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Dominate Me!: (12 Book Bondage Submission BDSM Bundle)

Page 7

by Sylvia Redmond

  I felt Even’s blunt tip at once against my bald pussy and I badly needed him inside of me. I opened my mouth to tell him that and was immediately silenced by Phillips hard cock. I had no sooner started sucking on him that I felt Evan plunge himself into me. His cock was not stranger to my pussy by now, but it still felt like my first time all over again.

  “Good girl Jenny” Evan said as he slowly started fucking me.

  I nodded and continued to suck on Phillip’s cock as it throbbed and I knew his orgasm was close.

  “No one else gets your pussy but me” Evan said and I felt him smack my ass.

  I brought my hand up to stroke Phillip’s cock as I took my mouth off of it momentarily.

  “No one fucks my pussy but you” I repeated to Evan, and hearing the words thrilled me.

  “I’m going to come in your sweet pussy again” he said.

  The more he talked to me, the hotter it made me. I stroked Phillip faster the hotter I got and I could feel his cock pulsing.

  “Yes, come in my pussy” I told him.

  “Not yet” he said and I felt his fingers trace their way down to my sex.

  I felt them gliding over my pubis which had been covered with hair an hour ago and in a moment they lingered just above my clitoris. I was mentally begging him to touch me there. I realized I was stroking Phillip as fast as my hand would move when I felt his cock twitch.

  Phillip’s cock started spraying me at the very moment Evan started rubbing my clit. He went from just lingering above it to giving it a two hand massage. I felt his huge cock moving back and forth inside of me as he touched me and my body exploded in the tremors of my orgasm. I was dimly aware of his cock exploding inside of me before I collapsed on the bed of the plane.

  Chapter 9

  “Why won’t you fuck me anymore” Mark was asking me.

  It was a good question to ask. We hadn’t had sex in at least two months. Three months ago I would have jumped through fire to fuck him. Now I was relishing the punishment of denying him the pussy he didn’t want in the first place. Not to mention I had other problems on my mind.

  “You said you didn’t want to” I reminded him. “You told me I had put on weight.”

  “Well Jesus, a man still needs to have sex” he replied. “Besides, you look fucking great lately. I’m not sure what it is baby, but your body looks banging.”

  It was the equivalent of a bar room compliment, but at the same time it was the sweetest thing he had ever said to me. I knew our marriage still had a chance, we just had some hurdles to clear.

  “It’s good to hear you say that” I told him. “And I want to fuck you too, but we have other things to talk about.”

  “Things? What things?” he said.

  “I think I’m pregnant” I told him.

  Taken By the African Prince

  Sylvia Redmond


  The noise of the drums was getting louder. It had started as a dull thumping, but I could hear the tempo picking up. I could practically feel the vibration of the percussion on my skin with each beat. I tried to concentrate on that because otherwise I would be thinking about the hands that were on my body.

  The quiet one was grooming my pussy and the fact that she did it without making a noise was driving me crazy. Her small hands were on me, cleaning and trimming me. She was touching me more than I thought she needed to and when she brushed her hand against me the last time I heard myself moan. She never even looked up at me but her hands kept working around my sex and I squirmed to try to relieve myself.

  I wanted to touch her. I wanted to at least put my hand on hers and force her to touch me. But my hands were still bound over my head so that would have been impossible. I stretched my back to try to relieve my muscles and the bigger woman yelled something at me. She had been working on my hair and I had gotten so fixated on the smaller one that I forgot she was even there.

  The big one took her hands away from my hair and stepped in front of me again. She was bigger than the smaller girl by at least a foot, but was sinewy without any fat on her. She had big breasts that I could clearly see under the primitive garment she was wearing. She spoke something to me that I couldn’t understand and then reached her hand out to my breast.

  She had done this before. She was one of the few there that understood how badly I wanted it. She ran her hand over my breast, massaging it before tugging on my nipple. I gasped at the feel of her rough hand on my breast and I wanted her to do more. She knew that – I knew she did – which was why she took her hand away.

  “She likes it” she said to the smaller girl and smiled.

  The smaller girl listened and took her hands away from my pussy. The bigger one reached over and slipped a finger inside of me. I was soaking wet, I was sure that’s what she was checking. I moaned as I felt her probe me with her finger and then she pulled her fat digit out.

  “She’s very wet” the big one said. “She’s almost ready for him.”

  They both went back to work on my body, preparing me for whatever was in store. I was ready at that point for anyone to have me. I would have been happy to enjoy both of those women right there. But I knew that wasn’t my fate. I knew it was him that would be having his way.

  I was hornier than I had ever been in my life. If I could just get my hands free there were a dozen parts of my body that were on fire that I needed to touch. My body was starving for attention and I wanted to be fucked.

  It was my own fault for putting myself into this predicament, and I was ready to accept the consequences.

  Scratch that.

  I wanted to accept the consequences. I wanted what the girls were preparing me for.

  Having something like this happen to me was the last thing on my mind when I was offered the job two weeks ago in New York. I had jumped on it eagerly, it had the potential to blow my career wide open. How foolish I had been, I should have done more research before coming to this place. I thought about everything that had led up to my being here, and then her hands were back on me again…

  Chapter 1

  “This is a great opportunity for you Vivian. I wanted to offer it to you before approaching any of the other staff writers” Jenkins was telling me.

  Robert Jenkins was my boss and the manager of the staff writers at the magazine I worked at. We wrote for several of the firm’s magazines but the one my group focused on was a foreign culture magazine that was a Nat Geo knock off. Still, it had a strong readership and brought in righteous revenue dollars considering the highbrow demographic it was marketed to.

  “The only catch is” he was telling me, “I could only afford to send you alone. Since it’s an overseas assignment, it is really going to be stretching our budget. We don’t exactly have the budget to compete with the big boys, but if you do well with this piece we could get there.”

  He was giving me the chance to back out. He was telling me it was dangerous because I was a girl. If I chose to turn it down he would give the assignment to Phillip Rogers, who was my main rival in the department. It was Jenkins’ way of covering his ass so I couldn’t claim discrimination if he offered it to Phillip outright.

  “You need to understand” Jenkins continued, “That no one has ever interviewed the Prince before. It’s not the kind of place where you can just walk up and stick a microphone in the guy’s face. And they have different views on women down there. Maybe it would be safer if I sent Phillip…”

  “Fuck that Robert” I blurted and I swore I saw him jump. “No, you don’t need to send Phillip. I need this. I’ve been working here for five years and I always get the crap assignments. You know I would knock this thing out of the park. Why do you want to send Phillip?”

  He raised his hands defensively before he spoke.

  “I’m just saying, there is a certain element of risk going down there for an interview. It’s not like going into the Village to interview Spike Lee for Christ’s sake. It could get a little hairy for a…”

�A girl?” I shot out at him as he was reaching for the politically correct way to phrase it.

  “Yeah, for a girl” he said and gave me the full body glance.

  I knew Robert had stronger feelings for me than the ordinary staff writer with a skirt. I was twenty seven years old and had been working for the company for five years, basically since I had graduated from journalism school. He and I had dated on and off but I had officially ended it over a year ago. He was too tame for me and I was starting to realize that I had wanted to sew my oats a little, as they say.

  I wasn’t exactly a stranger to the bed of Phillip Rogers either. I suppose you could say I had gotten around the office a little bit. I took pride in my body and the way I could use it to influence the men in my life, and I had taken a thrill over manipulating many of them over the last couple of years. And I had long decided that guys like Robert Jenkins didn’t do it for me anymore.

  He was standing there looking at me in his rumpled white shirt with his faded tie and it was no surprise why he didn’t do it for me anymore. My last boyfriend had been a New York City fireman who used to like to tie me up and do things that would make Robert Jenkins and Phillip Rogers blush.

  And I loved it

  Jenkins was looking at me now and was telling me he was worried about me going to interview this Prince guy, but I knew that wasn’t all he was thinking about. I caught his eyes on my legs when I came into his office. I knew he was catching a look down my blouse as he stood over me talking. He was telling me he was concerned about me but he was also thinking about fucking me. It was the way most guys were in my life, and I learned to use it to my advantage.

  “Look Robert” I told him, “Don’t worry about me down there. I’ll be fine and I’ll come back with a blockbuster interview from this guy. And if I don’t, and my article fails to raise circulation at all, you can fire me. Deal?”

  Chapter 2

  I had made my trip down into the dark country and had started doing my research to find out what I needed to know about interviewing the Prince. My information about him up until this point was next to nothing, and it wasn’t for lack of trying. I knew where he was geographically and I knew his name was Prince Ramal. Little else was known about the man because their culture was such a closed one, so I did what I could to interview local shop keepers to see what I could find out.

  I was told that he didn’t like outsiders. Many of the local inhabitants had never even seen the Prince. They knew that he was about twenty five years old and was heir to the throne. He stayed on the royal compound most of the time and had a full complement of servants.

  And he did not like to talk to outsiders.

  All the merchants I spoke to said to not even try to speak to him. They told me that females were looked on differently here than they were in the United States. Women were little more than property here, and it would be insulting for a female to speak to the heir to the royal throne. In fact, usually the only woman he was in contact with were woman who he had taken as sex slaves.

  It all sounded ludicrous to me. I was used to using my charms to get interviews with some of the most powerful men in New York. The people in this land were so primitive, there was no way I was going to be denied the story of a lifetime. So I persisted.

  It was the end of the third day when I found a shopkeeper that would give me the answer I was looking for. He warned me it was dangerous for a female to even try what he was suggesting, but he told me the location of the royal courtyard that the Prince used for his exercises. It was protected by a fence that ran the length of the property he said. But if I got over that fence I could get close enough to see the courtyard, and the Prince worked out in that courtyard every day.

  I had my answer. I went back to my room and waited until the next morning. I would figure out a way to scale the fence and get myself the story of a lifetime.

  Chapter 3

  I found the location easily enough with the directions I had been given from the local shopkeeper. I parked far enough away so my car would not be noticed and I jogged to the fence. It was tall but I ran the length of it until I found a spot that had a tree on the opposing side. It took me less than fifteen minutes to scale the tree and make it to the forbidden side of the fence.

  The courtyard itself was tree lined and offered me plenty of cover as I scuttled to it. I could hear the sounds of men calling to each other as I moved among the thorns and bristles of the natural barrier. I needed to search to find a spot that afforded me a view of an area that no one was supposed to see. And that was when I saw them, working out in their daily routine.

  There were three men working out with bamboo swords in the center of the courtyard. Each one was dressed in kimono shorts and was heavily muscled. Their skin was as black as the night sky and their bodies were taught. I watched as they moved the large swords with their sweaty bodies and I wondered what they looked like beneath the kimono shorts.

  It was then that I saw him. There was no mistaking that he was the prince, even for a girl from a city thousands of miles away. He looked bigger and stronger than the other men, and wore a purple sash adorned around his waist. I watched as he entered the courtyard and the other men all bowed to him.

  He had an air that was strong and virile and imperial. I watched him as he entered the center of the courtyard and commenced with his exercising. He battled all three men at once with his bamboo sword, in a show that was nothing short of breath taking. I watched his muscles as he battled each man and wondered what he would possibly be like with a fleet of sexual servants.

  I was bent over looking through the tree line, watching him and feeling my nipples harden. My breathing had gotten faster and I never heard his servants coming up behind me. By the time I felt the hands on my hips I could do nothing to stop them. I felt my arms being pulled behind me and my wrists being bound and I knew it was already too late.

  Chapter 4

  I had tried talking to the two men who captured me. I tried explaining who I was as they explored my body with their hands. I would later find out it was only the elite members of the estate who spoke English. The Prince and his family certainly spoke it, as did most of the top members of his staff. The men who had caught me were members of his security detail, and didn’t understand a word I was saying.

  My nipples were still hard from watching the Prince’s muscular body and I knew the men were making comments to each other. They had my hands tied behind me and they took turns groping me under my shirt to touch me while they interrogated me in their native tongue. I tried to reason with them but could only communicate by gasping each time they grabbed at me. They laughed to each other and eventually took me inside of the compound.

  They took me to a room in the palace and one of them left while the other stayed behind to watch me. He continued to talk to me in an interrogating tone which meant nothing since I couldn’t understand him. He stood me in front of him as he scanned my body with his eyes and I waited to learn my fate.

  He put his hands on my shoulders and spun me around so that my back was facing him. I assumed he was going to untie me and I waited for the tension to be eased from my wrists but then I felt his hands on my ass. He was feeling me and running his hands between my legs examining me. Then as quickly as he started he stopped and spun me again to face him.

  He said something to me again and pushed me in the center of my chest so that I sat on the bench that was behind me. I looked at his powerful black body and the big bulge that was evident in his shorts. I remembered wondering if I had aroused him or if he was simply big by his very nature. Even as he stood in front of me I realized that this man was still smaller than the Prince.

  It only took several minutes for the other guard to return with a third man who spoke English. He introduced himself as the captain of the Prince’s security and asked what I had been doing there. I was relieved to be speaking to someone in a position of authority and knew I would soon work my way out of this as I spoke to him.

“I’m a reporter from New York” I told him. “I’ve come a long way to do a story about the Prince. I want to interview him.”

  “You don’t understand” the captain said. “The Prince sees no one without permission. You should not have come here.”

  “I know, I’m sorry” I said to him in the voice that would usually get me out of speeding tickets back in New York. “Please tell the Prince I apologize.”

  “You don’t understand” he said again. “The Prince sees no one without permission and no one sees the Prince – especially woman. You have seen the Prince without his permission, you must be punished. For a man this could mean death; for woman, you must surrender your body to his majesty’s mercies.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” I asked him. “And fucking untie me already!”

  The captain turned and spoke to one of the guards who left the room a second later. He then turned to look at me again.

  “Stand” he told me. “And turn around.”

  “About fucking time” I thought as I stood and turned to him. I felt his hands on the ropes and a few moments later my hands were free and I felt the tension in my shoulders release. I was free for only a moment while he slipped a new rope over both my wrists and pulled, binding them together in front of me.

  “What the fuck…” I started.

  “Be quiet” the captain snapped.

  He led me into another room with a large padded table in the middle.

  “Get on the table” he told me.

  I clambered up onto the table as best as I could with my hands bound in front of me and as soon as my ass hit the table he had my hands pulled up over my head and fastened to a ring at the top of the table. I was helpless and couldn’t move my hands from where they were pinned over my head. He turned his head and I pulled against them to see if I had any slack and then realized he was looking at two female servants who were being led into the room.


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