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Carnal Captive

Page 9

by Vonna Harper

  Find escape.

  The sweat trapped in her armpits leaked out. Telling moisture oozed over the dildo and tracked down her inner thighs.

  “We’ve got us a flood back here,” Reno announced. “Damn but I love that smell.”

  Damek muttered something to the effect that he didn’t share Reno’s opinion. Despite the hot haze wrapped around her, she knew Damek wasn’t to be trusted. Fighting her swelling pleasure, she blinked him into focus. Before she could decipher his expression, however, Reno laughed.

  “No,” she whimpered as all movement ceased. Only the echo of relentless, wonderful throbbing remained to torture her senses.

  “No what?” Damek slapped her face. “You aren’t ordering us, are you? You know better than that, meat. She didn’t come, did she?”

  “Nope. I know the signs. Stopped her before she got there.”

  Not enough made sense. Her body still begged. As long as it did, she was vulnerable, unable to comprehend.

  “I don’t want it,” she lied. “You think forcing me to—“

  Damek’s slap whipped her head to the side. “Don’t you ever order anything, got it, bitch! We’ll by damn do whatever we want to you.”

  I know. Oh God, I know.

  “Easy,” Reno muttered. “She isn’t worth raising your blood pressure. How about you take more pictures while I try a few things?”

  “What kind of things?”

  “I’m curious how many times she can be brought to the brink before she loses it?”

  No, no, no! Don’t, oh please, don’t.

  But of course they did.

  Little made sense after that. Her body ached, and she couldn’t hold back her drool. She again needed to pee and was so thirsty it hurt to swallow, but those things were nearly nothing next to the fire repeatedly leaping and dying inside her. Every time the vibrations started, she prayed for a climax only to have pleasure ripped from her. Over and over again she waited for the cruel-wonderful invasions to begin moving again, fought not to let them see her desperation while Reno patted her buttocks and Damek brushed her hair out of her eyes.

  Whenever they touched her like that, it took everything she had not to thank them. Every time Reno expertly drove her to the raw edge, she fought to keep from blurting how much she hated them.

  The men weren’t speaking, yet she sensed the unspoken communication between them. Break her down. Wreck her.

  Which was worse, the gyrating dildo with the base against her clit or the disgusting beast plugging her ass? Several times Reno treated her to a session with a single tool. She couldn’t help but groan and gasp, but she wouldn’t beg. She didn’t dare.

  Sweat dripped from her, and the strain in her splayed legs became more intense by the moment. Exhaustion bit at her. She barely flinched when Reno pulled on her labia. Her body and world were in disarray, the sexual uproar terrifying and thrilling.

  “Any how long we’ve been going at it?” Reno sounded tired.

  “Better part of an hour. I’ve seen slaves go twice that long.”

  “Me too but not when they’re tied up like this.”

  Damek pressed his fingers against the back of her neck above the collar. “She’s pretty tense.”

  “There’s always another day.”

  “And tonight if we’re so inclined.”

  Reno had hold of her labia. What was it to him, a handle, a possession? “Well, slave, it sounds as if you’re going to get a bit of a reprieve although I doubt if you’ll see it that way. A thought to leave you with.” His hold tightened. Pain rocketed through her. “These generous slippery lips are some of your best attributes. Your master’s bound to have ideas about how to use them. Hopefully he’s innovative. You’d like that, wouldn’t you? A little variety to your boring existence.”

  I need freedom, nothing else.

  Chapter Eleven

  When the men unchained her ankles, Shari made the mistake of bringing her feet together. Pain slashed at her leg muscles. They strapped her into a chastity belt before freeing her from the sawhorse, locking the dildo and ass plug inside her. Should she be grateful because they were no longer in motion? She still needed to climax, still feared losing that last bit of control.

  Damek had fastened her wrists to a belt in back that kept her elbows bent. She still wore the collar and metal bands. At least she could take a normal stride—when and if the men let her.

  “She’s a mess,” Damek observed. Cupping her chin, he forced her to look up at him. “About to piss yourself again I’m betting.”

  Go to hell.

  “Tisk, tisk. I thought I already explained about the need for you to respond when you’re asked a question. I repeat, do you have to take a leak?”

  Hating the demeaning question, she nodded as best she could. “Yes.”

  He slapped her breast so hard she stumbled backward. “Yes, what?”

  Trapped in her loathing of him, she fought the pain. Grabbing her elbow, Reno spun her toward him and stuck her other breast. “Answer him, slave. Otherwise it isn’t going to be pretty.”

  What was wrong with her? She didn’t stand a chance of winning this battle. She’d wait, bide her time, and try not to go crazy. “Yes, I have to go to the bathroom, Master.”

  After reattaching the chain to her collar, Damek marched her back up the stairs and into the shower. Confused, she searched for but didn’t see a toilet. “Master?”

  “Did you hear that?” Damek asked Reno who’d joined them. “I do believe we’re making progress. “What is it, slave. What’s your question?”

  “I can’t go to the bathroom like this.” She looked down at what little she could see of her pussy under the chastity belt. “Master.”

  “Toilets are for humans and occasionally for slaves who have earned the right.” Reno shoved her to the middle of the shower, let go, and strode over to the nozzle he’d used earlier. Damek stationed himself next to the other one.

  “We’re waiting,” Damek informed her. “Believe me, we can outwait you.”

  Looking from one to the other, she accepted reality. They commanded her body.

  There weren’t any windows in here, but three existed in her mind’s eye. Just beyond these walls lay the pine-scented forest. She’d gone for an early walk so she could photograph the morning sun streaming down through the trees. She was an average photographer, but her artistic eye erringly found the best nature provided. On a whim she’d stopped at a coffee stand on the way here and now her bladder was full. In her mind, she pulled down her jeans, squatted and let loose.

  Two icy sprays assaulted her belly, buttocks, and legs. Still urinating, she broke and ran. Dropping his nozzle, Reno pounded after her. She escaped the shower, but he caught up with her. Laughing, he shoved, slamming her into a wall. She struggled to straighten, but he kicked her feet out from under her.

  “Well that was fun.” Planting his shoe on the middle of her back, he easily held her down.

  “So much for thinking the fight’s out of her,” Damek said, “not that she’d be much use that way.”

  The pressure on her back let up and she filled her lungs. Using his shoe, Reno pushed her legs apart.

  “That’s a bad little slave,” he chided. “A very bad slave.” Shoving against her trapped pussy, he forced the invasions deeper into her. Despite her attempt to be quiet, a whimpering moan slid out. “We were going to take you outside for some exercise, but now I’m thinking we’ll let that wait until tomorrow.”

  “Right you are.” Damek rested a foot on the top of her head. “Teachable moments must be exploited. Time for you to learn the error of your ways.”

  “And for us to reward ourselves for being such good teachers.”

  No! Oh God, not! “What are you going to do to me?”

  “Damn it!” Reno kicked her imprisoned crotch. “Are you too stupid to learn?” He kicked again, making her squeal as much from fear as pain. “Now, what the hell were you saying?”

  “Please, what are you go
ing to do to me, Masters?” With her face on the floor, she could barely get the hated words out.

  “That’s better.” Grabbing her bent elbows, Damek hauled her to her feet. “However, there’s something else you might as well learn now. You can ask but answers aren’t always forthcoming. Right now you don’t deserve them.”

  Reno had wanted to lock the trainee into the automatic fucking machine. Damek had agreed that having her on her hands and knees with her wrists and ankles chained while machine-run cocks repeatedly drilled her had a certain appeal. However, he’d held out for another of his inventions.

  “You’re right,” Reno admitted once they had her in position on a raised platform in the dungeon. “Perfect placement.”

  “And no bending over for us.” Damek rubbed his cock for emphasis. “The more I experiment, the more inventive I become.”

  At the moment the slave didn’t have anything shoved up her. Neither was she wearing her metal bracelets and anklets. A wide, heavy bar had been welded in place on the stand. Two bands at either end of the bar immobilized her ankles while two more near the middle did the trick for her wrists. The configuration kept her arms between her legs and her knees deeply bent. Even with her head turned to the side and her cheek on the platform, she looked like a frog getting ready to jump. Most to the point, her ass was the highest part of her body.

  “She can’t stay like that long,” Reno observed.

  “She handled the horse for an hour,” he pointed out. “She’ll take this as long as it pleases us.”

  “I’m having a hard time making up my mind.” Reno slapped the prominently displayed buttocks. “Pleasure or pain?”

  “Or both.”

  Laughing, Reno slapped her hard enough to push her as far forward as the device allowed, which wasn’t much. “All this training has me worked up if you get my drift.” He gripped his erection through his shorts. “However, it’s your invention.”

  “How about we toss for it. I’ll throw these—“ He pointed at the whip, switch, and flogger. “into the air. We’ll call which lands closest to her. Are you a betting man?”

  “I used to be until I wised up. The house is always going to win.”

  “Except here.”

  His suggestion for deciding who got to plunder the slave first wasn’t without its flaws, but he didn’t much care. If Reno fucked her first, he’d take pictures as a way of filling his time. And if he won, he might ask Reno to do the honors.

  Reno won. Damek stepped back and admired the immobile feminine form. Eventually, he supposed, he’d acquire his own slave, training her himself of course, but he was in no hurry. The truth was, he wasn’t sure he was designed for giving one slave his undivided attention. Not when there were so many to choose from—or more to the point, manhandle.

  Abuse under the guise of education.

  Reno selected a rubber paddle. His expression neutral, he discarded his shorts and briefs, revealing a substantial but not massive cock. Damek figured his was larger, something Reno would notice. Men did compare after all.

  “She’s probably still lubed,” Reno said, “but it never hurts to check.”

  The slave, who they hadn’t bothered to gag again, moaned and tried to look back and up as Reno planted himself behind her ass. With her on a platform, alignment wasn’t going to be a problem.

  “So you want to watch, do you, slut?” Damek asked, his camera at the ready. “I doubt if you can see his equipment so let me describe it for you. He’s well-hung and ready for action. There’s moisture on the tip. Maybe you won’t have to wait long before he comes. Impressive balls if you’re into that, and even if you aren’t, they’re damn big. He’ll shoot one hell of a wad.”

  “Pay no attention to him.” Reno accompanied his order by slapping her ass with the flat of his hand. “I’m what matters. What about it? You ready to get reamed?” Holding the paddle high, he unceremoniously rammed two fingers deep into the offered sex hole. Nostrils flared, he rotated his hand. Right on cue, the slave arched her back. Her breath labored.

  “She’s sensitive,” Damek said unnecessarily. “Although whether in a willing or enforced way I’m not sure.”

  “One way to find out.” Withdrawing his fingers, Reno wiped the juices on her pussy only to again plunder her followed by a long, slow swipe.

  She struggled to lower her ass. “Ah no, please no.”

  “Listen to that,” Damek said. “I’m thinking she doesn’t want to come because she knows she’ll be even more sensitive. Listen to me, slave.” Picking up a bamboo switch, he tapped her thigh with it. “Our taking charge of your sexual responses is one of the core elements to our success. We will break you.”

  Her noisy breathing said his words had gotten through, that and Reno’s fingers roving around her cunt.

  “There wasn’t any need for me to check her pussy,” Reno announced. “She’s ripe and ready all right.” Gripping his cock as if it was a tool, he rammed it into the reluctantly-offered opening.

  Instead of burying himself in her, Reno stopped with his erection half exposed. His flared nostrils and thinning lips spoke of the effort behind his self-restraint. Intrigued, Damek swept the digital from Reno’s face, over the slave’s body, and onto her features. Her eyes were huge. Barely comprehending.


  “Pleasure and pain.” Reno spoke in a sing-song tone. “Anticipation and dread. What’s about to happen is so you’ll understand the connection.”

  She couldn’t see Reno lift the paddle, but it didn’t the hell matter. The broad rubber connected sharply with her pale buttocks.

  “No! What—no!”

  “Oh yes,” Reno corrected and spanked her again.

  Watching the muscled arm repeatedly rise and fall, Damek wished his new partner had ordered the slave to count out the blows. Also, Reno’s punishment had a measured quality Damek intended to talk to him about. Among the many things he’d learned during his years as a trainer was the benefit inherent in keeping a subject off-balance. Make her dread each blow. That way, when the rare gentle tap came, she’d be totally unprepared and, as a consequence, stupidly grateful.

  Besides, he loved making a slave think he might lose control.

  “Pay attention.” Reno’s command echoed the paddle’s rhythm. “You are going to tell me what’s happening, starting now. Leave nothing out.”

  That was good. Forcing the slave to detail her experience kept it real and immediate.

  “Did you hear me, damn it!” Knees bent a bit, Reno pushed deeper into her hole. “What am I doing?”

  “Raping me.”

  “No!” The paddle slammed her nicely reddened flesh. “It isn’t rape because you’re no longer a person. You’re a subject, an object.” He struck her again, leaving behind a paddle-shaped mark. “You want to be a good little slut-slave, don’t you? That way you won’t be punished so much. Maybe.”

  Damek’s temples pulsed when Reno struck her hard enough to rock her forward as far as the metal bindings allowed. That’s right, break her down, shatter her mind.

  “You heard him.” Abandoning his decision to let Reno have his fun, Damek smartly laid the switch along her thigh. “Tell us what’s happening, bitch.”

  The way she bucked—tried to anyway—made him laugh. “You’re beating me,” she gasped. “Oh please, you’re beating me.”

  “That’s not all.” Dropping the paddle, Reno gripped her buttocks and rammed fully into her. “What else?”

  “Ra—you’re inside me, Master.”

  “What’s another word for what he’s doing?” Damek demanded, switching her again. “And believe me, you’ll be punished if your response isn’t what we want to hear.”

  She was already being punished. Hopefully she knew better than to call a spade a spade. “Sex? We’re having sex?”

  “Closer.” Reno was getting into it, pummeling her at a teeth-rattling pace. Wanting to hold up his end of things, Damek whipped her repeatedly, spacing things out so each blow landed abo
ut an inch from the last. Damn but he was good at leaving elegant marks.

  “Ah, ah,” she grunted repeatedly. “Ow! I—I’m sorry, Master, I don’t know what you want me to say.”

  “I’m buggering you.” Reno laughed. Under his digging fingers, her skin turned white. “Taking what’s my due.”

  “That’s right.” Guessing Reno had better things to do than talk, Damek slid her collar around, looped his finger through the ring, and forced her to look up at him. Why had he put the digital back in his pocket? Her expression was priceless. He gave her a quick look at the whip, followed by smacking her back. The earlier marks had faded a bit so replacing them with fresh designs made all the sense in the world.

  “I’m repeating this to make sure you get it,” he told her. Inclined as he was to hit her again, she needed to focus, at least for a while, on what was happening to her pussy. “You are, as I’ve pointed out, a piece of meat. An expensive one but really nothing more. If you’re lucky, there’ll be a measure of pleasure—“ He chuckled at how the words came out. “woven into the disagreeable aspects, but you’ll never know when anything’s going to happen so don’t take any of those delightful moments for granted.”

  “Okay. Okay.” Half-strangled words erupted from Reno. “Getting there. I’m fucking getting there.” Eyes starting to roll upward, he repeatedly pounded into the whimpering slave. “Whip her. Keep at it while…”

  Damek understood a man not being able to finish a sentence at a time like this. Letting go of her collar, he positioned himself so he could give equal attention to her buttocks, thighs, and shoulders. Keeping his strength under control at times like this was never easy. The more marks he created, the stronger the impulse to double his effort.

  Reminding himself that he had a lesson to get across, he switched her over and over while studying her for signs that everything was colliding inside her. He sensed no pleasure on her part, just pain along with an element he couldn’t put his finger on. Angry, he tightened his grip on the whip and hit her as hard as he could.


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