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Holiday Bliss Complete, Box Set Books 1-3: a Pride & Prejudice Intimate

Page 5

by Lily Lord

  On top of the disagreement with Mrs. Reynolds was the matter of Georgiana and her potential suitor. Darcy had been much displeased to find that his sister had made the acquaintance of a young man while she was most recently in London, and through the offices of his aunt, Lady Catherine de Bourgh, no less. He was adamant that she was far too young to be concerning herself with romance, and marriage least of all.

  Elizabeth tried to free her mind from such worries. After all, her beloved Aunt and Uncle Gardiner were coming today, and that should trump all other concerns.

  After a few minutes of relaxing in her room with her eyes closed, Elizabeth felt better. And a good thing too, because she had a lot to take care of today.

  Just as she was beginning to think she would hear from Fiona, there was a tap on the door.

  “Mrs. Darcy?”

  “Come in, Fiona.”

  The young woman came in, bobbing down with her usual curtsy, but there was a sparkle in her eyes that would not be repressed, and she began talking as soon as she entered the room.

  “Oh, ma’am, I know that I am not supposed to gossip, and I certainly do not want to. We can speak about the weather and the likelihood of rain if you would prefer. But I did think that you might want to know that Mr. Darcy’s sister, young Miss Darcy, left the breakfast table again this morning. Crying!”

  Elizabeth took the cool cloth off her head and sighed. “Fiona, I am sure you are bringing me this intelligence with an eye toward informing me of important family matters, but I do have to admonish you to be cautious about bringing up such topics. First of all, I have to ask why you say that she left the table again this morning.”

  Fiona looked puzzled. “Well, everybody knows that she left dinner early last night, in a huff, and that you and Mr. Darcy ended the meal soon after.”

  Elizabeth shook her head. “And, you know this how, Fiona?”

  “Why, because the staff got to eat the rest of the lovely meal, now didn’t we, ma’am?”

  Smiling, Elizabeth nodded. “Yes, I suppose you did. But in the future, Fiona, you might want to pretend just a little bit that you do not know quite so much about your employer’s disagreements. Even though we live in close quarters here, the wise servant is very discreet about revealing her intimate knowledge of the goings-on in the master’s house.”

  Fiona’s eyes grew round and then she cast them downward. “You are right, ma’am, I am always going on with my mouth. I can’t seem to stop it. I should just see things and not talk about them. It seems that my mouth gets ahead of my noggin.”

  Fiona looked as though she were about to cry. “I promise I’ll get better, ma’am.” She paused for a moment, and then clasped her hands in front of her. “I did notice that it was very cloudy out the window when I was downstairs. But I did not see any rain. That’s how the weather is today, Mrs. Darcy. Should you want to know.”

  Elizabeth repressed a smile. “Thank you, Fiona. Could you help me get dressed, please? I believe I will wear my rose gown today. I want to look nice to meet the Gardiners.”

  Fiona appeared relieved to be given a task. She brought out Elizabeth’s gown and all the requisite underpinnings and set about dressing her. She then proceeded to create another lovely coiffure for the day.

  Once the gown was on and her hair was arranged, Elizabeth took in a deep breath and gazed at herself in the mirror. She felt better, if not fully herself.

  She headed for the door of her dressing room. “After I meet with Mrs. Reynolds to discuss the Christmas party, Fiona, I may come up again to refresh myself before the Gardiners arrive and the evening meal is served.”

  “Very good, ma’am,” Fiona said, dipping into her curtsy as Elizabeth left the room.

  Walking down the stairs, Elizabeth was relieved to discover that she was feeling more energized than earlier in the morning. She had probably simply needed that brief moment of peace.

  As she headed toward the library, she saw Georgiana sitting at the pianoforte with her hands on the keys. However, she did not move them at all, and no music emerged from under her accomplished fingers.

  Elizabeth stepped into the music room. “Georgiana?”

  The young girl turned suddenly, dislodging the musical score propped in front of her. As she bent down to pick it up, Elizabeth saw her take a crumpled handkerchief out of her lap and dab her eyes with it.

  Elizabeth crossed the room and took Georgiana’s hands in both of hers. “Oh my dear, are you all right?”

  Georgiana leaned forward immediately and put her arms around Elizabeth’s form. “Lizzy. What shall I do? I am so in love with him.”

  Elizabeth gently pried the girl away from her and helped her to stand up. “Georgiana… let us find a place where we can speak privately, and do not need to fear being overheard by other interested parties.”

  The two women quickly donned hats and shawls and headed out into the brisk December sunshine, choosing one of the many wonderful paths that the Pemberley estate offered. When Elizabeth was satisfied that they were far away enough from the house that they would not be overheard, she invited Georgiana to unburden herself. The girl was only too eager to speak.

  “Lizzy, I cannot describe how wonderful he is. I did not mean to fall in love with John Stanley. Even though Lady Catherine introduced the Viscount to me, and he is every bit the gentleman that my brother is… perhaps more so, because he will inherit a title upon his father’s death… I knew that the common wisdom would hold that I am too young to be married. And of course, Willy would be understandably leery of any potential suitor, after my humiliation with the despicable Wickham…” As she spoke, Georgiana dabbed at the corners of her eyes with her soggy handkerchief, her words coming out between quiet sobs.

  Eventually, Elizabeth offered her own handkerchief as a secondary repository for the copious tears the poor young woman was leaking. There were many questions that she wanted to ask, but she resolved to hold her tongue until Georgiana had gotten the whole story out in her own time.

  Georgiana was now laughing between bouts of crying. “So, after John Stanley and I were introduced, and I realized that he was charming, and intelligent… and so very good-looking!… I recognized that here was danger. I was not going to make the same mistake again. Fall for a cad who only looked the part of a gentleman.”

  Georgiana stopped in the path and turned to Elizabeth, as they had reached a sheltered spot under a tree some ways from the house. “So I made some very discreet inquiries. And all reports came back that the Viscount is the genuine article. He is everything he appears to be, and is indeed very popular with the ladies…” Georgiana paused, giggling. “As you can imagine, Lizzy! When it is known that we are engaged, there will be dozens of broken hearts all over London, I assure you.”

  Elizabeth realized that she must have looked at her sister-in-law in astonishment at that remark, because Georgiana began nodding. “I know. Of course, I can’t be seriously thinking of an engagement, when my brother will not even countenance the idea of my knowing this young man, let alone agree to meet with him.” At that, Georgiana took Elizabeth’s hands in both of her own. “Only, I know it to be true Lizzy. I know that he loves me, and I certainly love him. And one day we will be married. It is only a matter of time.”

  Now Georgiana let her sister-in-law’s hands go and gave a little twirl as they stood under the tree in the middle of the path. “No doubt you think I am foolish, Lizzy. To be so certain. So young. But I am. I have met the man of my heart, and that will not change.”

  Elizabeth smiled at her sister. “Georgiana, if it is as you say it is, I am sure that it will come to pass. But you must perforce be patient. Your brother loves you very much, and desires only your happiness, but he feels he needs to protect you…”

  Georgiana stamped her foot. “Just because I made one mistake, when I was much younger, does not mean that my judgment cannot be trusted…”

  “Frankly, I do not believe that Fitzwilliam’s reaction to your potential beau is
a result of your earlier… youthful confusion.” Elizabeth tried to temper her words. “I doubt that your brother would have reacted much differently if you had mentioned any possible suitor at your age… particularly one that he had no hand in choosing… whether or not there had been any involvement with the odious Wickham.”

  Georgiana nodded. “Perhaps you are right, Lizzy. We will never know.” She took Elizabeth by the arm and began walking again. “But please, you will help me, will you not? You know the way to soften up my brother. Can you persuade him to at least meet the man I love?”

  Elizabeth smiled at Georgiana. “I will certainly do what I can to persuade him to keep an open mind and take an opportunity to make the acquaintance of your young man. After that, I believe it will be up to your brother to realize that you are an intelligent young woman who is now old enough to be taken seriously in the realm of romance and matrimony.”

  Georgiana stopped and embraced Elizabeth. “How did my brother get so lucky as to meet someone like you? I am not at all sure he deserves you. And I love my brother, but he can be difficult…”

  Elizabeth tried to keep her expression neutral. “Oh?”

  The two women laughed, and Elizabeth suddenly clapped her hand to her mouth. “I was supposed to have spent the last half hour speaking with Mrs. Reynolds about the Christmas party. And with the Gardiners coming in mere hours, I still have much to plan. Are you content to return to the house with me?”

  “Of course, Lizzy. And I am so grateful and happy to have your kind ear on this matter. There is no one else in whom I could have confided.” Georgiana leaned over to embrace Elizabeth, and as she stepped back another tear trickled down her cheek.

  The two women made their way quickly back to the house and then parted. Elizabeth called for Mrs. Reynolds to come sit down with her in the small parlor where she took care of household matters. She was not surprised to observe that the older woman seemed a bit frosty.

  “I am sorry to have kept you waiting, Mrs. Reynolds,” Elizabeth said. “No doubt you have a very busy schedule.”

  Mrs. Reynolds nodded and rewarded her with a small smile. “I am always at your disposal, Mrs. Darcy.”

  “So, is everything in readiness for the food you will have served at the party on Boxing Day?” Elizabeth asked.

  The housekeeper’s face brightened. “All is in order. We have a grand variety of meats, and of course, a dozen pheasants. There are cheeses and great display of different puddings. Cook has it in hand. And of course, for the children, some small sweets and fruits.”

  “Very good,” Elizabeth said. “And has the dancing been arranged?”

  Now Mrs. Reynolds looked less pleased. “As you requested, Mrs. Darcy, we have found musicians to play, and an appropriate way for the tenants and townspeople to access the ballroom. I must repeat, however, that encouraging dancing on the day after Christmas is not something that Pemberley House has been known for in the past.”

  Elizabeth looked at Mrs. Reynolds with an expression that she hoped did not reveal her impatience. “Yes, you had mentioned that earlier. But I remain convinced that it is perfectly fitting for young people to get together and dance at Pemberley. How better to have them socialize then when they are under the watchful eye of all of their friends and neighbors… and their families? I do not find it in the least bit scandalous.”

  Mrs. Reynolds seemed to bristle. “Nor do I consider it scandalous, Mrs. Darcy. I simply wonder whether we want to associate ourselves with something that is more appropriately done in a dance hall.”

  Elizabeth arched her brows. “Certainly, there must have been dances at Pemberley House in the past?”

  “Well, of course, madam. Dances for the Darcys and their friends. People of their class. But not for strangers off the street…”

  “Strangers?” Elizabeth said, not bothering to hide the surprise in her voice. “These are hardly strangers. Most of these tenants have been known by Mr. Darcy and his family for generations.”

  Mrs. Reynolds made no response.

  Elizabeth went on. “I would like to think that we are just as supportive of young people who are not of our ‘class’ as those in the peerage.” She sat back in her chair, realizing how tired she felt. “I trust, Mrs. Reynolds, that despite your reservations, you will do everything in your power to ensure that this party is a success on every level. Including the dancing.” As Elizabeth attempted to take the appropriate authoritative tone, she could not help but be aware that the older woman before her had been in the Darcy household for decades, as compared to her own brief tenure of less than two months.

  Mrs. Reynolds nodded. “Of course, Mrs. Darcy.” Her response was clearly given with reluctance.

  Elizabeth repressed a sigh of frustration. “Now, if you will excuse me, Mrs. Reynolds, I am going to take a brief rest before the Gardiners arrive.”

  As Elizabeth made her way upstairs, she reflected on the delicate dance between mistress and servant. Certainly, she was entitled to make all decisions about the internal workings of Pemberley House. But it was no surprise that Mrs. Reynolds, seemingly an affable person in most respects, was a bit put off to find a new young mistress wanting to change the way things were done. Certainly she felt she knew better how to arrange a party in the traditional Darcy manner. No doubt Elizabeth would’ve felt the same kind of surprise and even resentment, where she in the head housekeeper’s position.

  When Elizabeth reached her private sitting room, she settled into a chair with a sigh. What was the matter with her? It wasn’t like her to feel so tired in the middle of the day. Perhaps, after the holidays were over, with the visits of Georgiana and the Gardiners, she would take the time to see a doctor. Although she wasn’t sure what a doctor could tell her.

  She really had only to get through today, the Christmas Eve meal following the Gardiners’ arrival, and then Christmas day and Boxing Day immediately after. She had been looking forward to all of the holiday events, but now was not feeling as enthusiastic, in light of her flagging energy.

  She resolved from now on to try to take at least a small walk every day that the weather would allow, because the outdoors often revived her spirits and her energy level. But for now, she would just take a few minutes to close her eyes. It must have been more than a few minutes because the next thing she knew there was a light knock on the door and she startled out of sleep. Looking around to remember where she was, she called out, “Come in.”

  “Lizzy, my love, how are you feeling?” It was Darcy crossing the room at his usual brisk pace and coming over to stand in front of her. “Are you well?”

  “Yes, just…” Elizabeth looked around and realized that the sun was lower in the sky. How long had she been asleep? “I am fine. I was simply tired.”

  “Do you want to go to bed?” Darcy’s tone of voice was perfectly innocent, but after he asked the question his mouth turned up at the corners and his eyes darkened with that spark of desire that she knew so well.

  “Mr. Darcy, I dare not retire to my bed during the day, lest you think me an appropriate target for your lust.” She added a broad smile to her teasing, and he laughed.

  “I must confess that the thought did cross my mind, Mrs. Darcy. Of course, if you feel infirm…”

  “I feel perfectly fine right now, Fitzwilliam. There will be no need for doctors, and I am sure my fatigue is just temporary.”

  With that, Darcy pulled her gently out of her chair and put his arms around her. His eyes took on a serious look.

  “Lizzy, I have been remiss in not inquiring as to how you are getting along here at Pemberley. I have been so busy with my own affairs regarding the property and my other investments… and I am so used to Pemberley as my home… that it did not occur to me until now what an adjustment it would be for you.” He looked down at her and took her chin in his hand, tipping it up. “It must be very different from what you had been used to in your family home.”

  Elizabeth felt something within her thaw. She relaxed
against the broad chest of her husband and gave a sigh. “It is very different, Fitzwilliam. And it is kind of you to ask. I imagine that there are hundreds of women around England who would be more than happy to trade places with me, to be the wife of the rich and handsome Mr. Darcy, and the mistress of Pemberley.”

  He looked down at her. “And yet…”

  She smiled. “And yet, it is challenging. A big household staff to supervise, a grand estate with lots of established tradition…”

  “And the proud Fitzwilliam Darcy as your stern taskmaster.” His eyebrows lifted and his mouth tilted into a smile.

  “Indeed,” she said. “Very stern.” She lifted her head and rose onto her toes to kiss him. The kiss turned from gentle and sweet into something warmer. Darcy pulled her closer, one hand at the small of her back and the other touching the nape of her their neck just under her hairline.

  As his kiss intensified, his tongue slipped into her mouth and she welcomed it. Darcy’s warm hand on her neck began to slide down to her sensitive shoulder, slipping under her dress so that she could feel his fingers caressing her skin. Soon that hand began exploring the swell of her breast.

  Elizabeth felt her body responding. Her heart started to beat harder and her breath came faster. All thoughts of the tasks she still needed to accomplish today flew out of her head. She kissed him back with abandon, pressing her body against his and raising herself higher so that his mischievous hand inside her dress made contact with her nipple. As it did, she heard her husband gasp in surprise.

  Her body was singing with desire. A shiver ran down her back and Mr. Darcy responded by holding her closer. Elizabeth felt as though she were wrapped up tight in a blanket of love. For a moment she thought of the bed in her chamber, close by and connected by a single door.


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