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Holiday Bliss Complete, Box Set Books 1-3: a Pride & Prejudice Intimate

Page 2

by Lily Lord

The rest of the morning was spent in discussing the arrangements for Georgiana and the Gardiners in terms of their sleeping accommodations, activities, and allocation of servants. In the afternoon, Elizabeth found herself feeling quite tired. She returned to her bedchamber to rest, and was surprised to encounter Mr. Darcy in the upstairs hallway.

  The unexpected vision of her husband walking toward her made her heart rise with joy. Even though they lived together now, the house and the estate were so vast that it was unusual for them to encounter each other except at the end of the day. It was a surprise to Elizabeth to find out how much work Mr. Darcy had to do to manage the property, his tenants, and his finances. For her part, she was extraordinarily busy simply keeping the household running.

  What had looked like a life of leisure from the outside turned out to be a very busy operation, which gave her scant opportunity to explore her own favorite pastimes. She would dearly love to be able to stroll the magnificent grounds every day, but it was proving impossible to get all of her tasks done in time to take as many carefree walks as she would prefer. Perhaps the pressing needs of the household would lessen once she became more adept at running things. And certainly the Christmas season, with all of the expected visitors, was particularly full.

  Darcy’s smile when he came upon her unexpectedly in the hallway was like the sun coming out from behind a cloud. He opened his arms as he approached her, as though he expected her to walk right into his embrace. Looking behind and ahead of them, Elizabeth ascertained that they were alone in the hallway. She entered into his arms, laughing, and let his warm mouth find hers in a welcome greeting.

  “Why, Mrs. Darcy, what a nice surprise finding you upstairs at this hour,” he said, smiling in that wolfish way he had. “Were you perhaps coming upstairs for a few moments of lying down in bed?”

  Elizabeth smiled back at him. “If I said that I was, Mr. Darcy, would I need to fear that I was encouraging you to join me in said bed?”

  “You need not fear it at all, wife,” he said, the look in his eyes growing more intense. “Encouragement or not, I am willing, indeed eager, to join you in bed. Now or anytime. You say the word, and I rise to the occasion.”

  Elizabeth felt the color come up from her neck to her face. She did not answer right away, and Mr. Darcy took the opportunity to bestow a shower of kisses on her nose, lips, chin, and neck. The warmth of his mouth on her tender skin only increased the heat she was feeling. His kisses drove her mad with desire.

  Darcy stepped back suddenly, and she was so surprised that she almost lost her balance, but he reached out a hand and took her elbow to steady her. She could see his eyes looking at something behind her, and when she turned, she realized that one of the chambermaids was approaching down the hall.

  Elizabeth cast her eyes downward, willing the bright color in her face to subside. Gently, Darcy urged her forward with his arm under hers. As they passed the young maid, she stepped aside and said, “Good afternoon, sir and madam.”

  Darcy kept his hand on Elizabeth’s elbow until they reached her bedchamber. He opened the door and ushered her in, and then closed it quickly behind them. Before she could react, his lips were once again on hers and his strong arms were pulling her close. Hot kisses tumbled down her chest until they reached the cleavage between her breasts. Darcy’s fingers gently pulled down on the top of her gown, the fire of his need fueling her own desire.

  Elizabeth gasped as his warm tongue reached her nipple and sent a sweet message surging throughout her body. Her husband’s quick hands had already lifted her skirt, and she could feel fingers sliding up above her stockings to touch the soft sensitive skin of her upper thighs. Her breathing was coming quicker, and she tried to think sensibly about how to react.

  “Fitzwilliam,” she said, her voice low and breathy, “I cannot do this right now. I have more to do before Georgiana arrives in terms of getting the household set for her visit. And my hair…”

  “Your hair is beautiful,” he said, his fingers sliding slowly up her thigh and eliciting the response that she knew they would. “I love your hair.”

  Elizabeth shook her head, smiling. “Mr. Darcy, while I do appreciate your nearly irresistible bodily ministrations, I do not believe that it is possible for us to keep coupling every day mid afternoon as we have most days since reaching Pemberley. Both you and I have many duties, and we cannot be sneaking upstairs to lie together in this manner.”

  “By God woman, why not?” He said, and his voice was infused with both lust and amusement. “Such is the privilege of the married. What good does it do me to be one of the richest men in England, and have this a vast estate at my disposal, if I cannot have physical congress with my beautiful new wife on every possible occasion?”

  “Every possible occasion, sir? I could only imagine how much of said activity you would indulge in if your wanton desires were never rebuffed. Would you ever be sated?”

  “I cannot say. But it would be a capital experiment. Let us begin forthwith. I will order the servants not to bother us for the next fortnight, and we can see just how long it takes for me to be sated.” He paused. “Perhaps they could bring us food, at that. In order to keep up our strength throughout the duration of this fantastic quest.”

  Elizabeth realized suddenly that Mr. Darcy had slyly moved them backward to the point where they were now beside the bed. He was somehow managing to talk to her while still assiduously licking her left nipple and sliding his hand ever closer to her womanly delta. She wanted dearly to give in to his desires… and hers… but she really did have more duties to attend to. Furthermore, the elaborate hairstyle that Fiona had so carefully arranged this morning would be utterly ruined if she acquiesced to his request. With a sigh, Elizabeth gently pushed his mouth away from her breast and covered herself.

  Mr. Darcy removed his hand from between her legs, letting her skirt fall to the ground abruptly. His expression was clouded.

  “Perhaps you think that this is an amusing game, Mrs. Darcy,” he said. “However, I can assure you that this coquettish behavior of yours is becoming less attractive.”

  Elizabeth felt as though she had been struck. This sudden change from passion to coldness was altogether unexpected.

  “Fitzwilliam, I am entirely puzzled at your reaction. I did not come upstairs seeking your company, although I was, as always, very happy to see you.”

  “And yet, you encourage me. When a man finds his wife upstairs in the middle of the hallway, and begins to demonstrate his interests, to which the lady acquiesces…”

  “I did nothing to encourage you.” Elizabeth stood as tall as she was able and stared up at her husband.

  “I do not call it nothing, madam, when you allow my lips and hands on your person in such a way.” Darcy’s eyes were dark again, but it was anger rather than desire that ruled his expression. “There is many a man, husband or not, who would not take no for an answer after such an invitation.”

  “An invitation? I am only human, sir, and though I respond physically to your bold entreaties, that does not mean that my intellect is not fully engaged with whether or not it is appropriate to proceed.” Elizabeth could feel that her face was still inflamed, though no longer by passion. “And your reference to men who would force a woman into any such activity is shocking.”

  At that, Darcy said nothing. He gave a brusque bow, turned on his heel and left her bedroom, closing the door crisply behind him.

  Elizabeth sat down on the bed. What had just happened? It was hard to credit the fact that this was the same man who had been so sweet with her this morning. She was learning about Fitzwilliam Darcy’s temper, but his occasionally mercurial changes of mood were puzzling. And infuriating.

  She shook her head, determined to put this behind her. No doubt he would be different yet again the next time they encountered each other. For now, she was going to lie down and take that rest she was dying for. There was plenty to do yet today, and Georgiana would be arriving in the next several hours.
r />   Arranging her hair carefully on the pillow, Elizabeth closed her eyes and settled into a fitful sleep. Her dreams included visions of being chased by Darcy along the paths at Pemberley. But when he caught her, he ran by, and then she began trying to catch up with him. But she never could. She couldn’t run fast enough, because he was far taller and faster. She watched as he got farther away in front of her, and despaired of ever reaching him again.

  Elizabeth woke up with her heart pounding and the back of her neck perspiring. She rose from the bed, splashed some water on her face, and told herself firmly once again to put this afternoon’s incident out of her mind.

  There was a quiet knock at the door. For a moment, Elizabeth’s heart leapt. Perhaps it was Darcy. Would he apologize, or was he still angry? Had he returned to press his case for physical congress once again?

  “Come in,” she said. She faced the door and patted her hair to find any stray curls that might have escaped the elaborate coiffure.

  But when the door opened, it was Fiona. She gave her usual unpracticed curtsy. “Are you ready for me to dress you in the blue gown, ma’am? I believe Miss Darcy will be arriving very soon.”

  “Yes please, Fiona.” Elizabeth turned around while Fiona helped her out of her clothes. The girl was uncharacteristically quiet while she put the gown on her mistress, no doubt recalling her earlier mistake in talking too much. It surprised Elizabeth to realize that she missed the chatter. Fiona was one of the few people at Pemberley who spoke freely to her. Other than her husband. And with a sigh, she realized that today, at least, she did not feel she could consider Darcy her confidante.

  Her life had changed so much in the six weeks since she had been married. She had gone from living with her family in a busy house with her sisters, her intelligent but uninvolved father, and her garrulous mother… to a grand estate filled with servants who were new to her, and only Darcy as a true equal. But even as the thought came to her, she wondered. Could she possibly be called his equal? Equal in rank, perhaps, but as a woman, nothing close to the equal of a man.

  She had known that she would miss her sister Jane dearly after they both married and moved to live with their respective husbands. But she had not quite anticipated how different it would be to live at Pemberley rather than in the village of her youth. There, she knew everyone, and it would be fair to say that she had grown rather weary of some of the characters she had been acquainted with since birth. However, her new living situation was so foreign as to be something of a shock to her sensibilities.

  She missed Jane greatly, and although the sisters wrote to each other on a weekly basis, it was not at all the same as living in the same house. A sudden wave of nostalgia overcame Elizabeth as she realized that such times had passed. Never again would she live with Jane in such close proximity.

  She missed her father, too, and even her younger sisters. Despite her mother’s often vexatious complaints, she also missed Mrs. Bennet. Much to her surprise.

  At least, tonight, she and Darcy would have the added company of his sister Georgiana. That would be a welcome relief if Fitzwilliam was still angry at her. Elizabeth shuddered to think about the possibilities of being in this big house with only him as true companionship if he should maintain the kind of resentful and angry behavior she had seen earlier today.

  She was pulled out of her reverie by Fiona’s voice. The young girl had finally decided to speak.

  “Is there something wrong, ma’am?” Fiona was looking at her quizzically, her wide gray eyes looking puzzled.

  “Not at all, Fiona,” Elizabeth said. “I was just thinking about my family.”

  “You’ll be missing your mam, then,” Fiona said, nodding her head solemnly. “I know I would. My girlfriend Bridget got married last year, and when she come home to visit she told me about how much she missed her mother. Even though she couldn’t wait to marry and get away from her noisy house.” Fiona bent down to smooth the petticoat under Elizabeth’s gown. “She said that at home, there were so many kids that she couldn’t hear herself think. And then I had to laugh, because when she come home to visit, she was in the way of bursting out with a babe of her own. Isn’t that funny?”

  Elizabeth smiled. Apparently Fiona had gotten over her fear of speaking.

  Still bent down, arranging Elizabeth’s petticoats, Fiona chattered on. “Won’t be long before you and Mr. Darcy will get your own baby, probably.”

  Just as Elizabeth opened her mouth in startled response, Fiona popped up to a standing position. Her face was bright red and her eyes were as wide as Elizabeth had ever seen them. She had her hand over her mouth.

  “Oh, please forgive me ma’am. I spoke too much again. My mamma is always telling me my mouth gets ahead of my brain. Not that I have much of a brain, she says.” Fiona’s brow knitted together, and she looked to be near tears. “Please don’t sack me ma’am. I promise, this is the last time I’ll talk too much. Mums the word from now on when I’m helping you. I promise, please. I need to work.”

  Elizabeth realized that she had been standing in surprise with her mouth open through Fiona’s last speech. “Fiona, I am not going to dismiss you. But I do have to caution you about your free discussion of such intimate details. Not every employer would be willing to overlook such inappropriate conversation.”

  Fiona looked relieved. “Oh yes ma’am, no ma’am. I know, ma’am.” She leaned down and looked as though, for a moment, she intended to kiss Elizabeth’s hand. Apparently, she thought better of it. “You are too kind, ma’am. I will be sure to watch my mouth in the future.”

  Elizabeth smiled. “Perhaps you should find a suitable subject that you can speak on, and you won’t be tempted to stray into dangerous waters again. It is always safe to talk about the weather.”

  Fiona nodded, vigorously. “Yes. The weather is safe. And there is always weather to talk about, isn’t there? You are so wise Mrs. Darcy.” She stepped back and looked at Elizabeth. Apparently satisfied with the dress, she moved up to her hair and relocated a few pins. “Now you you look just like a lady who come down from London. Very elegant.”

  She looked worried again from moment. “Pardon me. Of course you would look elegant, Mrs. Darcy, all the time. A woman like you. And if you didn’t, it wouldn’t be up to the likes of me to give you advice on how to be.” She began wringing her hands together. “Oh, Mrs. Darcy, I cannot do this right. I am not fit to be a lady’s maid. I cannot seem to talk about the weather at all.”

  “Tell me, Fiona,” Elizabeth began. “Does it look like rain today? It is very common to have rain in December in this part of England, is it not?”

  Relief broke out on Fiona’s face. “Oh yes, of course, ma’am. It very often rains in Derbyshire in December.” She clapped her hands together. “That is not so difficult. I can talk about the rain.”

  “I am sure you can, Fiona. It is important to remember though, if you intend to be a professional lady’s maid, that it is not up to you to make the conversation. You should respond when spoken to, and of course be polite, but do not start questioning your employer or raising topics of discussion unless you are certain that she wants to talk.”

  Fiona nodded eagerly. “Yes. I understand. The fine ladies in houses like this are not looking for chatter with the likes of me, for sure.”

  Elizabeth smiled at the young woman. “I believe I am now suitably attired and coiffed for greeting Georgiana when she comes. Thank you for your help, Fiona.”

  Fiona took her cue. She gave a little curtsy. “I’ll be leaving you then, ma’am.” A determined look came over her face. “Do not hesitate to call on me if you need information about the weather.” She nodded, pleased at having offered her expertise, and then left the room.

  As Elizabeth watched the door close, she reflected on the vagaries of human nature. Comical Fiona, with her nonstop talk, and Mr. Darcy, with his sometimes imperious demands, were two of the new characters in her life. She supposed she would get used to both of them in time. And while Fi
ona was an employee and could be let go at will, Elizabeth instinct was to be as patient with the girl as possible in the hopes that she could help her learn to behave appropriately for the position that life had dealt her.

  As for Mr. Darcy, Elizabeth trusted that his was a lifetime appointment. They would just have to learn to get along. She was more than willing to accommodate his whims and desires, but she could not accomplish the impossible. It was to be desired that he would make some accommodations of his own.

  Elizabeth stepped over to the narrow window on the far side of the bedchamber, where she could get a view of the beautiful land in front of Pemberley House. The rising hill and wooded area that sloped down to the mansion was lush and never failed to fill her with a sense of wonder that this was now her home.

  As she watched out the window, she saw an elegant carriage approaching. This was certain to be Georgiana. Elizabeth felt her mouth break into a smile as she thought about how satisfying it would be to see Darcy’s young sister again.

  She headed out of her room, along the hall, and down the steps at a brisk pace. She could see the servants assembling in the entrance hallway, and a feeling of excited anticipation permeating the place. Georgiana, the much beloved young lady of the house, was coming home.

  Elizabeth arrived in the foyer just in time for the door to be opened by Drake, the head butler. As he nodded and smiled at her, she could see him peeking around the door for a view of Georgiana in her carriage.

  Outside, Darcy was already waiting for his sister. Elizabeth stepped up beside him, feeling an unfamiliar sensation of nervousness. She wasn’t nervous to greet Georgiana, but about what her husband must be thinking right now. The realization that she was worried about his affections for her disturbed her. But she put on a bright face and smiled as the carriage stopped in front of Pemberley.

  Darcy strode swiftly up to the carriage door and opened it with a flourish for Georgiana. As she stepped down on the arm of her brother, it was clear from her expression that she was overjoyed to be back at the family home.


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