Against All Odds Crossroad

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Against All Odds Crossroad Page 3

by Sarah Amerson

  Bless them, they were making my life easier by ordering the same thing.

  I turned to the last man on the table to take his order and got the shock of my life. I literally stiffened right then and there, my eyes wide while my mouth was open.

  I couldn't believe it.

  Staring back at me was the man on my phone.


  He still looked as knee-wobbly worthy as last week. Only this time, his jaws and chin were shaved neatly – making him look younger. His very blue eyes gazed curiously at me, as if he just recovered from the shock of seeing me and now he was wondering what I was doing at a place like this. Either that or he didn't remember me at all, and he was just plainly curious about who I was because I looked familiar to his eyes.

  I'll take the latter.

  I closed my eyes and quickly composed myself. When I was ready, I opened them and greeted him as politely and as calmly as I could.

  “And yours, sir?” I directed at Leo a.k.a Mr. Russo.

  I blinked, realization coming over me.

  My good God, he was Leonardo freaking Russo? The only heir of nationwide-known Russo Shipments? There was also a rumor that the Russo family were . . . I vaguely shook my head. It wasn't my business.

  “What do you recommend?” he asked me, leaning back on his chair.

  I fought to keep my cool.

  Carefully, I spoke the practiced speech whenever customers asked that exact same question. But as I was speaking, his eyes drifted down to my lips, making it incredibly hard to concentrate on what I was saying. Thankfully, though, I managed – barely.

  “Right,” smiled Leo, like he was having his own private joke about something. He leaned forward and placed his elbows on the edge of the table. “I'll have that,” he added. Then, he winked at me as a crooked smile made its way to his lips.

  I swallowed the sudden urge to squirm at the sexiness of that small gesture.

  NO, Bridget. Stop it.

  I gave a nod at him and wandered my eyes at the gentlemen around the table.

  “Will that be all, gentlemen?”

  When they bobbed their heads to confirm, I gave a slight bow and left. As soon as I was in the safety of the kitchen, I gripped the nearest counter and took deep breaths. My eyes closed as I tried to calm down.

  “Hey, you okay?” I heard Jack's voice ask.

  I tried to nod, but ended up shaking my head.

  How could I possibly be okay? I slept with . . . McHottie was . . . The man who I gave myself to was the heir to . . . If the rumors were true, he was the practically Prince of the . . .

  Oh, my God.

  As I slowly opened my eyes, my right hand flew to my now sweaty forehead. I narrowed my eyes, staring into space as I put the puzzles together.

  It made sense now – why I felt that Leo had some sort of cold superiority towards other people, his commanding gaze while we were at the dance floor, his Hulk-ish bodyguard Marco, his Hummer. Now that I thought about it, the Hummer would most likely be for protection rather than for purposes of showing off.

  “Bridget?” called Jack's voice again.

  I waved my hand to him signaling that I was okay. But I still didn't look at him. Not yet. I needed to get a grip of myself first.

  I tried to tell myself that it wasn't a big deal. It was just one night. Leo most probably didn't remember me, anyway. And if he did, I highly doubted that he'd do something about it. It wasn't like I was special. It was just sex.

  I really hoped he wouldn't do anything about it. I seriously would not know what I'd do if ever he remembered how amazing that night was and pursued me. Actually, I knew what I should do. The problem was the odds of me being able to do it was pretty slim, especially if my body was in war with my mind. I would be torn.

  “Bridget Walker?”

  I stilled. I didn't dare turn around.

  That deep masculine voice . . . There was only one person I knew it could belong to. And I honestly didn't want to face him, especially not right now.

  What on earth was he doing here in the kitchen, anyway? And how did he freaking know my whole name?!

  Geez, Bri, I thought to myself. If he really is basically the son of you-know-who, then of course he pulled his strings of you-know-what to know everything and anything he wanted.

  “Mr. Russo,” said Jack in a very surprised tone, though I could tell he tried it well to hide it from his voice. “How may I be of your assistance, sir?”

  “You can give me a minute alone with this mademoiselle.”

  “No need,” I managed to say firmly.

  I raised my head and saw that we were receiving looks from some of the working staff near us. My eyes wandered to Jack. He caught my eye and gave me a questioning look. I didn't satisfy him with an answer.

  Right. Time to deal with the devil – who was heaven in bed, might I add.

  I willed my utmost confidence to surface before I fully faced Leo. He cocked his head to the side, studying me. I almost, almost closed my eyes again in self-consciousness.

  Damn his good looks.

  “I'm sorry, Mr. Russo,” I told Leo in a clear voice. I looked at him straight in the eyes, showing that I meant no-nonsense. “With all due respect, we're very busy trying to make a living and simply don't have time to mingle. Furthermore, customers are not allowed in the kitchen. So if you please may, I will escort you back to your table.”

  Something flashed in his eyes. Anger? Hurt? Disbelief? Astonishment? But before I could think more about it, he smiled smugly at me.

  “Looks like the girl at the bar is gone now,” he concluded quietly.

  I tried my hardest not to look away from his piercing gaze and act as if I wasn't affected by his words.

  “She never existed,” I replied coolly.

  He let out a small laugh. “So you say. But I'll be the judge of that,” he decided, flashing me his sexy smile. Of course, I didn't fail to catch the hidden threat in his last words.

  I cleared my throat. “Please let me take you back on your table now, sir.”

  “No,” he refused, shaking his head. “I can manage on my own. I don't want to disturb you any more than I did. After all, you're too busy trying to make a living,” he added teasingly, using my words a while ago.

  With that, he turned and nodded to Jack before finally leaving the kitchen. It took a couple of seconds before the people who were watching went back to their works. After letting out a deep long breath, I finally began to prepare the appetizers for the gentlemen. As I was putting them on a silver-coated tray, Jack stood beside me.

  “Mind telling what all that was about?” he asked, his arms crossed over his chest.

  “It was nothing,” I mumbled, picking up the tray.

  He continued to stare at me, probably deciding if I was telling the truth or not. But as far as I was concerned, even if I didn't want to admit it, I knew to myself that it wasn't nothing. I knew myself well enough to predict that I'd be thinking about Leo and I's encounter tonight – and the fact that he bothered to find out my full name.

  “Seriously, Jack,” I assured him, making my way out of the kitchen.

  “Please don't get tangled up with him, Bridget,” he said to me sternly. I paused because of his hard tone, and I looked at him. “Leo Russo is a very dangerous twenty-four-year-old man.”

  I didn't blink. “I know.” I figured as much.

  “Do you?”

  “If the word on the street is true, then yes.”

  “Whatever you heard is just an icing to the cake. I've seen with my own two eyes what he's capable of doing. Trust me, you don't need that in your life.”

  I wanted to ask him what exactly he saw, but I stopped myself because the expression on his face explained enough. To add more, he was right. I didn't need that in my life. In fact, I didn't want that in my life.

  “I know that, Jack,” I whispered. Without waiting for his response, I walked out of the kitchen and went back to my duties.

  The night passed
with me trying hard to ignore the eyes I could feel watching my every move, every breath. I was thankful that Leo didn't try to talk to me whenever I went back to their table. He did, however, study me as if I was some piece of art displayed on the wall for his sole entertainment, which frustrated me to hell. I seriously wanted to take out his beautiful blue eyes so I wouldn't feel like I was being stripped naked in his head.

  The fact that I liked the thought of it made me want to slap myself.

  Jack also kept sneaking me glances, like I was going to snap any second. I tried to ease his mind by giving him reassuring smiles every now and then, but the worry lines on his forehead didn't go away.

  And then, there was Wendy. One time through the night, she quickly spoke to me while she was on her way to serve some customers.

  “Heard the thing in the kitchen,” Wendy told me under her breath when we passed each other. “You have to tell me how you know Leo fucking Russo.”

  I rolled my eyes, but she didn't see it because she was already serving a table with a huge charming smile plastered on her face. Yeah, like I'd tell her anything. We weren't that close. And it wasn't really her business.

  I was actually quite glad when the City's four young bachelors finally finished their meals. Mr. Vanderbilt paid for it, and he left me a very generous tip. I faintly wondered if the huge amount of tips I had today was Fate's way of making up for the unfortunate event of seeing Leo again – and knowing his true identity.

  When they stood up to leave, Leo purposely fell a bit behind to look at me. I pretended not to know that he was still standing there as I cleaned their now empty table.

  “You better not be ignoring me because you want me to leave you alone,” he said in a low voice.

  I could practically feel his breath on my neck, making me rapidly take a step back from him. It didn't look appropriate, especially on a public place like this.

  “I don't know what you're talking about, sir,” I replied quietly, looking at him with an innocent expression. “With a face and stature like yours, why would anyone want to ignore you, Mr. Russo?” Yep, I was playing the innocent card.

  His jaw clenched. It was obvious that he was fighting back a laugh or a chuckle. But what was funny in the situation was lost on me. He did grin, though.

  “That's a very good question, Ms. Walker,” he commented, amused. “I'll be sure to ask her that later.” As soon as he said the last word, he flashed his crooked smile at me and left.

  What? Did he just say 'later'? What did he mean by 'later'? He didn't mean it literally, did he? He wouldn't wait for me to end my shift, would he?

  Easing my mind, I convinced myself that he was far too busy to wait for some waitress to end her shift just to ask her a nonsense question.

  Going back to my work, I ignored Wendy's unending questions and Jack's watching eyes. I was grateful when my shift ended, quickly going to the locker room to change back into a fit black t-shirt and skinny jeans. Sitting on the bench, I put on my combat boots. I heard Jack enter the room, I knew his footsteps enough to tell that it was him. I didn't want to talk about Leo with him, so I hurried what I was doing. When I was done, I grabbed my hooded jacket and put it on. I then wore my favorite leather jacket over it – it was my father's.

  “You don't plan on telling me the whole story?”

  Dang it.

  I closed my locker and slung my bag over my shoulder before facing Jack. He leaned back on his locker as he stared at me.

  “There's nothing to tell, Jack,” I sighed, getting tired of this. “I slept with him once. I had no idea who he was then. But even if I still didn't know now, I don't have the time to get friendly with him.”

  “You slept with Leo Russo?”

  “Yes, it was one night.”

  “Well, you must have done a number on him because he seemed pretty determined.”

  I looked away. I didn't have an answer to that.

  “Bridget, I treat you like my little sister. Just please promise me you'll be careful.”

  My eyes met his. “I'll be careful,” I promised him. “Now stop worrying please. It's so weird seeing you all worked up,” I added lightly.

  He let out a strained chuckle. “Fine. See you on Monday.”

  I smiled and blew him a kiss. “See you!”

  With that, I headed towards the exit and left the building through the back – which was also considered as the employee's entrance. As soon as I closed the metal door behind me, I took a deep breath.

  Why so playful, Fate? I couldn't just sleep with a boring ordinary guy who led a normal daily life in the City, could I? You just had to make me meet the bad boy?

  A bad boy – again. Geez.

  I shook my head and walked out of the dark alley. I kept my hood up as I began my journey home tonight.

  “I was starting to wonder when your shift would end.”

  I stopped dead on my tracks.

  Crap, crap, crap.

  I reluctantly turned around, dreading the fact that I was about to see the very person I didn't want to see ever again. But there he was, with his God-given good everything. He was leaning on his Hummer beside Marco who was standing and looking intimidatingly at whoever dared to lay an eye at the pair of them.

  Leo straightened up and walked over to me, stopping when we were only a couple of feet away from each other.

  “I was waiting for you,” he explained when I gave him a questioning look.

  “Why?” I asked, a little harsher than I intended.

  “Because I'm giving you a ride home.”

  At that, I was startled.

  “Why?” I queried again, this time with a suspicious tone.

  “Because I want to.”

  “Why?” I asked, yet again. I wasn't going to let him do anything that involved me without getting a good answer that would convince me otherwise.

  “C'mon, Bridget,” he pleaded, cocking his head to the side and giving me the cutest puppy dog look I had ever seen.

  I almost gave in, too – if it wasn't for him mentioning my name and reminding me how influential he really was.

  “How did you find out my name, anyway?” I noted, crossing my arms defensively.

  He shrugged. “I asked Michael earlier to get the name of our current server.”

  “Michael? You mean, Michael Vanderbilt?”

  “Yeah, he's a good friend of mine.”

  “So you only found out my name tonight?”

  There, I'm finally throwing the innocent card out the window.

  “Yes.” He stared curiously at me, his eyes narrowing and looking through mine. “Why, would you rather if I found out sooner?”

  I quickly shook my head. “No!” He laughed at my outburst, so then I added, “I'd rather if you didn't find out at all.”

  He stopped laughing, and nodded his head. “Let me take you home.”

  “No need.”

  I started to turn when he stopped me by holding my arm. For someone who grew up with such violence, I was surprised at how gentle he was. But then I thought, he was always so gentle with me.

  “Bridget, it's not safe. Aren't you scared of bad guys?”

  I seriously wanted to laugh at that.

  “Aren't you a bad guy?” I asked him before I could stop myself.

  He looked surprised, like he didn't expect me to say that at all. But then he quickly composed himself. The surprised expression was replaced with an indifferent one.

  “I won't hurt you,” he said quietly, not really answering my question. “At least, not physically. Nor intentionally.”

  I rolled my eyes at his careful choice of words.

  “You know, most girls would even find it a turn-on,” he added a-matter-of-factly, trying to lighten up the mood, “being who I am.”

  I grimaced. “That's screwed up.”

  “Depends on how you look at it,” he shrugged. He stared at me for a moment before saying, “Let me take you home.”

  I frowned at his tone of voice. He sou
nded like he was pleading – like it hurt him a bit to actually plead.

  “Please?” he begged, his hands clasped together in a prayer position and his brows furrowed while he pouted his pink lips. He leaned his head down so that his eyes were in level with mine. Taking a step forward, he pulled his face closer to mine.

  I didn't know how he did it but what he was doing now was beyond more powerful than his puppy dog look just a few minutes ago. This was adorable. He was adorable. It was so hard to imagine him be the bad person I was thinking him to be. But I knew better . . . didn't I?

  I squeezed my eyes shut.

  It wouldn't be that bad, would it? I mean, it wasn't going to happen again after tonight. Yeah, he'd know where I live but he was also a busy man. He wouldn't waste time just to go my place – where I barely was at, anyway. Right?

  “Just this once, okay?” I cleared out.

  Immediately, his face lightened up. He straightened up and turned to Marco, giving him a signal. I looked over at Leo and saw Marco get ready to open the car door for us.

  “Let's go,” declared Leo, when he faced me again. He stepped back and gestured me to go first toward the vehicle.

  “Leo, just this once,” I repeated firmly, letting him know I was serious.

  He looked away from me, the playfulness gone. He sighed deeply, running a hand through his hair.

  “I'll think about it,” he replied.

  “No, you won't.”

  “Bridget, I'll think about it,” he told me, looking me in the eye. “That's the best I can promise you, or do you prefer I lie?” There was a bossiness I hinted in his tone, like it was already final and there was no argument.

  I rubbed my face with my left hand.

  “Fine,” I decided, heading to his Hummer where Marco opened the door for me. Thank God, I wasn't wearing a dress. I wouldn't need Leo's help to jump inside anymore.

  Marco closed the door when Leo got settled in his seat. As soon as Marco got in his passenger's side at the front, Leo turned to me.

  “So, where to?” he inquired.

  This is it.

  “Um . . .”

  So what will it be, Bri?

  “Prospect Place, Brooklyn.”

  Honestly, I just hoped I didn't regret this.


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