Emmy's Lesson [Classics Rekindled 2] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour)

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Emmy's Lesson [Classics Rekindled 2] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour) Page 6

by Josie Dennis

  “Yes. With its large head that feels so good deep inside of me. Please put it inside of me?”

  Gabriel groaned. “Emmy, you’re distracting me. Stephen, put something in her mouth.”

  In a flash Stephen straddled her, settling his cock between her breasts. “Gladly.” He put his cock in her mouth and she sucked it greedily.

  She took her frustrations out on him while twitching with pleasure as Gabriel continued to penetrate and withdraw. Stephen moved against her tongue, making sounds of his own heightened passions as he pinched and twisted her nipples.

  “Do not let Stephen come yet, Emmy,” Gabriel said. “Tease him.”

  “Damn you, Switch!” Stephen groaned as she released his cock and started to nibble on the underside of the head. “Christ, that feels good. Do that again.”

  There were no sounds in the room except for their labored breathing and the wet sucking sound of the crop handle as it slid in and out of her. She was in a frenzy now, sucking hard on Stephen until he came with a low groan.

  “Now, Emmy?” Gabriel asked softly. “Do you want my cock now?”

  She swallowed the rest of Stephen’s cream. Her lips moved but she couldn’t speak. She stared at Gabriel, fierce with wanting, and nodded vigorously.

  “That’s our good girl,” he said. He came over her and drove deep inside.

  She bucked as she came, soft moans coming from her as she tried to lift her pelvis up off the bed. He didn’t cease, bracing himself on his arms as his cock filled her at last. She pulled at her restraints, arching as much as they allowed, as she climaxed a second time. He stayed inside of her as he pulsed his own release. After the acute frustration they’d put her through it was like heaven.

  “Oh, I do like your leather,” she sighed.

  “And I love the way you look when you come, Emmy,” Gabriel answered, easing out of her.

  Stephen freed her hands while Gabriel freed her ankles and they each kissed their way down her limbs. Stephen kissed her breasts again while Gabriel sucked on her clit. To her amazement she found herself once again flying toward pleasure. “Oh, my!”

  “Not yet, love,” Stephen said. “We have other ideas for your delectable body this evening.”

  “But you have each…” She watched, surprised as their cocks swelled again. “How can you both be ready again?”

  They shared a glance then shrugged.

  “It is you, Emmy,” Stephen said.

  Gabriel urged her to a sitting position, kissing her gently. “Only you.”

  Chapter 8

  Gabriel flipped her over and she nodded as she braced herself on her knees. “Oh, one of you will take me from behind? I do so like that.”

  Stephen closed his eyes and gave a silent prayer of thanks for this girl of theirs. Nothing seemed to put her off, which boded well for what was to come now. Her bottom was high in the air, her cheeks reddened from the friction of the coverlet as she’d fought Gabriel’s teasing thrusts earlier. He could hardly wait to spread those pink cheeks and fuck her in that delectable ass.

  “Stephen will make it easy,” Gabriel said, stroking her back.

  He handed Stephen the jar of salve he’d purchased and Stephen took a generous amount onto his finger. “This will be a bit cold, Emmy.” He inserted one finger into her hole and she gasped. “It shall warm soon enough.”

  “In my bottom?” she asked, her voice high.

  “Do you trust us?” Gabriel asked.

  “Of course,” she said simply.

  Stephen moved his finger in and out, feeling her pinch then begin to grow accustomed to this new touch. “Now two fingers, love.” He stretched her a bit, eager now to feel her tight passage around the head of his cock. “Tell me what you feel.”

  “It is strange, Stephen. But not unpleasant.”

  He stroked deeper and she gasped.

  “Oh, that feels…” she said. “I like that.”

  Shifting, he withdrew his fingers and placed his cock at the entrance. Holding her steady he pushed until her flesh was tight around the head. Hot and tight, the salve giving just enough lubrication to allow him to go all the way in.

  “Ah, yes!” he crowed.

  Emmy mewed beneath him, easing back and forth as he slowly moved in and out of her. He took his time, knowing this was far different from their acts over the past weeks. She seemed to take to it, chanting his name as he increased his speed by increments. “Stephen, I need…” She glanced up at Gabriel. “Gabriel, please. I need…”

  “Something in your pussy?” Gabriel asked her.

  “I don’t know… I… Yes!”

  Gabriel handed Stephen the crop and he slipped the handle deep into her pussy. She was wet around it, tightly convulsing as he settled the thrusts into an accord. She began to shake, trembling as she neared her climax. “Oh!”

  Gabriel held her shoulders as Stephen increased his actions. She came in the next moment and he fairly exploded within her. It was incredible and he squeezed his eyes shut as he regained himself.

  He dropped a kiss on her supple back and withdrew both his cock and the crop handle. “You are amazing, Emmy.”

  She cuddled in Gabriel’s arms, surprise and bliss on her beautiful face. “In my bottom,” she mused aloud. “Who would have guessed?”

  He shook his head and fell into heap on her other side. Soon they would penetrate her at the same time, loving her in perfect harmony as the three of them found bliss. In just a few days she would be theirs in every way. He believed he had the ideal evening for that particular event in mind.

  “Will you go to the assembly Friday next, love?” he asked her.

  Emmy yawned then gave a nod. “Of course. There is precious little to do here, and Harriet has been talking of little else.”

  “She told me she much enjoys dancing,” Gabriel said, stroking his hands over Emmy’s silky hair. “I nearly told her that I wish to dance only with you.”

  Emmy came up on one elbow. “Gabriel, you mustn’t! No one must guess that we… That you and I and Stephen have…” Her cheeks flamed red, amazing as she had so recently begged quite vocally for the two of them to take her.

  “You do not wish to dance with us?” Stephen teased.

  “Of course I do.” Her brow furrowed. “You two must be circumspect.”

  “Hear that, Switch? No standing around with our cocks at attention every time Emmy sashays past.”

  She swatted him. “Do not tease me. Your father and Mrs. West will be in attendance, Stephen. Gabriel, all of Highbury is expected to attend as well. Promise you will not show any partiality toward me. Both of you.”

  Stephen shook his head. “I daresay it wouldn’t take much for anyone to guess what we feel for you, Emmy.”

  She lowered her gaze. “Lust,” she whispered. “I know.”

  He caught Gabriel’s gaze, seeing his own worry mirrored there. For once he decided to keep his mouth shut and take Gabriel’s lead. Any partiality? That tepid word was no way to describe what the three of them shared. Lust did not capture that either. Love. He saw it in all of Gabriel’s looks and knew he felt it himself. She had to love them as well. She gave so much with nary a hesitation.

  She was beyond perfect and soon she would realize that they could not envision a life without her in it.

  * * * *

  Emmy checked her appearance in the cheval glass for the fifth time. The assembly had snuck up on her, occupied as she had been with her two lovers. Ooh, lovers. Gabriel and Stephen gave her so much pleasure and seemed to take so much from her, it was nearly perfect. The only flaw marring their liaison in her mind was the niggling certainty that it would all cease in a matter of weeks.

  Autumn loomed, of course. And with it Gabriel’s estate business would be bustling with its harvest. Stephen would no doubt flee again and she would be left alone once more. Risking wrinkles to her gown, she sank onto her chair before her vanity and sighed.

  So much had changed since she entered into this affair with the
two of them. Her body seemed to no longer be her own, aching with needs she never could have imagined. Her mind seemed possessed as well, filled with thoughts and images from their encounters until she thought she would go mad. How they made her feel, body and soul, was something she never expected. Yes, her body and mind and soul were engaged. What she hadn’t prepared herself for was the total immersion of her heart. She loved them both. That realization was beyond startling.

  She’d admired Gabriel for years now, and Stephen aroused her nearly from the start. Perhaps giving in to her baser urges had been unwise in retrospect. If she’d known that she would tumble head over heels in love with both of them? Well, perhaps she would have kept her legs closed.

  “There is no use bemoaning what has transpired,” she muttered to herself. “I gave them everything and will be left with nothing.”

  But tonight? Tonight she would dance. She went down to her waiting carriage and departed for the hall.

  The assembly was a crush, no real surprise. Harriet found her almost immediately.

  “Oh, Miss Woodson! Isn’t it all so lovely?”

  Emmy looked about, seeing nothing out of the ordinary. “I am certain we shall enjoy ourselves, Harriet.”

  “Everyone is in attendance, Miss Woodson. Simply everyone!”

  “Mr. Markham, I presume?”

  Harriet waved a hand toward the left corner of the large room. “He and his sisters, yes. He looks quite handsome this evening, don’t you think?”

  Emmy followed Harriet’s fingers, seeing the gentleman farmer standing with two pretty girls not far from where the orchestra was seated. They all had the same wheat-colored hair, marking them as siblings. His dress was impeccable, if not particularly fancy. Tilting her head to one side, she was forced to acknowledge that he did indeed present a handsome picture.

  “He looks more than presentable, Harriet. Are you still set on him as a beau?”

  “I suppose.” Harriet sighed audibly, settling her gaze toward the other end of the room. “Although this evening there seems to be plenty of gentlemen to turn my head.”

  Emmy jerked her own head in that direction, her gaze searching even as she suspected who drew Harriet’s. The refreshments were set up there and, with a jump to her pulse, she recognized the striking figure of the gentleman leaning against the table. Stephen looked quite at his ease, dressed as finely as she’d ever seen him in tan trousers, brown jacket and green waistcoat. His hair glinted gold in the light of the candelabras hanging above. She knew how silky-soft his hair was, recalled clutching it frantically as he licked her pussy. His long legs were crossed at the ankles, the muscles of his thighs outlined in his trousers. She could envision him naked as she’d seen him two nights’ past, leaning at his leisure as she devoured his cock. She so loved his passion, but his bright spirit touched her as well.

  “Y–yes, Mr. Churchill looks quite handsome,” she allowed, hearing the tremor in her voice.

  “I daresay I hope he dances with me,” Harriet whispered. “He might lack Mr. Markham’s brawn but he is quite well-built.”

  “Harriet!” Emmy admonished with a harsh whisper. “You should not speak so in company.”

  Harriet blushed but gave a shrug. “He has a particular beauty, Miss Woodson. There is no denying that.”

  Emmy pursed her lips. She supposed she had no call to feel so possessive of Stephen and his particular beauty, yet Harriet’s words made her wish to snatch her friend’s hair from her head!

  “Excuse me, Harriet,” she managed to say. “I believe I shall go pay my respects to Mrs. Phillips.”

  To Emmy’s consternation Harriet still gazed at Stephen like a hungry child eyeing a berry tart. Huffing to herself, Emmy crossed directly across the room to speak with Mrs. Phillips. She still felt the sting of shame for how she’d treated the elderly woman at Gabriel’s picnic, and making amends gave her the distraction she craved from Stephen—and Harriet’s worship of him.

  “Good evening, Mrs. Phillips,” she said with a smile.

  “Oh, Miss Woodson! How good it is to see you.”

  Emmy smiled and settle beside her. “You look lovely, Mrs. Phillips. Those feathers look quite cunning.”

  The lady patted her turban, stroking the obviously-treasured decoration. “Thank you.”

  “And how does this evening find you?” she asked.

  “Quite well, quite well. I do so love an assembly.”

  She nodded. “Perhaps you think to dance?”

  Mrs. Phillips laughed gaily. “Hardly! That is a young people’s occupation. I do look forward to seeing you turned about the floor.”

  “Well, I am certain—”

  “There is Mr. Kingley!” Mrs. Phillips cut in. “Oh, he looks quite dashing.”

  Emmy spied Gabriel easily cutting a swath through the partygoers. He looked glorious, blacks and dark blues dressing his tall frame. Broad shoulders, long legs, narrow hips. She pictured him as she’d seen him most recently, stripped to his beautiful skin and thrusting up into her until she shattered around him. It wasn’t just the passion that caused her unease now, however. The realization she’d come to before departing for the assembly rang through her like a death knell. She loved Gabriel, utterly and completely. Her stomach clenched and she bit her lip.

  “Are you feeling quite well, Miss Woodson?” Mrs. Phillips’s voice broke through to her.

  “W–what?” she said, pulling her gaze from Gabriel. “I… Pardon?”

  “You look flushed, Miss Woodson.” The lady narrowed her eyes, concern on her dear face. “Are you all right?”

  All right? Not at all. Her heart raced, her skin prickled and her pussy clenched wildly. “I am fine, Mrs. Phillips.”

  “Miss Woodson,” Gabriel said with a bow. “Mrs. Phillips. How are you ladies this evening?”

  “Oh, very well, Mr. Kingley!” Mrs. Phillips fluttered. “Miss Woodson and I have been talking about dancing. Isn’t that right, Miss Woodson?”

  Emmy could not form words as she gazed up at Gabriel. When he arched a dark brow she knew that he guessed the direction of her thoughts. How could he stand there, so composed, when her body was a trembling mass of urges?

  “May I have this dance, then?” he asked, holding out his hand.

  It was such a large hand. So graceful, with such long fingers. She could almost feel him caressing her, unerringly driving her to climax. Once more she swallowed convulsively. “Of course.”

  Mrs. Phillips looked quite pleased with herself, eagerness showing in her eyes. Emmy forced herself to steel her expression as she allowed Gabriel to lead her into the dance.

  Thankfully the complicated steps of the country dance engaged her enough to quell her desires for the time being. By the time Stephen begged for his turn with her she felt confident that none present would guess the desires that swirled within her.

  “I have never seen you so quiet, Emmy,” Stephen said, bending his head close to hers as he twirled her about. “I daresay it is refreshing.”

  She did not rise to his bait, instead clicking her tongue and lifting her chin. “Mr. Churchill, I daresay you overstep. Are you saying I am quite dull this evening?”

  “Ah, never that.” He laughed.

  She gazed up at him, into his dancing eyes, and felt the floor tilt. Oh, Lord. She loved Stephen as much as she loved Gabriel.

  Her body might no longer be pure, but it was her heart that was damaged beyond repair.

  Chapter 9

  Emmy fled the dance floor with as much speed as she could muster without outright running, keeping her expression serene as those in attendance nodded their greetings. Being one of the few persons of such high status in these environs brought her attention she did not desire at present. It was unusual for her and but one more reason to wish she had never come to this blasted assembly.

  “Miss Woodson,” Mr. Hodge said as she hurried past.

  Nodding, she continued.

  “A delight to see you, Miss Woodson,” Mrs. Clayton sai
d as she stepped around her toward the retiring room.

  Emmy spied Mrs. West seated within the retiring room, her face a bit flushed. “Oh, Mrs. West!”

  “Dear Emmy!” Her former governess beamed. “It has been too long since I’ve seen you.”

  Guilt niggled at her. Yes, she had avoided both Mrs. and Mr. West. Her involvement with Stephen and Gabriel was not something she would want them to discover, and if she had to pass another evening in all of their company she would surely reveal every iota of emotion she felt for the two gentlemen. Just the thought of what they’d done to her at the pianoforte in the Wests’ parlor caused her to lower her gaze. She hadn’t even surrendered to them at that point, but now? With everything she knew about passion and lust and desires? All would be crystal clear to the woman who practically raised her.

  “I have missed you,” she said with honesty, sinking beside her onto the couch.

  “I found I had to seek solace from the crush out there,” Mrs. West said. “I saw you dancing, however.”

  Fondness warmed the lady’s eyes and Emmy smiled. “I have enjoyed myself, yes.”

  “With Mr. Kingley and our Stephen,” Mrs. West added.


  Mrs. West leaned back. “You know, I had hoped Stephen would stay in Highbury. It is his father’s dearest wish.”

  “It would be wonderful,” Emmy allowed.

  “I fear it is not to be, however.”

  Nausea swirled in her belly again. “Why, pray?”

  Mrs. West looked furtively about then came close to her. “He has entered into an arrangement, Emmy.”

  Emmy was speechless for a moment. Mrs. West could not know! “Oh?” she squeaked.

  “Back in Yorkshire.”


  “He has been engaged for months now. Well, at least he shall be settled at last even if it is in Yorkshire.”

  Emmy’s pulse pounded in her ears, a rushing sound that blocked Mrs. West’s voice. She could see the woman’s lips moving but could hear nothing but the crash of her heart shattering into a million pieces. Stephen was engaged?


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