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Sara's Gun (Devil's Iron MC Series Book 5)

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by GM Scherbert

  Coming home from work the next week, I hop into the shower, fucking thinking again of him. Working these twelve hour shifts has really been helping to keep my thoughts off of him, except when I find myself alone and awake. Usually by the time I get home I am so tired that I barely have time to eat before I pass out and repeat the whole process.

  Which is no different tonight, except for the way I am woken up, if you can call it that. I remember drifting off on the couch before I felt a crack to my head. While I was struggling with what the fuck was happening around me, I was thrown back on the couch by tattooed arms. I didn’t recognize the voice that repeatedly asked “where that fucking ginger whore was,” but I didn’t need to recognize it to know that this must be Clutch.

  “Where is Ember, you stupid cunt?”

  “Fuck you, Asshat. The best decision she ever made was to leave your sorry ass. She has found someone that will never do the shit that you have done to her and you better hope that he never finds out who you are.”

  “Oh, she hasn’t told Doc about me. Really? That is some nice knowledge you have imparted on me cunt. Did you really think that I didn’t know about him? I just want to know where she is now so I can go have a little chat with her. I know that his stupid ass is out of town, so I thought this would be perfect timing.” Slapping me upside the head he starts screaming at me, “Now, tell me where the fuck she is.”

  Passing out and waking up repeatedly during the next few hours I know that some horrible shit has gone on. My body is struggling to keep on, I am having trouble staying conscious, not to mention trouble breathing. I have worked enough assault cases to know that if he leaves me alive I will have a long fucking road ahead of me.

  As the days pass, the memories of that night have been few and far between which I think is a good thing considering the amount of damage that was done. I was knocked out cold for almost a week when they brought me into the hospital. When I regained consciousness the Doctors let me know how bad off I was and that I will be at the hospital for at least a few weeks more. Doc has been up to the hospital repeatedly. I am not sure what he thinks I can tell him. I remember only bits and pieces and I have told him what I can.

  Irene has come up to the hospital a few times and let me know on her first visit that both Ember and Doc came by the house after I was taken to the hospital. I ask immediately if she had any hint as to where Ember was and she smiled.

  “She called me the other day sweetheart. She is fine and will call you when you are out of the hospital and she can be sure no one is around. She did tell me to ask that you don’t mention anything to that gorgeous man of hers, which I don’t think is a good idea. That man loves her so much, I could see it as soon as he came looking for her.”

  “I know he does Irene, but we must do as she asks. I am not sure what happened to her or what kind of mindset she is in, but we must respect her wishes even if we don’t agree with them.”

  “Hmmph,” is her only reply as she turns to leave. As the door closes I see someone peering into my room and know him in an instant.

  I’m not sure if it was Blaze or Doc, but someone put men on my door that I have seen every day since I have been here. This is not the first time that I have seen Gun here, but it is the first time that he has looked into my room like he might come in.

  As the week passes I wish that Gun would come in my room, but when he is here he just sits outside in the hall. He hasn’t spoken to me, just stares when I catch him looking at me. The only visitors that I have had continue to be Irene, Preach, and Doc, when he feels like coming to question me yet again about what happened and where Ember is.

  Why Doc doesn’t know where Ember is, if she is safe, and where she has gone, worries me. I know that there are things that Doc has not told me, he wears his emotions on his sleeve, so I am scared about what really happened to her and why she didn’t let him know where she is at. Doc is going through so much pain that I find it hard to not at least tell him that she is safe, but I promised Ember and I would never break my word.

  As the days turns to weeks I find myself going crazy wanting to get out of the hospital. Gun still has not talked with me even though he is usually the one watching me. I see him every day and yet he never fucking says anything to me. Why doesn’t he just come and talk to me? Why the fuck does he have to be the one to keep eyes on me? Out of all the brothers that are in the fucking MC, it has to be him?

  I finally get to go home about two weeks after the attack. As I ready myself to go home, I notice that Gun is nowhere to be seen. Not that I have talked to him in the weeks that I have been here, but it has been a little comforting knowing that he is here watching over me. Fuck him.

  Preach comes to take me home from the hospital and again urges me to talk with my father. I just shake the thought out of my mind. I am ready to get home and get back into my normal routine. Life, of course, has other thoughts in mind.

  Chapter 8


  Finding myself in Tennessee with Blaze, Doc, and a couple prospects, I don’t waste any time finding someone to take the thoughts of my Princess away.

  As we come back into Chicago I know that we will not be seeing Doc too much, because he hasn’t touched a woman the whole time we have been away. I know his mind is on that girl Ember, it must be serious, because I have never seen him like this before.

  Getting back to the Clubhouse that night I don’t waste any time finding a club whore to sink my troubles away in. Of course, as has been the norm for the last few months, girl is brunette with dark eyes. That little Princess is never too far from my mind. I hope that changes soon.

  Taking the girl back to my room I find happiness in her mouth. Fucking her throat while she gags around my cock. I would have cum right there, but looking down at her eyes moments before I would have exploded, those were not the eyes I wanted to see. Fuck! I pick the girl up and toss her towards the bed. Making sure that her head is buried in the sheets, I grab a rubber and slip it on before burying myself in her cunt. Making sure her head stays down I lose myself in thoughts of the Princess being the one I am fucking, cumming only short moments later. The girl next to me passes out quickly, thank fucking god, and I am left wishing it was Princess here with me.


  Waking up in the morning I had hoped that the girl that I had brought to bed with me would be fucking gone, but no such luck. After nudging her out the door I head to the bathroom and hop in the shower. Washing her and that god forsaken smell off of me, my mind again drifts to the Princess, which soon leads me to nutting in the fucking shower.

  Maybe if I had just one more taste of her, I would be able to get her outta my mind. God knows that my normal fucking lifestyle has been interrupted with thoughts of her. I have never been one to like brunettes and that is all I have a taste for lately.

  Drying off, I head to the bedside table to check my phone before getting dressed and notice that I have three missed messages from Doc. What the fuck could he want?

  The first message was shortly after we got back into town and it lets me know that something is going on with Ember. Doc sounds panicked to say the least and asks for me to get ready to help if needed. The second message is about forty-five minutes later and asks me to meet him over at Sara’s house. Leaving the address, he hangs up quickly and I am suddenly throwing pants on and out the door without listening to the last message. What the fuck is going on and why would Princess have anything to do with it?

  Pulling up to the address that Doc left I find no one around. Walking back to my bike I am stopped by a little old lady on the porch of the next house, asking what I am doing here.

  “I am here to see Sara, Ma’am. I just found out that something might have happened and came to see if she needed me.” Looking back towards her house I give a nod before going on, “Do you know what happened here?”

  “She got taken out of here a few days and is still unconscious as far as I know. That man that was here late last night, Doc I think it was, we
nt through the house and headed up to the hospital. Your friends with him?” Nodding my head, she goes on while pointing towards my bike. “That piece of shit who beat her up so bad had a bike kinda like that one you rode up here, and a vest like that one your wearing too,” pausing she squints at the name on my vest, “Gun.”

  “Well, thanks, Ma’am. I think I will head up to the hospital and see if there is anything that I can do.”

  “See you soon. I’m Irene by the way, Gun.”

  Turning back to the street, my pace quickens as I wonder what the fuck is going on. Racing over to the hospital I find Preach in the waiting room.

  “What’s going on Preach?”

  “Gun, what the fuck are you doing up here?”

  “I got a call from Doc last night, but was held up and didn’t get the message until this morning. What the fuck is going on with Princess? She talk back to the wrong guy and get a slap in the face for it or what?”

  “Princess? Who the fuck do you think you are talking about like that?” Is all I hear before a right hook connects with my face. He goes on before I can talk, “Who the fuck do you think you are? What the fuck makes you think that you can speak to me like that? I knew it was bad when I saw you two sniffing around each other, but I thought maybe you two would be a good fit and that you could handle your shit and step up. Why don’t you just get the fuck outta here, you won’t do anyone any good here, even if we need you.”

  Rubbing my cheek, I cut him off. “What the fuck was that for? She is just a club girl Preach, for fuck’s sake no reason for you to fucking hit me.”

  “Wrong Gun. Wrong on all accounts. She is so much more than that, and anyone who has been around and paying attention would know that. Now, get the fuck outta here before Doc gets back and asks you to keep watch over her or some shit, I will do it while he is out looking for whoever did this.”

  “Wait, back the fuck up Preach. Why does the little Princess need watching?” Stepping past Preach into the room, the wind is taken out of me quickly when I look at the bed and see the state that she is in. Laying in the hospital bed with tubes coming out every which way and a machine that looks to be helping her breath.

  Looking back at him I am sure that the color has drained from my face when I ask, “What the fuck happened to her? It looks like someone took a fucking bat to her. Who the fuck did this?”

  “Doc doesn’t have any leads. Doc’s old lady, Ember, took off while you were gone on that run, most likely right before you guys came home and he went to Sara’s house to try and get a lead. When he got there, Irene told him that Sara had been taken to the hospital and that she was in bad shape.”


  “She’s the little old lady that lives next door to Sara. She said that she had heard some arguing but didn’t think much of it until the motorcycle peeled out. That’s when she went over and found her like this. That was a couple days ago.”

  Looking back towards Sara I get lost in thoughts of what must have happened to her. I am snapped out of my thoughts by heavy boots coming down the hallway. Pivoting so that my body is in the doorway blocking Sara, I glance towards the sound and see Doc approaching. Relaxing only a tad, I ask if he has found any information out or if he has any leads.

  “No, and thanks so much for dragging your ass out of bed so quickly. I am so sorry that I interrupted your fucking piece of ass. Three fucking times I called you Gun, I fucking could have used you.”

  “I’m here now, and I’ll do whatever you need. Does Prez know about her?”

  “What the fuck does Prez need to know? I have an old lady that fucking disappeared, and I have no fucking clue why. I go over to her only friend’s house and find out from the old lady next door that she has been taken by ambulance to the hospital and that some asshole on a bike with a cut is the one that put her there. I don’t know what the fuck to think let alone what to do to find out what the fuck happened.”

  All I see is red when I think that one of the Devil’s Iron might be involved in this. “Wait, one of our fucking brothers did this to her?”

  “No, I don’t think so. I can’t be sure, though, all Irene said was that the guy had a leather vest like mine and road a bike.”

  “Fuck,” is all I get out before the machines start making a shit ton of noise and I rush to her side. The nurses walk in a few minutes later and I am pissed that it took them so long. “What the fuck is going on? Why are all these machines making these noises and what took you so long to get in here?”

  “Sir, really? Calm down, if it were an emergency we would have come quicker, it was just alerting us that her IV fluids were low and need to be switched. Wait, who are you? There is only supposed to be family in here, and I don’t remember seeing anyone on her paperwork, except her dad over there,” pointing at Preach. I almost laugh out loud at the thought that he would be her dad, that would just be my fucking luck.

  Preach answers, after glancing at Doc, before I am able to, “That’s her fiancé, so he will be here a lot I imagine. Her step-mother Irene will be about frequently as well, if there is some paperwork that I need to fill out, I’d be happy to. Otherwise just ignore him, his bark is really worse than his bite.”

  Sitting at her bed-side for the next few days I am well aware of all the shit that happened to her during those long hours that fucking sick fuck had her. The images my mind is coming up with, I can only help are worse than the reality she faced.

  The doctors let me know that it will take a long while for her to be fully recovered and that the sexual assault might be the worst part as far as healing goes. The bruises will fade but the scars will be a constant reminder. The doctors repeatedly explain that they don’t know how she will react to the news seeing that she might not even be aware when she wakes up what happened.

  How the fuck am I or anybody supposed to talk to her about what happened to her?

  The day she finally wakes up, and I see those eyes again, I know at that moment that she is mine and I will do everything to protect her from all things, even myself. I will keep my distance and let her heal, let her get back to some sense of normal. I know that what is best for her is to be with someone the opposite of me and I hope to fuck I am able to stay away.

  Knowing that some sick fuck had his way with what is mine pisses me the fuck off. I cannot wait to find him and tear him limb from fucking limb. It has been almost a week, and Doc has no leads as to Ember’s whereabouts or who did this. The amount of blood that he found in her apartment lets us know that something violent happened there as well. Not knowing is just as painful for him as seeing Sara is for me.

  I keep my distance as I promised myself I would, not even stepping foot in her room after she wakes up. There is something weird going on between Preach and Irene, almost if they know each other or did at one time, and I see it whenever they happen to run into each other. They never talk, but it is something you can’t mistake.

  I would listen by the door when Irene, Preach, or Doc would stop by but that’s as close as I would let myself get. So many times I wanted to go in the room, especially the times I could hear her crying, but I know that I am not what she needs. The time at night when she wakes up screaming, and I have to hold back from running in to comfort her. She needs a man that can be gentle after what she has gone through and that is just not me.

  When Prez lets me know that I will be the one watching over her for the time being, I am aware that it’s trouble but do what I’m told. Waiting for her at her house the day she gets released is torture. I made sure to go through the house yesterday and had some prospects come over and clean up all the reminders of that night. It took them a few hours to clean the floors and shit, then I threw my card at them so that they could go and pick up some new furniture. She doesn’t need any more reminders of that night then the marks that are on her skin and in her head. What the hell do I need the money for all I do is drink, fuck, and work and all three of those have fallen by the wayside this past month.

prospects have just pulled away when I see Preach’s truck pulling up.

  Moving slowly towards the truck, I stop dead in my tracks when she gets out.

  Seeing the anger in her eyes when she sees me, I know instantly that I am in for a hell of a fight.

  One that I am not sure if either of us is ready for.

  Chapter 9


  Seeing Gun sitting on my porch instantly turns my stomach, but I get out to see where this is going. Watching him stroll towards the truck has me wanting to fight. He sat outside of my room without talking to me the whole time I was there. Just sat there watching me and everyone that came or went without saying a fucking word.

  I know that we just fucked and that it was nothing more than that to either one of us, but can’t he show some compassion or a little humanity for fucks sake. FUCK HIM!

  Looking toward Preach, he raises his hand and just shakes his head at me. Grabbing the bag from the hospital out of the truck he heads past Gun and lets himself into my house.

  Approaching him, I make to move around him and am startled as he tries to grab for me. Letting out a screech and slapping his arm I jump back and am stricken with how different things are for me now. Knowing that I am only short moments away from tears, I turn to make my way to the house, but stop when I hear, “Sara. I am here to help. Nothing and no one will hurt you. That includes me.”

  “Yeah, okay Gun.”

  “Sara, don’t. I am not going anywhere until you are back on your feet and get the retribution you deserve. It will give me great pleasure to put that sick fuck down for what he did to you.”

  Reaching for me again I cut him off before he makes contact, “Fuck you Gun,” comes out louder than I had wanted. Looking from him to around the street to make sure that we didn’t have an audience, I continued, “Where was this Gun when I was in the fucking hospital? Where was this Gun when I was alone and crying? Where was this Gun when I was in pain?” Raising a hand to wipe the tear away that had started to slip I finish, “You just fucking sat there. Not looking at me. Not talking to me. You didn’t even have the decency to check up on me. Yet, you say that you aren’t going anywhere. As far as I am concerned, you were never here to begin with.”


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