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Carnal Captive

Page 11

by Vonna Harper

  Pride? Other than what they sometimes called her jewelry, she was naked.

  “Legs apart. You know better to hide your only attributes.”

  A week ago Damek’s demeaning comments would have infuriated and demoralized her. She still hated admitting that’s how they saw her, but she now understood the reasoning behind their words and actions. Everything was aimed at making her see herself as worthless.

  “That’s better,” Damek said when she increased the distance between her legs. As she’d been forced to do countless times, she was on her hands and knees. Why this stance was preferable to, say, having her head on the floor she didn’t know except when she was like this her dangling breasts were in full view.

  “Tell us what you’re feeling, slut,” Reno commanded from where he stood behind her. Just thinking about what he could do back there tightened her muscles. “And be descriptive. Your guest expects to hear everything.”

  The intimidating looking man wasn’t her guest. This wasn’t her home. Even if she spent the rest of her life in the despicable place, she’d never call it that. Aware that, for now at least, she wasn’t being restrained, she stared at the floor.

  “My pussy is wet because I’ve been stimulating myself.” She could barely force herself to speak. “You saw me out there so you know—“

  “Stop!” Damek struck her buttocks with the switch that seemed to be a permanent part of him. “Any more of that arrogant tone and I’ll make sure you can’t sit for a week.”

  “I’m sorry, Master.” Reaching for courage, she glanced at the newcomer only to drop her gaze. This massive man believed he’d bought her body. Wasn’t there anything she could do about it? “I didn’t mean any disrespect.”

  “This is a teachable moment,” Reno said. “Keeping a slave in her place is vital. Any indication that she sees herself as more than a piece of meat must immediately be forced out of her.”

  To her embarrassment—would she ever get over that?—Reno ran three fingers into her sex, filling and distracting her. Being allowed to climax made life bearable, but it happened so seldom. When had she last had a climax forced from her?

  “My partner is right,” Damek said. “And to be clear, your arrangement with Carnal includes several sessions designed to make you an expert owner. Before we continue, do you intend to give her a name or will slave suffice.”

  Give her a name! She already had one. Angry yet helpless, she tried to distract herself by concentrating on Reno’s fingers. If she pushed against him and tightened her inner muscles, could she reach release? Probably not because he’d know what she was trying to accomplish. Did their cruelty know no bounds? They relished keeping her on the brink. Making her hungry and needy.

  Defeated, she prayed Reno would do more than fill her with his fingers, but he didn’t.

  “I like slave,” the man who owned her said. “I think it’ll keep things in focus.”

  “That’s what we suggest,” Damek said. You do know we’re happy to board her at any of our facilities if you need to be out of town or otherwise don’t have time to available yourself of her charms. In fact, we encourage you to periodically turn her over to us for a refresher course.”

  “A tune-up so to speak.” Reno chuckled and wiggled his fingers. He stopped almost before she realized what he’d done.

  “All right,” Damek said. “Back to the demonstration of the progress we’ve made. Slave, tell your master what’s happening to your body right now and why, as your owner, that’s to his benefit.”

  Because she hadn’t been allowed to sleep more than two or three hours a night, the past week was a blur. When she wasn’t being put through the intense and painful exercise routine, the other captives and she were subjected to what they’d been ordered to think of as classroom time. Instead of being a classroom, however, they’d either been chained outside in the kennels or here in the dungeon. Over and over again their captors drummed into them that their bodies were instruments designed for their owners’ pleasure. Their minds existed for one reason—to please. Whipping and frequent rapes had hammered that home.

  “I’m turned on, Master.”

  “Why?” The big man addressed her for the first time.

  “I, ah, when you first saw me I was distracting myself from the strain of the position I’d been placed in by making the dildo in my pussy move around.” She hated the confession, quivered from knowing this man who weighed more than twice what she did could do whatever he wanted to her.

  “And if you hadn’t, as you say, distracted yourself? What would it have been like then?”

  Against her better judgment, she risked a glance at his crotch. Beneath his expensive slacks, his great erection strained to be let free. Willing herself not to panic, she swallowed. “It would have become very painful, Master. I would have begged to be let down.”

  “Would you have been?”

  She shook her head, belatedly remembering she always had to answer a question. Dreading being corrected, she said, “Only if it pleased them to do so, Master.”

  “Begging does no good then?”

  “It isn’t allowed. Master.”

  “What do you think?” Damek patted her head. That had happened so many times she no longer raged against being treated like an animal. She still considered herself a woman. That’s what mattered. “Is she becoming what you expected?”

  Getting to his feet, her master walked behind her. She felt his hand first on her buttocks and then against her inner thigh. No matter how much she tried not to think about it, she knew he was standing next to Reno. Seeing Reno’s fingers buried in her sex hole, he’d have absolute proof of how much she’d been humiliated and how little she could do about it.

  “She’s glistening,” her master observed. “Does that mean she likes what’s going on in there?”

  “She’d being conditioned to.”

  “Move aside. I want to feel what I bought.”

  No, please don’t do this.

  If her master was aware of her silent plea, he gave no indication. When Reno pulled out, the monster-sized man didn’t immediately fill the abandoned space. Instead, he ran his nails over her spine. She fought the erotic sensation the best she could by doing what she had countless times, stepping outside in her mind.

  The clouds were building. If they became much darker, she’d go back inside and watch it rain from her plant-filled living room. She’d pour herself a glass of wine, turn on some easy listening music, and ponder life.

  Smooth, deliberate nails ran down her arms. “Good muscle definition.” Her master squeezed her bicep. “She can maintain that position indefinitely?”

  “No, but long enough for a couple of holes to get a workout if you get my drift.”

  “Well now, I’m not sure I do.” The take-charge nails traveled from her arms to her breasts, shattering the peaceful image she’d been trying to create.

  “Then let me explain.” Damek sharply tapped her left thigh with the whip. “She was an ass virgin when we took her. She hates being buggered there and it shows, but we’re teaching her to take it, aren’t we?” Another stinging slap punctuated the question. Her master’s fingers closed around her nipples.

  “Yes, Master,” she all but squeaked. “I’m learning.”

  “Would you like a demonstration?” Damek asked.

  It was going to happen. Nothing she did or said would stop yet another rape. Defeated, she let her head drop. Was this how an animal being led to slaughter felt?

  “Yeah. Look, I’m not sure how I feel about another man’s cock up her bung hole.”

  “We understand,” Damek agreed. “After all, Bay, she’s yours. However, let me pose something. Do you have the necessary expertise and patience to properly train your slave for anal sex?”

  “Hell, it isn’t as if I haven’t ass fucked.”

  “With willing women, but what about someone who isn’t into it?”

  Bay. Her master had a name, unlike her. Not being able to see him while his fi
ngers squeezed her nipples unnerved her. Insane as it seemed, she’d come to trust her trainers because their paychecks depended on keeping her in one piece. In contrast, Master Bay could do anything he wanted, including killing her.

  “Let me rephrase the question,” Damek said. “The women you’ve ass fucked, were they particularly good at it?”

  “I got in. Other than that, I didn’t pay attention.”

  “Understandable. Having one’s cock in a tight little hole is a stimulating experience. But my guess is those broads were more interested in their experience than yours, right. You’re famous, you—“

  “I used to be famous.” Master Bay’s fingers closed down. It took every bit of self-control that had been beaten into her not to try to fight free. “I’m last year’s news.”

  Neither Damek or Reno said anything, but even with pain grinding through her, she hung onto his tone. He was more than just a dumb, rich jock. He had emotions. Feelings.


  “My point,” Damek said after an awkward silence, “is that there’s more to life’s pleasures than ramming your cock into freely-offered holes. Fucking a slave who doesn’t want to be fucked is an entirely different experience.”

  “Go on.”

  “Let us demonstrate.”

  Reno’s voice so close alarmed her but not as much as his fingers plowing back into her pussy. A trembling sigh escaped.

  “There.” Reno again rotated his fingers inside her. “That’s what you want to hear, the sweet, beautiful sound of helplessness. It makes shooting your wad that much more pleasurable.”

  Her breasts suddenly caught fire, forcing a cry from her. Master Bay had let go of her breasts, causing blood to surge through them. Despite herself, she bowed her back in a futile attempt to protect herself there.

  “Interesting.” Her master slapped her breasts. “I thought she wasn’t supposed to react.”

  Chuckling, Reno rotated his fingers in the opposite direction. Her vagina instinctively clamped down.

  “Oh,” Reno said on the tail of another laugh, “I don’t think you’d want that. If she did, you might as well fuck a cadaver.”

  “What my partner is trying to say,” Damek interjected, “is that money and power have given you a unique opportunity. Whether they have the guts to admit it or not, most men want to call the shots. None of that equality crap. Take a look. That’s yours. Bought and paid for. Ready to sample in any and every way you want.”

  Oh no, please.

  “You think she’s at a place where I can—“

  “Of course. Otherwise we would have encouraged you to wait,” Damek gave weight to his comment by slashing her thigh with the whip. Lifting her head, she mewed. Just then Reno shoved his fingers deeper into her, compelling her to crawl forward in an attempt to escape him.

  “What’s she doing?”

  “Letting that pesky survival instinct get the best of her,” Damek explained. She expected him to whip her as he’d done every time she attempted to oppose them. Instead, he walked over to where the too-familiar pile of restraints waited. Despite her loathing of everything the chains and ropes represented, she had no choice but to submit as Damek fitted her with a bridle complete with reins attached to the hated bit. After handing the reins to her master, he fastened a spreader bar to her ankles. The whole time he was working, Reno’s finger plugged her.

  “There you go,” Damek said. “Now the filly won’t be able to kick. Eventually she’ll be absolutely safe to ride.” He laughed. “However, right now she’s what a horseman would call green broke. Still rank.”

  All week they’d compared her to a newly-captured mustang. Much as she loathed the comparison, having Reno finger-fuck her made concentrating on anything else, even dread of what her master might do, difficult. Endless days and nights of being sexually on fire kept her so off-balance and needy she could barely think. If only someone would finger her clit! That’s all it would take.

  “All right,” Reno said as he pulled out of her sopping hole. “She’s yours.” He wiped his sticky fingers on her tailbone. “As you can see, she’s damn close to sub space. Your slave’s a real slut.”

  Shari chewed on the bit to keep from trying to say something they’d make her regret. The men considered her less than human. Maybe she was. “If you’re so inclined,” Damek explained, “you can give her what she craves. That’s one touchy pussy. However, I strongly encourage you to withhold pleasure.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “You’ll be a much more effective and in-control owner if she understands you’re the giver and taker of all things. Her existence revolves around you, not the other way around.”

  Master Bay had increased his hold on the reins. Her need to look back and see what he was doing was nearly more than she could control.

  Her handlers had forcefully taught her how to conduct herself. She’d do that now by passively waiting with her head submissively low. Her hair hung over her face. Hopefully they wouldn’t notice that she was closing her eyes. Not many days ago—she’d lost track of time—she’d been a normal woman with dreams and plans. Now she existed to please.

  And be punished.

  Chapter Fourteen

  A sound Shari recognized all too well told her Master Bay was unzipping his slacks. Any moment now he’d rape one of her holes. She supposed she should be grateful that he wasn’t demanding she take him in the mouth. She loathed being forced to give Damek and Reno head.

  In her mind a hawk was perched on a telephone pole near a field filled with grass and clover. Several baby pigmy goats were in the field, their crazy-cute antics making her laugh. The hawk probably wished the goats would play somewhere else so the ground squirrels he’d come here to hunt would show themselves.

  After spotting the goats the other day, she’d returned with her painting supplies. She’d already set up her easel and taken out her oils. Despite the perfect conditions, however, she kept watching instead of focusing on her art.

  “Damn it, there she goes. Yank on those reins. Show her who’s boss.”

  Fierce pressure against her mouth forced her to tuck her chin against her chest. She could barely breathe.

  “That’s right,” Damek ordered. “Don’t let up. Damn bitch’s got a ton of lessons to learn. So, which hole appeals to you?”

  “What happened?” Her master’s strength sped from his grip to her forced-open mouth. She’d never felt smaller or weaker.

  “The bitch zones out sometimes.”


  “That’s as good an explanation as any.” Damek whipped her thigh. “I’ll the fuck beat that crap out of her.”

  “Wait.” The grip on the reins slackened. “What are you so pissed about? If it was me, I’d be doing the same thing, trying to anyway.”

  Damek was breathing heavily same as before when something she did or didn’t do angered him. “I’m not pissed,” he said. “Losing my composure would be counter-productive.”

  He was lying but whether to Master Bay or himself—maybe both—she didn’t know. She wondered if it ever occurred to him that she did her best to obey him because his temper alarmed her.

  The whip landed again. To her relief, it felt as if Damek was simply reminding her of his presence. Would it be different if her owner wasn’t here?

  “Sorry,” Damek said. “I didn’t mean to break your concentration. Perhaps you have reservations about ass fucking because you’re concerned she isn’t clean up there.”

  “It occurred to me.”

  Master Bay was no longer hauling on the reins. His hold wasn’t gentle, she wouldn’t call it that, but anything was better than what he’d subjected her to at first.

  “I’d have the slave describe what was done to her this morning in preparation for your pleasure,” Damek continued in the calm tone she didn’t trust. “But at the moment her ability to speak has been compromised, hasn’t it, slut?”

  “Yeth, Mather.”

  “The bitch hates being
given an enema. We had minimal interest in her ass end the first couple of days, so didn’t waste time cleaning her out, but that has become as much a part of the routine as the pussy shave, hasn’t it?”

  “Yeth, Mather.” Anything to keep him from whipping her any more.

  “You’re welcome to watch if you decide to spend the night,” Reno said. “She’s been taught not to resist so we could clean and shave without restraining her, but we might as well enjoy our task.”

  Damek and Reno worked together describing the ritual. Despite her resolve not to listen, she couldn’t help it. Every night she was forced to sleep on her back on a thin mattress with her spread legs secured to rings at the foot. A vibrator was forced into her vagina and turned on. Her arms were pulled over her head and wrists secured. By morning she was so exhausted from teetering on the brink of climaxing she couldn’t sit up without help. Mornings began with being hauled out of her dungeon cell via the chain on her collar.

  Ignoring her moans, her handlers forced her to crawl up the stairs after them with the vibrator still humming. Early on she’d fought being thrown onto the metal table and secured to it, but she’d learned the futility of trying to pit her strength against theirs. The vibrator was removed, the table adjusted so her legs were lower than her head, and she was ordered to pee. Her urine ran into a trough.

  Sometimes Damek followed that up by hosing her off with cold water and then shaving her. Other mornings, Reno began by pushing the enema nozzle up her ass and filling her bowels. Fighting helpless shame, she waited as her body discharged what had been forced into her.

  Master Bay was explaining why he couldn’t stay the night, but instead of trying to understand his world, she thought back to how she used to start her days with a cup of coffee and the paper, on her front porch if it was warm enough. Was her landlord watering her plants or had they died?

  Did anyone wonder what had happened to her?

  A long, thick finger swirled over her puckered opening, instantly killing the question. She started to look behind her, but a yank on the reins stopped her.


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