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Dominate Me!: (12 Book Bondage Submission BDSM Bundle)

Page 10

by Sylvia Redmond

  He started teasing her with it. He rubbed the knurled cue handle over her, just briefly touching her clitoris before pulling it back. Her body was shaking and her breathing was heavy. He smoothed the hair back from her sex and ran the cue over her again, taunting her. She moaned.

  “I need you to tell me” he said, “that you will rethink your views on pro-life.”

  Under any other circumstances, Julie would have spat. But she could feel the textured handle of the cue, sliding back and forth between her legs. He was despicable and she was loving every minute of it. He was dragging it back and forth and just barely rubbing her in the right spot before pulling it away.

  She wiggled her ass with each pass but she couldn’t make contact with that delicious wooden handle. Trevor Banks was a master. Trevor Banks was her master. She was so overcome with passion she didn’t even hear him when he unzipped himself.

  The end of the knobby cue was coated now and he easily slid it inside of her. First two, then three, then four inches traveled inside of her. She gasped and moaned and he knew he needed to be careful to keep her from having an orgasm.

  “And” he said again, “you need to reconsider the same sex thing. God tells us it’s wrong in the bible for crying out loud.”

  Her body was shaking and he wasn’t entirely sure that she even heard his last request over her moaning. He gave the cue another small twist and slipped it out of her. She gasped as it slid out and moved her ass frantically backwards, seeking the relief it had been providing her a moment earlier. She stopped panting long enough to speak.

  “Yes, yes!” she shouted. “I will rethink your stupid political views!”

  He plunged into her all at once. She had expected the handle of the cue but he delivered her his own huge cock. The feeling of the pattern on the handle was replaced by the feeling of the veins in his swollen dick. He grabbed her by the hips and started fucking her and she nearly passed out.

  She could feel her hard nipples rubbing against the table felt as he fucked her. She felt him grabbing at her hips as he rammed her. She knew she had betrayed her own political conscience but none of that mattered when she finally felt her orgasm. She felt him untying her and knew he had not been satisfied yet, and she sighed like a liberal as he turned her over.

  Cocked and Loaded

  Sylvia Redmond

  Chapter 1

  Laura Mason was determined. She was coming up on her third year of being a beat cop and the only reason she had decided to go the law enforcement route in the first place was because she wanted to be a detective. Her pledge to herself at the beginning was to make detective by the end of three years or bag it, so the clock was ticking.

  She really was one of those girls who “could do anything she wanted”. She was smart enough to have been able to go through law school and have gotten her law degree if she wanted, but she didn’t see herself playing the games she had seen at the bigger firms and putting up with all the “old boys network” bullshit. Yeah the money was good, but not good enough to go through all that crap.

  The biggest thing going for her, and ironically the thing that could potentially keep something like the detective shield from her reach, was her looks. She was a 5’10” brunette bombshell, with a body that would have served her well if she decided she wanted to try modeling or even try the old actress route, but that didn’t do much for her either. She wanted to take the ethical high road and progress on her own merits, but knew that because of her looks she would have trouble ever being taken seriously.

  Her vocational goals didn’t have to revolve around an interest in big money, which set her apart from most in her position. Her family was well off enough that she could have worked at a soup kitchen for the rest of her life and still have led a pampered life. No, she wanted to make detective. The combined thought of doing something good, using her wits to solve crimes and having the ability to carry a weapon was enough of an intoxicating reward for her.

  Having said all that, her time was running out on her three year goal, and she wanted to leave nothing to chance. She had made an appointment to speak to one of the Sergeants who she knew would be instrumental in assigning the last open detective spot, or dick spot as they called it. She would talk to him and explain why she was the right person for that job, and she was prepared to use all the charms at her disposal. There may be other candidates with better street credentials than she, but none that had her physical credentials. She would make dick, she knew it.

  Chapter 2

  Laura unbuttoned the top three buttons of her uniform and adjusted herself before going into his office. Sergeant Maddox had a reputation as being a hardass but she also knew that he played a little loose with the rules. And he was also one of the many on the force who would let his eyes linger on her body to the point of being inappropriate in any other setting. If being a detective meant being a good judge of personal character, she already had him pegged as someone who could be compromised easily by her charms.

  She knocked on his office door at 3:00pm sharp which was the time he granted her and waited for his gruff “Yeah come in.” She closed the door behind her and wasted no time.

  “Sergeant Maddox, I know you will be involved in making the decision on filling the last detective position, and I wanted to make sure you knew I was interested in it.”

  “Yes, yes – I know you’re interested Mason” he started. “I’ve looked over your files and I won’t argue that you’re well qualified. You’ve done good work in your time here and have been an impressive patrolman – excuse me – patrol woman. But we also have at least one other patrolman with seniority who is interested in that spot.”

  “Yes sir, I understand that” Laura said. “That’s why I wanted to make an appointment to talk to you personally about the position. I was interested in seeing if there was anything I could do to make clear my fervent interest in that spot and the fact that I am the better person to have it. I’d be willing to do most anything to prove that to you sir, and I believe I would exceed your high expectations for the position.”

  Maddox sat back and regarded her for a moment. He was surprised at her aggressive posturing for this job. And he was pretty sure she was propositioning him to make sure she got it. He had heard that she was born with a silver spoon and didn’t need the job to begin with – that would have been taken into consideration when they ultimately did not give it to her. But she had a kick ass body and it sounded like she was using it to negotiate with him. He had a newfound respect for her aggressiveness that was surpassed only by his desire to get his hands on those tits of hers.

  “Well Mason” he said, pushing his chair back from the desk. “I didn’t realize how passionate you felt about getting this position. How exactly did you plan on proving to me that you are the better candidate for the position?” Professional decorum was out the window once he pushed off his desk; he was looking at her chest from the moment he moved his chair back.

  “Bingo” she thought to herself. “I just made detective.”

  She walked over and put one of her feet between his legs on his chair.

  “Sir” she began as she started unbuttoning her uniform blouse. “I believe if you start by looking at my attendance record you’ll see that I’m dedicated to being here every day without fail. I have taken no sick days in over two years.”

  She had the uniform unbuttoned and unsnapped her bra, pulling it out through the sleeve in her uniform shirt.

  “Furthermore, my performance evaluations since I’ve been on the force have been nothing short of outstanding, and that is coming from two separate supervisors.”

  Her tits were hanging free now that the bra was off. They were huge and hung beautifully under her uniform blouse. Maddox could see the edges of her nipples and realized his cock was starting to get hard.

  “In addition to that sir” she said as she got on her knees and started unbuckling his pants, “There is my work on the 74th street burglaries. If you look at that case file, you wi
ll see that it was my questioning of the initial witnesses that lead to the collar of the perp in question.”

  She pulled his stiffening cock out of his shorts and ran her fingers over its bulbous head, eliciting a groan from the Sergeant.

  “So I think you’ll agree sir, that I will clearly go over and beyond what is required for the good of the department.”

  She opened her mouth and engulfed his organ. He groaned again and leaned forward to grab her tits.

  “You make a solid case Mason” he said as her head was bobbing up and down on his stiff cock. “Let me talk to the Lieutenant.”

  Chapter 3

  “What the fuck are you talking about Maddox” Lieutenant Bronson was berating his sergeant. “I thought we agreed that spot should be given to Taylor. That guy’s been on the beat for 6 years, he should have been made dick 2 years ago. Where is this crap about Patrolman Mason coming from?”

  “Patrolwoman Sir” he said. “She just seems, uh, really enthusiastic about the position. And she hasn’t had a sick day in the last two years. And there is the work she did on the 74th street burglaries…”

  “Whoa, hold on a second – you’ve already talked to her about this? Did she approach you about the position?”

  “Well, yeah, kind of” he stammered. “But she’s a solid cop. If you look at her record…”

  “What the fuck is going on here Maddox. Why do you all of a sudden want to pass over Taylor for this girl?” the lieutenant asked him.

  Chapter 4

  She had gotten the message from the sergeant. It said they wanted to meet with her at the lieutenant’s house to talk about her eligibility for the promotion. “Ok” she thought. She was hoping it would be as easy as blowing the sergeant the first time around but figured that was a best case scenario. If she had to blow the lieutenant too that was fine – as long as she got the shield at the end. She knew she would make a difference with that shield, she just needed to do whatever she could to get that chance.

  She pulled up to his house and got out of her car. There were two other cars in the driveway so she figured the Sarge was already here. She was out of uniform for this particular occasion. She still wore pants and a button up shirt, trying to go with what she considered business casual. She figured it wouldn’t much matter because the clothes would likely be coming off quickly anyway and she didn’t want to get any of her really good stuff wrinkled.

  She knocked at the door and it was the Sarge who answered.

  “Hi Mason” he said. “Thanks for agreeing to see us tonight. Come on in.”

  She entered and following him to what must have been the den. The lieutenant was seated on the couch.

  “Good evening lieutenant” she started. “Let me just say up front thank you for agreeing to meet with me. I’m extremely interested in the detective position, which I sure Sergeant Maddox has already told you, and I think I’m the best one for the position.”

  “Um, the position, yes” the lieutenant said. “You realize you are 2nd on the list after Patrolman Taylor and he has more seniority that you do, correct?”

  “Yes sir” she said. “But I still think I want the job more than Taylor and would be a better detective than he would be.”

  The lieutenant stood up. “How can you say you want the job more than he does?”

  She took the cue and started unbuttoning her shirt and pulling it from her pants. “Always lead with the tits” she thought to herself. “Guys are crazy for big tits.”

  In the case of the lieutenant she was right. As soon as she had her bra unbuttoned he stepped closer and latched onto her big breasts with his hands. He roughly massaged them and pinched her nipples causing her to moan.

  “Oh I’m quite certain I want the job more than Taylor” she was saying while grabbing at his hardening cock.

  The lieutenant grabbed her hand and led her into the bedroom with the sergeant close behind. He hadn’t spoken another word but took off his pants and got on the bed in a kneeling position. She took her cue and got on the bed in front of him and started fellating him.

  “Ahh yeah” he groaned. “That’s a good girl.”

  The sergeant was behind her tugging her pants off her body, leaving her in her black panties. Laura felt the lieutenant grab her left wrist and then felt cold steel as he closed one end of a handcuff on it. She looked up in time to see him thread the handcuff through the post in his headboard and clasp the other manacle on her right wrist. She now had her arms stretched out in front of her and was essentially helpless. She suddenly felt her pussy reach the point of being soaking wet.

  The lieutenant pulled her head back by her hair while the sergeant tugged her panties off. The Sarge palmed her pussy with his hand and announced “oh yeah, she’s soaking wet, Mason is definitely enthusiastic about this job.”

  She simply moaned agreement around the lieutenant’s cock in her mouth and heard the sergeant’s zipper going down. It seemed like a matter of seconds before she felt the thick head of his cock enter her and she lifted her head back and sighed.

  “Wow, you really want this job don’t you” the lieutenant was saying to her as the sergeant started fucking her in earnest. “Why are you so interested Mason?” he asked her. “Word on the street is your parents are loaded and you don’t have to work at all.”

  The Sarge had his hands on her hips and was fucking her for all he was worth.

  “Well” she panted between his strokes. “I know I would be good at it sir. I know I could make a difference.”

  He delivered a few more strokes and she moaned.

  “You’re right, I don’t need the money” she said pausing only to moan. “And I’m not going to take another step walking a beat. I want that detective spot.”

  She could feel the sergeant start to tense up.

  “If I’m willing to fuck you guys for I job I don’t need, how can you not take me seriously?”

  The Sarge gave one last grunt and she could feel his dick twitch and then come inside her. He gave her a few more strokes and then pulled his limp cock out.

  The lieutenant move around to replace him behind her.

  “Damn you made a mess Sarge, I’m not sticking my dick in there.”

  Laura felt him put the tip of his cock against the entrance to her ass and jumped, but she wasn’t going very far handcuffed to the bed.

  The lieutenant’s cock was still slick with her saliva and he started pushing it slowly into her ass as she let out a low groan.

  “Well” he said, “You definitely have initiative Mason. I think you would be an asset to the detective division.”

  Chapter 5

  Laura was looking at the letter in her hand congratulating her on being accepted in her new departmental role as detective. There were whispers in the department, she knew that. Office Taylor was pissed – why was this skirt with half the street experience of him being given the job he thought he had locked down?

  She didn’t care, as far as she was concerned she earned it. If Taylor was still walking a beat after 6 years on the force than that was his problem. She had showed initiative and went after the job. She laughed to herself every time she heard females called “the weaker sex”. Maybe that was true of the uglies or the stupid females, but if you were smart and had a body like hers there wasn’t anything out of your reach if you had the moxie to go after it. Fuck him.

  She was instructed to report to Vice. Getting the detective shield was the first step in launching the next chapter of her aspirational law enforcement career. She knew that the first couple of assignments were likely to be dogs though. She still needed to establish herself as a shrewd detective before she started to get assigned any choice cases, and that meant starting with the crap assignments that no one else wanted.

  She showed up at Vice at 10:00am as instructed and was sitting across from the desk of Sergeant Wexler. He was giving her the once over which she expected. Even guys in Vice were not above letting their hormones get the better of them.

p; “We’re pleased to have you joining our little team her Mason” he started. “I know Vice is not typically regarded as a plum assignment but a lot of the big crimes around here have their roots planted here one way or another.”

  “Yes sir, I’m happy to be here” she said.

  “As it happens, you are just the type of person we need right now. As you know, there is a heavy department wide initiative right now to chase down Carlos Espinosa” he said as he slid a folder across the desk to her.

  “Yes I know all about him” she said as she started looking through the folder. “The Columbian Jackal” she remarked, looking at the few photos they had of him. He cast a striking figure – the only close up they had was a mug shot that was several years old but showed the scar on his face and the half sickle tattoo on his neck.

  “Yes” Wexler said. “He is of primary interest to the Narcotics guys since he apparently controls the flood of all pharmaceuticals that come through this city. But like all these underworld scumbags, he happens to dabble in prostitution too, and we think he is becoming more involved in that side of his business now that we are squeezing him on his drug network.”

  “We just want you to go out and work the street a little. Undercover work for sure but nothing hairy – see if you can talk to the girls and find anything out. We’re not going to get anywhere shaking down a bunch of Johns, but a girl that knows something or a loose lipped pimp could help us out.”

  “Let’s be absolutely clear about something though” he started to emphasize. “We don’t have a budget on this to have a dedicated guy watching you. You’ve got one black and white in that area who knows you’re out there but he’s got a 20 block radius to cover and could have his own shit to deal with at any time. So you are not expected to do anything to compromise your safety. Dress like them and ask questions, that’s it. Under no circumstances are you to go behind a closed door with anyone, is that clear?”


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