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Bedding Her Billionaire Boss (The BAD BOY BILLIONAIRES Series)

Page 4

by Angelo, Judy

  “Prove it.”


  “I said, prove it.” Becky gave her a defiant stare.

  “Prove that I don’t have a crush on him? How the heck am I going to do that?”

  “Stop hiding from him. Stop ducking behind your desk and show the man that you exist.” Becky waved her hand with a flourish. “And, for heaven’s sake, start dressing up. Those below-the-knee skirts and block heel brogues aren’t going to cut it. They’d turn off Casanova himself.” She turned her green eyes on Dana and in them was a wicked twinkle. “I have the perfect plan. It’s time for a makeover.”

  “Oh, no you don’t.”

  “Oh, yes, I do. Now come on. Let’s get you out of this teensy-weensy apartment and out into the sunshine. You’re as pale as a ghost in winter.” She took Dana’s hands and pulled her up and off the bed. “It’s Saturday, for goodness sake. We can at least enjoy what’s left of the afternoon.”

  And that was how Dana ended up at Manhattan Mall where she got her hair layered, her nails painted and her eyebrows waxed. As if that weren’t bad enough, Becky talked her into buying not one, but four very chic, very expensive business suits. But how could she complain? She had to admit, the word that came to mind as she modeled the suits in front of Becky was ‘hot’. Rock St. Stephens would have to be made of mud not to notice her transformation. Dana could hardly wait to see his reaction.


  God, he was tired. Rubbing his hand across his eyes, Rock opened the car door and slid out then got his briefcase from the trunk. It had been a long and dreary flight from Alaska but he was glad to be back in New York City. It had been a long week.

  Who could have known that negotiations with the union would have been so difficult this time? He’d been surprised that he’d had to get involved at all. Normally this was something his captains would handle themselves. This time, though, the negotiations were tricky and he’d had to spend an entire week in Alaska working with the unions to come to an agreement regarding the compensation packages for the workers. Now that all of that was behind him and he was back in the city, things should be a whole lot easier. Working with a company as small as Premier Holdings had to be a vacation compared to dealing with an operation of over two hundred people.

  Besides, he had to get back to this company that he’d taken over from Richard. He’d promised to resolve the issues here but so far he’d done a terrible job. It had already been three months since he’d taken over and he hadn’t been around that much. In all honesty, he’d practically left the company to run itself because in three months the total number of days he’d spent could not have been more than three to four weeks. But now it was time to get back to the task at hand and to focus.

  Rock glanced at his watch. It was already eighteen minutes after three. He’d called Dana early that morning and told her he’d be in around two-thirty but then there had been a delay in takeoff. It didn’t matter, though. He was sure she wasn’t sitting there, anxiously awaiting his arrival.

  As he entered the lobby of the building the receptionist, Crystal Champigny, jumped up to greet him. “Mr. St. Stephens. You’re back. Welcome.” Her smile was wide and she seemed genuinely happy to see him. She almost looked like she was getting ready to give him a hug. Somehow, Rock would not be too shocked. Crystal was blonde, buxom and bubbly. She always reminded him of champagne. In fact, as far as he was concerned, that name would have suited her much better.

  “Good to be back, Crystal.” He gave her a nod and a smile and her eyes widened as if in surprise. What? Was he usually such a grouch that when he was pleasant it came as a shock? He really had to do something about his personality.

  Rock headed down the hallway to the executive suite and as he did his mind raced ahead to his next meeting with his executive assistant. Dana Daniels. Just the thought of seeing her again made him smile. Theirs had not been a comfortable working relationship, one which was more accurately described as being charged with electricity. But he was going to turn over a new leaf. Going forward, he would make sure that no-one, and especially not Dana, could accuse him of being cold and unfeeling. If it was the last thing he did, he would show his employees that he could be human.

  He strode through the open door and into the front office, a practiced smile on his face. And there she was, sitting at her desk, absorbed in a telephone conversation.

  As he entered she looked up and when she saw him her eyebrows went up and her voice faltered. “I’m sorry but I have to go now,” she said into the phone. “I’ll return your call shortly.” She returned the phone receiver to its cradle then, slowly, elegantly, she stood. And at the sight of her, Rock’s heart jerked.

  He knew Dana was beautiful but today she was stunning. He could not put his finger on it but she just looked different. Had his absence from the office for the past week made him forget how beautiful she was? Well, his body certainly hadn’t forgotten. At the sight of her he’d gone from cool to hot under the collar and there was a tightness in his chest that told him that there was something about this woman - something that him just a little bit worried - that had a devastating effect on him. And if he knew what was good for him he would hide his reaction at all costs.

  Rock cleared his throat. “Good to see you again, Dana.” He gave her a curt nod. “I thought you’d be on coffee break.”

  For a moment she didn’t respond, just stared at him with wary eyes. Finally, she said, “Good to have you back. I hope you had a good trip.”

  “Very good, thank you.” He gave her a slight bow then walked on and headed toward his office.

  It was only when he got behind closed doors that he let his guard down. He threw the briefcase onto the nearby couch then reached up and loosened his tie. What the hell had Dana done? Was she determined to drive him crazy in this office? Since the day he met her she’d been a major distraction but now, even more so. Her eyes looked bigger and bolder, her lips fuller. And her skirt…where the hell had the knee-length skirts gone? This one showed quite a length of leg - legs that would be best employed wrapping themselves around his waist while he…

  Rock shook his head. Come on, man, get yourself together. This is your employee you’re thinking about.

  With a sigh he flopped down into the chair. This was going to be a long day. If Dana Daniels had meant to cause him major distress, she had certainly done that. It was going to be a hard task remaining businesslike with her looking like that. He just hoped he could keep his hands off her.


  Dana bit her lip and blinked, struggling to hold back tears. How could she have been so stupid? How could she have thought that Rock would have been captivated by her new look? Ever since he had called her from the airport to tell her that he was coming in that day she’d been on needles and pins, anticipating his arrival. And when she’d seen him coming in through the door looking tired but oh, so handsome, her heart had literally skipped a beat and her mouth had gone dry. Not the kind of reaction you would expect an executive assistant to have for her boss, but so it was. There was no denying the attraction she felt for Rock St. Stephens.

  And somehow she’d thought it was the same for him, maybe just a little bit. She’d even thought he would have been pleasantly surprised by her transformation, but nothing of the sort. In fact, his face had gone dark the moment he’d laid eyes on her. It was as if she had annoyed him in some way, simply by being there.

  Getting dolled up to impress Rock St. Stephens had been the worst mistake of her life. Damn that Becky for trying to make her into what she was not.

  Obviously, Rock could see right through her. He knew that this was not the real Dana. In reality, she was plain and boring. She was his executive assistant and nothing else and it would do her well, she now knew, to remember that.

  With a manicured finger she wiped away the lone tear that had settled in the corner of her eye, sniffed, and straightened her back. She would not give in to this. She was professional and she was strong, and even if her boss r
an off to his office in order to avoid her, she would not be hurt by it. Not Dana Daniels. Instead, she would change her tactic. If her boss was hard as rock, she would be cold as steel.

  The ringing of the phone jerked her back to the present. Rock was calling her inside his office. But was she ready to face him again? Well, if she was to conquer her demons, there was no time like the present. Setting her mouth in a determined line she picked up her notepad and walked into his office.


  When Dana walked into Rock’s office she realized that seeing him and remaining aloof was easier said than done. When he’d entered the building he’d been dressed in jacket and tie, looking every inch the businessman. Now, however, he’d shed his jacket and thrown it on the couch and his tie hung loose around his neck. Even his sleeves were rolled up. When he’d come in he’d looked exhausted but now he seemed alert, ready to work.

  Rock waved her over to the empty chair. She moved to take the seat he offered but paused when she heard his next words.

  “I’ve got to apologize,” he said, and as she turned to look at him he gave her a rueful smile.

  Dana could only stare back at him in confusion. What was he apologizing for? For not noticing that she’d made an effort to look good? For him? Don’t be an idiot, Dana. The man would never apologize for that. Slowly, she sank into her seat and turned her eyes up to stare at him.

  “I know I’ve been more absent than present since I’ve taken over this corporation.” His lips tightened and he shook his head. “In the three and a half months since I joined the company how many days have I actually spent in the office? I’ve practically left the lot of you to run the corporation by yourselves.” He shook his head. “Especially you, Dana. I know in my absence everybody’s been running to you with their issues. It’s going to stop right now.” Rock got up from behind his desk and, shoving his fists into his pockets, he walked over to the plate glass window. He looked out over onto the streets of Manhattan, but from the faraway look in his eyes Dana could tell that he was not seeing anything down below. His thoughts were on other things, the matters of the corporation.

  “I know you probably have a folder full of things to discuss with me, Dana. Well, I’m here today, and I’ll be around for a long while. I’ve put things in place so that I don’t have to keep running off.” He turned, his brows furrowed, a look of concern on his face. “I can’t imagine the level of stress you’ve been under these past three months. I know I have a lot of catching up to do and I need you to help me. I may even have to ask you to work late sometimes. Can you do that?”

  Surprised at his humble tone, Dana didn’t answer right away. Rock seemed to take that as an objection to his proposal because his face grew darker, just slightly, but she could sense that, for some reason, he was not pleased. “Or are your evenings usually taken?” He said the words softly.

  Dana almost frowned but she held herself in check. She had a good mind to tell him that all her evenings were taken but then she decided against it. She had to be honest, and her answer would have to be that if he needed her to work late she could. All her evenings were free.

  “I won’t touch your weekends. Promise.”

  Dana was just about to say it didn’t matter, she wasn’t busy on the weekends anyway, but then she caught herself just in time. Rock didn’t have to know that. Okay, so her life was pathetic, but that was none of his business.

  “You’re going to see a whole lot more of me,” he continued. “I’m serious about the success of this corporation and I plan to dedicate my time to it.”

  She was going to see a whole more of him? Damn her heart for fluttering at that thought. She dropped her eyes. Now was not the time for her boss to be reading her thoughts.

  “Knock, knock.”

  They both looked up at the sound of Jason’s voice as it drifted in from the outer office.

  Dana’s heart sank. Not again. Right at this moment the last person she wanted to see was Jason Blake. He was already the source of contention between her and Rock and she desperately wanted to avoid stirring up any more trouble. Cautiously, she lifted her eyes then looked at her boss. Just as she’d feared, he looked livid.

  She jumped up out of her chair. “Let me see what he wants.” Quickly, she turned toward the door then hurried to the outer office. And there was Jason, heading toward her desk, a broad smile on his face.

  “Yes, Jason,” she said through clenched teeth. “What is it?”

  He paused, looking taken aback by her vehemence. “I’m hurt. Don’t you miss me?”

  Her response was a frigid stare. “Get to the point.”

  Instead of being fazed by her rancor, Jason sauntered over to the chair in front of her desk and flopped down. “I thought you’d be lonely in here all by yourself. I finished my meeting early so I decided to come keep you company.”

  Of all the nerve. It would be just her luck to have Jason show up with this attitude on the very day that Rock decided to come back to the office. The fact was, she hadn’t seen Jason for days. So now what was his problem? She marched over to stand in front of him. “I’m not lonely. In fact, I’m busy. I’m in a meeting.” She whispered the words angrily, praying that Rock wasn’t listening to every word. All she wanted to do was get rid of Jason. Fast.

  Her visitor didn’t look like he planned to budge at all. He chuckled. “Yeah, right. You’re just trying to avoid me. Just when you’re looking so lovely, too.” His eyes roamed over her body, openly, boldly. “I suppose you know everybody’s been talking about how good you’ve been looking lately. What’s the occasion? On a man hunt?”

  Dana could have slapped him right there and then. Her palms itched to do it but now was not the time. Jason needed to leave her office now and she would throw him out bodily if she had to. Clenching her fists at her sides, she took a step closer to him. “Jason, I’m warning you-”

  “Looks like my employees have too much time on their hands.”

  Dana whirled round and Jason jumped to his feet. This time she didn’t even spare him a glance. If Rock took him by the collar and threw him out, she would do nothing to defend him. He didn’t deserve it.

  “Jason was just leaving,” she said then turned back to the miscreant and fixed him with a hateful glare.

  Jason, coward that he was, did not have to be told twice. Within less than a second he was gone, leaving Dana to face the music with Rock. Again.

  This time when she looked at him the enthusiasm in his eyes had been replaced by hardness. His mouth twisted in a cynical smile. “I’m going to have a hard time getting some work out of you. Looks like I’m in for some serious competition for your time.” Without another word he turned and walked back into his office, leaving her to follow behind him.

  Dana could only stifle a sigh. Why did these things have to keep happening to her? The gods must really hate her.


  “I tell you, my books are clean.” Sean Johnson leaned forward, a look of consternation on his face.

  Rock stared at him coldly, but said nothing. He’d been back in office three days now and ever since his arrival he had made the decision that before the week was out he would get to the bottom of the mystery of the missing funds. Without saying a word to anyone he had used the services of an outside financial consultant to review the books and get the confirmation he sought. Richard French had been right. The cash did not match the books. Something was definitely going on. The big problem, though, was that the financial consultant had not been able to pinpoint exactly where the leak was taking place.

  “So why don’t the accounts match the cash balance?” Rock’s glare was unwavering as he watched every move the man made, from the way his eyebrows shot up each time he was confronted with a new piece of information to the way they darted away whenever Rock looked him in the eyes.

  “I don’t know,” the man said, putting up a hand to wipe at his brow. “Something crazy is going on.”

  Rock stared at the man who sat in t
he chair across from his desk. He felt absolutely no pity for him. “And you never realized this?”

  The man dropped his hands and gripped the arms of the chair then he looked up. “Well, no. I’ve been focusing on the overall picture, I guess…” His face began to turn a deep red. “I guess I didn’t pay close enough attention to the little details.”

  Rock scowled. “Those little details cost us over a hundred thousand last year.”

  Sean Johnson’s face turned an even darker shade of red and he dropped his eyes. For a long while there was silence. Then, to Rock’s surprise, the man looked up at him again and this time his eyes flashed with anger. “Do you know what? I am innocent. Whatever you may think, I know I have a clear conscience. If you doubt me, why don’t you call the police? Let them do an investigation.”

  Rock frowned. “I’m not ready for that yet.”

  “If you’re ready to accuse me of being dishonest then you’d better call them in.” Sean Johnson stood up and the cowardly man that had sat in the chair was gone. Now he was all indignation. “I enjoy the job I do here, Mr. St. Stephens, and I take pride in the fact that I’m an honest man. If you’re going to call me in here to accuse me of theft, then you’d better go all the way. Bring in the police, anybody you want. You can accuse me of overlooking something but you can never accuse me of stealing from this company. I respect Robert French and myself too much to do anything like that.”

  “Sit down, Mr. Johnson. I’m not accusing you of anything.” Rock jerked his head at the chair and continued scowling until his employee sat back down. He was not used to his staff members standing up to him - in this case, literally. But Sean Johnson’s reaction did one thing - it gave Rock the feeling that this man, as shifty as he looked, could not be involved. He could not have faked his confusion when he was confronted with the information about the discrepancy in the books. And he could not have faked his indignation at being accused of dishonesty. He was either telling the truth or he was an actor worthy of the Academy Award.


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