Emmy's Lesson [Classics Rekindled 2] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour)

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Emmy's Lesson [Classics Rekindled 2] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour) Page 5

by Josie Dennis

  “Oh, I a–am very s–sorry,” Mrs. Phillips stammered. “I didn’t mean to s–so monopolize the c–conversation. If I was in any w–way—”

  “Mrs. Phillips. Miss Stoat.” Gabriel stood. “If you will excuse me, I need to have a word with Miss Woodson.”

  Still apparently aghast, Emmy rose and walked toward the woods. Gabriel trailed after her, leaving Stephen to make his own excuses. There was no question of his not joining them. Whatever lesson Switch was planning to give Emmy, devil take him, there was no way he was going to miss it.

  He found them in the woods, not far from the picnic but secluded enough that none would intrude. Emmy was facing Gabriel, her hands outstretched.

  “I did not mean to be so harsh, Gabriel,” she said, her delicate brow knit.

  “Harsh? You were mean-spirited, Emmy. It was badly done of you.”

  She nodded, tears filling her eyes. “And she is such a dear thing. I was just so tired of playing the lady today, listening to Harriet wax poetic about you and Stephen, that Mrs. Phillips’ excessive conversation just struck a raw nerve. I fear my mouth got away from me.”

  “I can see her point,” Stephen said.

  Gabriel faced him, arching a brow. “Do you think Emmy has made a suitable defense then, Stephen?”

  He caught Gabriel’s meaning and gave a solemn shake of his head. “Sadly, no. I daresay she needs to be taught a lesson.”

  She backed up against the tree behind her. Tears gone now, heat flared in her eyes. “Here?”

  “She will have to be quiet,” Gabriel said, stepping close to her. “Take her licks in silence.”

  “L–licks?” Emmy asked, her cheeks pink.

  When her pretty mouth gaped open Stephen’s cock filled to bursting. He’d never been aroused so hard and so quickly as with their Emmy. It was remarkable.

  “Your mouth, Emmy.” He approached, unbuttoning his breeches. “As you said, it got away from you.”

  She eyed him as he freed his rigid cock, her nostrils flaring. “Y–yes.”

  He glanced about, seeing the soft needles on the ground. No grass to mar her pretty dress, then. “Kneel.”

  She shot a glance at Gabriel, who crossed his arms. God bless old Switch. No one did stern like him. Stifling a grin, Stephen watched as she knelt before him. Before he could even tell her to she took his cock deep into her mouth. Biting his lip to keep himself quiet, he watched as she sucked him down to the root.

  “You are a quick study, love,” he heard Gabriel say softly.

  She grabbed onto his ass, clutching at him, mewing as she licked and nibbled on his cock. It was quiet in the woods, the sounds of the festivities far enough away that they barely intruded. He glanced over to see Gabriel’s eyes intent on Emmy’s mouth, his cheeks flushed as he watched her bring him closer to climax. What would Gabriel do to her next? Stephen could scarcely wait to find out.

  He suddenly came in a rush, flooding her hot mouth as he bucked against her. “Bloody Christ.”

  She stared at him, her lovely mouth agape, and he drew her up and kissed her. She tasted like the wine she’d had and his passion. There was no other woman like their Emmy. He lifted his head at last and she grinned at him.

  He buttoned his breeches. “Do not look so smug, Emmy. I daresay Gabriel has a punishment to impart.”

  * * * *

  Gabriel watched as Emmy’s eyes grew dark again. He could only imagine how she would take this next lesson. “Turn around,” he said.

  She quickly did so and he braced her hands against the tree. He lifted her skirts and spread her lovely legs with his booted foot. “You should remember that not everyone is blessed with family and friends, Emmy.”

  “I know,” she whispered.

  “Not everyone has company often.” He drew her drawers down her legs and handed them to Stephen. “When they are about they tend to want to fill the time with happy chatter.”

  “I am truly sorry I said such a thing to Mrs. Phillips.”

  He nodded in agreement. He ran his hands over her smooth bottom, easing beneath to stroke her pussy. “You’re wet.”

  That wasn’t truly surprising. Passion had been clear on her face as she’d sucked Stephen’s cock and after, as she’d obviously tried to envision what he would do to her. He continued to stroke her buttocks, to tease her pussy a few more moments, until he lifted his hand and gave her bottom a slap.

  “Oh!” she cried.

  Her skin responded, trembling slightly from his glancing blow. It was a beautiful sight.

  “You will apologize?” he asked, delivering another slap.

  “Oh, yes…” she said, closing her eyes in obvious bliss.

  She was incredible. His cock throbbed to be deep inside of her. What would it feel like if he slapped her as he fucked her?

  “You will refrain from making such comments in the future?” he went on, smacking her again.

  “I will, I will.” She clutched at the tree, her expression a pretty picture of frustration. “Please, Gabriel.”

  “What is it you want, Emmy?” Stephen asked, bringing his face close to hers. “Tell us.”

  “I want Gabriel inside me,” she whispered. “In my pussy.”

  Gabriel freed himself and sank into her. She stifled a cry as he moved hard and fast between her legs. He grabbed her hips, then lifted a hand to slap her again. She clutched him even tighter in response and he came with a shudder, holding her against him until the last tremor subsided. Her bottom was flush against his belly, his hand grasping one breast, and he nearly shouted with his pleasure. It was several long moments before he withdrew from her.

  It took a few minutes but when they were at last put together enough they readied to return to the picnic. Gabriel drew her to him, kissing her as Stephen had. “There’s a good girl.”

  She dimpled up at him. “Oh, I’ve learned my lesson.” She walked on ahead of them then paused to look back over her shoulder. “I daresay I shall have to think of new ways to raise your ire if this is the result!”

  Gabriel stumbled as Stephen laughed beside him. “She’s got our number, Switch.”

  Gabriel laughed softly. “Minx.”

  * * * *

  Emmy had surely not expected such an encounter this afternoon, but she was quite proud that she was able to return to the picnic appearing none the worse for wear. Leaving Gabriel and Stephen to mull over her parting words, she walked on toward the sounds of the picnic. Her body was sated, her bottom pleasantly tingling, as she rejoined Harriet and poor Mrs. Phillips.

  She knelt on the blanket and took the older woman’s hands in hers. “Dear Mrs. Phillips, do forgive me for my unkind words.”

  The lady blinked owlishly at her. “Miss Woodson, I know that I sometimes monopolize the conversation—”

  “Nonsense,” Emmy cut in. “You are a delightful companion and a welcome guest to any gathering. I daresay I was hungry or perhaps the sun gave me a touch of a headache. In any event, I should not have taken my discomfort out on such a sweet person as you.”

  Her words were sincere, and Mrs. Phillips seemed at last to take them to heart. She nodded. “Thank you for saying so, Miss Woodson.”

  “Capital.” Emmy beamed a smile at her. “Now where were we? Let us have some refreshments and we can continue on. What say you, Harriet?”

  “Oh, yes! I could do with a bit of something.”

  “Let me be your servant,” Stephen said as he joined them. “I shall be but a moment.”

  Gabriel stood there as Stephen departed, a look of satisfaction on his face. He was correct, of course. He always was. She had no cause to say such a mean thing to the dear old woman. He was right on another account as well.

  She took to their lessons with an enthusiasm that surprised even her.

  Chapter 7

  “I never imagined it could be like this, Switch.”

  Gabriel handed Stephen a glass of port and settled in the chair beside the cold hearth. Three days had passed since the picnic
and he still marveled over their interlude in the woods. “Nor I.”

  “I suspected the three of us together would be incredible. I just never guessed…” Stephen took a long sip then studied the liquid in the glass. “I just… I never felt like I belonged anywhere.”

  That was surprising. “What are you saying?”

  “This arrangement we have with Emmy…” Stephen’s face took on a dreamy expression. “She has surrendered to us fully yet maintained the spirit we fell in love with in the first place.”

  Gabriel looked closely at him, seeing an unease that belied his words. “You are not speaking of our liaison, though, are you?”

  “No.” His shoulders slumped a bit. “I admit I do not feel quite at home here in Highbury.”

  “Your father is quite pleased to have you back.”

  “I know.” He let out a sigh. “I lived in Yorkshire for so long, Gabriel. I scarcely remember my time here, save for short visits over the years. I…” He seemed to study the pattern in the rug before the hearth. “I entered into an arrangement there last winter.”

  “Truly?” Gabriel thought for a moment. “How well do you know the girl?”

  “What?” Stephen blinked. “No, not that type of arrangement. I became engaged.”

  “Bullocks! What were you thinking then, starting our understanding here?”

  “I never bedded the girl, Switch. It was just a connection I felt I needed. I was so bloody lonely in Yorkshire.”

  “But now you are back, Stephen. What of your arrangement now?”

  “I ended the engagement immediately upon our settling on our plan with Emmy. Neat and clean, too, as the girl had no real feelings for me either.”

  Gabriel narrowed his eyes on his friend. He appeared worried and befuddled now. “What is this truly about, then?”

  He drained his port and sat on the settee with a grunt. “You’ve always known what your life would be like. Where you would live, what you would do. I have never had that.”

  “Our liaison with Emmy was something I couldn’t have predicted two months ago, yet you were convinced it would come to pass.”

  A smiled tugged at one corner of Stephen’s mouth. “As I said, it has exceeded even my expectations.”

  “And it is what I wish to continue into the future. All of our futures.”

  Stephen nodded but the worried expression was soon back on his face.

  “Is this about your aunt’s property?” Gabriel asked him.

  Stephen waved a hand. “I let my steward handle the running of the estate. It is nothing to draw my time or interest.”

  Gabriel took a sip of his own drink. “And your father’s property? It shall be yours one day.”

  “Far into the future, I pray. Besides, I wouldn’t know how to oversee any of it.”

  “You could help me here, then. Until you come into your inheritance.”

  Stephen’s eyes lit with cautious hope. “Truly? You would show me how to manage your tenants and such?”

  “Of course. I could use a fresh perspective, I suppose. God knows I’ve been at this so long I’m certain there are new and better ways to handle tenant issues and the like.”

  “I would be a clumsy steward,” Stephen said, a grin on his face.

  “My God, man! You cannot believe I’d have you take on that role.”

  Stephen caught his meaning and laughed. “When you take on that scowl I nearly believe you are as harsh as you pretend to be.”

  Gabriel finished his drink and let out a breath. “Ah, you’ve learned my secret.” He closed his eyes. “I suspect you’ve always known.”

  “I have,” Stephen answered. “It is how I knew you would take to our new arrangement with Emmy. This is forever, Switch.”

  Gabriel met his gaze. “Focus on convincing our girl of that then, Stephen. Neither of us withdrew from her, and you know full well the possible consequences.”

  Stephen nodded.

  “As to the rest of it?” Gabriel went on. “I promise you I will help you figure it out when the time comes.”

  “You know, you’re quite the brother I never had.”

  “I am an excellent brother,” Gabriel answered. “The eldest, the most fair, the most diplomatic, the—”

  “The most pompous, the most unyielding.” They both fell into laughter, and then Stephen stood. “Well, I suppose I should return to my father’s home at a decent hour.”

  Gabriel nodded as Stephen saw himself out. He’d never experienced this kind of relationship before connecting with Stephen at school. Surely not with his own younger brother, now married to Emmy’s sister.

  Gabriel had come into the inheritance when their father passed far too early, not long after their mother. He was given no choice but to be the rock of the Kingley family. It was his lot in life, and he took to it with a vengeance. It was his destiny, and would be passed on to his own son when the time came. His son with Emmy, if he had his way.

  There was always the chance that Stephen would get a babe on her as well, either before or after his own seed took root. No matter. Any child born of Emmy would be a Kingley.

  He’d see to it, and to the comfort of his family. That included not only any future children but Stephen and Emmy as well. They were tied together in his mind, and the notion felt right clear to his bones.

  He would stake his fortune and his future happiness on it.

  * * * *

  “Tonight, the straps.”

  Emmy’s breath caught at Gabriel’s edict. “Oh, Stephen! Do hurry with the laces.”

  Gabriel chuckled as she and Stephen struggled to divest her of her clothing, then took himself into the closet. How she longed to see what he kept in there besides the remarkable crop. Soon both she and Stephen were naked as he ran his skillful hands over her body. He stood behind her, his cock teasing over her buttocks like it had the other night. Standing, however, gave her leave to rub against him as much as she wished as he cupped her breasts. Her pussy felt hot, tight. Eager for whatever was to come tonight.

  “Emmy,” he murmured, nibbling her ear. “Do you need another lesson in patience?”

  “No,” she sighed. “I shall be a good girl.”

  Gabriel joined them, watching with dark eyes as he peeled off his own clothing. “We shall see about that.”

  His cock was full as well, though tonight he didn’t seem to be in the discomfort she’d glimpsed when they were last all in his bedchamber.

  Tearing her gaze from his beautiful cock she regarded the strips of leather in his hands. “What are those, pray?”

  He shook his head and smiled, a sly expression that sent her pulse pounding. “On the bed, love.”

  Stephen gave her breasts one more squeeze before urging her onto the big bed. “In the center, Emmy. On your back.”

  She did so, her skin prickling from the impact of their close attention. Stephen took two of the straps from Gabriel and affixed one to each bedpost at the head of the bed. Gabriel did likewise to the posts at the foot and she suddenly grasped the import. Oh, was she a wanton to desire whatever they would do to her now?

  “Do give me one of your lovely hands,” Stephen said.

  He wrapped one soft strap around her right wrist, securing it so that her arm was stretched as far as it could go. He did likewise with her left, effectively pinning her upper body to the bed. She could barely move, but the straps were not so tight as to cause discomfort.

  When Gabriel took her right ankle in his hands she knew what was to come. Though she should have been embarrassed to submit to such treatment her pussy swelled as both of her legs were fixed to the posts and she was spread wide to his gaze.

  “Excellent,” he said.

  Stephen joined her on the bed, once again trailing his hands over her body. He traced his fingers over her nipples, which felt hard and tight. Fleeting licks of his tongue caused a whimper to escape her.

  “Quiet, Emmy,” Stephen whispered. “Tonight we shall see how far you can go before begging for

  She nodded, her lips parted as she took in shallow breaths. She felt on the verge of climax already and they had barely touched her.

  “The crop again, Switch?” Stephen asked.

  Gabriel nodded, coming to kneel between her legs. She eyed the clever crop, focusing on the popper that he soon flicked over her breasts. It brought no pain, just small bites of pleasure that sang over her flesh.

  “No discipline tonight, love,” Gabriel said, his voice thick. “But you must bow to our demands.”

  “Gladly,” she purred.

  He stroked her breasts again, trailing the crop over her belly now until he teased her clit. “Look at this handle, Emmy.” He held it aloft. “Does it put any notions in that sharp mind of yours?”

  She eyed the thick handle with its rounded knob on the end. “It looks like…” She flushed.

  “Bashful now?” Stephen asked. “To my eyes it resembles a cock. What say you, Switch?”

  Gabriel nodded, then lowered the handle to slowly penetrate her. She lifted herself to meet his thrusts. The handle was smooth, thick, and most delightful. It soon proved infinitely frustrating, however. She was seized with the need to raise herself higher, to urge him to increase his speed and pressure. She could scarcely move and he didn’t change his motions, damn his hide. He kept up the steady, slow movements until she cried out.

  “Easy, love,” Gabriel said. She heard the lust in his voice and could imagine his cock straining with every thrust of the crop. She couldn’t see it, however. When she looked downward she saw his shoulders and arms as he manipulated her new favorite toy between her legs.

  “Oh, you must take me!” she cried.

  “Now, Emmy. I am the one in charge here,” Gabriel answered.

  She growled her frustration. “Gabriel, the handle is not enough! I want your cock inside me now!”

  “Little wonder, that,” Stephen said as he tongued her nipple. “Gabriel is hung like a horse.”

  “Oh, but your cock is beautiful, Stephen,” she countered.

  Stephen lifted his head, one golden brow arched. “Oh?”


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