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Blue Mazurka

Page 4

by Shūsuke Amagi

  "What is it, Reverse? You're as down as ever."

  "This is war. Of course my feeling is heavy."

  Cauntia put her hands on her hips and sighed at his timid attitude. "We can never come to a consensus at this point. Why can't you listen to my opinion at times?"

  "That means you'll have to agree to my opinion."


  "Impossible!" said both at the same time.

  Cauntia laughed, Reverse smiled without hesitation.

  "But, don't worry. I'll protect you," he said in a small voice.

  Unable to suppress herself, she gave him a hug and put her lips on his reddened cheek.

  "Then let's observe today's prey," she said as if speaking to her love.

  Both were Heaven's Blade Successors put in the same group. They were now strengthening their vision to confirm their prey. An unusual thing that was the size of a lion was closing in on Grendan from 30 Jimels away.

  "It's given up its wings."

  "It looks quite old."

  The things on the lion's back had become two small hills. This filth monster was in a matured phase. It was massive enough to give up its wings since flying took up lots of strength.

  "It's worth hunting down," Cauntia said, licking her lips.

  Reverse's shoulders shook. "It looks powerful, and it looks hard."

  "I don't mean that. How far can we cut it down? Hohoho, this feels like usual, but different from the time when we took our first filth monster. Compared to giving it the last push, this is so much more boring. Anyway, this is just a job."

  "I was tense at first too."

  The filth monster dashed towards Grendan, shortening the distance in shocking speed. The feeling of distance crumbled with a closer look.

  "Let's get rid of it with our usual combo," she said lightly.

  Reverse gave a stiff nod. The two of them put on their helmets and readied their fighting stances. Cauntia confirmed the part connecting Reverse's helmet to his armour. The design of his coat differed from hers. Plates of alloys covered several parts of the coat. The coat and the helmet made him look like a metallic doll. Even Military Artists would find it hard to move with that weight on them.

  High speed was the best strategy. Reverse's equipment didn't seem appropriate in a life and death fight against filth monsters. On the contrary, Cauntia's light equipment seemed more suitable. However, the female Heaven's Blade's equipment wasn't the best at defense. The destruction of the surroundings during a fight could cause scattering stones and rocks to tear apart the coat. Pollutants would enter the body once the protective coat was damaged, and that pain, though tolerable psychologically, would bring down movement speed. And a Military Artist whose movements slowed down would face death. Either he died by the filth monster's hand, or he died on the way back to the city, his body eaten up by pollutants.

  However, Reverse and Cauntia were Reverse and Cauntia. That was why they were given permission to wear such gear. He focused on defense and she focused on the offensive. These equipments were specially made to cater for their combination.

  "Don't worry, I'll always protect you."

  They gazed at each other. Cauntia smiled a bitter smile.

  "Thanks. I can do my best because you're here."

  "Same here."

  Their interaction showed they knew each other very well. This was a special combination among Heaven's Blades. The two of them walked their own paths but were able to perfectly cater for each other.

  "Then let's begin the hunt."


  They entered the battlefield. Just the two of them, as before.

  Why am I....

  Felli felt her present situation was unreasonable. Why did her stomach hurt so much?

  It had been one week since that event. Layfon was unhappy in this one week. He and Leerin had a huge fight after he refused to accept the box. It was shocking at first. Felli and Nina never thought Leerin, who was gently persuading him to accept the box would suddenly turn rough. By the time Nina and Felli came to their senses, it was too late to stop the fight. There was no room for them to put in a word. They could only listen with a feeling that they shouldn't be there, and then they watched Leerin run away in anger.

  So Nina ran after Leerin and Felli ran after Layfon. That couldn't be helped, since they lived in different areas.

  Layfon waited for her, and they walked to the next tram station in silence. She felt that she had to stand by his side, and she wanted that too, but Layfon was wrong this time. Leerin...... She took the long and dangerous journey to come to Zuellni. Perhaps all students in here would criticize Layfon about this, since everyone had once sat on the small and narrow roaming bus, facing the danger of being attacked anytime by filth monsters.

  But that wasn't the problem. All students came here for themselves, no matter how different their purposes were. Leerin was different. She came here for Layfon's sake, yet he failed to express any gratitude.

  Felli's feelings leaned towards Leerin, and she didn't feel unhappy with that. Layfon was in the wrong, and what Leerin said was right. In that case, she had to do something about this. Leerin wanted Felli and Nina to listen too so they could judge the situation. As a normal person, she wanted Military Artists, such as Felli and Nina, to be the judge in this matter. The two of them knew Layfon as fellow Military Artists.

  Felli felt Leerin was right.

  "This isn't Grendan!" Leerin had confirmed his point again and again in the fight.

  Felli thought she was right but Layfon didn't want to hear it. He kept saying this was his punishment, so he couldn't accept it.

  Leerin was here so to allow him to accept that box. But........

  "Then I'm leaving first," he said and closed the door of the training room.

  The members left in the room sighed as they heard his footsteps retreat further away.

  Ahhh, her stomach hurt. She put her hand on her stomach.

  ".......... His mood hasn't changed," Harley said, tired.

  Sharnid had already left. At first, everyone was worried, but now they felt tired of the situation.

  "I never thought he could get mad like that," Nina said.

  "He always thought it's his punishment. Since she's nailed him, even he would turn stubborn," Dalshena sighed. "Compared to that, that guy's been hiding such strength..... Geez, unbelievable."

  "But I don't think he'll turn so much more powerful if he uses a Katana," Harley responded. He pointed at the terminal which showed the data of Layfon's three Dites: Sapphire Dite, Shim Adamantium Dite, Adamantium Dite.

  "Forget his movements when using a weapon. There shouldn't be much difference just on the qualities of the sword and a Katana."

  "What do you mean?" Nina asked.

  "Of course, a Katana's cut path is more prominent but we can't say a sword can't cut as well as a Katana, since technology is improving," he showed the cut path on the screen. "But Layfon is more suited to using a Katana. That's Kirik's opinion. His moves are all variations of the Katana technique. And by using a Katana, he can maximize his power in his basic moves. The damages on the Shim Adamantium Dite would be less than on the sword, and that's probably the same for his body."


  Nina's expression turned heavy at what Harley said: the burden on the body.

  "But I heard that he became a Heaven's Blade Successor at age 10. He stopped using the Katana at that time, maybe his body's grown used to handling a sword?" Dalshena said.

  "Perhaps," Harley said. "I'm not a doctor so I can't say much. But looking from the viewpoint of a technician, a Katana suits him better. He wouldn't have to force himself and shoulder any additional burden. The data here proves it," he pressed a key on the keyboard.

  Sword and Katana. Felli didn't know the difference between them. As a psychokinesist, it was natural to use the staff Dite. She had no other choice. Even so, the difference in the shape of the flakes could affect the conductivity of psychokinesis and the movement of
the flake in the air current. Though she wasn't too keen in the fights, she often requested adjustments for the Dite so she could use the weapon freely.

  "He doesn't seem to care much about the adjustments of the Dite. I don't mean he's too confident in his own strength though. He remembers the exact data for the Steel Threads setting."

  "Is that so?" Nina said, surprised.

  "Yes, as expected, he's only like this when it comes to the sword. He doesn't care much about the Dite that would mean life and death for him. He's probably the exception among so many Military Artists."


  Felli cocked her head at Nina's unusual movement.

  "I....... I don't have anything to complain about my Dite," Nina said, about to sweat from agitation.

  Harley gave her a bitter smile. "Of course, my dad and I have always been looking after your Dite."

  "Harley, do you like the Captain?" Felli asked, holding a mop.

  "What!?" he said in a high-pitched voice.

  Felli was in charge of cleaning today. After vacuuming the place, she took up the mop and started brushing the floor. She asked Harley the question as she felt something from him in the conversation. He had been humming while tidying the equipment.

  The two of them were alone.

  "You, what did you say?"

  The equipment fell everywhere. Harley looked at her in shock as if he was about to fall too.

  "I felt it from the conversation."

  "Aaa........ I suppose," he admitted.

  His unexpectedly honest admission surprised her.

  "Ah, but that was in the past. It doesn't mean anything now."

  "Is that so?"

  "She was my first love. Well, she was the most beautiful in all the girls that I knew. Now she's got short hair, but her hair was long back then. And she was dressed like a lady. None of the girls back then could catch up to her. You can say that was my first time understanding the charm of females."

  "It feels like you're deliberately complicating the explanation and hiding something."


  "You really don't feel anything now?"

  "Yes. I can't feel from her what I felt before. We're just childhood friends."


  "Perhaps not. Either way, we've been together for a long time. Forget that we're different in gender. I got used to her because of the long time, or you can say that I don't want to see her other side."


  "I don't want to treat her from the angle of a male. It's different from that of a lover. But I don't despise Nina because she's female."

  "Ha.........." She nodded, half understanding what he said. This was what childhood friends were like.

  "Though I don't know what others think, Nina is like that. I'm used to the present Nina. I find it hard to accept, thinking of the Nina acting all lady-like in front of her boyfriend."

  "... Meaning you aren't gonna improve your relationship with her?"

  "That's the way it is with a boy girl relationship. As a friend, Military Artist or Dite technician, then that relationship doesn't matter."

  Was this feeling special for Harley, or did it apply to all childhood friends? Felli didn't understand since she didn't have one.

  "Not good enough for research purpose."

  Nina and Harley, Layfon and Leerin. They were all childhood friends with each other but their personalities were different? Felli didn't know what Layfon thought of it, but she knew Leerin wanted to have a relationship that goes beyond that of childhood friends. Otherwise, she wouldn't have come all the way to Zuellni. And Felli felt that she herself had lost on this point alone.

  If it was she herself, she wouldn't have done it. Would she have take on a dangerous journey for the sake of another person? She probably wouldn't have chased after him. She would have stayed home and prayed for his safe return.

  She had lost to Leerin just by thinking like that even though she didn't want to admit it. Even though she didn't want to feel sad, even though she didn't want to admit she had lost.

  "..... Forget that though," she said to herself as she headed home alone.

  She couldn't leave the matter as it was. She must do something, but what? Should she help alleviate that stiffness between them first? But that wouldn't help with reaching Leerin's goal. She must do something to resolve Leerin's problem. Besides, Harley had just said something that bothered her.

  "Ah, yes. There might be one more reason why Layfon doesn't care much about the setting of the Dite," Harley said, embarrassed by the conversation about Nina and so said something else to divert her.


  "Layfon had tried the Katana in here and destroyed it. It wasn't a good Dite since I just made it quickly."


  "But the investigation on the Dite shows Layfon had used too much Kei than usual. I think he couldn't control it because he was using Karen Kei."

  She didn't understand what he meant.

  "Meaning the usual Layfon pays attention to the level of Kei he uses. It's not just the sword or the Katana. He isn't used to the material that made the Dite, so the Adamantium Dite probably wouldn't have worked."

  Harley thought to himself that Layfon's result had fueled the research students' enthusiasm on researching new materials. Layfon was such a monster. And that had added a few more questions on the Heaven's Blade that a Heaven's Blade Successor used.

  "Really, what should I do?" Felli sighed deeply.

  Someone was also sighing right now. The creepy sound of vegetables chopping in the kitchen made Nina hard to sit still. Leerin was making dinner. She had taken charge of the kitchen since she moved in, and Selina, the person in charge of the dormitory had then reduced Leerin's rent.

  Anyway, Leerin was now alone in the kitchen. Though Nina wanted to say something, she felt it hard to approach the other girl for now. She paced near the door. She didn't feel that Leerin was wrong, but she understood Layfon at the same time.

  Layfon refused to use the Katana so he wouldn't taint his adopted father's skill. He hadn't once abandoned that decision since he was exiled from Grendan. But Leerin came here because his adopted father had forgiven him, and that feeling shouldn't be ignored.

  Layfon was unbelievable. He grew up under terrible circumstances, yet he possessed a strength that Nina didn't have. And he fought with a reason that she didn't agree with. The pain he endured didn't come from the fights with filth monsters or the pressure of becoming a Heaven's Blade Successor. That pain came from his feeling of betraying the orphanage. What did he feel when he was exposed to face everyone's reproach? Was he disappointed that they didn't understand him? Or was he angry? And how did Leerin think?

  "What're you doing?"

  Leerin had already prepared everything. Her speed in cooking even surprised Selina.

  "Ah, no..... Well........"

  "Still thinking of that?" she said with a stiff expression. She was forcing herself to smile.


  "What should I do with him? That moron........"

  Anger and frustration pierced Leerin's words.

  "I think he has his reason."

  "I know that."

  Nina helped her lay out the eating utensils. Feuda was in her own room, studying or reading books. She always forgot her meals. Selina had written on the board that she'd return late, so they prepared three sets of utensils tonight. Nina placed the large bowl of salad in the middle of the table and went to bring out another dish. Leerin reheated the bread she made in the morning, put it in a basket and took the basket to the table.

  "But Layfon......"


  Leerin swayed and fell to a side. Nina let go of the wok to support her. The wok fell onto the floor and the basket of bread rolled off the table.


  It felt like she had lost all her strength. Blood had drained from her face, so white a face that it looked as if she was about to die. She panted.

rin?" Nina shouted.

  Leaving the kitchen to Feuda, Nina took Leerin to the hospital. Looking at the other girl, sleeping with a drip in her arm, a feeling rushed inside her, propelling Nina to run out of the hospital.

  Layfon needed a stronger power.

  She had been thinking of something since leaving Leerin in Myath. Savaris was here. Grendan had sent over a Heaven's Blade to take over the Salinvan Guidance Mercenary Gang. It would be the best for Nina, Karian and anyone else if the Haikizoku could be retrieved without hurting anyone. No, it was all right even if she was to sacrifice herself. However, Savaris seemed to have another purpose here. He wanted to fight Layfon. Why? Because Layfon was an obstacle? Or because...... Layfon needed to become stronger.

  Nina had been worrying since Leerin arrived. Would it be today, or tomorrow......... That thought had stayed in her mind for three months. Time had calmed her heart, but uneasiness still remained.

  A Military Artist who had enough strength to match Layfon's had come from Grendan. Nina didn't have the confidence he could win. He needed to become stronger, but she didn't know how to help him. How could she help him get stronger when he was stronger than her? He didn't start from zero. He had already reached 100. The present Nina was like someone at 10 and thinking of how to reach 100. She should probably tell him the event.

  But how should she reply if he asked why she didn't tell him earlier? Tell him she was reminded in a dream not to say it? Tell him what she encountered in Myath? She felt unfair that she got caught in this event. She wanted to share it with someone and talked over it with him or her, but if she did that, then that other person would become involved.

  She couldn't do that.

  How could she obtain his forgiveness when that time came? She chose not to tell him because she didn't know how it would turn out between them, especially with Layfon. How could she get him involved when he didn't want to fight? But.........

  Nina pressed the button. The lift took her into the ground where Zuellni's Mechanical Department was. She didn't have work today. The people working here greeted her, and she returned the greeting as she searched for Layfon. Since the city had moved into the tropics, the Mechanical Department was hot. Just walking in it was enough to make her sweat.


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