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Young Adult Literature: From Romance to Realism

Page 31

by Michael Cart


  Kadohata, Cynthia, 118

  Kaiser Family Foundation, 191–192

  Kalman, Maira, 112

  Kan, Kat, 168, 177

  Kane, Bob, 166

  Kapinos, Tina, 117

  Karl, Jean, 41

  Katchor, Ben, 169

  Katims, Jason, 63–64

  The Katzenjammer Kids (comic strip), 166

  Keesha’s House (Frost), 80, 87

  Kerr, M. E., 31, 41, 156, 157, 158

  Kett, Joseph F., 4, 5, 16–17

  Kids (movie), 65

  Kids and Family Reading Report, 189

  Killing Mr. Griffin (Duncan), 54

  Kimmel, Michael, 131–132, 133, 137

  Kindler e-book reader, 193, 194

  King, Stephen, 177

  Kingston, Maxine Hong, 43

  Kishimoto, Masashi, 173

  Kissing Tennessee (Appelt), 83

  The Kite Runner (Hosseini), 128

  Kit’s Wilderness (Almond), 78, 79, 80, 103

  Klass, David, 103

  Klause, Annette Curtis, 65, 100

  Klein, Norma, 30, 144, 156

  Kloer, Phil, 116

  Kluger, Steve, 160, 194

  Kmart, 127

  Knopf (publisher), 112, 114, 128, 181

  Knudson, R. R., 84

  Koelling, Holly, 84, 98, 102, 184

  Koertge, Ron, 41, 86–87, 133, 157

  Kohlberg, Lawrence, 7

  Konigsberg, Bill, 160

  Korine, Harmony, 65

  Korman, Gordon, 195

  Kriney, Marilyn, 34

  Kuklin, Susan, 55, 182

  Kushman, Rick, 63


  Labor, Department of, 188

  Lake, Ricki, 50

  Lamb, Annette, 191

  Lambert, Janet, 38

  Lanagan, Margo, 80, 83, 115

  The Land (Taylor), 106

  Landau, Elaine, 184

  Lane, Rose Wilder, 9

  Lanes, Selma, 62

  Larbalestier, Justine, 126, 127

  Larrick, Nancy, 43

  Larsen, Hope, 171

  Lasky, Kathryn, 182, 183

  Last Gasp (publisher), 64

  Last Night I Sang to the Monster (Saenz), 130


  anthologies by, 85

  awards for writers, 127

  census categories, 124

  in GLBT novels, 155, 158

  mixed race considerations, 124, 125

  in Seventies’ literature, 45–46

  tracking books by/on, 125–126

  Lauber, Patricia, 182, 183

  Lavin, Michael R., 167

  Lawrence-Pietroni, Anna, 60

  Leaky Cauldron website, 97

  Lee and Low (publisher), 46, 127

  Lee, Gus, 43

  LeGuin, Ursula K., 101–102

  Lehman, Carolyn, 149

  Lemire, Jeff, 177

  Lemony Snicket Series of Unfortunate Events, 114

  Lena (Woodson), 145

  Lennertz, Carl, 114

  Lennon, John, 80

  Lerangis, Peter, 195

  Lerner (publisher), 177

  lesbian literature. See GLBT

  Lester, Julius, 44

  Let the Hurricane Roar (Lane), 9

  Lethem, Jonathan, 175

  Leviathan (Westerfeld), 200

  Levine, Arthur, 65

  Levithan, David, 87, 135, 160, 196

  Levitz, Paul, 172

  Lewin, Tamar, 151

  Lewis, Elizabeth Foreman, 19

  Liar (Larbalestier), 126

  Library Journal, 8, 176

  Library of Congress, 197

  Library Trends journal, 46

  The Life and Death of Adolf Hitler (Giblin), 183

  Life as We Knew It (Pfeffer), 103

  Life as We Know It (tv show), 162

  Life Is Funny (Franks), 83

  Life magazine, 180

  Life of Pi (Martel), 115

  Lincoln (Freedman), 181, 183

  Link, Kelly, 83

  Lipstick Jihad (Moaveni), 128

  Lipsyte, Robert, 29, 30, 41

  literacy, concerns about, 189–192

  literary manga, 175

  literary merit, 77–80

  Little Brother (Doctorow), 103

  Little, Brown (publisher)

  crossover books, 118

  early YA books, 9

  graphic novels, 169

  mean girl books, 93, 94

  vampire romance books, 99

  Little Chicago (Rapp), 138

  Little House series, 47

  Little Lit series, 169

  Little Little (Kerr), 41

  Little Lulu (Buell), 172

  Little Nemo (comic strip), 166

  Little Women (Alcott), 8

  Living Dead Girl (Scott), 152

  Llewellyn (publisher), 92

  Lloyd, David, 168

  Lockdown (Tullson), 134

  Lodge, Sally, 112, 114

  London, Jack, 81

  London Times, 115

  Lone Cowboy (James), 8

  Long, John, 123

  A Long Way From Chicago (Peck), 83, 107

  Longmans Green (publisher), 9

  Look magazine, 18

  Looking for Alaska (Green), 78, 79, 164

  Lord, Bette Bao, 43

  Los Angeles Times, 62, 67, 91, 100

  Louie, David Wong, 43

  Love and Sex (Donoghue), 159

  Love Is the Higher Law (Leviathan), 135

  Lowry, Lois, 31

  Lucas, George, 38

  Luna (Peters), 160

  Luxe series, 94

  Lyga, Barry, 163, 176

  Lynch, Chris, 58, 80, 83, 139, 148


  M. C. Higgins the Great (Hamilton), 44

  Macaulay, David, 60, 112–113, 179

  MacDonald, Steve, 116

  MacDowell Colony (New Hampshire), 116

  Mackler, Carolyn, 161

  Maestro, Betsy, 181

  magazines. See specific magazines

  Maguire, Gregory, 139

  Mahy, Margaret, 98

  Make Lemonade (Wolff), 86

  Making Mischief (Maguire), 139

  Making Up Megaboy (Walter), 65, 68

  Malice (Wooding), 200

  Mallrats (movie), 63

  Malloy, Brian, 160

  Man without a Face (Holland), 156

  Manchester Guardian, 94

  manga, 173–176

  Manga (Thompson), 173

  manhwa, 176

  Manic D (publisher), 64

  Marcato Books (publisher), 182

  Marchetta, Melina, 78

  Marcus, Leonard, 97

  Margaret A. Edwards Award

  Alex Award and, 121

  Crutcher and, 137

  diversity and, 127

  in Eighties, 41

  GLBT novels and, 156, 159

  graphic novels and, 177

  Myers and, 136

  purpose, 27

  sexual content in novels and, 144

  in Sixties/Seventies, 29, 31

  speculative fiction and, 101

  Margaux with an X (Koertge), 87

  market research in YA field, 12–13, 40

  Marr, Melissa, 95

  Marrin, Albert, 182

  Marschall, Richard, 165

  Marshall, James, 112

  Marston, William Moulton, 172

  Martel, Yann, 115

  Martin, Ann, 177, 194

  Martinez, Victor, 62

  Marvel Comics (publisher), 167, 177

  Maryland State Department of Education, 190

  Masters of American Comics, 176

  Mattson, Dirk P., 68

  Maughan, Shannon, 196

  Maus (Spiegelman), 167, 168

  Maus II (Spiegelman), 168

  Maximum Ride series, 118, 177

  Maxwell, William, 22

  Maynard, Joyce, 118, 135

  Mazer, Ann, 82

  Mazer, Harry, 82
  Mazer, Norma Fox, 65, 145

  McAvoy, Thomas, 180

  McCafferty, Megan, 95

  McCaffrey, Anne, 101–102

  McCall’s magazine, 15

  McCampbell, Darlene Z., 82

  McCaughrean, Geraldine, 78

  McDaniel, Lurleen, 95

  McDermott, Gerald, 48

  McDonald, Janet, 129

  McElderry, Margaret, 19, 42–43, 46

  McGrath, Charles, 82

  McKay, Winsor, 166

  McNamee, Graham, 108

  Me, Me, Me, Me (Kerr), 41

  Meader, Stephen W., 10

  mean girl books, 93–95

  Mecoy, Bob, 168

  Meet Corliss Archer (radio show), 13

  Mehta, Gita, 43

  Meldrum, Christina, 117

  Meltzer, Brad, 175

  Meltzer, Milton, 181

  The Method (Walker), 158

  Metzger, George, 167

  Meyer, Carolyn, 105

  Meyer, Stephanie, 81, 95, 99–100, 177

  MH–18 magazine, 63

  Michael L. Printz Award

  chick lit and, 89

  criticisms of, 80–81

  crossover books and, 115, 116

  defining literary merit, 77–80

  experimentation and, 194

  GLBT novels and, 157, 159, 161, 164

  graphic novels and, 128, 171

  Myers and, 136

  mystery-suspense and, 107

  in New Millennium, 75–76, 85, 87

  in Nineties, 62, 69–70

  nonfiction books and, 183

  record of diversity, 127–128

  sexual content in novels and, 146, 148

  speculative fiction and, 103

  Mickey Mouse Magazine (comic book), 166

  Middle East, 128

  middle school literature, 51–53, 59

  military draft, 30

  Millennium (time period), 75–87, 156–157, 159

  Miller, Edwin, 37–38

  Miller, Frank, 167

  Miller, Laura, 89

  Million Dollar Fiction Factory, 8

  Millions of Cats (Gag), 166

  Milton, John, 104

  Mind Riot (Hirsch), 169

  The Misfits (Howe), 134

  Missing Angel Juan (Block), 158

  Missing the Piano (Rapp), 138

  Mistress of Mellyn (Holt), 38

  Mitchard, Jacquelyn, 117

  Mitchell, Margaret, 27

  mixed-race relationships, 123–125, 158

  Moaveni, Azadeh, 128

  Mohr, Nicholasa, 43, 45

  Moll Flanders (Defoe), 101

  Monster (Myers), 75–76, 78, 128, 136

  Monti, Joe, 90

  Moore, Alan, 167, 168

  Moore, John Noell, 59

  Moore, Perry, 176

  Moore, Ruth, 22

  moral development, 7

  More Bullies in More Books (Bott), 135

  Moriarty, Jaclyn, 194

  Morrow Junior Books (publisher), 49

  Mosle, Sara, 66

  Mother Jones magazine, 50

  motion picture industry

  on adolescence, 6, 13

  glamorized violence, 131

  on juvenile delinquency, 18

  in Nineties, 63, 65

  nostalgic movies, 38

  slasher movies, 50

  Mouly, Francoise, 169

  Mountain Light (Yep), 44

  Mr. and Mrs. Bo Jo Jones (Head), 143

  MTV television network, 63, 92

  Mukherjee, Bharati, 43


  anthologies and, 85

  GLBT novels and, 155–156, 159

  literature of diversity, 125–129

  mixed race, 123–125

  political correctness and, 46–48

  in YA literature, 41–46

  multimedia, rise of, 191–192

  murder (YA book theme), 65, 66, 131

  The Murder of Bindy Mackenzie (Moriarty), 194

  Murdock, Catherine Gilbert, 95

  Murphy, Jim, 105, 182

  Museum of Contemporary Art (Los Angeles), 176

  My America series, 105

  My Darling, My Hamburger (Zindel), 143

  My Friend’s Got This Problem, Mr. Candler (Glenn), 86

  My Heartbeat (Freymann-Weyr), 159

  My Most Excellent Year (Kluger), 194

  My Name is America series, 105

  My So-Called Life (tv show), 63

  Myers, Christopher, 76

  Myers, Walter Dean, 31, 44, 50, 61, 75–76, 78, 83, 105, 106, 113, 127–128, 129, 136–137, 161

  Myracle, Lauren, 95, 161, 194

  mystery and suspense, 87, 95, 107–108

  Mystery Writers of America, 107


  Nafisi, Azar, 128

  Naidoo, Beverly, 83

  Namioka, Lensey, 44, 129

  Nancy Drew series, 8, 108, 174

  Naruto (Kishimoto), 173

  Nash, Gary B., 124

  Nation publication, 61

  National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 190

  National Book Award

  GLBT novels and, 160

  graphic novels and, 128, 171, 175

  Myers and, 136

  in the Nineties, 62, 68

  sexual content in novels and, 148

  National Book Foundation, 62

  National Center for Education Statistics, 7, 55, 201

  National Center for Health Statistics, 150

  National Center for Victims of Crimes, 145, 146

  National Council of Teachers of English

  Amelia Elizabeth Walden Award, 69, 195

  Assembly on Literature for Adolescents, 164

  on literacy, 190

  Orbis Pictus Award, 183

  on YA literature, 58

  National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), 146

  National Defense Education Act, 180

  National Endowment for the Arts, 187–189, 197

  National Longitudinal Study on Adolescent Health, 129

  National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center (NYVPRC), 133

  Nation’s Report Card, 190

  Native Americans, 47–48, 85, 125–126, 128

  Navarro, Mireya, 124

  Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds, 161

  NBM (publisher), 174

  Nelson, Blake, 118

  Nelson, Marilyn, 80, 87, 128

  Nelson, R. A., 163

  Nelson, Theresa, 158

  New Fun 1 (comic book), 166

  New Moon (Meyer), 99

  New York Comic Con, 175, 176

  New York Times

  anti-bullying technique, 135

  on audiobooks, 197

  on couture in YA books, 94

  on crossover books, 111

  on graphic novels, 168, 177

  Harry Potter series, 96

  Hentoff article, 26

  Hinton article, 26

  on human sexuality, 141

  on mean girl books, 93

  on mixed-race categories, 124

  on oral sex, 150

  on reading trends, 188

  on short stories, 82

  Teen-Age Bill of Rights, 13

  trends in YA literature, 90

  on youth market, 62

  New York Times Book Review, 85

  New York Times Sunday Magazine, 66

  New York World, 165

  New Yorker magazine, 82, 167, 169, 193

  Newbery Medal about, 68, 183

  early YA novels, 26

  horror fiction and, 101

  multiculturalism and, 44

  Myers and, 136

  nonfiction and, 183

  Newman, Andrew Adam, 197

  Newman, Paul, 168

  Newsweek magazine, 130, 199

  Nicholson, George, 40, 52, 59, 60

  Nielsen, Jakob, 192

  Night Kites (Kerr), 41, 156, 157

  Nightmare on Elm Street (movie), 50

bsp; Nilsen, Alleen Pace, 49, 50, 51

  911 (Aronson, Carus, and Cart), 135

  Nineteen Minutes (Picoult), 134

  Nineties (time period), 49–56, 57–71, 156–158

  Nixon, Joan Lowery, 95, 107

  Nixon, Richard, 180

  No Name Calling Week, 134

  No Place to Be (Berck), 55

  Nolan, Han, 65, 139

  nonfiction, 179–185

  Nonfiction Books for Young Adults from Delight to Wisdom (Abrahamson and Carter), 121, 181, 182

  Norrie, Christine, 171

  Norris, Shana, 135

  A Northern Light (Donnelley), 80

  Norton, Andre, 19

  Norvell, George W., 21

  nostalgia, 38

  novels as collections of linked stories, 83

  Noyes, Deborah, 83

  Nye, Naomi Shihab, 85, 128


  Oates, Joyce Carol, 118

  Obama, Barack, 124

  O’Connor, John J., 141

  O’Connor, Sandra Day, 108

  Octavian Nothing (Anderson), 79–80, 106

  Odyssey Award, 198, 199, 200

  OEL manga, 174

  O’Hara, John, 82, 161

  Oklahoma City bombing, 131

  Okutoro, Lydia Omolola, 85

  Olsen, Ray, 101

  On the Wings of Heroes (Peck), 107

  One of Those Hideous Books Where the Mother Dies (Sones), 86

  145th Street (Myers), 83

  online reading, 192–193

  Opper, Frederick, 166

  Optic Nerve (Tomine), 168

  oral sex, 150–151

  Orbis Pictus (Comenius), 179

  Orbis Pictus Award, 183

  Orchard Books (publisher), 53

  Oryx Press (publisher), 182

  O’Shea, Michael V., 5

  Out of the Dust (Hesse), 86

  Outcault, R. F., 165

  The Outsiders (Hinton), 25, 143


  Pacer Books series, 40

  Pagliarulo, Antonio, 94

  Palladino, Grace, 5, 6, 64

  Pamela (Richardson), 101

  Pantheon (publisher), 128, 169

  Paper Towns (Green), 198

  paperback books, 38–41, 50–51, 54, 95

  Paradise Lost (Milton), 104

  paranormal genre, 95, 101

  parents’ manuals, 4–5

  Parker, Carla, 59, 60

  Parker, Kathleen, 108

  Parker, Robert B., 117

  Parrot in the Oven (Martinez), 62

  Partridge, Elizabeth, 80, 182, 184

  Party of Five (tv show), 63

  Pascal, Francine, 39

  Patent, Dorothy Hinshaw, 181

  Paterson, Katherine, 105

  Patterson, James, 108, 117–118, 177

  Paulsen, Gary, 41

  Pawuk, Mike, 177

  Pearson, Mary, 103

  Pearson, Ridley, 117

  Pease, Howard, 10

  Peck, Richard, 25, 27, 29, 31, 40, 41, 46–47, 54, 83, 107, 145

  Peck, Robert Newton, 32, 54

  pedophilia (YA book theme), 65, 147, 152

  Pedro and Me (Winick), 183

  Peet, Mal, 106

  Pendragon series, 177


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