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Her Man Flint

Page 6

by Jerri Drennen

  She picked up the map and found it right away. Not too far from Goose Lodge, where she was staying.

  She’d get up first thing in the morning, and drive out there and surprise him.

  Feeling relieved, Adriana lay back onto the pillow. As soon as she dozed off, a knock came from outside the door.

  She eased herself up and nearly jumped out of her skin when a mouse ran over her foot. Her heart pounded a mile a minute against her ribcage as she opened the door. The clerk from the front desk stood outside, smiling.

  “Yes,” Adriana asked. “Is there a problem?”

  “No.” He shifted from one foot to the other. “I was just wondering if you needed something—anything at all?”

  Adriana in no way liked the way the man looked at her. “Not that I can think of.”

  “I couldn’t help but overhear what you told the boys earlier. If you’re looking for companionship, I’m not married, and… well… available.”

  Her jaw dropped. Why would he think she needed company? “You know, that’s really sweet of you, but I’m not looking for just any man. It’s one in particular. Sorry.” She didn’t want to hurt his feelings, but she was tired, and this whole pickup thing embarrassed her. She could get a man. Any man she wanted.

  “Goodnight.” She attempted to close the door, but his foot blocked her attempt. The man’s once smiling face turned dark and angry.

  “You think you’re too good for me, don’t you?”

  “Of course not. I’m dating someone, that’s all.” It was a lie, but he didn’t know that.

  “Sure you are,” he said sarcastically. “But you know what? I don’t care about that. I think you should be nice to me, or I just might have to call our local constable here in Goose Lodge and tell him about the little bag of stash I found in your room.”

  Adriana was aghast at his implication. “Are you trying to blackmail me?”

  “Blackmail’s such a harsh word. I’m just saying you could find yourself in a bit of trouble if you’re not a little nicer.”

  “You know what?” Adriana glanced at his nametag. “Rodger. I don’t have to be nice to you if I don’t want to be.”

  It took nerve to pull this on a woman. How many others had he played this little game with?

  “You know, Rodger. I think I’ll take my chances with the constable. You see, the thing is, you repulse me.”

  This time he’d messed with the wrong woman. Adriana was going to make sure when she got through with him, he’d think twice about doing this to anyone else.

  “I’m going to tell you this just once, so pay attention. You ever try to blackmail another woman, I’ll make sure you never walk again.” Adriana spun him around and wrapped her arm around his neck, flipping him to the floor. “Have you got that, Rodger? Are we straight?” Adriana placed her knee on his throat, cutting off his oxygen. “A shake of the head will be sufficient.” She smiled when he shook it vigorously. “Now get up and get out while you still can.”

  When he’d gone, Adriana locked and chained the door.

  She’d bet money he’d think long and hard before he tried that little trick again. And, if Adriana ever got wind of that he’d try to pull this stunt on another unsuspecting woman, she’d come back and hurt him bad.

  Chapter Nine

  Flint opened his eyes, instantly alert, listening to the crunch of gravel outside the cabin. Who the hell was here?

  Quickly as he could, he threw on his jeans and ran to the front door to look out the window. Adriana’s red Porsche pulled up out front.

  “How did she find me?” As far as he knew, only two people knew about the cabin. His Uncle Robert and himself. The darn property wasn’t even registered to Robert because he thought it best not to in his profession. Instead he’d titled it under an assumed name.

  His uncle had been with the DNS long before Flint was even out of high school, and had been the catalyst at helping him get in when the time came.

  So, how the hell did Adriana find me?

  Searching his memory, he tried to recall if he’d told her at one time about the cabin? He might have. They were together for over a year. Though, most of that time had been spent at the DNS, but if they had any down time, they’d spent it making love and talking.

  He could still remember the first time with her. She was so wild—so uninhibited. Every time he’d been with her since had been amazing to say the least. Just thinking about it stirred his blood, and with her only a few feet away, now was not the time to become aroused. She had her good Doctor Spock to keep her head on straight. Why would she need old bad boy Flint?

  He didn’t bother to throw on a shirt as he opened the front door. Adriana had stepped onto the porch.

  “Hello, Dray. What brings you to this neck of the woods?”

  “You know damned well why I’m here. What happened? Why did you run away from a crime scene?” Her emerald eyes flashed at him. God he loved her fire. Her nerve. No one ever talked to him like this. Not even his uncle.

  “I was sure I wouldn’t receive a ‘Get Out Of Jail Free card.’ And I sure as hell didn’t like the idea of being stuck in a cell when I could be out trying to find Lindsey’s killer. You do know I couldn’t have murdered her, Dray?” His fury ignited. “But Hartford would. He’d beaten her that morning. He somehow got into my apartment while I was gone and finished the job, setting me up at the same time. Two birds with one stone, so to speak scenario. You believe me, right?” He watched her face for any sign she didn’t, but saw none. A noise from above made them react, both reaching for a gun they didn’t have as a squirrel jumped off the roof of the cabin onto a nearby tree.

  “Damn,” Adriana cursed.

  “You do believe me, don’t you, Dray?”

  “Yes, I believe you, but the police might not. You did leave the scene of a crime without bothering to report it.”

  “That’s not true. I called the Denver police from a pay phone. I couldn’t just leave Lindsey like that. She deserved better.” His heart tightened like a vise. He thought of Lindsey and how she’d looked when he’d last seen her alive ate at his gut.

  “Did they know it was you calling?”

  “No. I didn’t give my name. I knew I’d be their prime suspect. She was, after all, in my apartment. I assumed they’d want me to turn myself in, but I need time to find out where Hartford was when she was murdered. He killed her. I know it. I just have to find proof, then I’ll go to the police. I can’t do me or Lindsey any good sitting in a jail cell. Do you understand that, Dray?” It was important to him that she did.

  “Yes, I understand, Flint. So where do we start?”

  Flint rubbed at his day old stubble. “First thing we need to do is have breakfast. I’m starved. I’ll have a couple of eggs, some bacon and, oh, some homemade biscuits would be good.”

  “Yeah, that sounds great.” She walked into the cabin. “You’d better get started on that.”

  He followed her inside. “But, Dray. I don’t know the first thing about cooking.”

  “I’d say it’s about time you learned. What would you have done if I hadn’t shown up?”

  “Dray, sweetheart.”

  Her eyes narrowed in on him. “Don’t sweetheart me, Flint Morgan. I haven’t forgotten the little scene I walked in on with you and Lindsey. If you want to eat, then you’d better learn to cook.”

  He frowned. “Okay, but don’t complain when it tastes like shit.”

  Flint headed into the kitchen. There had to be a few donuts left from the day before. To hell with cooking a big breakfast. He needed to get started on the investigation before the trail got cold anyway.

  * * *

  Adriana glanced around the cabin, impressed with all its amenities. On one side of the room, there was a small efficiency kitchen that held a microwave, coffee/cappuccino maker, a stainless steel refrigerator and matching stove, and a table with two chairs.

  On the other side of the cabin was a massive stone fireplace, a country style oversiz
ed sofa and a matching chair. A large cabinet sat in the corner. Adriana assumed it held an entertainment system. On the floor in front of the fireplace lay a cheesy bearskin rug. How anti-PETA was that? What kind of a man was Robert Morgan?

  Adriana’s gaze swept the entire cabin, noting the place looked like a man’s love shack.

  She snorted. “Nice place.” She turned to find Flint standing in the kitchen. He looked lost.

  “Yes it is. Uncle Robert still uses it when he needs to get away.” Flint opened the refrigerator and stuck his head inside.

  “Yeah, I’ll just bet he does,” Adriana said under her breath.

  She glanced around and cringed. “Does this elaborate cabin have a bathroom by any chance?”

  “Yes. It’s on the other side of the bedroom. Through there.” Flint pointed to a door, which obviously led to the cabin’s only bedroom.

  “Thanks.” Adriana opened the door and stepped inside. The bedroom looked like it was straight out of an old spy flick. A Leopard skin print spread covered the huge four-poster bed that completely took up the space in the room. At the headboard was a stack of black and gold chenille pillows on one half, the other side had obviously been slept in. Adriana shook her head. The room was totally vulgar. To her, Robert Morgan was a womanizer, in the worse sense of the word. Now she knew where Flint got his attitude. What was that old adage? The fruit didn’t fall far from the tree. In this case it seemed to fit.

  Adriana opened the door to the bathroom. The décor was the same. Men. All they thought about was sex. Sex, and the DNS.

  Quickly, she finished up in the bathroom, admiring the huge tub. She planned to use it later. Hopefully the water would look a little cleaner than the stuff at the motel where she’d spent the night.

  In the kitchen, she found Flint sitting at the table, his mouth stuffed with a powered donut and a mug of coffee in his hand.

  “What happened to the bacon and eggs you were talking about?” She glared at the half eaten donut in his hand.

  “I thought this would be healthier for me.”

  Adriana caught the hint of sarcasm in his tone.

  She grabbed a cup and poured herself some coffee, then sat across from him at the table.

  “Your uncle has quite the decorative savvy. That bedroom is… ah… what’s the word I’m looking for? Oh yeah—tacky.”

  “I’m sure he’d be hurt to hear you say that, Dray.”

  She shook her head. “Please, Flint, a bearskin rug, Leopard skin print sheets. What’s that all about? Who’s he trying to seduce?”

  He grinned. “You, I’m sure, if he were here.”

  “How old is this man, anyway? Wouldn’t he be a bit past his prime?”

  “Actually, I’m going to let you decide that. He’ll be here this evening.”

  “What? Why?” She was in no mood to deal with an older version of Flint, not after the night she’d had. And where were they all going to sleep with only one bedroom. If Flint had some kinky idea that she’d go for a threesome, he’d better think again.

  “Uncle Robert is going to do some legwork that I can’t. He’s not wanted by the Denver police like I am. Anymore questions?” Flint graced her with the smug look she always hated.

  “Fine!” She ripped the donut out of his hand, and dunked it into her coffee.

  * * *

  Flint frowned at Adriana for the tenth time that day. She really got on his nerves. First, she completely trashed his uncle and his cabin, then had the nerve to gripe about not having anything to eat. Women. Who needed them?

  He picked up his jacket and left the cabin. He needed some fresh air and time away, or he was afraid he’d strangle her. He took the foot trail down to the stream where he and his uncle used to go fishing.

  Memories of those carefree days flooded him, a time when his uncle seemed larger than life. Robert Morgan was a real man, one who never let anyone or anything get in his way—a man Flint tried to emulate in his life and career. Robert had been the best-damned agent DNS ever had, and when he retired, he’d been sorely missed. Flint loved and admired him, and when Adriana had purposely cut him down, he resented it. She had no right to do that. Not when she didn’t even know him. But that was Adriana, always jumping to her own conclusions.

  Plopping down onto a huge rock, Flint listened as the water rippling over the stones in the stream and inhaled the fresh mountain air. A person could get used to such tranquility. Actually be happy here.

  He watched the fast-flowing stream, the water moving through it so crystal clear you could see fish swimming around. It’d been years since Flint had been here—years since he’d spent time with Robert. He’d been too busy at DNS and hadn’t seen much of him since he retired.

  Unfortunately, Robert’s visit wouldn’t be a pleasure trip, but Flint would be glad to see him again. He just hoped Adriana would try to be civil to him, though, he wouldn’t hold his breath.

  * * *

  Adriana clipped up her hair, and eased herself down into the water, moaning with pleasure as the warmth engulfed her body. This was definitely better than the shower she’d had the night before.

  She laid her head back and let her mind drift to the argument she and Flint had earlier that afternoon.

  It was obvious Flint loved his uncle, and the man could do no wrong in his eyes, but to jump down her throat because she thought his cabin’s décor was gaudy pushed the boundaries. Why did all men stick together? From what she’d seen so far, Robert Morgan had to be a playboy and had raised his nephew to be the same.

  Now she knew why Flint acted the way he did.

  She’d dozed off until she heard a creak. Her eyes flew to the door where a tall, dark-haired man with very intense gray eyes stood, his gaze locked on the water.

  He smiled wryly at her. “Well, hello there.”

  Adriana’s crossed her hands over her breasts and tried with little success to cover them.

  He continued to stare.

  Adriana swallowed hard. “Who are you?”

  He cocked an eyebrow as if to challenge her. “I was about to ask you that same question.”

  “Adriana.” She peered over the edge of the tub, looking for her towel. It was on the floor, just out of reach.

  “Of course, the fabled Adriana Kent. It’s a pleasure to finally meet. Flint has told me a lot about you.” He leaned his shoulder on the doorframe, quite content to stand there all day, if need be.

  “And you are?” She glanced at the towel again.

  “I’m sorry,” he said, straightening. “I just assumed you knew. Robert Morgan, at your service.”

  Adriana’s jaw dropped.

  Chapter Ten

  Flint recognized the green Jaguar right away, and continued up the path to the cabin. He grinned, noting the license plate, “Pussy Cat.”

  He glanced at his watch. Robert had made it there in record time.

  Walking up the trail, he prayed Adriana was a least trying to be nice—though the thought of her being friendly to anyone was hard for him to fathom. What the hell did he see in her anyway? So she was a gorgeous blonde with a knock out body and eyes that could hypnotize a blind man. Was that enough to put up with her cranky, bossy, attitude?

  Flint laughed. Damned straight. Hell, she could be Oscar the Grouch as long as she had that face—those lips, and that delectable body.

  Snorting, Flint walked up the steps to the porch and opened the door. The front room was empty, but the door to the bedroom stood ajar. He wasn’t sure what to think of that. Why would both his Uncle and Adriana be in the bedroom?

  A sick, uneasy sensation hit the pit of his stomach. Could Robert have managed to seduce Adriana into his bed? He’d seen it done before, but never so quickly. Was the trip here just one of two records Robert had broken today?

  Easing the door open, he leaned in and saw Robert standing by the bathroom door and released the breath he’d been holding. He could hear Adriana’s in the bathroom asking who Robert was. Splashing indicated to him t
hat she’d been caught with her pants down. He grinned, wondering if he should let her soak awhile, then noticed his uncle’s unwavering focus, and knew it was time to put an end to their bathroom introduction.

  “Robert. When did you get here?” He kept his voice level but his blood pressure escalated.

  His uncle turned and smiled.

  “Flint, my boy, how the hell are you?”

  He walked over to Flint and held out his hand. Flint grasped it, glad Robert was there. If anyone could get him out of the mess he was in, it’d be his uncle.

  “I just met Adriana in the tub. And I have to ask. Why the hell did you let this one go?”

  “Because he’s a fool,” Adriana answered for him. She stood in the doorway, wrapped in a large leopard print towel.

  “Right. I was a fool to ever get involved with her,” Flint hurled back.

  Adriana scowled at him. “You were a fool way before I met you.”

  Robert rubbed the stubble on his chin. The smirk etched on his mouth indicated that he found humor in their banter. “I can see the two of you have some issues, but right now we should focus on trying to find the murderer of this woman Flint’s accused of killing. Don’t you think?”

  “Of course,” they both said in unison.

  “So who was this woman to you, Flint?”

  “His lover,” Adriana spouted.

  “No, she wasn’t. At least not since May.” Flint knew telling his uncle the truth was best, no matter how it might appear to Adriana.

  “May. You’re crazy. It’s been six months. That’s when we broke up.” Adriana’s eyes narrowed as she stared at him.

  “No. It was the end of May,” Flint repeated.

  “But how could that be? You dated her for months, didn’t you?”


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