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Business is Business PT 3

Page 4

by Silk White

  “Ebony and a few of her home girls are waiting for you in the shower.” Pam told her.

  “Right now?” Millie asked. She knew that she and Ebony were going to end up going head up sooner or later. Ebony was jealous of Millie and wanted to be her. Millie stepped in her cell and removed her shirt while Pam taped several magazines and paperback books around Millie’s organs. Millie reached under her mattress and removed her shank, then walked over to her sink, opened a jar of Vaseline and greased her face up. She was no stranger to combat and had been waiting to put Ebony in her place for a while now.

  “Come here,” Pam said as she pulled Millie’s hair into a bun.

  Millie stepped out her cell and headed straight for the showers. On the walk to the showers, several of the females that worked for Millie got up and followed her into the showers. Millie stepped in the showers and saw Ebony standing there with several of her home girls behind her.

  “How you wanna do this?” Millie asked in a calm tone.

  Ebony looked down and saw the shank glistening in Millie’s hand. “You tell me,” she began. “All I’m asking is that you allow me to open up shop since you about to leave.”

  “I already told you, you can do as you please once I leave.” Millie told her.

  “Well that ain’t gon work,” Ebony spat as one of her home girls handed her a knife. Ebony moved in blur as she tried to catch Millie off guard. She tried to jab Millie in her chest with the blade but Millie was quick on her feet and quickly danced out of reach and caught Ebony with a counter left hook to the chin. Millie charged in and jammed her shank in the pit of Ebony’s stomach but luckily for her she had several books and magazines wrapped around her body. Ebony swung her knife and sliced Millie’s arm, causing her to drop her shank. When Ebony saw opportunity, she took advantage she rushed Millie and forced her back up on the sink. Ebony tried to stab Millie in her face, but Millie grabbed Ebony’s wrist right before the blade could pierce through her eye. Millie twisted Ebony’s wrist backwards until the knife fell from her hand she then followed up with a head butt.

  Pam and the rest of, Millie’s crew stood on the sideline watching the two women go at it when she noticed a few of Ebony’s home girls inching closer and closer towards the action. “Back up!” Pam yelled to Ebony’s crew.

  “Bitch you back up!” The heavyset dark skin chick countered as she balled up her fist. Pam and the dark skin chick exchanged a few more words before an all-out brawl broke out in the shower room. Minutes later, several correction officers stormed inside the shower room and saw what looked like a royal rumble taking place right before their eyes. Millie rolled on top of Ebony and unloaded several hard punches to her face before two CO’s tackled her from off top of, Ebony.

  Chapter 14


  “Baby why don’t you come to bed?” Kelly said with a worried look on her face. She had watched Eric pace back and forth for the past two hours and every five minutes she would notice him look out the window.

  “I’ll come to bed in a minute baby,” Eric said as he stared out the window. He didn’t know what it was but something in his gut was telling him that something bad was going to happen tonight.

  “Is everything alright?”

  “Yeah everything is fine,” Eric lied.

  “Baby don’t lie to me,” Kelly crawled out of bed and joined Eric at the window. She pressed her naked body up against his back. “If something is going on I should know about it,”

  “Everything is fine,” Eric continued to lie. The last thing he wanted to do was upset or scare Kelly.

  Kelly place her hands on her hips. “So you just going to lie to me right in my face?” She asked. “I know something is wrong because your gun closet is unlocked.”

  “Some really important people put a hit out on our family.” Eric finally told her.

  “So that explains all the extra security,” Kelly sat on the edge of the bed. She knew that the outcome was going to be bad but the question was how bad.

  “If you want to leave I understand.” Eric said. “Where ever you want to go I’ll pay for it.”

  Kelly stood up, grabbed Eric’s face with both hands, and looked him in his eyes. “I already lost you once and I swear until I die I’ll stand by your side.” She said then kissed him on the lips. She had no clue how much hearing that meant to Eric.

  “Thanks baby I just want...” Eric’s words got caught in his throat as the sound of gunfire crackled through the air. Eric quickly walked over to the window and looked out. His eyes widened in fear as he saw what looked to be an army of men climbing over the iron gate and onto his property. Eric quickly pulled out his phone and dialed Jimmy’s number. “They coming for me they’re at my house now!”

  “Say no more. I’m on my way!” Jimmy ended the call.

  Eric ran to the closet, grabbed a silk robe, and tossed it at Kelly. “Here put that on!” He then walked over to the gun closet and handed her a Mac-10.

  Kelly looked down at the machine gun in her hand. “I don’t know how to use this.”

  “You gon learn today!” Eric said as he strapped on a Kevlar vest, grabbed two 9 mm, and stuck them down into his waistband. He then grabbed the AR-15 from off of the top shelf and walked over to the window. Eric aimed the rifle at the Columbian hit squad and began picking them off one by one. It seemed like the more Columbians he shot, the more that appeared. Eric took a second to reload his weapon when several bullets rain in through the window he quickly ducked down as a series of bullets peppered the wall leaving holes the size of a golf ball. Eric sprung back up to his feet and squeezed down on the trigger. He swayed his arms back and forth taking out as many of the Columbian shooters as possible. Eric ducked down again so he could reload his weapon again when out of nowhere a grenade flew through his window landing right next to him. “Shit!” He cursed loudly as he quickly hopped to his feet, grabbed Kelly, and headed for the door. The couple only made it a few steps before a loud explosion erupted and the force tossed them through the air like a rag doll, sending their bodies violently crashing through the wall as if it was made out of wet tissue.

  Eric sat up and looked around for his rifle but it was nowhere in sight. He had lost consciousness for a few seconds but he had no clue how long he had been out for. Eric peeled himself off the ground then reached down and slapped Kelly’s cheek a few times trying to get her to come back around but it was no use, she was out of it. Eric placed two fingers up against Kelly’s neck and breathed a sigh of relief when he felt a pulse. His body jumped as he heard a loud roar of gunfire erupt. The gunshots were so loud that Eric could instantly tell that the Columbian gunmen had now made their way into the mansion.

  “Urggh!” Eric growled as he lifted Kelly up and tossed her body over his shoulder. From the sound of the gunshots, Eric could tell that he was running out of time. He removed one of the 9mm’s from his waistband as he carried Kelly towards the panic room. Eric made it a few feet down the hall when one of the doors opened and a Columbian man barged out. Eric and the gunman both fired off several shots simultaneously, two bullets exploded in the mid-section of Eric’s vest sending him stumbling back into the wall while his two shots hit the gunman in his chest and neck dropping him instantly. Eric walked up on the wounded gunman and shot him point blank range in the face.


  Eric’s entire body was in pain it felt like he had just been in a bad car accident, but he couldn’t let that stop him he had to get Kelly to the panic room. He struggled down the hall when another Columbian gunman spun around the corner; Eric quickly put the gunman down with two shots to the stomach.

  Blocka! Blocka!

  Eric reached the panic room and quickly punched in the codes and pushed his way inside the safety room. He gently laid Kelly down on the floor then exited the panic room and slammed the door shut behind him. When Eric looked up he almost shit in his pants when he saw a Columbian man aiming a rifle at his face. Eric closed his eyes and prepared for what was going t
o come next. A loud blast erupted and Eric opened his eyes and saw the Columbian man laid out on the floor with a bullet hole in the back of his head, standing behind the dead Columbian stood Pistol Pete holding a smoking gun. “Happy to see me?”

  Eric flashed a thankful smile. “Thank you.”

  “There’s about thirty to forty Columbians downstairs,” Pistol Pete said as he picked up the dead Columbian’s rifle from off the floor. Eric picked up an A.K. 47 from off the floor as the sound of several machine guns being fired all at the same time sounded off.

  “Sounds like the 4th of July down there,” Pistol Pete joked. “You ready?”

  Eric nodded his head as he followed, Pistol Pete downstairs right into the heart of the gunfight.

  Eric ran through the living room with his finger pressed down on the trigger. Rat, Tat, Tat, Tat! He put down several gunmen as bullets whizzed by his head. Eric stood in a low hunch behind the counter on a silent count of three he sprang from behind the counter and opened fire on anything moving. It seemed like every time a Columbian went down; four more appeared out of nowhere. Eric saw a Columbian creeping up on Pistol Pete from behind; he quickly aimed his rifle at the gunman and squeezed the trigger only to hear. Click!

  “Shit!” Eric cursed as he grabbed a knife from out of the knife block. Just as the gunman was about to line Pistol Pete up, Eric jabbed the knife in the gunman’s back all the way to the handle then gave it a strong twist. Eric thought about jamming the knife in the gunman’s back again until he heard several footsteps coming from behind him. Eric spun just as more gunfire filled the air. He used the gunman as a human shield as bullets riddled and rocked the gunman’s body. Eric back peddled until his back hit the wall. There was nowhere left for him to run and standing in front of Eric stood four gunman. Out the corner of his eye, Eric saw a figure dressed in all black enter through the kitchen window with the quicken and quietness of a cat.

  The man dressed in all black quickly fired four silenced shots. Pst! Pst! Pst! Pst! dropping all four of the remaining gunmen. When the gunman removed his black hood, Eric smiled when he saw that the man in all black was none other than Jimmy.

  “You scared the shit out of me,” Eric said holding his heart.

  “We good. I have a few of my men outside taking care of the rest of the trash,” Jimmy said with a smile. “But fuck all that, we need to find a place where we can lay low from Chico’s army as well as the cops.”

  “I’ll figure something out,” Eric said as he turned towards Pistol Pete. “Get Mr. Goldberg on the phone.” Just as Pistol Pete pulled out his phone. The window on the other side of the kitchen exploded as a cocktail bomb landed on the kitchen floor, followed by two more than three more. Within seconds, the entire kitchen was on fire. Jimmy, Eric, and Pistol Pete quickly rushed towards the nearest exit.

  “Shit, Kelly’s still in the house!” Eric yelled.

  “I can’t let you go back in there,” Jimmy said as he grabbed, Eric. Eric quickly broke free of his brother’s grip and ran back inside the burning house. The house was so smoky that Eric could barely see anything he had to use his instincts and memory until he reached the panic room. The smoke badly assaulted his eyes and nose as he punched in the code. Once inside the panic room, Eric quickly scooped Kelly up and tossed her body over his shoulder like a fireman.

  “What’s going on?” Kelly couched repeatedly. She tried to look around but had no luck the thick black smoke made it hard for her to do anything.

  Jimmy and Pistol Pete stood outside watching the mansion burn when out of nowhere they saw Eric come running out the front door with his pant legs on fire. They quickly rushed and put out the fire on his legs.

  “Come on we have to go!” Jimmy said as the sound of several sirens filled the air.

  Chapter 15

  Pistol Pete

  Pistol Pete sat behind the wheel cruising through the city while Eric sat in the backseat staring blankly out the window. He knew that Eric had a lot on his plate being the man in charge. Now that Eric was the boss, Pistol Pete knew there would be a lot of people gunning for him and it was his job to keep Eric safe. He had promised Millie that he would protect Eric with his life and that’s just what he planned on doing. Pistol Pete pulled into the warehouse and immediately saw Jimmy, Mike, and the rest of the crew standing around. In the center of the warehouse, sat a man tied down to a chair. Pistol Pete placed the gear in park as him and Eric stepped out.

  Eric stepped out the truck with an aggravated look on his face. “Who the fuck is this guy?”

  “This the motherfucker right here that gave those Columbian fucks the code to your front gate,” Jimmy said as he slapped the man in the back of the head.

  Eric looked down and realized that the man tied down to the chair was none other than one of the security guard’s he had hired to guard the property. Eric pulled his 9mm from his waistband.

  “Please don’t do this. They told me if I didn’t give up the code they were going to kill my whole family!” The former security guard said in a frantic tone. “I swear to god you know I would never...”


  Eric watched as the man’s brains popped out the back of his skull, then holstered his gun as if nothing had never happened. “Get someone to clean this shit up.”

  “What now?” Pistol Pete asked. He knew that it wouldn’t be long until the next wave of Columbian hitmen came through looking for fresh blood.

  “I heard of a crazy assassin out in Miami that calls himself, The Black Dragon,” Eric said. “I’m going to head out there and see if I can hire him, we’ll see how Chico likes it when he sees his loved ones get gunned down.”

  “Fuck his loved ones!” Jimmy snapped. “We need to hit Chico and let all those Columbian fucks know that we not fucking around.”

  “If we hit Chico, it’ll be an ongoing war between us forever,” Eric explained. “But if we take out his loved ones, one by one he’ll have no choice but to end this.”

  “Sounds pretty risky.” Pistol Pete said. Killing a cartel leader’s family sounded like a death trap.

  “You got a better idea?” Eric asked looking around. “I didn’t think so,” he continued. “I need everyone to lay low for about two weeks get out of town and just stay out of site while this hit man does what he has to do.”

  “Sorry but I’m not going to be able to take that type of time off,” Mike said speaking for the first time. “My boss just told me he’s going to need me all week.”

  “Strap up the best you can and try to keep your head up and your eyes open at all times.” Eric warned as he gave Mike a hug.

  “What about, Jack?” Jimmy asked. He was still mad that he had let Jack slip through the cracks the last time he had bumped into him.

  “Jack is going to have to wait until this, Chico issue is resolved,” Eric told him. “Right now I just want you and Murder to get out of town for two weeks and whatever you do stay off the radar. You already know cops will be out looking for us to question us about all the murders at the mansion I already have Mr. Goldberg working on that now. We’ll deal with all that when I get back.”

  Chapter 16


  Eric stood in the mirror adjusting his tie. He had moved him and Kelly into one of the rooms at the hotel that he owned and told the manager if anyone came looking for him or asking questions that he hadn’t seen or heard from him.

  “Are you sure I’m going to be safe here while you’re gone?” Kelly asked with a nervous look on her face. The last thing she wanted was for something bad to happen to her husband. Ever since Eric had taken over the family business his heart had turned cold. It was as if he was a totally different person.

  “Baby of course you’re going to be safe. I’ll have four men guarding this door twenty four hours a day until I get back,” Eric assured her. “If you need anything, one of my men will be glad to get it for you,” Eric paused so he could look Kelly in her eyes. “For no reason what so ever are you to leave this room underst

  Kelly nodded her head. “Are you sure I’m going to be safe here while you’re gone?”

  “Yes I shouldn’t even be gone for that long.”

  “When is this going to all be over?” Kelly asked.

  “In a few days baby, now I have to go and...”

  “I’m talking about for good!” Kelly yelled cutting him off. “I’m sick of this shit! I want my old life back! I want my old husband back!”

  “Listen baby,” Eric grabbed Kelly’s hand. “This is my life now and I need to know that you gon be here with me until the end no matter what.”

  “I’m leaving you!” Kelly said as tears streamed down her eyes. “I refuse to sit back and watch you get killed... I can’t do it I just can’t.”

  “So what, you just gon leave me at a time like this?” Eric asked not believing what he was hearing.

  “When you leave all this street shit alone, I’ll be right here waiting for you.” Kelly said as she stood to her feet and gave Eric a tight hug. “I love you and I always will but I can’t sit back and watch you walk straight into the fire, we both know what’s on the other end of that door, and it’s not pretty.”

  Eric walked over and grabbed his duffle bag that laid on the floor and sat it on the bed. He pulled out $20,000 and held it out toward Kelly. “Here just know if you take this money there’s no coming back between me and you.”

  Kelly wiped the tears from her eyes and looked down at the money then back up at Eric. “Thank you, but no thank you.” She said then exited the hotel room leaving Eric standing there holding a stack of cash in his hand. Eric wanted to stop her but he didn’t have no time. Pistol Pete was already outside in the hallway waiting for him, he would just have to deal with this when he got back.


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