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Young Adult Literature: From Romance to Realism

Page 29

by Michael Cart

  Woods, George. 1966. Screening Books for Review. Wilson Library Bulletin 41 (October): 169.

  Wren, Christopher. 1997. Drugs Common in Schools, Survey Shows. New York Times, September 19, A12.

  Yao, Lauren. 2008. Bitten and Smitten: Readers Crave Stephenie Meyer’s ‘Twilight’ Tales of Vampire Love. Washington Post, August 1, wp-dyn/content/article/ 2008/08/01/AR2008080100064 .html.

  Yardley, Jonathan. 1994. The Moral of the Story. Washington Post Book World, April 17, 3.

  Yep, Laurence, ed. 1993. American Dragons. New York: Harper.

  Yolen, Jane. 1994. An Empress of Thieves. Horn Book 70 (December): 705.

  Zindel, Paul. 1968. The Pigman. New York: Harper.



  A List series, 93, 94

  Abby, My Love (Irwin), 145

  ABDO (publisher), 177

  Abedel-Fattah, Randa, 134

  abortion (YA book theme), 30, 33, 143–144

  Abrahams, Peter, 108

  Abrahamson, Richard F., 121, 122, 181

  Abrams (publisher), 92, 171

  Abramson, Jane, 33–34

  The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian (Alexie), 175

  Academy of American Poets, 84

  Action Comics #1 (comic book), 166

  Adolescence (Hall), 4

  adolescence, as term, 4–7

  Adoration of Jenna Fox (Pearson), 103

  Adult Books for Young People reading list, 9


  anthologies by, 85

  in GLBT novels, 155

  in romance YA literature, 50

  in Sixties’ literature, 44

  tracking books by/on, 125–126

  After the First Death (Cormier), 31

  The Age of Bronze (Shanower), 170

  AIDS, 142, 156, 158

  Akbar, Said Hyder, 128

  Aladdin (publisher), 34, 92

  alcohol abuse (YA book theme), 66, 130, 131

  Alcott, Louisa May, 8

  The Aldrich Family (radio show), 6

  Alex Awards, 121–122, 128, 177

  Alex Rider series, 108

  Alexie, Sherman, 118, 128, 175

  Alfred Harcourt (publisher), 11

  Alger, Horatio, Jr., 8

  Alia’s Mission (Stamaty), 128

  Alice in Wonderland, 102

  Alice series, 161

  alienation (YA book theme), 64

  All I Want Is Truth (Partridge), 80

  All Star Comics No. 8 (comic book), 172

  Allen, Rachel J., 175

  Allende, Isabel, 117

  Alliance for Excellent Education, 189–190

  Alloy Entertainment, 93, 94

  Alloy Media + Marketing, 94, 175

  Alm, Richard S., 22, 24

  Almond, David, 76, 78, 83, 103

  alternative audience, 64

  alternative comics. See graphic novels Alvarez, Julia, 118

  Am I Blue? (Bauer), 159, 65, 127, 193

  The Amber Spyglass (Pullman), 104

  The Amboy Dukes (Shulman), 18

  Amelia Elizabeth Walden Award, 69, 195

  America (Frank), 130

  American Academy of Pediatrics, 132

  American Bookseller publication, 61

  American Born Chinese (Yang), 78, 79, 128, 171

  American Dragons (Yep), 44

  American Girl series, 50

  American Graffiti (movie), 38

  American Library Association

  Annual Conference and Exhibition, 59, 65, 75

  Best Books for Young Adults List, 48, 68, 87

  comics preconference, 165

  National Poetry Month, 84

  Odyssey Award, 198, 199, 200

  Office of Intellectual Freedom, 161

  on sexual content in books, 142

  Social Responsibilities Roundtable, 44

  Young People’s Reading Roundtable, 8

  youth-serving division, 7, 42

  American Sports Poems (Knudson and Swenson), 84

  Americas Award, 45, 127

  An Na, 78, 128

  Anaya, Rudolfo, 45, 47

  Anderson, Laurie Halse, 76, 134, 135, 139, 148

  Anderson, M. T., 79–80, 103, 106

  Anderson, Sherwood, 81

  Andrews, V. C., 146

  Anelli, Melissa, 97

  Angel (tv show), 63

  Angus, Thongs, and Full-Frontal Snogging (Rennison), 89

  Annie on My Mind (Garden), 156, 157, 159

  anthologies, 82–85

  Anthology of Graphic Fiction (Brunetti), 176

  anti-bullying technique, 135

  Appelt, Kathi, 83

  Appleton, Victor, 20n Apt, Vicki, 50

  Are You in the House Alone? (Peck), 54, 145

  Are You There God? It’s Me Margaret (Blume), 31

  Arizona Kid (Koertge), 157

  The Arizona Kid (Koertge), 86

  The Ark (Benary-Isbert), 19

  Armstrong, Jennifer, 50

  Armstrong, Joyce, 108

  Aronson, Marc, 53, 58, 59, 69, 124, 135, 182, 183, 188

  arson, 66

  Arte Público (publisher), 46, 127

  Ashabranner, Brent, 181

  Asher, Jay, 134

  Asian Americans, 44–45, 85, 125–126

  Asimov, Isaac, 180

  assault (teenage behavior), 66

  Assembly on Literature for Adolescents (ALAN), 58, 69

  Association of American Publishers, 91

  Association of Library Service for Children, 183, 198

  The Astonishing Adventures of Fanboy and Goth Girl (Lyga), 176

  Atheneum (publisher), 41

  Athletic Shorts (Crutcher), 83, 159, 161

  Atkins, Catherine, 146

  Atlantic Monthly publication, 85, 192

  Atwater, Montgomery, 10

  Atwater-Rhodes, Amelia, 101

  Au Pairs series, 94

  Audio Publishers Association, 197

  audiobooks, 197–200

  Auster, Paul, 168

  Avon (publisher), 91, 168

  Award for Excellence in Nonfiction for Young Adults, 184


  Baby Bebop (Block), 158

  Babysitter’s Club series, 177

  Bait (Sanchez), 146

  Banks, Lynn Reid, 48

  Bantam (publisher), 39, 50

  Bantam Doubleday Dell (publisher), 50

  Banyai, Isttvan, 112

  Bargar, Gary W., 156

  Barker, Clive, 117

  Barnes & Noble bookstore chain

  chick lit genre, 90

  e-book reader, 194

  multicultural books, 127

  online sales, 65

  shelving policies, 59

  as superstore, 52, 61

  Barr, Donald, 46

  Barrie, J. M., 27

  Barry, Dave, 117

  Baseball in April (Soto), 83

  Bauer, Joan, 62, 130

  Bauer, Marion Dane, 159

  Bauerlein, Mark, 192

  BBYA list. See Best Books for Young Adults List (ALA); Best Books for Young Adults List (YALSA)

  Bechdol, Alison, 175

  Bee and Jackie (Coman), 146

  Beers, Kylene, 199

  Bell, William, 123

  Benary-Isbert, Margot, 19

  Benedetti, Angelina, 116

  Benson & Benson research company, 12

  Benton, Lori, 57

  Berck, Judith, 55

  Berkeley Public Library (California), 168

  Berry, Halle, 124

  Best American Comics, 176

  Best American series, 176

  Best Books for Young Adults (Carter), 184

  Best Books for Young Adults List (ALA)

  multiculturalism in, 48

  nonfiction in, 184

  poetry in, 87

  realism fiction in, 68

  sexual content and, 145

  Best Books for Young Adults
List (YALSA)

  crossover books and, 112

  nonfiction in, 184

  poetry in, 84

  Printz Award and, 70, 80–81

  story stories in, 82

  YA titles in, 31–32, 59

  Better Than Life (Pennac), 199

  Beverly Hills 90210 (tv show), 63, 93

  Beyond the Chocolate War (Cormier), 41

  Bickers, James, 179

  Bill Haley and His Comets, 18

  Billman, Carol, 8

  biographies and memoirs, 87

  bisexuality. See GLBT Black and White (Macaulay), 112

  Black Juice (Lanagan), 80, 83

  Blackboard Jungle (movie), 18

  Blake, William, 76

  bleak books subgenre, 64–67

  Bless Me, Ultima (Anaya), 47

  Blind Date (Stine), 40

  Block, Francesca Lia, 41, 60, 75, 83, 113, 114, 145, 146, 157, 158, 159–160

  Blood and Chocolate (Klause), 68, 100

  Bloomsbury (publisher), 96, 126

  The Blue Lawn (Taylor), 158

  Blumberg, Rhoda, 182, 183

  Blume, Judy, 31, 82, 144–145, 161

  Bobbsey Twins series, 8, 20n Bobby Sox (comic strip), 13

  Bode, Janet, 182

  The Body of Christopher Creed (Plum-Ucci), 107

  Bolle, Sonya, 100

  Bone series, 171

  Bonham, Frank, 25

  Bonnie Jo, Go Home (Eyerly), 33, 144

  Boock, Paula, 158

  Book Expo America (BEA), 176–177

  Book Guild of Washington, 183

  Book Industry Study Group, 92

  Book Links publication, 198

  Book of the Month Club, 92, 114

  book packagers, 93–94

  The Book Thief (Zusak), 80, 106

  Booklist magazine

  Alex Awards and, 122

  on bullying, 133

  Carte Blanche column in, 58

  crossover book reviews, 120

  on e-books, 194, 195

  graphic novels and, 177

  Booklist magazine (cont.)

  Harry Potter series reviews, 97

  on nonfiction books, 181

  Odyssey Award, 198

  Printz Award and, 69

  on realism fiction, 65

  Books and the Teen-age Reader (Carlsen), 23

  Books of Ember series, 103

  Borders bookstore chain, 90, 127, 169, 201

  Boston Globe-Horn Book Awards, 183

  Bott, C. J., 134–135

  Bourke-White, Margaret, 180

  Bowen, Brenda, 91

  Boy Meets Boy (Levithan), 160

  Boy Toy (Lyga), 163

  The Boy Who Couldn’t Die (Sleator), 101

  Boylan, Jennifer Finney, 160

  Boyle, Danny, 65

  Boyle, T. C., 118

  Boylston, Helen, 9

  boyology, 6

  Bradburn, Frances, 69

  The Braid (Frost), 87

  Brando, Marlon, 18

  Branley, Franklyn, 180

  Brashares, Anne, 95

  Braun, Linda, 188–189

  Bray, Libba, 78, 95

  Breaking Dawn (Meyer), 99

  Breaking Up (Friedman and Norrie), 171

  Breaking Up (Klein), 156

  Breathing Underwater (Flinn), 149

  Brenner, Robin, 177

  Brian, Kate, 95

  Bridgers, Sue Ellen, 41

  “A Brief Moment in the Life of Angus Bethune” (Crutcher), 159

  Brilliance Audio, 198

  Brill’s Content, 66

  The Brimstone Journals (Koertge), 87, 133–134

  BroDart (distributor), 176

  Brontë sisters, 101

  Bronx Masquerade (Grimes), 87

  Brooks, Bruce, 41, 83

  Brooks, Kevin, 108

  Brown, Jennifer, 134

  Bruchac, Joseph, 105, 128

  Brunetti, Ivan, 176

  Bryan, Ashley, 44

  Bryant, Jen, 87

  Buck, Bethany, 150

  Buell, Marjorie Henderson, 172

  The Buffalo Tree (Rapp), 65

  Buffy the Vampire Slayer (tv show), 63

  Bullard, Sarah, 43

  The Bully in the Book and in the Classroom (Bott), 135

  bullying (teenage behavior), 132–136

  Bullyville (Prose), 135

  The Bumblebee Flies Anyway (Cormier), 31, 41

  Bunn, Scott, 34, 35, 145

  Burch, Christian, 160

  Burd, Nick, 160

  Burgess, Melvin, 163

  Burned (Hopkins), 87

  Burton, Dwight L., 22

  Bush, Laura, 108


  Cabot, Meg, 95

  Cademon Records, 197

  Caldecott Medal, 112–113, 183

  Calling All Girls magazine, 13

  Calvino, Italo, 55

  Cameron, Peter, 118

  Campbell, Patty, 58, 59, 62

  Canton, Jeffrey, 115

  Capstone (publisher), 177

  Card, Orson Scott, 101–102, 177

  Cardcaptor Sekura (Clamp), 174

  The Caretaker Trilogy (Klass), 103

  Carey, Mariah, 124

  Carlsen, G. Robert, 19, 23–24

  Carlson, Lori, 84, 85

  Carlyles series, 93

  Carman, Patrick, 195

  Carnegie Medal, 103, 115

  Carpenter, Dave, 91

  Carr, Nicholas, 192, 193

  Carrey, Jim, 114

  Cart, Michael, 117, 135, 155, 160

  Carter, Betty, 111, 121, 181, 184

  Carter, Lynda, 172

  cartoonists, 166, 169, 171–172, 175–176

  Carus, Marianna, 135

  Carus Publishing (publisher), 182

  Carvajal, Doreen, 90

  Carver, Raymond, 82

  The Case of the Missing Mother (Hamilton), 158

  Castellucci, Cecil, 175

  The Castle of Otranto (Walpole), 101

  Cat Royal series, 108

  The Catcher in the Rye (Salinger), 27–28

  Cathy’s Book (Stewart), 195

  Cavanna, Betty, 14, 38

  Celebutantes series, 94

  censorship, 160–164

  Census Bureau, 123–124, 188

  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 131, 133, 148, 151

  Chabon, Michael, 118, 175

  Chambers, Aidan, 78, 106, 156, 159

  Chandra’s Secrets (Stratton), 157

  Chapa, Jorge, 124

  Character Education Partnership, 135

  Charbonnet, Gabrielle, 118

  Charmed (tv show), 63

  Chbosky, Stephen, 92, 146

  Cheever, John, 82

  Cherry Ames series, 10

  chick lit, 51, 89–90, 93–95

  Chicken House (publisher), 108

  Chiggers (Larsen), 171

  Child of the Owl (Yep), 44

  Childhood and Society (Erikson), 6–7

  Childhood of Famous Americans series, 177

  Children’s Book of the Month Club, 114

  Children’s Book Press (publisher), 46, 127

  Children’s Literature Association, 58

  Children’s Literature Association Quarterly,60

  Childress, Alice, 30, 32, 44, 141

  Childress, Mark, 112

  Chin, Frank, 43

  Chinese Handcuffs (Crutcher), 137

  Chobits (Clamp), 174

  The Chocolate War (Cormier), 30–32, 34, 161

  Cianciolo, Patricia J., 179

  Cimarron (Ferber), 9

  Cinco Puntos Press (publisher), 127

  Cisneros, Sandra, 43, 45

  City Lights (publisher), 64

  City of Glass (Auster), 168

  Clamp (manga studio), 174

  Clark, Anne Nolan, 19

  Clark, Larry, 65

  Class Dismissed (Glenn), 84

  Clay (Almond), 103

  Clinton, Hillary, 108

series, 94

  Clowes, Daniel, 168, 169

  Clueless (movie), 63

  Clueless (tv show), 63

  cognitive development, 7

  Cold New World (Finnegan), 64

  Cole, Brock, 41, 65, 139, 152

  Collins, Max Allan, 168

  Collins, Susan, 103

  Columbine (Cullen), 133

  Columbine High School shootings, 67, 131–133

  Coman, Carolyn, 139, 146

  Come Back to Afghanistan (Akbar), 128

  Comenius, Bishop, 179

  Comic Codes Authority, 167


  adolescence and, 6, 13

  beginnings, 165–167

  coming of age, 167–170

  current market, 176–179

  Eisner Awards, 170, 177

  libraries and, 170–172

  manga, 173–175

  rising interest in, 169

  romance genre and, 172

  See also graphic novels

  complexity, plot, 79

  computer literacy, 191–192

  Connections (Gallo), 82

  The Contender (Lipsyte), 29, 143

  A Contract with God, and Other Tenement Stories (Eisner), 167

  Cool Salsa (Carlson), 84

  Cooper, Ilene, 65

  Cooperative Children’s Book Center (CCBC), 125

  Coraline (Gaiman), 101, 177

  Corbett, Sue, 116

  Coretta Scott King Awards, 44, 127, 136

  Cormier, Robert, 30–32, 34, 41, 60, 65, 108, 113, 114, 141, 161

  Cornish, Sarah, 79

  CosmoGirl magazine, 63

  Cosmopolitan magazine, 15

  Cotler, Joanna, 169

  Council on Interracial Books for Children, 39

  couture in YA books, 94

  Coville, Bruce, 83

  Craig, Amanda, 115, 117

  Crain, Caleb, 193

  Crane, Stephen, 81

  Crank (Hopkins), 87

  Crash Club (Felsen), 18

  Craven, Wes, 50

  criticism of YA literature

  Abramson and, 33–34

  Burton and, 22

  defining literary merit, 77–80

  Egoff and, 32

  Jennings and, 22–23

  Rafferty and, 27

  Crosses (Stoehr), 134

  crossover books

  articles about, 116–117

  Block on, 60

  conundrum about, 111–122

  diversity and, 128

  in genre fiction, 95

  GLBT content in, 159

  marketing, 113–117

  picture books, 112–113

  in realism genre, 64–67

  Crowell (publisher), 180

  Crown (publisher), 180

  Crumb, R., 167

  Cruse, Howard, 168

  Crutcher, Chris, 41, 83, 123, 137, 159, 161

  Cullen, Dave, 133

  Cunningham, Sean, 50

  Cures for Heartbreak (Rabb), 83, 116, 119

  The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime (Haddon), 114–115

  CW television network, 94

  cyberbullying, 134–135


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