Against All Odds Crossroad

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Against All Odds Crossroad Page 4

by Sarah Amerson

  Chapter 4: Setting it Straight

  I tried not to speak during the ride home. Leo also didn't try to make light conversation with me. Instead, he got to straight to the point.

  “How did you know about that part of me?”

  For a moment, I had to think about what exactly he was asking. But then I realized he was referring to his “life.”

  “I'm a New Yorker,” I replied incredulously, as if that explained everything. “The name 'Russo' is quite infamous in the streets, you know.”

  Leo studied me. “Only to a few people in certain areas of the City, and I don't think Prospect Heights is one of them.”

  I bit my lip and looked away.

  Actually, the main reason why I knew a tad bit about the Russo family background was because my dad and his cop friends used to talk about them a lot whenever we had a Barbeque at our old home. But then there was also this one time in Bronx, when Ariana and I were living with our Aunt Harmony, that I heard that name again.

  “I used to live in West Bronx with my Aunt,” I simply answered.

  “Ah,” he said quietly, but he still continued to watch me with those piercing eyes of his.

  I really hoped that would throw him off, knowing that I came from a poor family and a bad neighborhood. That was only partly true, of course.

  “You must have grown up pretty tough, then,” he guessed.

  “I had to,” I muttered, before looking at him.

  He nodded as his eyes wandered toward the window, his left elbow was on the arm rest while fingers were on his lips. He looked so thoughtful, like his mind was far, far away.

  For a tiny second, it occurred to me that he might not want the life he had. And if so, did I have the right to condemn him for something he didn't wish for?

  “I'm sorry for blowing you off in the restaurant,” I said sincerely.

  After all, I didn't know his whole story. I might have a good reason for avoiding him, but the Leo I met last week didn't deserve that. Our night together was beyond wonderful that it wasn't right for me to just judge him based solely on his reputation.

  Leo slowly turned to face me. He cocked his head to the side, gazing curiously.

  “You know, I almost forgot to ask you,” he recalled, leaning his full body towards mine. “Quoting your words earlier, 'with a face and stature like mine, why would anyone avoid me?'”

  I was prepared for that question.

  “Because some people got enough drama in their lives and just want a peaceful one.”

  “Who says I want drama?” he queried, leaning closer to me. He dropped his voice low as he added, “Maybe I got enough drama in my life, too. Maybe I just want something like the night when I was devouring you.”

  Holy crap. He was so good at seducing women, even when he was only doing so with words. I simply couldn't compete. I was even growing hot already.

  “Maybe,” I whispered.

  He was dangerously close to my face now. As much as I hated admitting it, I had to say that I leaned towards him, too. Just a little bit, though.

  “I'm sure there are plenty of girls who are willing enough.”

  His eyes went from my lips, then to my eyes.

  “But I want you,” he murmured, his mouth barely a couple of inches apart from mine.

  It took absolutely all of my will power not to whimper after hearing those words come out from him. I bit back my tongue in fears of saying the exact same thing.

  I had to at least try and control the situation, right?

  “I know how to use the gun in my bag,” I blurted out.

  That was completely true – and probably not the smartest thing to share to a company like him. What the heck, though? I might as well warn him not to mess with me.

  I know. That's pretty brave for a girl secluded in a Hummer with people who can make me vanish off the face of the Earth with just a snap of a finger.

  Leo's eyes snapped up again to look into mine. I thought he looked shocked. And maybe for a moment he was, but then it was immediately replaced by an amused smile.

  “You have a piece,” he nodded impressively. “Smart girl.”

  Yes, I am.

  Then, he continued.

  “That won't stop me from kissing you, though.”

  And before I could react, his lips were on mine. My hands flew to his shoulders to push him away from me, but he was too strong. He grabbed my protesting hands with his left hand, while his right hand reached behind me just above my butt and slid me under him. I was too preoccupied with what his hands were doing that I wasn't able to stop him from slipping his tongue inside my mouth. He explored it before caressing my tongue with his.

  Without me knowing, I was getting lost with the heated kiss.

  I didn't realize that my eyes were closed, and that my touch senses intensified. I didn't realize that Leo let go of my hands, which were now in his hair. I didn't realize that my legs were wrapped on his waist, pulling him closer to me. I didn't realize that I was moaning as his hands disappeared beneath my sweatshirt, then shirt, until he was touching my bare skin.

  I felt his lips travel along my jaw line, to my neck – sucking so hard that my toes curled, and down my throat. When he lifted his head, I was about to open my eyes to see where he went. Before I could, I suddenly felt him dip his hot wet tongue in my navel.

  “Oh, God,” I moaned loudly, unable to stop myself.

  I could swear I felt him smile. But all thoughts flew out of my head when he closed his mouth around my navel, sucking on it while his tongue dipped and rolled inside. His hand went upward to my breasts, kneading them softly through my thin-laced bra as his thumb pinched my nipples slowly.

  “L – Leo,” I panted, before biting my lip – hard.

  Feeling his lips and hands on my skin felt so good that I wasn't sure exactly when I was brought back to my surroundings, but I suddenly heard nervous whispering.

  “. . . wouldn't do that.”

  “. . . been circlin' around the block for a couple o' times.”

  A humorless chuckle. “Go interrupt the capo. Your funeral.”

  I heard a grunt from the front seat.

  My eyes instantly opened.

  The front seat! Shit! We're still in the car!

  I instantly sat up and pushed Leo away, putting my clothes back properly. His eyes were were full of lust and hunger as he looked at me. We both caught our breath and our faces were flushed in pleasure from what we were just doing. But while my facial expression was mixed with pleasure and embarrassment, his was a combination of pleasure and anger.

  He turned his glaring eyes to the front, where I saw the driver glance nervously at the rear-view mirror while Marco's big shoulders tensed.

  “I'll deal with you fucking idiots later,” he told them in a menacing voice.

  I've never heard him use that tone before. It made me realize just how little I knew about that other side of him. He sounded really scary and dangerous just now. On the bright side, I was glad that I wasn't the one who was receiving the looks of that ruthless cold eyes.

  I willed my eyes away from him, not wanting the image of gentle Leo to be ruined.

  Looking out the window, realization came over me that we were already at our street. And we just passed my apartment building!

  “There!” I exclaimed, pointing to the building we just passed. “Stop!”

  The vehicle jolted to a stop, causing me fly forward. Good thing Leo was fast, for his arm held my body and stopped my face from slamming into the head rest of the front seat.

  “Thanks,” I mumbled.

  “Sorry, capo!” the driver immediately apologized.

  Leo didn't acknowledge him, instead he said to me, “I'll walk you.”

  I quickly shook my head. “No, it's okay.” I was embarrassed enough as it was.

  I couldn't believe I just made out with him. Was he that irresistible to me? How pathetic was I that I completely lost myself with only just a kiss?

  “I wasn't
asking, Bridget.”

  With that, he opened his side of the door without waiting for Marco. I watched as he climbed out and looked expectantly at me.

  I sighed. I couldn't argue with him.

  He grabbed my hand as he helped me jump out. Then before closing the door, Leo nodded at the driver's seat.

  “We'll talk later,” he said in a cold and hard tone. “Stupido figlio di puttana,” he added in a murmur, more to himself, as he closed the door.

  I blinked.

  I think he just cursed in Italian.

  Before I could think more about it, he turned to me. His expression softened a little when we had eye contact, but I could tell that he still looked pissed. He shook his head and smiled my favorite sexy smile of his.

  “Lead the way.”

  I rolled my eyes and stepped to the island, with Leo following beside me. As we started walking towards the apartment, my curiosity was eating me up. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore. I just had to ask.

  “You're Italian?” I asked conversationally.

  His smile turned into a grin. “I thought you knew about me.”

  “Not much, really.”

  “Don't you watch movies about it? Surely, you'll see how being an Italian fits.”

  “Oh,” I breathed out slowly. I guessed that did make sense.

  “I'm only half, though,” he cleared up. “My momma's an American.”

  I nodded, and stopped walking. I looked at the building in front of us.

  “This is me,” I told him.

  He turned his eyes to the brick-walled apartment.

  “Not bad,” he remarked.


  There was an awkward silence that came over us. I put my hands in my jacket pockets while I kept my eyes on my feet. We didn't speak for while, probably thinking of how best to say goodbye. At least, I was.

  “I want to see you again,” he said in a low voice.

  There it was. He said what I suspected all night long. However, I didn't know what to do about it – Scratch that. Of course, I did. The problem was actually following it.

  I took a deep breath before I looked up at him.

  Damn. Seeing him, while his background was my favorite place in the world, was beyond incredible. It was such a nice sight that I wanted to take a picture of it. I honestly wouldn't get tired of seeing it for sure.

  But . . .

  “We can't,” I told him, my voice cracking.

  “Why?” he demanded. “The night we had together was amazing as hell. I plan to have more like it.”

  “Then, plan without me,” I said firmly.

  He met my steady gaze. “That's not possible.”

  “You're influential, aren't you? Make it possible.”

  “Don't be difficult. We both know you want it, too.”

  “Fine, I'll make it easy for you. Goodbye, Leo.”

  I was about to climb the steps when I felt a warm hand on my arm. It still surprised me how he could be gentle like this, especially after seeing him look so frightening earlier.

  “Damn it, Bridget,” he murmured, exasperated. “What do you want me to say?”

  I faced him and looked him in the eye, so that I would see if he was lying to me.

  “Do you like it, doing what you do? Being who you are, what you are?”

  He frowned a little. “You want me to answer no.” It wasn't a question.

  I just looked at him, waiting.

  He sighed deeply before continuing, “La Cosa Nostra . . . I love it. I love the power it brings and being in control. I love the feeling that even the most feared criminal in the City is afraid of crossing me.” He shook his head in amusement. “I'm able to make my own rules, and bend the so called laws. I get what I want, when I want. I'm my own authority. I love every bit of the Life, Bridget. It's who I am. It's what I was born to do.”

  I pressed my lips, looking away. If he'd just said no . . . there was no doubt that I would give this – whatever it was we had – a chance. But he didn't. Instead, he admitted to everything that I didn't want him to be, everything I feared to be true.

  “Then, you are your father's son,” I shrugged, smiling weakly.

  “How is that so fucking wrong?” he asked desperately, searching my eyes for more explanations. “So what if my poppa's the –”

  “I'm my father's daughter.”

  His brows knitted in complete confusion. The back of my eyes stung, warning me that tears were about to come.

  “My dad was a cop,” I began, thankful that my voice didn't crack this time. “He was killed in action by a Mafioso five years ago.”

  At that, Leo was speechless. His eyes were slightly wide in disbelief. It looked like it was the last thing he expected to hear from me. I took that chance to step closer to him, tiptoeing so I could place a soft kiss on his cheek. Then, I moved my lips at his right ear.

  “And you're the Mob Prince.”





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