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Bound in Blood 1 Clandestine

Page 22

by Nicole Rae

  Even more time passed, and Emily pretty much gave up on the prospect of getting any sleep at all that night. Every time she closed her eyes, pictures of the decapitated vampire stained her lids. Even though it was absurd to feel guilty, she sort of did. She was responsible for the death of another person. They technically weren’t human, did that count? It was so hard to wrap her head around that, whether it was deserved or not. Involuntary tears welled up in her eyes. They weren’t like the anger induced tears directly after the Ivy episode. The wetness made them sting. It was the tears way of threatening to overflow at any second if she didn’t chill out.

  Finally, she threw back the covers in defeat. She wanted to talk to Lucy so bad she could taste it. Unfortunately, at least for now, that wasn’t an option. The closest thing to Lucy she had right then was Tyler. So far, he’s always had Emily’s back and could probably help Emily sort this entire fiasco out. The only problem was that Tyler was more than likely asleep. The day had taken a toll on him too. That much was plain, when she watched him go into his own room for the night. It felt wrong to begrudge him of his much deserved rest.

  She had to get out of that room that’s all there was to it. Maybe she could just go for a walk around the halls and wind herself down like one of those pull string toys. Her curious nature would probably just drive her anyway. She loved to explore new places and find out how they ticked. The compound seemed like a goldmine for that sort of thing.

  As she exited the room she wondered if Ivy had gone to her own room. Emily hoped so. She really didn’t have the patience for another encounter with Beachy the Vampire Slayer. Who knows, maybe she ran to Sebastian’s room to make up lies about Emily. Whatever, if Sebastian or anyone chose to believe that psycho Goth Barbie doll then that was their problem. Sternly, she willed herself to stop thinking of Ivy. There were way more important things to worry about.

  Emily’s walk didn’t last long. She found herself stopping at Tyler’s door. After pressing her ear against the wood and hearing nothing, she figured he was more than likely sleeping. Of course he was all sane rational people would be passed out after the day they had. So what was her problem?

  Without thinking she reached up and knocked softly on the door. Immediately she regretted it. It wasn’t fair of her to force Tyler away from sleep just because she couldn’t crash. Within minutes though, she heard him shuffling out of bed and trudging to the door with heavy steps.

  When he opened the door his mouth was open wide in the middle of a huge yawn. “What’s up,” Tyler asked sleepily after he opened the door and saw her standing there. He used the back of his hand to rub the sleep out of his eyes to get a better look at her. “Are you okay?”

  He probably thought she looked like a mess. Her eyes were probably blood shot from crying and lack of sleep. “Yeah I guess so. Can I come in?” She tried to offer him a smile, but she was sure the gesture didn’t cut it. It didn’t feel like her lips curled up, not even a little.

  Tyler’s room was nothing like Emily’s. It had a totally different theme. The floor was rustic looking hardwood that looked very old, almost ancient. It didn’t look worn out or anything. It was the kind that was supposed to look like that. Actually, the whole room had a rustic feel to it. It was definitely a guy’s room.

  “Cool room,” she said still looking around.

  Tyler looked at her as though he might fall back asleep standing there. “Thanks. Go ahead and sit anywhere.”

  Immaturely, she thought about popping a squat right there where she stood. Thankfully, Emily decided against it. Tyler probably wouldn’t get the joke. Or if he did he wouldn’t notice since he wasn’t even fully awake yet. “Thanks,” Emily replied moving to one of the chairs to sit down.

  Tyler followed her and sat in the chair opposite her. “Sorry, I’m just tired. It’s been a day you know?” He wiped a big hand across his eyes probably still trying to get the sleep out.

  “Yeah, a day.”

  “So, why are you here? Were you lonely in that big room all by yourself?” Even through exhaustion Tyler managed his crooked grin. “I’d be happy to keep you company…” Tyler trailed off his voice thick with implication as he stifled an escaping yawn ruining his sarcastic smoothness.

  “Ha ha,” Emily retorted mockingly. “No it’s not that. Duh. I just couldn’t sleep. I guess it’s just everything that happened today. I keep seeing that guys face in my head and can’t get it out. I killed him Tyler.”

  “Hold on a second,” Tyler put a hand on hers. “That guy was a blood sucking leech that wanted to drain that Beth girl. It wasn’t a human. You shouldn’t feel bad. I should.”

  “You? Why?” Emily asked disconcerted. “You’re not the one that cut the guy’s head off like a crazed savage.”

  “Exactly,” said Tyler firmly. He sounded full of regret. “I’m supposed to be a slayer and kill the bad guys like a savage. Instead you come in on a white horse and save the day after I choke.” His shoulders slumped and his face was full of pain.


  “No,Em it’s true. I choked and you kicked ass. You burned the hell out of that other one and took over chopping the head off mine,” Tyler replied envious.

  “Yeah I get it, enough with the graphic replay okay? I was there, remember?” She ran a hand through her hair. “Sorry I just don’t think my stomach can take it again.” Emily’s belly rolled and sloshed like a tiny boat on a big ocean. She actually could almost feel herface turning green. “The messed up thing is, at the time I didn’t even know what I was doing. It needed to be done, no offense, so I did it. I don’t even know where it came from. It was like all the fear was washed away and replaced with courage and know how. Only I don’t know how and don’t think I want to.”

  It wasn’t apparent if Tyler was even conscious anymore, until his eyes reopened and he sat back up. “I don’t know Em, but you have something inside of you that makes you belong in this world, whether you like it or not. You know, maybe we’re supposed to be a team.Like one of those famous duo’s in the movies like…” His voice broke off and his face scrunched up while he thought of an example.

  “Buffy and Willow?” Emily offered helpfully.

  “Exactly,” Tyler shot back sarcastically. “I get to be Buffy, she’s more bad ass.” Tyler waggled his eyebrows suggestively at her.

  Emily laughed. “Does that mean you think Angel is hot too?”

  “Aw, you got me. I can’t h elp it. I just love me some Angel. Except he’s way cooler as Angelus, when he joins the dark side.” Tyler laughed too now.

  Emily snorted. “Seeinghow you’re a guy, I’m surprised you didn’t say Willow. She’s got that whole girl thing going on.” She giggled.

  Tyler’s laughter stopped abruptly. “Oh, good call. Good lookin’ out Em.”

  A hard laugh burst from Emily’s lips. Tyler looked adorable. Sure he was a pig, but she started it.

  Despite the devilish grin across his face, the fatigue was settling in again.“See, you just got to make light of the situation and it’s not so bad.” Tyler yawned again. His mouth opened so big in fact, a train could have probably used his mouth as a tunnel. “Man, sorry. Just can’t seem to wake up.” He apologized through another yawn, this time covering his tunnel politely. “I’m glad you’re here Em. I think we were brought together for a reason I really do. You want to stay in here tonight?”

  Emily pulled her head back and her eyebrows shot up, “what?”

  His hands flew up in his famous surrender. “No no nothing like that I swear. I’ll be a good boy. Stay on my side of the bed and everything. God, I’ll even take the floor if you want. I just thought it might make you feel better that’s all I promise.”

  Accepting his explanation, Emily sat back more comfortably in her chair relaxing her tensed face. “Definitely tempting, but I think I might just go see if Alexander needs some help with Beth. Thanks though, I really appreciate it Tyler. Rain check?”

  “You got it. Now get out of here. I got
dreams of Willow and Buffy to look forward to now.” As an afterthought he added, “Thanks for that by the way.””

  “No problem dork, glad I could help.” Emily stood saying her goodbyes and goodnights to Tyler before leaving. She found herself giving him a great big bear hug too. It felt good. Tyler was a good friend to her. He made her feel safe and comfortable. She wished she could have known him when she was younger. He seemed like he would know how to have a good time under different circumstances.

  He wasn’t a lot taller than her but his frame was much wider. His arms around her made her feel small and protected. The fact that she technically saved his butt didn’t matter. Emily felt the tensed muscles in her body relax as he gave her one last squeeze before releasing her. It was stupid, but when he backed away from her Emily felt cold and stressed again. These people in her new life were getting passed her self-made wall, more than she wanted to admit. It was nice, but still made her


  When Emily turned to leave, Tyler gently grabbed her arm. “And hey, you really need to lighten up. You don’t have to assume that every time I ask you to stay thenight it’s a ploy to get in yourpants.” He released her arm and ruffled her hair playfully. “Not that you don’t have nice pants, I’m just not a total douche that’s all.”

  Hating when people played with her hair, Emily dodged out of his reach. She made sure to smile while she did, so he wouldn’t get offended. He was right. She needed to stop being such a prude. “I’ll try and remember that.” She promised as she turned again to leave.

  Before Emily even closed Tyler’s door she glanced back to see that he had already crawled back into bed. He would probably be asleep before the door clicked shut. Emily smiled at that. At least one of them was getting some rest. He deserved a little Tyler time.

  Once Emily was in the hall again she looked around to make sure she was actually alone. Part of her half expected Ivy to jump out and scare her. It was a relief to see that she was nowhere in sight. She hurried back to her room and snuck a peek inside. It looked empty anyway. Good. She didn’t want to, but she was going to have to talk to Alexander about getting a lock for her door. She didn’t want any more surprise visits from Ivy, or Kyle for that matter. Ivy may recruit him over to the I Hate Emily Fan Club. Honestly, he didn’t really seem like he had to be persuaded very far. She flipped the light off and closed her door back up tight. Emily wished with everything she had that Ivy wouldn’t come back and rummage around, or worse, destroy her stuff. Even though she didn’t really have stuff of her own at the compound yet, that wasn’t the point. Her space was still hers and no one had the right to invade it. Emily padded off in the direction of the infirmary, hoping Beth was still okay when she got there.

  CHAPTER 21 Alexander had a cot slid over next to Beth’s in the dim room. The bright fluorescent lights were no longer burning overhead. Instead, there was just one lamp on over by the desk. The different lighting made the room look less scary and sterile. Ever since her mother died Emily had loathed hospital settings. The infirmary room had proven no aversions had been concurred within her.

  Across Alexander’s chest was a novel laying open; he must have been reading before he fell asleep. Emily crept over to his cot and slowly slid the book from his still form. Not thinking, she closed the volume before looking for a book mark.

  Oh perfect , that’s really rude Emily, she scolded herself. Oh well, there was nothing that could be done about it now. Out of curiosity, she flipped the book over to examine the cover. Emily half expected it to be something on combat strategies, or what to do in case of a vampire bite. She was shocked at the normalcy that depicted the cover. Alexander, the head vampire slayer himself, was reading a first edition copy of Little Women. What was it with the slayer men? Did they all enjoy reading what was stereo-typically considered to be chick lit?

  Without a chance of stopping it, a giggle escaped Emily’s lips. Quickly she clamped her hand tightly over her mouth. Unfortunately, the deed was already done. Alexander’s eyes popped open and Emily froze. Ah great, now she had done it. Waking up Tyler was one thing, waking up Alexander, was entirely different. She bit her lip waiting for him to say something. For her part, Emily couldn’t speak. She could have at least said she was sorry for disturbing him, but shecouldn’t even manage that. Her hand was still pressed over her mouth like an idiot. Quickly she dropped it to her side and put the book down on the nearby table. The action made her look as though she just got caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

  The corners of Alexander’s lips twitched. “You find something funny about Little Womenyoung lady?” He sat up in one fluid graceful movement, with seemingly no effort at all.

  “Um... No sir, I mean uh… It’s a very good book,” Emily replied awkwardly stuttering like a moron.

  His eyes looked amused by her shame. “Emily, I’ve told you to refer to me as Alexander. I may be your elder and superior in command, but we attempt to avoid formalities here where ever possible.”

  She shifted uneasily. “Right. Sorry, I’ll try and remember, Alexander.” Emily said softly, her face turning a bright hot red.

  Alexander stood and moved away from the cot, to move toward Beth. The wounded girl didn’t look as though she had moved a muscle since the last time Emily had seen her. She was however, wearing what looked to be hospital scrubs and all the blood was wiped off her skin. The color seemed to be returning to her face as well. At least she didn’t look like she was already dead anymore. Despite her still unmoving form, Beth looked much better. If it wasn’t for the bandage over the bite mark and IV tube sticking out of her arm, she would look as though she were merely sleeping.

  Then as if hearing her thoughts, Alexander broke the silence making Emily jump. “The girl is resting well. I expect she will make a full recovery. Her heart is strong and she’s responding to the transfusion very well.” Alexander gingerly placed two fingers on her wrist checking her pulse. When he was done he nodded once to himself in satisfaction with the mental calculation.

  “When will she wake up?” Emily asked in a whisper, not wanting to disturb Beth.

  Alexander moved to stand closer to Emily before answering. “Her body has gone through a great trauma and has shocked itself into a deep slumber to protect itself. Young Beth will wake up when she is ready to return to life.”

  Alexander sounded so wise. Sometimes his words made him sound as though he was from another time and place, far from this little town. Honestly, he could very well be just that. Emily was sort of afraid to ask him how old he was. A small part of her hadn’t believed Sebastian, when he had said that Alexander was nearly three hundred years old. Itjust didn’t sound plausible. Despite Emily’s disbelief, she really wasn’t sure of the protocoland didn’t want to do anything to prove even further that she didn’t belong there.

  “You conflicted with young Ivy this evening,did you not?” Alexander asked breaking into Emily’s thoughts.

  Emily’s mouth dropped open with shock. How could he possibly know that? “Uh, I guess you could say that. She doesn’t seem to like me much.” Emily said, working hard to keep the annoyance out of her voice. Ivy had obviously tattled on her like a little kindergartner. Figures, Ivy would probably do anything to get Emily as far away from the slayers as possible, especially Sebastian. Emily sighed, completely exasperated.

  “Ivy is merely intimidated by you. She more than likely feels that you may steal some of her thunder around here.” Alexander reassured soothingly.

  Emily looked at him incredulous. “Steal some of her thunder? I don’t even know what I’m doing here. I don’t want this. I’d give this up and go home in a minute if I could.”

  Alexander rested a hand comfortingly on her arm. “Dear girl, you have been through much trauma yourself in the past few days. It’s important to relax and find your center. Don’t let Ivy or any of the others affect your comfort level. You belong here. I have a feeling your stay will be a long one in our world.” If possible, his voice
softened even more and he smiled warmly at Emily. “Even if that fate is not an appealing one to you at this time.”

  “I just don’t get why she doesn’t like me.” Emily couldn’t help the mild pouting tone that came through her inflection. “I didn’t do anything to her. She thinks I’m after Sebastian.That’s just crazy. I have no intentions on“

  Alexander cut her off, not unkindly. “Emily, as I have said she is intimidated by your presence here. She is an alpha personality, especially being the only female in our compound right now. Miss Ivy does have admiration for Sebastian. While he is fond of her, it isn’t at the same level of admiration that she holds for him. Also, you seem to be gaining abilities that she did not gain so quickly, or in which she hasn’t gained at all.”

  Emily’s incredulity returned. “How would she even know about my…” She stumbled over the word, “powers. I’m barely starting to discover things that may or may not even be powers? That’s part of why I came to talk to you. I really need some answers.”

  Alexander went back to his desk in the corner of the room. “You will find that slayers have ways of tapping into an instinctual intuition, which regular humans do not. For instance, Tyler’s ability to think of something he needs as a weapon can appear to him at his will. Not all slayers have that ability. Kyle has premonitions about future attacks, injuries and other future events. Sebastian can teleport from one location to another at his will.” Alexander stopped speaking and gave Emily a moment to take everything in that he had just explained.

  The extra moment for absorption didn’t make a difference. “What? Sebastian can teleport like on Star Trek?” Emily was completely dumbfounded. Although, that would explain how Sebastian could somehow disappear after he walked her home.

  Alexander’s lips twitched,just a little. “Not exactly like Star Trek, but yes I suppose in a sense it’s something like that.”

  “That’s incredible. Do the vampires have stuff like that about them too?”


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