t believe what was happening tonight. Rowan really wanted to introduce me to his family! And not just as the florist or his wedding date, but as someone dear to his heart.

  Had someone told me a few weeks ago that a man like Rowan Bradford was going to sweep me off my feet, I would’ve laughed until I cried.

  I never saw Rowan coming. He’d managed to find me just when I’d given up on love.

  But isn’t that how it goes?

  You find what you’re looking for when you finally stop searching.

  “Tess,” someone called.

  I turned around to see Rowan walking toward me over the lawn. He was dressed in a tailored suit that fit him perfectly. He looked so achingly handsome that I had to bite my lip, the stray thought crossing my mind of what it might feel like to slowly tear away that outfit piece-by-piece until his beautiful, naked body was all mine.

  As if he could read my mind, he chuckled. When he got close enough, he brushed a lock of my hair behind my ear before pulling me in for a sweet but heated kiss. His fingers brushed over the hip of my pink dress, smoothing the fabric against my waist so he could pull me into his chest.

  “I'm so glad you’re here,” he murmured into my ear. “I can’t wait to introduce you to everyone. Are you ready?”

  “Ready as I’ll ever be,” I gulped, suddenly nervous.

  Even though I’d met Ivy and spoken briefly to Mrs. Bradford, I felt like an outsider among the wealthy family. They had so much opulence and status that I wasn’t sure that I’d fit in. What if they took one look at me and thought I wasn’t good enough? Plus, how would they feel about Rowan being interested in another woman after Rachel? She was, by all accounts, a superb human being.

  Would I be able to measure up?

  I sunk into Rowan’s arms, letting his strength steady my nerves. It felt nice to finally lean on someone else for once, something that surprised me. I was used to taking care of everything on my own instead of allowing others to help me. But with Rowan, it suddenly seemed like it was entirely possible to trust again. He made anything seem possible.

  Sensing my hesitancy, he paused for just a moment to give me one last tender kiss. His eyes gazed meaningfully into mine. Even though not a single word had passed between us, I understood what he was trying to tell me.

  It’s going to be okay.

  For some reason, I actually believed him.

  I clutched his arm a little tighter and we walked out onto the back lawn where Rowan gave a faint gasp, staring at the final installment of Ivy’s flowers. He hadn't seen it finished yet. I’d been adamant that I had privacy to put on the finished touches.

  Tonight was the big reveal.

  The rest of the Bradford family and a few people I didn’t recognize who’d gathered for the rehearsal were all oooing and ahhhing over the stunning floral trellis.

  Rowan’s lips caressed my neck as he whispered against my ear. “You are amazing, Tess.”

  “You helped me a lot,” I reminded him.

  He laughed and shook his head. “Hardly. I just did what you told me. This was all you. That mind of yours is so beautifully creative. You should be proud.”

  “I am,” I answered, softly. “I'm really proud.”

  Rowan gazed at me, a soft smile on his face as he took my arm and gently pulled me over toward the cluster of Bradfords, bridesmaids and groomsmen. In an hour or so we’d be having dinner, but right now everyone was gathered to rehearse the ceremony.

  My nerves flared again and I shrank slightly against Rowan's side as we moved toward the group. I relaxed as his arm tightened comfortingly around me.

  Not wasting a second, Rowan cleared his throat, commanding attention. “Everyone, I want you to meet Tess Taylor. She’s the one who did all these fantastic flowers on such short notice . . . and she’s also someone I care about deeply.”

  I looked at him with a start, color blooming over my cheeks. Oh! We were jumping right in, huh?

  Rowan just grinned at me as his family gawked at us. Mrs. Bradford’s hand flew to her heart, her eyes going watery. Ivy beamed from ear-to-ear, shooting a proud look up at Brooks. Rowan’s two younger brothers watched with shocked interest.

  “Hi, everyone,” I murmured shyly, lifting a hand to wave at them.

  Rowan kissed my cheek, making me blush even brighter. “The reason I invited Tess here tonight to meet you all is because she’s someone I hope is going to be at my side for a long, long time.”

  A tear slipped down Mrs. Bradford’s cheek as Ivy tugged away from Brooks and sprang forward to wrap me up in a tight hug. “I'm so glad you came tonight, Tess! I was hoping Row would invite you so I could stop having to pretend not to know about you two,” she teased playfully.

  Brooks stepped forward, gently restraining his excited fiancée while sticking out his hand toward me.

  I shook it, wincing at the memory of our first meeting. “Nice to officially meet you, Brooks.” I said bashfully. “Sorry again about spilling a drink on you.”

  He chuc
kled, slipping an arm around Ivy’s waist. “It was no big deal. I'm glad you’re handling the flowers though and not the drink orders,” he teased.

  Nearby Rowan’s parents watched us closely. Though Eleanor had a pleasant smile on her face, her eyes dancing, Rowan’s father looked pensive. As Mr. and Mrs. Bradford approached, the others stepped slightly aside.

  Rowan beamed at his parents, his arms still around me supportively. “Tess, this is William and Eleanor Bradford.”

  “It’s so nice to finally have a moment to talk to you both,” I replied with a smile, even though my heart was racing.

  Eleanor grinned. “Well I’m glad to see Rowan didn’t scare you away, Tess.”

  When I turned crimson, the woman continued speaking. “You truly did an amazing job with this,” Eleanor said gesturing to the flowers. “It’s like walking into a fairytale. Ivy, isn’t this fabulous?”

  “It really is,” Ivy agreed. “People are going to go wild, Tess. I hope Mabel’s is ready for a whole lot more business.”

  “We are,” I answered, happily. “She and I have already been working on a new system to update our wedding catalog.”

  William Bradford, who’d been polite but quiet up until this point, waited for a lull in our conversation before looking from my face to his eldest son’s. “You said that this young lady was going to be around for a while. Does that mean she’s going to be keeping you around too, son?” he asked carefully.

  A deep love was evident on the older man’s face. Judging by what Rowan told me, I knew there was some bad blood between them, but all I saw in front of me now was a father who deeply cared about his son.


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