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Four Page Letter: New Year Bae-Solutions

Page 2

by Seals, Angela

“Are you going to stand over there all night?” she asked.

  Damn, that was a good question, but I couldn’t move. My feet were gridlocked to the carpet. I don’t know what the hell was wrong with me. I never froze when it came to this part of the night. I wanted her bad, yet here I was looking like a child without its pacifier. I tried to move again, and this time my left leg took the lead as I slowly walked toward her, drinking in her beauty, and thinking about all the ways I wanted her bent over and underneath me.

  When I made it to the couch, I stood still, my eyes roaming the length of her body laying there with just a pair of red lace panties on. Her breasts were perky and begging for me to lick them, and her flat stomach beseeched me to reach out and rub my fingers across her navel. She purred, keeping her eyes on my every move. My mouth was dry; I couldn’t say a single word. No woman had ever rendered me speechless. I was a talking maniac when it came to the bedroom. Yet, here I was unable to formulate a sentence, let alone two words. So, I just led with what worked at the moment. My hands, and hopefully my dick.

  She wasted no time pulling me down to her, and within seconds my pants and shirt were gone. She straddled me and moved her hips in a slow, sensual motion. The act was driving me insane, but I had to hold it together if I didn’t want to prematurely bust all over the place without even penetrating her first. Now that shit would be a disaster. I’ve heard of men doing that shit, and the women never contacted them again.

  The best way to make sure that didn’t happen was for me to take control of the night. “Flip over,” I told her.

  Not moving, she wagged her index finger in my face. “No, I’m in control tonight.”

  I smirked. She had no idea who I was in the bedroom and what I was capable of. I flipped her over with ease, and she squealed. Now I was on top.

  She placed the palm of her hand against my chest. “I said, I’m in control,” she reminded me.

  I shook my head. “Not tonight, sweetheart.” I ripped her lacy panties off with a flick of my wrist. The thin material fell from her hips. I glanced up at her face. She was no doubt enjoying the moment; her eyes had darkened, and her mouth had slightly fallen open. Her breathing began to pick up as I teased her clitoris, working her into an orgasm.

  “Shiiit,” she moaned, moving her hips against my fingers.

  She was so wet, her fluids flowing over my hand. I popped my hand out and licked my fingers. She instantly smiled as her eyes flickered toward my dick.

  “Is this what you want?” I teased, gripping my dick beneath my boxers.

  Gazing at me through lowered lids, she nodded. “Right now,” she added.

  The beast unleashed in me and everything else at that moment became a blur. We were skin to skin, and Eve was back on top. She had shielded me with a condom I believe she had. She was sliding down on my dick, causing me to grip her hips to sturdy her. She was screaming, and I was grunting as she bucked up and down, riding my dick like she was riding a stallion. My hands flying to her tits, her fingers in my mouth, we stayed like that until both of us felt our orgasm build. She humped once, and I thrust one hard time, trying to make her utter my name, hoping she would forget any lover that became before me and trying to mark her as mine.

  My seed spilled out into the latex condom as Eve fell forward on my chest, my hand resting on her smooth back. Closing my eyes, I tried to catch my breath as I thought of why I wanted to make her mine. It was too early to be thinking like this; we barely knew each other.

  Surprisingly, she rolled over on her side, draping her arm across my chest. She asked, “Have you decided if this is a one-night stand or will I see you again?”

  I thought about her question for a second time and replied, “This is definitely not a one-night stand, but I do have something to tell you.”

  She leaned forward, propping her chin against my chest. “What? You married? You gay?” she chuckled.

  “Naw,” I laughed, “neither.”

  “So, what is it?” she prompted.

  “I’ve been offered a teaching job in South Korea for four years, and I leave in March.” I paused. “I just got out of a serious relationship nine months ago, and I didn’t want to start anything with anyone since I knew I was leaving.”


  “I have two questions for you,” she said. “Are you truly over your last relationship? And are you open to a long-distance relationship?”

  I rubbed a hand over my face, never thinking I’d be faced with a question like this so soon, but I felt that Eve and I could potentially have something special, which was the reason why I told her, “That relationship is dead, and I’m cool with getting to know each other before I leave and keeping this friendship going while I’m gone.”

  “Awesome,” she stated. “Well, I hope you’re a great writer, because we should at least write every month.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “Every month?” I asked, amused. “We can text, too, you know.”

  “Yeah, we can do that, but I’m a little old-fashioned and like to write. She puckered her lips. “You don’t want us to forget about each other, do you?”

  “I could never forget about you,” I admitted, smacking her ass.

  “Ouch,” she squealed. “Well, like I said, we write every month, and you will come home during this time every year.”

  I nodded. “Yes, I should get a Christmas break and go back in the spring.”

  “It’s settled. We will try to keep this thing between us together as long as we can.”

  I nodded. I was really feeling this girl in a way I couldn’t explain. It was crazy to be thinking like this. I wasn’t the fall fast type of guy, and I definitely wasn’t the one to get in a relationship so quickly. However, I was willing to give it a try and leave the rest up to destiny.

  Chapter Two


  A Sad Day …

  December 29, 2017

  Dear Dale,

  Being in Chicago is no fun without you here. I hope South Korea is treating you well. From your last letter it sounds as if the Korean language is rubbing off on you. Did I ever tell you I’m a sucker for a bilingual man? Lol. I have a confession to make … I’m missing you like crazy. I think about you all day. I find myself daydreaming about what you’re doing, who you’re with, or if you’re thinking of me. I really hope you are. I think that time we spent together before you left last year really brought us closer.

  After that first night we spent together, I felt like we were inseparable. We woke that morning and had breakfast, spent weeks at my house becoming familiar with each other, we visited museums, hung out with each other’s family and friends, until you left in March. It was hard for me to let you go at the airport, but I knew our letters, FaceTime, and texts would keep us connected.

  By the way, I love the last letter you sent me, and the unexpected surprise was even better. The usual pointed feather, which was dosed in your cologne this time, made me horny. Don’t be doing shit like that when you know you can’t deliver. Lol. I’m still waiting for you to tell me what the feather symbolizes. You send one with every letter you send me. I guess one day you’ll spill the beans. Thinking of you, babe!

  I know my letters are very long winded, but I didn’t want to break tradition of our customary four-page letters. So, the other pages are a play by play of my boring weeks without you …



  Before I could flip to the next page, the flight attendant instructed, “Sir, please buckle your seat belt. We are about to land.”

  Nodding, I clicked the two buckles together and placed the letter back in the envelope. I had read this particular letter at least three times. The monthly letters we wrote each other had seemed to keep us connected in a way I couldn’t explain. Eve has remained the same person I met a year ago—caring, loving, and attentive. After NYE last year, she was right, we did spend the spring together, until it was time for me to leave for the teaching job overseas in South Korea.

  The job had come
at an unexpected time but it’s a career that I’d wanted. Traveling the world, teaching, and mentoring has always been a passion of mine. My feelings for Eve had grown deeper, but I wanted to be careful with what I told her. In the past, I never said the L word, because I realized after the relationship had fizzled that I didn’t love that person but was more in lust and infatuated with them.

  Coming home four days before NYE was something Eve and I had discussed on our weekly IMO chats. We promised one another we would see each other around this time each year. Granted, having a long-distance relationship was hard. Especially when all you wanted to do was spend every waking moment with that person.

  I rocked back and forth in my seat when the plane’s wheels hit the pavement.

  “Welcome to Chicago,” the captain announced on the loudspeaker.

  I switched my phone from airplane mode to check text messages or calls I may had missed while airborne. As my phone dinged from friends asking had I landed yet, one text stood out above all the others. My mother had texted using only three strange words.

  Come home immediately.

  My heart lunged to the pit of my stomach, as I quickly called her cell phone. Two rings and it instantly went to voicemail. I hung up, clutching the arm rest as my legs shook uncontrollably. I dialed the number again. This time there was no ring, it went straight to voicemail again. I began to unbuckle my seatbelt and stood in the aisle to grab my bag in the overhead bin.

  “Excuse me, sir, you must take your seat, the plane is still taxiing,” a flight attendant yelled from the back of the plane.

  Annoyed, I took my seat and decided to dial my sister, Dedra. Her phone didn’t even ring, it also went to voicemail. I blew a heavy sigh, as my nerves got the best of me. I scratched the back of my head, then massaged my neck a few times as my adrenaline started to pump at an all-time high. I had no idea of what was going on at home and this damn plane was taking too long to get to the gate. I nearly hyperventilated in my seat, until I thought about Eve. Yes, call Eve. I quickly punched in her number and waited as the phone rung several times. Within seconds, her phone went to voicemail. To say I was pissed off didn’t seem like a strong enough description to describe my mood.

  As soon as the seatbelt sign went off over my head, I sprung from the seat and plucked my bag from the bin. I hurried down the aisle, bumping into a few people along the way. “Excuse me,” I mumbled. Thank goodness I was only in row eight, so I didn’t have far to go. I nearly sprinted through the vestibule and down the long airport hallways. There was no way I could put into words how much it was bothering me that nobody was answering their phones. And to think Eve wasn’t even available during my time of panic made me second guess everything. She said she cared for me and would be there for me in my time of need, but she was nowhere to be found. Maybe that wasn’t a fair assumption to make, but I didn’t care at the moment.

  I hailed a cab as soon as I stepped outside. I hadn’t seen too many of these yellow cars riding around lately, since Uber and Lyft came on the scene. When the driver pulled from the curb, I asked, “Can you drive faster?”

  He waved an arm in the air. “I have to drive the speed limit, buddy.”

  “Buddy,” I repeated with more bass than I expected.

  “Hey, man, you can catch another taxi,” the dark-skinned man yelled over his shoulder, coming to a complete halt.

  “Dude, just drive,” I instructed him, placing a hand to my forehead as I felt a full-blown headache coming on. I tried to call my mother again and again but no answer.

  In what seemed like hours, but was only thirty minutes, I pulled up to my mother’s house and hopped from the cab, after throwing the driver forty dollars. I sprinted up the stairs, so focused on getting inside that I didn’t notice the many cars that were lined in front of the house or in the driveway. I yanked on the doorknob to open the door to a wail of sobs echoing throughout the house. My Aunt Tricia saw me first and rushed to my side, wrapping her slender arms around my neck.

  “Nephew,” she cried.

  Next my Uncle Roy embraced me in a tight hug, as tears flowed down his strong face. I’d never seen him cry before in my life, so whatever was going on had to be big. I searched the room for my mom, passing cousins and friends of the family along the way.

  My heart constricted in my chest at the mere thought of the news. I had a feeling of what could have called the whole family over to my mother’s house. She’s the eldest of her three siblings and the one who cares for …

  That thought and the sight of my mother instantly brought me to my knees. I already knew what had happened. The sadness was thick in the room, and my mother was curled up on the couch with a fleece blanket thrown across her shoulders. Her hair was in disarray, and the dried tears had stained her face. I reached for her hand as I said, “Daddy Herb is gone.”

  She slightly nodded, as she fell into my arms and wept. All of what I didn’t know I was holding inside unleashed onto her white sweater. Tears I never knew existed poured from deep in my soul. My grandfather was gone. He was the only father figure I’d ever known. My real father up and left before I was born, but Daddy Herb took me in like I was his own. He never accepted less than a hundred percent from me. He was the reason I was saved from the streets and went on to college. In the neighborhood I grew up in, it was uncommon to see a man at the age of thirty-three doing good things with his life.

  As her sobs subsided and I gathered myself to be strong for her, I pulled back from the hug and asked, “What happened?”

  “Heart attack,” she whispered.

  I pulled her in my arms and cradled her like a newborn baby. She was my girl, the only woman who understood me the most and the only woman who had stayed in my corner when I was on the path of destruction. Without her and Daddy Herb by my side, I don’t know where I would be today. I owed my mother everything, and everything was exactly what she’d get from me.


  Six hours later …

  My mother had finally drifted off to sleep, and the family had finally filed out of the house. Only a few people were left floating around the house cleaning up. I laid down in my bed and blew out a long breath. Today was hard; I didn’t expect to come home to this. I thought I would come home as usual and see the family and spend the rest of my time with Eve. Speaking of Eve, I checked my phone and noticed I had twenty missed calls from her and a few text messages. I clicked on the first message.

  Eve: Dale, where are you? I am outside of the airport waiting.

  “Shit,” I shrieked. She was supposed to pick me up from the airport, but I wasn’t thinking straight after the message I received from my mom. Throwing my phone to the foot of the bed, I closed my eyes briefly, a knock at the door jolting me upward.

  “Yeah,” I screamed.

  My sister, Dedra, poked her head through the doorjamb. “Eve is here.”

  I nodded as Eve strutted in and wrapped her arms around my waist. To feel her warm, plush skin against mine was breathtaking. She had met my family last year at my grandfather’s birthday party. He had instantly taken a liking to her, and my mother was calling Eve her daughter, after one visit. I knew at that moment, when I marched across that floor a year ago and asked Eve to spend the night with me that it was the best decision of my life.

  “I’m sorry to hear about your grandfather,” she voiced with sadness in her eyes. “Your sister just told me everything.”

  “I didn’t see this one coming,” I confessed. “I mean, as you know, he had a few heart attacks over the years, but he always bounced back.” She nodded. “I don’t know what my mother will do now without him being around the house. Who’s going to fix stuff, cut the grass, and be the man of the house?”

  She rubbed my face so tenderly and replied, “I know what he meant to you, Dale, but I think it will all work itself out.”

  Shaking my head, I removed her hand from my face. “You don’t get it.” I got up and paced the length of the room. “I have to be her rock now; I can’t
leave and go back to Korea and leave her here like this.”

  “I don’t think that’s what your grandfather would want you to do, Dale.”

  “How the hell do you know what my grandfather would want me to do?” I yelled. “You only met him one fucking time and now you’re an expert on giving advice?”

  She flinched, and the expression on her face reflected she was afraid.

  “I’m sorry,” I apologized, reaching out for her hand.

  She pulled away from me and stood. “Maybe I’ll come back later. I don’t think anything I say right now would be the right thing.”

  I rubbed my forehead a few times before falling to my knees. Guilt, remorse, and hurt overwhelmed me. “Eve, I feel like I’m falling apart here. I don’t know what to do. I’ve never lost anyone before,” I cried. “I need you, please don’t leave.”

  She rushed to my side and hugged me, rubbing my back a few times. “I’m here, let’s lay down. You need to rest, it’s been a long day.”

  As I allowed her to lead me back to the bed, she removed my shoes and sweater. Laying next to me, she placed her head on my chest, and I rubbed her short, curly hair. Just to have her near was a blessing within itself. This was not the welcome home present I’d imagined. However, I was truly happy to have her in my corner.



  I awakened to something gripping my ass through the jogging pants I had on. Opening my eyes, the moon pierced through the parted white blinds. I felt hair beneath my fingers and realized I had fallen asleep on Dale’s chest again. This was something I always did; it was sort of my resting place, and I guess his hand on my ass was his resting place as we slept. I chuckled to myself at that thought, while rubbing my hand up and down his sprinkled black hairs. As expected, his dick sprung to life, and the light snore I heard minutes ago turned into heavy breathing.

  There was always something about the imprint of his dick through his jeans that made my mouth water. All I wanted to do was taste him, but being crazy Eve, I wasn’t sure if that was something he needed right now. However, my clitoris reminded me that it’d been a year without the touch of Dale’s mouth on it. I was having an inner battle with myself on should I or shouldn’t I suck his dick right now? He was grieving, and the last thing I wanted to do was discount those feelings, but I’d waited a long time to have him again. It seemed I wouldn’t have to wait any longer when Dale shifted in bed and placed my hand on his dick.


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