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Page 6

by Kira Johns

  As soon as I step out the front door, I begin scanning the lot. The gate is wide open and I can see a crumpled form on the ground. Fear courses through me as I rush over and see Blaze lying in a pool of blood. Gunshot wound straight through his forehead. I waste no time and begin calling out Jade’s name, but do not get a response. I keep hoping she just refuses to answer me because I upset her, but when I see the blood on the walk beside the front door, I am filled with dread.

  She’s gone and my entire world comes crashing down. I slam my fist into the brick wall, my knuckles splitting upon impact. I am overcome with guilt as everything comes into focus. I am filled with intense rage, knowing what has happened and I feel helpless for the first time ever.

  “Maze! Get with Shep and put out feelers. He couldn’t have gotten far, yet.” I look over at Tank, who looks like he is going to kill someone. I knew the feeling. When I got ahold of the mother fucker, I was going to watch him die, slowly and painfully.

  “Tank, I’m gonna get her back,” I tell him.

  “I can’t lose her,” is all he is able to choke out before he turns and walks away. I know better than to follow.

  Chapter Nine


  “Wake up, you fuckin’ bitch!”

  My eyes open immediately at the sound of that voice. A voice I have only heard in my nightmares since Viper rescued me from that hell. I scan the dimly lit room to see Brax standing there, a smug look on his face.

  “It took me a while to get out, but I knew right where I would find you. Thank you for being so predictable.”

  “Why did you bring me here?” My eyes scour the room, realizing it’s not the same place I had been held before.

  “Why the fuck do you think?!” he shouts, droplets of spit forming in the corners of his mouth. “The Satan’s Rebels killed most of our men, but a few of us eluded them. I lucked out getting locked up that night that fucker took you. They fuckin’ ruined our business and it’s all because they wanted you!”

  My head is pounding and my arms ache. Sitting on a lone chair in the middle of the room, my hands and legs are bound. I begin to struggle against my restraints. This can’t be happening!

  “They took down our club and our business, so we are gonna take everything from them, starting with you!” he snarls.

  His anger is coming out in waves and I don’t flinch as he strikes me across the face. I absorb everything that has happened, knowing that this time I will not be walking away. They will kill me this time. I can only pray that it will happen quickly, but I know that is not their plan.

  I just stare at him with blank expression on my face. I will not give him the satisfaction of begging for my life. “If you’re going to kill me, just get it over with.”

  “In due time. But first, we’re going to make them pay.” His fist crashes into my face and I want to scream as the pain radiates through my cheek, but I don’t. I close my eyes, attempting to block out the pain he inflicts on me as he pummels his fists into me over and over again. “This is your fault, you fuckin’ whore!”

  He steps back, his gaze full of hatred before he continues his assault on my face and ribs. When I can no longer stand the pain he is inflicting on me, I black out.


  This had been five of the longest hours of my life. All of the brothers have been out searching for Jade since her disappearance. We all know who has her, but trying to locate him is proving just as difficult. The fucker is smart, I’ll give them that much.

  I step inside the compound, hoping someone has gotten some leads. Tank is sitting at the bar, downing a bottle of Jack. Can't say I blame him. Jade is his flesh and blood. This is affecting him in the worst way. “Anything?” he asks as I approach him.

  I don't say the words, just shake my head in response.

  “I don't understand why this keeps happening to her. I know what they are doing to her and there isn’t a damn thing I can do about it!”

  “I know, man. But we are gonna find her.”

  “Viper!” Maze comes rushing into the front door. “We got something. Skull has a few sources saying that Brax is hanging with the Undead Souls. Got a few scouts headed that way to check it out.”

  “Once you have confirmation, get everyone ready to roll out. In the meantime, find Slick and bring him in. That fucker will either talk or I’ll gut him,” I order Maze, who nods before heading out. I turn my attention to Tank. “Tank, you need to sober up or you won't be going with us.”


  Forty-five minutes later, I am in the shed behind the compound. This is what I do best, and every brother knows it. I am ruthless, absent of feeling. I have something at stake this time, which makes me even more deadly.

  “I will rip your fucking heart out with my goddamn hands, fucker! Tell me what I want to know!” I spit in Slick’s face.

  “I don't know where he is!”

  I stare at Slick who is strung up to the rafters. The fucker is lying. I know he has the intel we need, but he isn’t budging. I just need to step up my game. That’ll get the fucker to spill it.

  I walk away, knowing he is feeling relief at the moment. He thinks the beating has ended, but his torture has just begun. I am relentless, cruel, dangerous and deadly. Do not fuck with anyone I care about and you will never see this side of me. This is not only about Tank and the club. This is personal. This is about Jade, the woman I want to be my old lady. I care about her more than I have ever cared about anybody.

  I reach out to the table and grab a pair of pliers, not even hesitating. He will start talking or he will be losing more than the few teeth I plan on ripping out of his mouth. I force his head back, prying his jaw open with my hand.

  “You don't have a fucking clue, do you? Let’s see if I can jog your memory!” I grip the pliers tightly as I bring them to his mouth and clamp it down on one of his top front teeth. “Last chance, fucker!”

  He tries to jerk his head away, as if he can. I don't waste any more time as I jerk down hard, ripping his tooth from the gum. Blood begins to pour from the gaping hole left in his mouth.

  “Please! I don't know anything!” Fucking liar.

  “Really? Cause I think you do!” I grip the other front tooth and yank hard, the tooth shattering. He lets out a blood curdling scream. It does nothing but infuriate me more.

  I toss the pliers back onto the table. The fucker is stronger than I gave him credit for. He still refuses to give me what I want. I decide to step up my game as I pick up the six inch serrated blade and walk to him.

  I hold the blade between my teeth as I unbuckle his belt, ripping it away from his body. His eyes are wide as I unlatch the button and pull down the zipper. With one sharp yank, his jeans and boxers are on the floor beneath him.

  “You ready to start talking?” I ask him as I pull the blade from between my clenched teeth.

  The fucker is going to die one way or another tonight. How torturous it is depends on how cooperative he is, and so far he has not been very compliant.

  “I told you, I know nothing!” He spits at me and I am infuriated.

  I take the tip of the sharpened blade and press it to his sac. “You sure about that?”

  He shakes his head. He is not giving in. Time to make my point. I drag the knife downward, slicing open his left sac as he screams in agony. But I am nowhere near finished with him. I walk back over to the table and take the needle nose pliers. I jam them into the open sac and pinch his nut between them. He is wailing, the pain I am inflicting on him too intense.

  “Alright! I’ll talk! Please stop!” he is crying, the fucking pussy.

  Within five minutes, he has told me everything. Brax’s location and confirmation that Jade is there. I throw my tools back on the table. I nod at Spike and Maze. “End it,” I order as I walk to the sink. I am washing my hands when I hear the gunshot ring out, followed by silence. Some think I am a sick fucker. I guess I am.

  I stand across the room and watch as Spike and Maze pull the fucker out
of his restraints. I hear a low buzzing noise but ignore it as I watch the guys wrap the fucker’s body in plastic. When I hear the buzzing again, I reach for my phone on the shelf over the sink. It is Tank. I don’t bother looking back as I make my way to the front door of the compound.

  Chapter Ten


  The shackles around my wrists are digging into my skin as I fight against them. My entire body hurts. My eyes are swollen almost shut, and my cheeks and jaw scream in agony after being punched repeatedly. My ribs ache from the kicks. I have been beaten, not only by Brax, but some of his friends as well.

  The metallic taste of blood in my mouth makes me want to vomit. I have been hanging here for what seems like weeks. I am alone for now, but I know they will return soon. They never stay gone for long.

  I am tired and in pain. I just want to go home. I feel my eyes fill with tears, but fight them back. I will not cry. I will not give them that satisfaction. The rattle of the door makes me jump. Brax barges into the room, followed by three goons I have not seen before. I do not say a word, hoping they will leave.

  Brax pulls a phone out of his pocket and smiles at me. “You havin’ fun yet bitch?”

  I know I should keep my mouth shut, but I can’t. I despise the man standing before me. “Fuck you!”

  “Now is that any way to talk to the man that holds your life in his hands?” He nods to one of the guys who quickly leaves the room. “You! Unchain her.” The biker smirks at me as he approaches. Reaching out, he cups my mound roughly.

  “Hands off! You’ll get your chance when I say so!”

  Oh God, no! The man reaches up and releases my right hand first. As the blood rushes to my fingers, I cringe. I have to find a way to get out of here. As soon as he releases my left hand, I bring my knee up, planting it in between his legs. As he crouches down, I ram my other knee into his face, the crunch of my kneecap connecting with his nose echoing in the room. I run towards the door, only to feel hands grab me from behind. I react quickly, stomping my foot down onto his ankle, my elbow connecting with his nose. I pull the door open and run straight into a wall of muscle. I stare up at the biker, scars covering his face. I use every bit of strength I have remaining and push at him, but he doesn’t budge. His fist collides with my face, sending me backwards, hitting the floor hard.

  A set of hands grabs my wrists while another set has my ankles, as they carry me to a bare mattress in the center of the room. I scream, thrashing my body wildly. Tossing me onto the filthy mattress, they proceed to tie me down, the restraints tightened harshly around my wrists and ankles.

  “Bitch, when are you gonna learn?” He turns his gaze to the two men towering over me. “Strip her!”

  I am panicking on the inside, knowing I am about to relive every bit of torture I had endured for those four years. I close my eyes when I hear the first tear, my shirt being ripped from my body. Tears stream down my face as scar face pulls out a knife, cutting the fabric between the cups of my bra. Slowly, with pressure, he takes the edge of his knife, and trails it down to my stomach until he reaches my shorts. Laying the knife on the bed beside me, he unbuttons my shorts, and roughly yanks them down my legs. Then he takes the knife and runs the sharp edge between my legs before he cuts my panties off.

  I lay on the bed, completely naked, fully exposed and terrified. “You and I will have a little fun later,” he whispers before licking the side of my face.

  I close my eyes again, trying to close out everyone in the room. I will not let them see how frightened I am. The room quiets and I realize I am alone. Panting, I raise my head off the mattress as far as I can. Scanning my surroundings, I realize I am doomed. Heavy chains wrap around my arms and legs and are latched to large eyebolts in the walls. A single chair is positioned in the center of the room, and beside it stands a video camera on a tripod. I am going to die. They are going to kill me. Brax and these men were going to brutalize me before they killed me.

  I begin replaying events in my mind. Meeting Viper. Being reunited with my brother. Spike, Maze, and many of the brothers I now considered friends. Shadow, my childhood love and friend that I would never see again. I begin to sob uncontrollably as the reality of it all sinks in.


  I must have fallen asleep because I did not hear him enter the room. I open my eyes to see him looming over me, a look of hate on his face. “Do you know what time it is?”

  I turn my head, not wanting to see him. I hate this man. I hate this entire club and every person inside it.

  “Not even gonna look at me? And I was going to do something nice for you.”

  “Then let me go!”

  “I can't do that. Actually, I won’t do that because I have plans for you. I had to make some promises to some new friends to get their assistance. But first, I was going to let you send a message to your dear old brother. Thought you might want to say your goodbyes.”

  “You’re really gonna kill me? You know what they will do to you if you do! You will be declaring war!”

  “Not until my boys have a little fun. And not until your brother gets here. My newfound friends have an agenda with him. Seems like your brother pissed off a few of them too. They want vengeance, and you are the key. And we are already at war!” The door opens and two men walk inside. “Move her over to the chair. When I’m finished, you can tie her back to the bed and then y’all can have your fun.”

  The two men unlatch my arms and legs, dragging me over to the chair where I am shackled once again. And then they are gone.

  Brax takes a step towards the camera. “You only have one shot at this so you better say all you want to say because you won't get another chance. You ready?” Tears are streaming down my face as I nod my head.

  “Alright, go ahead.” I stare at him for a moment in disbelief.

  “NOW!” he shouts.

  Chapter Eleven


  “Viper!” a young prospect shouts as he comes running into the room. “Some girl just dropped this off at the gate. Said that it’s a message for Prez from the Condemned Warriors”

  He passes an envelope over to me and then runs back outside. Tank stares at my hands as I rip the envelope open and pull out a flash drive. “What the fuck? Bring me a laptop!” he shouts.

  Maze runs from the room, returning in moments with a laptop under his arm. Placing it on the table, he lifts the screen. I put the flash drive in the USB port. A few seconds pass before a video pulls up on the screen.

  “I guess by now you know I have your precious sister.” Maze, Spike and Tank scramble to move their chairs in front of the screen. “I think you might be familiar with my new friends here.” I look in horror as Ripper and Taz step in front of the camera beside Brax. They were two of the most notorious members of the Undead Souls. Brutal had a whole new meaning when it came to those two. All of us stare at the screen in disbelief.

  “We want five hundred grand by midnight and your life in exchange for hers. You don't come through, she will die a slow, painful death,” the words pour from Ripper’s mouth with ease. I know he means it.

  The screen goes black and Tank roars. “That son of a bitch! We should have killed that fucker a long time ago!”

  Tank lifts the laptop, about to throw it across the room when a voice I recognize all too well comes through the speakers.

  “Tank, it’s me. Brax has me and I’m going to die.” Her face is battered and she is bound to a chair, completely naked. Tears rush down her face as she speaks, her voice trembling. “I want you to know that I love you and I always will. You protected me, took care of me and loved me for me. I’m sorry that we didn't have more time.” She pauses for a second before continuing. “I’m so scared, Tank.” She begins sobbing uncontrollably.

  “Hurry the fuck up!” Brax’s voice hisses in the background.

  Jade nods before she continues. “I don't want you to blame yourself for this. I know you. You have such a big heart and you will find a way to put all of this on you. P
lease don't blame yourself for this. Just know that I love you and I always will, Tank.”

  She is gasping for air, her sobs intense.

  “You fucking done?” Brax’s voice was filled with rage.

  She shakes her head and begins to speak. “Tell Shadow that I love them. I wish I had gotten the chance to see him one more time. And tell Maze and Spike thank you. They’ve become my friends and mean so much to me. And tell Viper that I’m sorry. I know he doesn't feel the same way for me as I do for him, but it’s OK. He helped me in so many ways. Tell him I said thank you, for being my friend and helping me. Don’t let him blame himself. I was the one who ran out on him.”

  “Wrap it up! The boys are waiting!”

  “Just know that I love you, all of you, and that I always will.”


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