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Forced Erotica

Page 98

by Emmie Combs

  "I can't honey, I can't, that wouldn't be right."

  "It sure would be; I want you to show that pussy to them. I want you to, in fact I'm begging you to; it would be such a turn on for me to know that my wife showed her titties and pussy to the artists."

  "Really, you wouldn't be mad?"

  "Hell no, I would love you more. Tell me you are going to show them your pussy."

  "You are sure?" I whispered as I felt my wetness grow in excitement.

  "Oh god yes, tell me you will let them see your pussy."

  "Ok, if you are really ok with it."

  "Tell me, tell me what you are going to let them see and that all the men will wish they could fuck you."

  I gasped out "my pussy, I'm going to let them see my pussy and those men will want to fuck your wife's pussy."

  "And that will make you hot knowing that want to fuck your pussy."

  "Yes, yes I will show them my pussy and I will want them to fuck me but I will come home to you."

  "But you will want them to fuck you?"

  "Yes, I will want them to put their cocks in my pussy and cum in me." With that my husband came in me certainly as much as he ever has and I loved it.

  The next day was Tuesday. The morning was busy and went fast but the afternoon just seemed to drag on. I found myself impatient as I looked at the time far too often. Ultimately, however, as it always does the workday came to an end allowing me to race home, at least to the extent that traffic would allow. I was driving on autopilot as I was again going through my closets and drawers mentally making sure there wasn't something special I should wear. I came out of my daydream with someone yelling at me for wondering all over the road. I also found myself tickling my nipples through my lace bra. They were hard and poking through my blouse as they readily do when I become aroused. I supposed that they would be looking like this for the next several hours.

  I arrived home without getting into an accident. I had made my clothing choices and decided to wear my pink cotton mini skirt and top. I wouldn't be wearing a bra as I would just have to take it off anyway and it might leave marks which I certainly did not want to show up in any sketches. I also wouldn't be wearing any hose for the same reason but I did in fact put on the thong I had picked out earlier in my fantasies. I strode into the bathroom to view myself in the mirror. I thought I looked pretty good and as I turned to look at my backside I felt I still looked just a little "hot" perhaps even after all these years of marriage. I lifted up my skirt, sat on the bench and spread my legs to see what the group would see, as that portion of the thong disappeared between my lips. I thought to myself that indeed those men were going to want to fuck me.

  After a time I found myself in the car and on the way to the studio. As I was walking up the steps a young man entered behind me.

  "Are you one of our models tonight?"

  "Why yes I am."

  "Great, I can hardly wait."

  I smiled but nervously picked up my pace. As I entered the room Ben was there to greet me.

  "Would you like some wine perhaps?"

  "Yes, I think lots of it. I'm not sure why I am here."

  "Oh you will do fine" as he handed me a glass.

  I downed it. "Can I have another?"

  He just laughed and handed me another chardonnay which was larger than the previous glass. He followed that with another as he responded to my next request.

  "Why don't you sit over here and just watch the modeling. Paul is actually about to come up."

  I did as I was told and went on to another glass although I was now just sipping as I didn't want to fall asleep. I recognized the sketch as Paul strode up to the table like an old pro, although one that was not quite so old as I guessed he was maybe in his early thirty's. He dropped his robe and revealed that gorgeous body. I noticed at that point that the table was covered with blankets and pillows piled around. Paul lay down in the middle of that and posed on his side. His right hand was above his shoulder propping his head up. Following instruction he moved his right leg forward a bit with his left leg slightly behind with his left arm draped down his waist, onto his hip and down his taught leg. His cock lay down onto his right leg hanging just above the table.

  I found myself mesmerized by this body. My eyes left his cock and down his legs and back up to his abs, chest and back to his cock. I whispered to myself that this was the most beautiful man I had ever seen and that he had the most beautiful cock I had ever seen. As I held my wine glass to my lips I continued to stare uncontrollably at Paul's gorgeous tool. I swore to myself that it was actually getting bigger as I found my eyes pulled up to his face; which was staring back at me smiling. I quickly looked away and took another sip of my wine.

  Ben was now giving instructions to the group. He was announcing that this next session would be a speed sketch and that he was setting the timer on ten minutes. It would be a contest to see who could complete a decent looking sketch in that amount of time. He followed that with an announcement that the speed sketch would be followed by a special couples pose as I found the group looking my direction. I took another sip of wine.

  Ben set the timer and came over to me. "Why don't you get you out of those clothes and into a robe so you are ready to go when the timer goes off" as he walked me over to a screen and took a robe off a hook and handed it to me. "We will want you completely naked for this session."

  Maybe it was the wine by then but I didn't argue. As he walked away I pulled my top off, kicked off my shoes and dropped my skirt. Finally I pushed my thong down my legs and picked up all of my clothing and tossed them onto a chair. I looked down at myself and believed the years had been kind to me. My husband was always telling me how he loved my 36B's and that I had a killer ass and at that moment after all of that wine I believed him. I put on the robe and went over to the cushy chair and sat down just as the alarm went off.

  Ben motioned me over as I gulped the last swallow of wine. He was announcing that the next pose would be the "lovers pose" that they had been discussing.

  "Lovers pose?" Again, I'll blame it on the wine but somehow I didn't object to the phrase or that Ben had pulled my robe off as he was introducing me or to his instruction to lay on the platform facing Paul.

  Paul had placed his arm on a pillow straight in front of his chest and I was told to lay my head on his bicep facing his chest. I next was pushed up so that my breasts were touching his pectorals and my arm was thrown around his waist as his left arm was draped over mine. Finally I was asked to place my right leg over his left leg. All the while Ben was explaining to the class that one of the hardest drawings to do accurately was of two lovers intertwined and that they would be spending a bit more time on this sketch before wrapping up for the night. At that point it appeared the artists began drawing.

  Paul introduced himself and told me that the time would go quicker if we talked. I agreed that his idea probably made sense but at the same time I became distracted as I now was aware that his cock was laying on my leg just inches from my pussy. My nipples became instantly, almost painfully hard as I felt dampness between my legs and a smile on Paul's face. I quickly asked him to pick a topic that he wanted to discuss in an attempt at distraction.

  "How about sex Sandy, how would you like to talk about that?"

  I'm sure I scowled as I told him to pick another topic.

  "How about you tell me about the last time you had sex and I'll tell you about the last model I fucked" he whispered.

  I looked up at him as I tried not to move any body parts. I whispered in reply "I'm certainly not going to tell you about the last time I had sex."

  "That long ago huh? I'll bet you are a horny little redhead. I'm told you are all wild in the sack and I have yet to do a redhead."

  "Well it's going to be a bit longer before you do this one."

  "Ok, how much longer Sandy? Later tonight or tomorrow?"

  "I meant, I meant that you are going to do me."

  "Oh I think that I will. I saw you sta
ring at my cock. I know you are wondering how big it gets when it gets hard. I know you can feel the heaviness of it on your leg and you are wondering right now what it would feel like in that hot pussy of yours, which I see you have shaved for me."

  "I didn't shave it for you."

  "Yes you did, I can tell you are just shaved, probably earlier tonight."

  "No I shaved yesterday" I sneered at him. "Now be quiet."

  "You can't hide from me. I can feel your hard nipples you know and I can smell your pussy. I know you are hot and I know you are wanting my cock in you. I know it has been a long time since you have experienced a cock like mine in that hot tunnel of yours."

  "No it hasn't, I just had sex with my husband yesterday if you must know."

  "With that little thing of his?"

  "How do you know that?"

  "I didn't but now I do. Now I know just how much you have been thinking of my big cock in you. Ben told me that you were quite taken with the sketch of me on display here."

  I had been caught and apparently he knew something about me and I wasn't quite sure how much. "Well it was a nice sketch, the artist is very talented."

  "And so is the model" was his smiling retort.

  "How much talent does it take to sit on a chair?"

  "Oh I wasn't talking about that. I meant the talent that is going to give you a screaming orgasm a bit later."

  "Well I don't need a screaming orgasm."

  "It's been a long time for that too I guess."

  I just looked at him.

  "Oh my god you haven't had a wild screaming can't catch your breath orgasm in a long time have you?"

  "No" I whispered.

  "That's too bad, baby, but that all ends tonight. Once you've experienced what this cock can do for you future satisfaction will be hard for you to find anywhere else."

  "How do you know that?"

  "I have a lot of repeat customers."


  "Women who love their men but find they cannot deliver mad passionate live in the jungle sex. I can deliver that to you at no charge."

  I didn't respond. I didn't actually have time to respond but had Ben not approached us I'm not quite sure what I'd respond with.

  "Say guys I'm going to let everyone out and then I'll lock up. I'll be back after that to finish my sketch as I started a bit after everyone else but I'll be back in a bit. Just hang tight and I'll be back."

  "He'll be awhile."

  "How do you know that Paul?"

  "This happens a lot. He starts talking with the guys outside and loses track of time. But that allows me time to show you what I was talking about."

  "You're crazy. We can't have sex right here on this table."

  "So I was right wasn't I? It's not a matter of me fucking you; it is just a matter of where I fuck you. I say that I fuck you right here and now. He won't be back for at least 20 minutes."

  "We can't Paul; we can't do this right here."

  "Oh yes we can. There is no time like the present and I can tell you are already wet for me."

  That is when I felt his cock twitch and begin to harden as he moved his hips just enough for his dick to touch my pussy. I shivered.

  "Sandy, I'm going to push my cock into your pussy. You are going to love it. Nobody but us has to know but I'm telling you that if you have never experienced an orgasm like I will provide you just have never really made mad passionate love."

  I felt his had touch my lips as his mouth nibbled on my ear. "You want to feel my cock in you don't you Sandy?"


  "Touch it Sandy, pump it a little, have you ever had a cock this big?"


  "You want it in your pussy don't you?"


  "Say please" as I felt him insert a finger in me while pressing his palm lightly on my mound.

  "Yes please."

  "Yes please what?"

  He began to lick my breasts around my very aroused nipples and stuck another finger in me as his other hand enveloped mine and forced me to pump his cock.

  "Please I want your cock in me."

  I don't know how he moved so fast but before I knew it he was on top of me. I felt him push his big helmet in me. God he was stretching me like I hadn't experienced before. It hurt, and yet it felt so good.

  "You want more of my cock in you Sandy?"


  "Yes what Sandy? Do you want me to fuck you silly, to make you cum like you have never before?"

  "Yes Paul, please fuck me, please make me cum."

  I felt him push into me further, stretching me as he continued to swell. He pulled all the way out and then pushed further into me. He was all the way out again and back into me further and further as he continued to grow in girth and hardness. I lost track of how often or how long he moved in and out of me but oh god was it wonderful. I wrapped my legs around his waist.

  "Oh god Paul that feels so good. Your cock is so big. I feel so full. Oh god yes, like that, yes like that, don't stop, yes do it just like that...oh fuck, oh god, yes that's, that's it, oh god Paul, yes fuck me harder, make me cum."

  I dropped my legs to the bench and pushed up toward him, arching my back as he pounded me. His hands were now groping and pulling on my breasts as he was ramming me, the sounds of his cock moving in and out of my sloshing cunt accelerating the feeling between my legs. I reached my hands up to grab his neck pulling myself up to him as he grabbed my ass and pounded into me harder and faster.

  "Oh my god Paul, I'm going to... going to... oh god Paul fuck me! Fuck, fuck, yes, fuck oh god I'm going... yes I'm..."

  My body was writhing, twitching, and enveloping his massive tool, sucking him into me. I bit his shoulder as I screamed into him as I hadn't in oh so long. My wild twitching and wracking of my body seemed to go on for several minutes. Maybe it was shorter or maybe longer but oh my god I was moving all over the table as he just hung on for dear life so that finally he got to experience me milking him of apparently massive amounts before I, exhausted, dropped to the table all the while continuing to feel his twitching unloading inside me.

  "Oh god, oh god, thank you" I gasped.

  He just smiled and pulled out of me. I waved him toward me and grabbed his still hard member which I licked clean for him.

  "Oh god, that was amazing. I have to know, though, if you were completely in me. It seemed like you were."

  "Yep, I was, all ten inches."

  "And if I must say it is really a very beautiful ten inches."

  I looked around and didn't notice anyone in the room. "Do you think Ben would mind if we left? I don't think I can pose for him anymore tonight."

  "I'm sure he wouldn't mind so long as I can tell him you are coming back next week. Next week we are scheduled to do a threesome pose."



  "I'll be here."

  The End.

  Thespian Love

  Monica turned the key in the backstage door, letting us into the darkened theatre. I flipped on the lights, and the two of us moved onto the set. We didn't come here to fool around. Honestly. We were here to go over some blocking for a few of our scenes together.

  The play is a hilarious comedy about infidelity and murder (trust me; it's funny), by a Canadian playwright, and I landed the lead (Peter) for our community theatre group's production. Monica is my leading lady (Kate), and she's perfectly suited to the role. She is a little too thin for my taste, but I still find her quite attractive. She's a hot little number, with super-wild fiery red hair, a cute little round butt, small but pert titties, and a pretty elfin face.

  I won't go into all of the details, but basically, the play involves a cheating wife (Kate), and her nervous lover (Peter), who accidentally kills her husband when he comes home unexpectedly. Hilarity ensues (as hilarity is wont to do) as they try to figure out what to do, and how they will get away with it, without breaking a scandal, and without any of the many visitors figuring out what happen

  Things were going normally, at first. We made some progress with our scenes, and worked out many problems with the movement.

  Then, we got to the bedroom scene.

  We went over this scene several times, to get it right. Really! Just to get the movement and timing right. Not because it felt spectacular to be rolling around on a bed with a gorgeous half-naked redhead. In this scene, we were supposed to be just about to make love. Kate, dressed in a frilly nightie, climbs on top of Peter -- in walks her husband -- freeze -- curtain down -- next scene. That's what's supposed to happen.

  We'd rehearsed this scene many times before, without anything stirring. Of course, that was with several other actors in the room, and the director interrupting us every third line to tell us how she wanted this line delivered, or that cross made. But now, we were alone, and on our third run-through, something happened.

  A quick glance at our scripts, to remind ourselves of where we were in the play, and we got to work. Chasing me around the bed, Kate played a little game of cat and mouse, before grabbing me, throwing me down on the mattress, and pouncing for the kill. Straddling my hips, she delivered her line, "now you're mine!" and pressed her lips to mine for a passionate kiss. Remember, this is when her husband was supposed to walk in. But we were alone in the theatre, so there was nothing to interrupt us. The kiss lasted perhaps a half a second longer than it would have, if we'd had the actor playing Kate's husband. And she was straddling perhaps a half a foot lower on my body than she usually did during rehearsals. It's amazing how a small shift in timing and position can change a scene so dramatically.

  Breaking the kiss, Monica looked at me in shocked surprise. I was blushing furiously, as my cock had grown to full rigidity, and there was no way she didn't detect it, considering she was straddled right over it. Fully expecting her to get angry, or at least embarrassed (as I was), and storm offstage, I tried to think of something to say that would diffuse the situation. But she didn't storm off. She didn't seem the least bit angry or embarrassed. Looking into my eyes, her expression changed from shock to mischief.

  Leaning down to me again, she kissed me. She kissed me deeply and passionately, and it wasn't Kate kissing me this time, but Monica! Her tongue probed my mouth wetly, and she slowly ground her pussy against my hard cock, dryfucking me. It took me a moment to realize that her reaction was not the one I'd expected, but eventually, I did figure it out. I kissed her back with equal passion, meeting her probing tongue with mine, and cupping and squeezing her lovely ass with trembling hands.


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