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Shipping Sharon

Page 24

by Daisy Dexter Dobbs

  "Norman?" Keller said.

  "Yeah, buddy?"

  "Shut up."

  "Go ahead. My lips are sealed."

  Keller cleared his throat again and looked into Maisy's eyes. "You and I are like the components of a fine wine, Maisy. Blended together, I know we can achieve that special balance and harmony that will provide our relationship with body, substance, smoothness, character, and, of course, a pleasing finish." Keller chuckled.

  Maisy reached for the nearly empty wine glass on the nightstand and tipped it, allowing the red liquid to flow up the side and back again. "And don't forget good legs," she said with a wink.

  Keller laughed and squeezed one of Maisy's calves. "Great legs--definitely."

  Norman expelled an audible sigh, indicating his impatience, and Maisy and Keller snickered.

  "What I'm trying to say, Maisy is," he paused and cleared his throat again.

  "Yes, Keller?"

  "I want to ask you if--"

  "Oh, for heavens sake, Keller, spit it out already!" Norman cut in. "The man's asking you to marry him, Maisy. Say yes before I keel over from old age, will you?"

  Keller slapped his hand to his forehead and Maisy burst out laughing.

  "Are you Keller? Asking me to marry you, I mean?"

  Keller nodded. "And doing a rather poor job of it apparently."

  "Oh no. It was perfect, Keller. Just perfect." Maisy threw her arms around his neck and squealed. "Yes! Yes, Keller. Yes, yes, yes!"

  "Finally!" Norman said. "See, Maisy? Maybe now you'll believe that I'm psychic. I told you my dreams always come true and that you and Keller would end up together--"

  "Yeah, with just a bit of cockeyed finagling from you, Norman," Keller said, laughing.

  "Well, it worked, didn't it? It was my responsibility to get you two together. Anyway," Norman continued, "I'll get busy and set up the wedding arrangements at that cute little chapel with the justice of the peace over in Bloomingdale. You'll get married the day after Sharon and Wilson leave for Saudi Arabia. We'll have to keep the wedding relatively small because of the short notice, and, of course, we don't want Sharon to get wind of anything before she leaves. Rudy and his sister, Marta, have offered to have the reception at their restaurant, Bavaria Haus, which is right in your area, Keller. We don't have to worry about wine, because you can provide that. And--"

  "Whoa!" Maisy said. "Slow down, Norman. The man just finished proposing and you're already planning a wedding. What if we want a long engagement?"

  "Keller and I already worked out the details the other night when you were passed out after downing that killer chocolate potion." He laughed. "We decided it was best to get you guys hitched as soon as we ship Sharon out of here. We don't want to wait too long because if she comes back for some reason, she might try to screw things up. This is best, Maisy. Trust me."

  Maisy's jaw dropped and she turned to her new fiancé. "You mean to tell me that you and Norman got together and planned this all out without consulting me--before you even proposed or knew that I'd say yes?"

  Keller scratched his head and laughed. "Well, sort of, I guess. Norman was eager to make the plans, and I told him to run with it. And I wasn't worried about you saying no to my proposal, so that wasn't a concern."

  Maisy huffed, balled her fists, and planted them on her hips. "Oh is that so?

  Keller shrugged. "The Boris and Natasha thing kind of sewed it up, Maisy. Remember? I knew you wouldn't turn me down after you went to all of that trouble just to hook me." He threw his head back and laughed.

  Maisy rose abruptly and shoved Keller's shoulder, making him lose his balance on the one knee and land on his butt on the floor. "So you and my boss just decided to plan out my wedding and my whole life for me without even asking me for input."

  "You're absolutely right, Maisy," Norman said. "We definitely should have asked for your input. "Barcelona, London, or Frankfurt?"

  Maisy skewed her face. "Huh?"

  "I'm asking for your input, Maisy. Which of those three places do you want to go for your honeymoon?"

  Maisy slumped back on the edge of the bed and looked bewildered. "Well, let's see. I love London, but I've always wanted to go to Germany . . . hmmm, I guess maybe--"

  "Barcelona?" Norman said. "Good. Just what I was thinking. Great this time of year. I've got this terrific little villa lined up there for you guys with a gorgeous hand-painted ceramic tile verandah that overlooks the city. The neighboring buildings are a few hundred years old with magnificent larger than life sculptures and columns. It's quiet, full of history, secluded, the food is great, and I hear the villa's master bedroom is to die for. Good choice, Maisy. You'll love it."

  Still on the floor, Keller peered up at Maisy, broadcasting a charming little-boy smile. "Sounds romantic to me, Maisy. What do you think?"

  "Do I have a choice?" Maisy threw her hands up in the air. "Sure. Why not?" She paused for a moment and took a good look at Keller. "Oh my God," she said.

  "What?" Keller and Norman said together.

  "Well, it's just that this has all happened so fast and I just now realized that we're talking about the two of us actually being husband and wife and spending our honeymoon in Spain." She smiled wide and sat on the floor next to Keller, giving him a hug. "Keller, I don't care where we go or when, as long as we're together. So, Norman," she raised her voice so he'd be sure to hear, "you can just go right ahead and take care of whatever plans you please."

  "Great! I've already made the reservations. Hey Keller--you busy after breakfast?"

  Keller slanted the telephone an apprehensive look. "Why?"

  "Well, I was wondering if you wouldn't mind giving me and Rudy a hand. We're moving him into my place today."

  "That's great, Norman," Maisy said. "Rudy's a good person--and he's good for you, too. You need someone to help keep you on the straight and narrow."

  "What can I say?" Norman said with a laugh. "The big naïve lummox obviously needs someone to take care of him--so I figured I may as well volunteer for the job."

  "Sure, Norman. I'd be glad to help," Keller said.

  "Excellent. Then tonight you and your fiancée," he obviously relished saying the word, "can join us for cocktails--the four of us have lots to celebrate. Rudy and I are going to get started moving his stuff about ten o'clock this morning. How soon can you be here?"

  Keller looked at Maisy and picked up the bottle of chocolate syrup from the bed. "As soon as I manage to replace chocolate as the number one love of Maisy's life."

  "At that rate you'll never get here." Norman laughed. "Let's not get carried away, Keller. I know Maisy loves you, but--"

  "I'm hanging up now, Norman. I'll be there in time," Keller said as he slipped out of his jeans and shirt, jumped back into the bed, and squirted chocolate all over himself. As Maisy licked her lips and eyed Keller with a look of hunger and lust, Keller grinned.

  "But--" Norman began again.

  "Trust me," Keller said as he disconnected the call.

  The End

  * * *

  About the Author

  Daisy Dexter Dobbs

  After reading her first Nancy Drew book as a kid, Daisy Dexter Dobbs was hooked. She knew she wanted to be a writer. Years later, with numerous publishing credits and a number of writing awards to her name, she was thrilled to have her first novel, JEZEBEL AND THE EGGHEAD, published--and to see it listed in the top 50 of all e-books sold in 2000 on the eBook Connections eBook Bestseller List!

  Having completed another award winning, bestselling romantic comedy, SHIPPING SHARON, and a romantic comedy anthology, RUPERT, THE DEVIL-DOG FROM HELL: and Other Romantic Comedy Tales, she is currently working on the manuscripts for her next books.

  "Each book and short story is a great deal of fun for me to write," stated Ms. Dobbs. "Its always tough letting go of those characters at the end. They become so real ... so much a part of me, that it's hard to say goodbye."

  In fact, due to numerous requests from her readers
, Ms. Dobbs has already got a couple of sequels brewing, featuring some of the same characters from the books and short stories.

  "While I write in several different genres," Dobbs says, "romantic comedy will always be a particular favorite of mine. Just knowing that something I've written has added a bit of brightness, a smile, or some laughter to a reader's day is extremely gratifying. Encouraging a hearty, healing bout of laughter is my way of helping to make the world a better place."

  In addition to writing for the adult market, Dobbs also writes books for children and young adults. Her bestselling, quirky kids book, THEY NEVER DRINK . . . WINE, a humorous book about vampire lore, appeals to readers of all ages.

  A Chicago native, Ms. Dobbs, her husband (and real life romance hero), and daughter now live in the Pacific Northwest, where she can usually be found pounding away at the keyboard as she works on her latest manuscript; working on a favorite art or craft project; or dabbling in gourmet cooking.

  You can visit Daisy Dexter Dobbs' website at, where you can learn more about the author and her books.

  Daisy always enjoys receiving e-mail from her readers at

  To learn about other titles and their availability from Daisy's publisher, visit the Bodendorfer publishing website at




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