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Sara's Gun (Devil's Iron MC Series Book 5)

Page 12

by GM Scherbert

  “You’re not saying that you and she were together are you?” I say looking at him with disgust in my eyes.

  “Together? Fuck no, after your mother I knew better than to make the mistake of ever giving my freedom up to anyone. Brandy always wanted more, when she left Chicago and moved back up here last year she thought she was going to be my old lady or some shit. Bitch learned the hard way, that wasn’t going to happen.” Laughing, he lights up a joint as we turn down the road that his Clubhouse is on.

  “What’d you have to come home for anyway? You never use to leave a fucking party once it started. Why go home tonight?”

  “Oh, I came to get you, Princess.” An evil laugh comes out of him before he goes on. “That bike has had a tracker on it for years. Since well before you ran off to New Orleans.”

  Not knowing what is going to happen tonight I reach down checking for the phone. Knowing that calling Ember is going to be the first thing I do.

  Chapter 24


  Five shots of Jack later and her voice and the words she said are still ringing in my head. Make me come like I haven’t done in so many years. My pussy longs for your cock Sir, it has been lonely since that night that we were together last when you owned me forever.

  She hasn’t been with someone? Hasn’t been fucked since the night that we were last together? Needing to know the answers I call Country to come pick me up and take me to her house. He doesn’t answer, and I remember that most of the brothers were heading over to the Dungeon for the scene between Ember and Pearl that is going to happen. Knowing that I won’t be able to get a ride there I decide to hit the sack and just head over there to talk with her in the morning.

  FUCK! Why did I let her walk out?

  As I am heading to my room, my phone rings and I am sobered by the news that Ember has gone into labor early. Asking Doc why he called me with the news, he says that he had been trying to get a hold of Sara for the last hour and she has not answered and he had seen us head to the rooms together. Heading to my room I grab my keys and turn around, going to find her.

  Getting to her house, I find her gone and wonder where she would have gone. Or maybe she had not even made it home safely. With that worry brought to the forefront, I head into her house and search for a clue. Looking around the house I find a picture laying on the kitchen table and know in a second where she has gone. Seeing the old picture of her and who I guess is her father, I know in an instant why she has a horrible fear of being with a biker.

  Her father, if that’s who the man in the picture with a younger version of her is, that’s the President of the Guerilla’s MC. The Devil’s Iron has had a few run-ins with them over the years, Preach came from up there for fuck’s sake. He said he was a friend to them when he lived in Milwaukee, but saw some shit that he didn’t like so when he needed to move to Chicago there was no love loss. When he found the Devil’s Iron about eight years ago he patched in and has been with us ever since.

  Knowing that Irene would have the answers to my questions I grab the photo and head next door to ask Irene. Knocking on the door I wait a few long minutes before she gets to the door.

  “What the hell? It’s almost midnight, who the hell?” Is being yelled through the door as the porch light comes on and the door opens. As my eyes come back into focus, I am greeted with a gun pointed at my head as Irene opens the door. “Mack? What’s going on? Why are you here so late?” Looking past me at Sara’s house she goes on, “Where is Sara? I heard her come home before, but then I heard a bike about an hour after that. I thought maybe that you had come over.”

  “I’m not sure where she went, I think it might have to do with this, though,” pulling the picture out of my pocket. Showing her the photo I see recognition in her eyes right away, “You think that she finally went to see her dad?” Looking from me to the picture and back again, Irene walks over to the table and writes something down on a piece of paper. Walking back to me, she hands me the paper.

  “Top one is the home address, the bottom one is the Clubhouse. I would check the Clubhouse first seeing that it’s a party night. I wouldn’t think that she wouldn’t fucking go anywhere near that place, not by choice.”

  “What was it like for her growing up in the Guerilla’s Irene? They are some hard ass motherfuckers who don’t fuck around with shit. How did she turn out the way she did if she was raised around them?”

  “Don’t I know it. I tried to keep her away from it as much as I could after her mom died, but when my Earl got sick and passed, moving was the only option for me. She was only there a short time before she turned eighteen and could move away, but fuck if I know what happen. I have tried talking to her about what happened in that year and she has always ignored my prodding and wouldn’t talked about it.”

  Looking from her to the picture I can only begin to imagine what she saw in that year, let alone the eighteen years before that. “You don’t think her dad would hurt her, do you?”

  “I don’t know that man anymore. If you had asked me that twenty years ago the answer would have been no. Now though I just don’t know anymore. Mack, you better go get your girl.”

  With that, I turned and headed for Milwaukee, and the woman who owned me.

  Chapter 25


  Looking towards this man, I know that with each minute that passes with me being in his presence, Mack is nothing like him. He would never treat our child like my father is treating me. He would never treat me like my dad used to treat my mother. He might be a biker, but he is a good man and seeing earlier tonight how I have hurt him fucking kills me.

  Because what Mack felt for me is not some fucked up version of what my parents had. What Mack felt for me was real, was true, was love. He showed me in so many ways.

  I was scared, and I fucked it all up and ran.

  I loved him, no I love him still, and I need to try and make it right.

  As we sit down at the bar in the Clubhouse, I see a few of the men that I grew up around. All doing exactly the same shit they were doing the last time I saw them, years ago. Drinking, smoking pot, and having sex- not necessarily in that order.

  When I was here growing up and around this place, it was usually during the day, thankfully, so the sex wasn’t usually an issue. The drugs and drinking however, were always visible and usually offered freely.

  A younger man that I don’t recognize walks up to the bar ordering some drinks before, turning to my father. “Hey Prez, how the fuck are you? I saw that you left before and I wasn’t sure what you were getting off too, but I see you went to go get us a new girl.” Running his hand up my leg slowly he adds, “Let me know when you’re done. She looks like she could be some real fun.”

  Disgusted at the thought I am quick to slap his hand away before seeing the look in not only this guy’s eyes, turning I see the same look from my father.

  “What the fuck, cunt? Your too good for me or what, you think your fucking royalty? Prez, where did you find this one? We might need to pass her around and get her used to the fact that she is nothing but a wet hole around this fucking place.”

  Hearing the laughter coming from my father I am sure this shit just went further south. He can hardly get out through the laughter, “Yes, Princess, who do you think you are? Do you think you are too good for us? I that why you left those years ago? Did you think that you were too good for us? I am betting that you thought you were too good for Clutch when he had his way with you. Or that you are too good for Gun and that’s why you can running home.”

  The young guy, Roach if the name on his cut was right looked towards my dad, “Why did you bring her here, Prez? I thought you were done bringing girls around since that shit went down with that slut Brandy.”

  “Yeah, me too Roach, me too. Do me a favor boy and take her back to her bike so she can get gone again.”

  “Okay Prez, I will make sure to get her home safe and sound, I’d hate for anything to happen to the little Princess,” Roach says,
trying to run a hand up my arm. Pulling away from him, I am again rewarded with laugh that runs shivers up my spine.

  “I got nothing more to say to you.” Is all that my father says before turning and pulling me towards the door. Shoving me outta the door he says, “stay gone this time Princess, you don’t wanna be involved with me, that’s fine by me. I feel the same way about you. You were never more than a fucking chore to me anyway.” Shutting the door on me, I turn and head towards the gate, pulling out my cell as I go. Seeing that there are missed calls from Doc as well as Ember I ignore them, texting the only person who I can think of. I hope he is not still fucking pissed about the shit that happened between us. Went home Please send help, ask Irene is all I manage to get sent off before I am at the gate. Hoping that I can make it out before Roach comes to find me because I have a feeling, I wouldn’t get home all that safe.

  As I approach the guy at the gate, I feel a hand on my elbow and the phone being knocked outta my grip before the prospect has a chance to open the gates to me. Roach is hissing in my ear, “Princess, who you trying to call? Don’t leave so quick. My bike is over here come on,” pulling me towards his bike he goes on, “I gotta take care of you, just like Prez wanted. I would hate to see anything happen to you,” he adds with an evil grin on his face.

  FUCK! Knowing that putting up a fight with him in front of the small group of brothers that has gathered is not a smart move, I move with him to his bike.

  “If you could just take me to Pete’s no your Prez’s house that’s where my bike is and where I need to-”

  “Prez told me just where to take you and what to do with you, don’t worry Princess.” Pointing towards a bike he says, “get on Princess, I’ll make sure to get you home safe.” Holding up three fingers he adds, “Scouts honor.”

  Thinking again about running, I see that the crowd of Guerillas has grown and know that running is not going to work. Getting on the bike, I move back on the seat as far as possible, but am tugged forward by Roach, “I don’t bite Princess, well, not hard,” is the last thing I hear as he fires up his bike and we are through the gate short moments later.

  Hoping to fuck that Gun got my message and was able to get a hold of someone to help, my mind wanders to the mistakes I have made. Coming here and thinking that I would be able to find some resolution through talking with my father. I was so fucking wrong about that, and now I find myself on the back of this dick’s bike going god knows where with him. Looking around, I see the way he is driving and see that we have taken the route to get to my father’s house and am hopeful that he will leave me in peace once we get there.

  Pulling up next to my bike, I am off of Roach’s in a split second and heading for it. Roach is not far behind me and reaching for me as I try to swing my leg over my bike.

  Slapping me across the face Roach roars, “Not so fast Princess, I am not quite done with you yet.”

  Stumbling off the bike I fall to the ground and feel him fall on top of me I start to struggle against him. Disgusted at the feel of his hands against my flesh, as he tries getting my shirt up and over my breasts, I continue to struggle. Feeling the bile rise up in my throat as he keeps on, it is short lived as I am quickly freed of his weight. Looking up I see Gun punching Roach repeatedly. I stand up but just continue to stare at this man I love, defending me so viscously.

  Stopping the onslaught momentarily, he looks to me before saying, “Princess, get on your bike and head home, Now.”

  Without missing a beat, I do as he has said and head towards home, knowing that he has once again saved me.

  Reaching the exit for my home I take it and expect him or someone else to be there waiting. When I pull up to my house, I don’t see anyone on the porch and I am left to wonder what has happened to him.

  Chapter 26


  I was already on my way to Milwaukee when she texted me for help. I didn’t get the message until I checked my phone when I pulled up to a gas station near Milwaukee to get directions. Knowing that going to anyone for help has always been an issue for her I know she must be in trouble. I send out a quick message to Country telling him to make his way up to Milwaukee in case I need help. Making my way to the house she grew up in, I am fucking greeted by a fucking Guerilla pulling her off of her bike and jumping on top of her. When I hear him call her Princess and slap her across the face, I fucking lost it. Before I could get off my bike his hands were roaming her body and I was on him in a fraction of a second.

  Yanking him off of her, I don’t stop hitting him until I realize that Sara is just standing there watching me. “Princess, get on your bike and head home, Now.” Seeing her do just that I look at the guy in front of me thinking that I need to hold myself back from killing him.

  “What the fuck are you doing? You just disrespect your fucking Prez like that and attack his fucking daughter? What kind of a fucking man are you?”

  “Prez’s fucking daughter? What are you talking about? He brought this new piece into the clubhouse tonight for us. She thought she was too good for us and Prez told me that I needed to show her how it is going to be for her from now on. He never fucking said anything about her being his daughter.”

  “Well, let’s go speak to your fucking Prez, and maybe we can work something out about her.” Looking towards the guy I see the confusion on his face. “Just call him and let him know that you are bringing me around.” Watching the guy walk towards his bike I see him make the phone call, but am unsure what was said. Any motherfucker that would set his own daughter up like this surely doesn’t give a fuck about what happens to her. I am about to make it fucking clear to him that she is mine and if he doesn’t fucking keep his fucking Guerillas away from her I will be left with little choice.

  Before hopping on my bike, I shoot Country a text to let him know where I am going. As we pause outside their Clubhouse, I see about twenty members are outside waiting on our arrival. Not knowing how this is going to play out I pray that Country got the text I sent and is on his way.

  Getting off my bike I am greeted by Sara’s father quickly.

  “What the fuck do you want Devil? I don’t remember calling for you to come up here to meddle in our business.”

  “Pete, my name is-“

  “I know your fucking name, Gun, and I don’t give a fuck, boy. I know all about you and I still don’t know why you came up here, getting in my fucking business. Why don’t you head on back down to Chicago and fucking get outta my face?”

  Walking away from me and back towards the Clubhouse, he stops dead in his tracks when he hears the bikes pull up to his gates.

  “You fucking call backup boy? You think you were going to need it for something?” A smile comes to Pete’s face as he turns back to me with a hand on his piece. “I told you this is our business that you are getting yourself wrapped up in. Why the fuck would you call in your brothers?”

  “Because she was in trouble. Seeing what you were just going to let that fucking kid do to her I don’t think you will understand this, but, I would do anything for her, and I know that if she asks for help, she needs it. Why she felt she needed help from her father, I am not sure. But when I find out that you let that fuckwit over there take her home and told him to teach her a lesson, not to mention that you didn’t let him in on the fact she is your daughter- I got fucking issue with that.”

  “You know that she is nothing more than a whore, just like her mother was.”

  Moving three steps closer to this fucking piece of shit I reach back and put my fingers on the handle of my piece, “Don’t fucking speak about her like that. I don’t know who the fuck you think you are, or why you think that you can treat anyone, a fucking woman, let alone your daughter that way, but let me tell you that ain’t the way it is going to be.”

  Hearing the gates sliding open I look back towards it, seeing five Devil’s Iron brothers pulling up. Country, along with Blaze, Tank, Preach, and Trip are beside me, making their presence known before I realize what
’s happening. Looking back towards this fucking cunt I hope that this shit ends quickly.

  “It’s not bad enough I had to deal with that fucking Princess, now I have to put up with the fucking Devil’s Iron coming to my Clubhouse.”

  Preach is the first to answer him. “Well, if you knew how to treat a woman, let alone your fucking daughter we won’t have come up here.”

  “Preach, of course, you would be up here with your holier than thou ways. You didn’t fucking know how to keep Brandy, why are you trying to give me any advice on how to handle my business?” Pete says looking towards the man that used to call him a friend.

  “What the fuck are you talking about? Brandy fucking died in that car accident last year when she was up here visiting family, what the fuck does she have to do with anything?”

  Glancing over at Preach I see the question in his eyes as he looks back towards Pete. “Do you really think that is what happened? You have to know that she was only with you because she was reporting back to me.” Seeing the shock come crossed Preach’s face, I guess that he didn’t know. “You thought that she was with you because she fucking loved you or some shit? HA- Brandy was only with you so I could keep tabs on that fucking princess. I needed to make sure that she didn’t run her mouth about Guerilla business.” Looking over the group of Devil’s brothers standing with me, Pete looked to Preach and finished with, “bitch was always down for a fuck too. She had nothing on that fucking Layla though.”

  Hearing the mention of Layla, both Tank and Blaze approached Pete quickly with guns drawn. “What the fuck did you just say?” comes out harshly as Blaze reaches Pete and taps his gun against his head. “Did you fucking send her our way as well? If you had anything to do with the fucking shit she and her brothers did I will fucking put you to ground right fucking now.”


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