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Trace's Temptation (RARE Series, #3)

Page 12

by Dawn Sullivan

  Letting a small smile escape, Jade said, “Maybe we should get going.” Reluctantly, she pulled back from Trace and gently pushed him toward the door, giggling at the pained expression he threw her way.

  Leaving the plane and making her way down the steps outside, Jade glanced up and froze when she caught Angel’s gaze. Making herself continue, she hesitated when she reached the pavement below, glancing in Angel’s direction again. Forcing herself to hold back her tears as her mother turned away and got in the first waiting SUV, Jade followed Jaxson to the second one. Ryker sat in the passenger seat with Sophia and Starr in the very back, so she slid in the middle row with Trace. The ride to the compound was a quiet one, everyone preoccupied with their own thoughts.

  When they reached the hospital, Chase was waiting for them on the front steps. As they exited the vehicle, Jade was once again engulfed in fear. Would her Alpha make her leave since she had managed to piss off his mate? God, she growled to herself, when did she become such a pansy? She’d lived her whole life without an Alpha. If Chase sent her away now, it would be no different. However, the ache in her chest said it would be.

  Stopping in front of them, Chase glanced over to the other SUV where Doc Josie insisted on looking Rikki over before moving her into the hospital. Angel looked over, her eyes landing on Jade, before coldly looking away. The tension between the two women was obvious.

  Looking back at Jade, Chase lifted an eyebrow inquiringly. Stiffening her shoulders she told him, “Angel just found out my father is still alive. I kept it from her because I was trying to protect him, and because Jinx told me to. The General has him.” Her voice catching she finished softly, “She doesn’t want to be around me because I have too many secrets.” Holding her head high, her bottom lip quivering, she waited for Chase to tell her to leave. Instead, he stepped forward and gently touched her shoulder. Jade sighed, her whole body trembling when she felt his power seeping into her. “I’m sure she just needs time to digest it, Jade. Until then, you are more than welcome to stay here. Both of you,” he said, including Trace. “Your family is welcome, too, Trace. I have two open apartments. When everyone is ready, I will have one of my enforcers take you to them.”

  “Thank you,” Trace said gratefully, shaking Chase’s hand. “Thank you for making my family and mate feel welcome.” Jade didn’t miss the glare he sent in Angel’s direction.

  “Jade’s pack,” Chase responded. “She will always be welcome on my lands.” With one last gentle squeeze of Jade’s shoulder, he was gone. Jade watched him head back to his office. He looked so alone. Sighing deeply, she laced her fingers with Trace’s and they followed Sophia and Starr up the stairs and into the hospital.

  Starr refused to be separated from her mother, so the nurses took them to the same room to wait for the doctor. After being held by Perez for the past couple of days while waiting for Trace to show, Trace insisted they be seen by Doc Josie. He knew his father hadn’t been easy on them. The dark bruise on Starr’s face was proof of that.

  While Sophia and Starr were waiting to be seen, Jade and Trace went to Gypsy’s room. She was sound asleep. “The poor woman hasn’t woken up yet,” a nurse said from the doorway. “It’s almost as if she doesn’t want to.”

  “Thank you,” Jade said to the nurse. As soon as the nurse left, Jade turned to Trace. “Let me see what I can find out,” Moving to the foot of the bed, Jade gently placed a hand on Gypsy’s ankle. Closing her eyes, she slowly dropped her shields partway and let herself feel the emotions that were pouring out of Gypsy. Fear, pain, and confusion were at the forefront of her thoughts. Come back, Gypsy, Jade whispered into her mind. Come back to us.

  I don’t want to, Gypsy said. Please don’t make me. It hurts too much.

  Sending waves of peace and calm into the frightened woman, Jade responded, You need to come back, Gypsy. Sari needs you.

  Sari? Gypsy asked in confusion. Who’s Sari?

  Sari, your sister. You do remember your sister, don’t you? Jade questioned gently.

  I don’t have a sister, Gypsy said. At least, I don’t think I have a sister. I...I don’t know. I can’t remember. I don’t remember anything.

  Breathing deeply, Jade slowly connected with Gypsy, but all she saw was a lost, scared woman. Gypsy wasn’t lying. She had no idea who Sari was. She had no idea who she was. Slowly easing back out of Gypsy’s mind, Jade whispered, Come back to us. There’s no reason to be afraid. I will give you all the answers you are seeking.

  Opening her eyes, Jade looked at Trace. “She has no idea who she is, who Sari is. She’s so scared.” Moving to the head of the bed, she placed a hand gently on Gypsy’s swollen face. “Come back to us, Gypsy,” she ordered softly. “It’s time for you to come back.”

  As she watched, Gypsy’s eyelids began to flutter. After a few moments, Jade was looking into her dark, pain filled gaze as tears streamed down her cheeks. “She needs more pain medicine,” Jade told Trace, not taking her gaze from Gypsy’s. Trace went to the door and hollered for a nurse.

  “Can I help you?” the nurse asked as she entered the room.

  “She needs more pain medicine,” Jade told her. When the nurse didn’t move right away, Jade growled, “Now!” Jumping, the nurse ran from the room.

  Trace moved forward to stand by Jade’s side, slipping an arm around her waist.

  “Do you remember me, Gypsy?” Trace asked quietly. Gypsy shook her head no, grimacing slightly at the pain the movement caused. Trace’s hand tightened on Jade’s hip. “What’s the last thing you remember?” he asked.

  Jade watched in sympathetic silence as Gypsy fought to remember. After several moments she whispered, “Nothing. I don’t remember anything.” Looking up at them, she whispered, “Why can’t I remember anything? Why do I hurt so much? God, everything hurts.”

  Jade pushed more calming vibes Gypsy’s way to try and keep her calm. “It’s okay, Gypsy,” she said with a small smile, “your memory will come back. You’ve been through a lot and you just need some rest.”

  Nodding weakly, the frightened woman lay back against her pillow, gazing around the room uncertainly. “Where am I?”

  “You’re at the hospital and you are safe,” Doc Josie said as she made her way into the room. “I’m Doc Josie and I’m going to take care of you.” Glancing at Trace and Jade, the doctor gestured towards the door, “Why don’t you go and get some rest. Sari’s asleep right now and will be for some time. I’m going to talk to Gypsy for a few minutes and then she’s going to get some rest, also. You can come back tomorrow if you would like.”

  “Are they going to be alright, Doc,” Trace asked as he let go of Jade’s hip and took her hand in his.

  “They will both be fine after some time,” Josie responded. “We can discuss it at more length tomorrow. Don’t think I have overlooked the fact that you have pushed yourself to the limit, Trace. You are obviously in pain and exhausted. Now go get some rest before I admit you back into the hospital.”

  “I’m going, Doc,” Trace agreed tiredly, “but we have to wait for my mom and Starr.” When they reached the doorway, Jade turned back. “What about Rikki?” she asked. “Is she going to be okay?”

  “She’s alive,” the doctor said, “but I’ve never heard of anyone doing what your mother did. We will have to wait to see how it turns out.”

  Nodding, Jade slipped her hand in Trace’s and they went to the waiting room to rest while they waited for Sophia and Starr. Jade sat in a chair by Trace, leaning her head against the wall. She was so exhausted. Letting her eyes drift shut, she slipped into a light sleep feeling overwhelmed by everything that had happened in the past few days.

  Chapter 20

  Glaring at the paperwork on his desk, Chase tried to get control of his anger. It was hard to do when right now all he wanted to do was to pick up his huge desk and heave it through the window.

  Clenching his hands into tight fists, he fought to control his breathing and calm himself. Hearing a noise at the door, he g
lanced up and bared his fangs at the intrusion. Slade, Chase’s head enforcer, held his hands up and slowly backed away. “You called me, Chase,” he reminded his Alpha. “You want me to come back later?”

  Shaking his head, Chase tried again to control his ragged breathing. “I need you to go over to the hospital and show Trace and his family to their new apartments. I’m giving them the ones on the south end right across from each other.”

  “Shit, you keep bringing in strays and we are going to run out of room,” Slade joked lightly.

  Lifting his head, Chase snarled, “Then we will build another damn building. Now get out!”

  Eyes widening, Slade quickly turned and left, shutting the door behind him.

  Chase pushed his chair back and stood. He fought, unsuccessfully, to push down the darkness that threatened to consume him. The father of Angel’s children was alive. The man that his mate had once loved, possibly still loved.

  Chase had waited months for Angel to realize they would be better together. That he would love and support her the way every mate deserved. But she’d refused him, again and again. Now he wondered if it was because of this other man. He wondered if she would ever truly be his.

  Not able to control himself any longer, Chase knew he had to get out of the building now before he endangered one of his pack members. Quickly stripping off his clothes, he shifted into his huge black wolf. Letting out a howl of pure rage and pain, he flew through the large window in his office, breaking the glass and landing on the ground outside. After shaking the glass out of his fur, he howled again as he he took off across the land and into the woods at a run. Reaching the outside borders of his land, he kept going, deeper into the woods and up the mountain side on the back of his property, running until he could run no more. Stopping finally, he lay on the ground, his head on his paws. He couldn’t go back to the compound yet. Soon, but not yet.


  Hearing the sound of her mate in pain, Angel stopped the SUV on the way through the gates of the compound. Jumping out of the vehicle, she ran quickly toward the office building. The sound of glass breaking had several people following her. She ran faster when she heard Chase howl again. Clearing the corner of the building, she stopped as she watched him tearing off across the terrain. He was gorgeous and majestic and full of so much anguish that it brought her to her knees. Letting out a soft cry, she wrapped her arms tightly around herself and let his agony wash over her.

  She was causing him this pain. She could feel it. When she tried to connect with him, he blocked her. Shocked, she slowly staggered to her feet. Ignoring the concerned gazes of the people around her, she stumbled back to the SUV, crawling in and slamming the door shut. Leaving the compound, Angel went straight home. Pulling out a bottle of wine, she went straight to the bathroom. After filling her large tub with water, she tossed in some bath salts. Turning her radio on high, she climbed in the scalding hot water. As George Straight crooned in the background, Angel screamed loudly at the injustice that life was throwing her way lately.

  Yanking the cork out of the bottle of wine, she took a large drink, not bothering with a glass. Taking another drink she thought about how screwed up her life was. She’d met her mate, but refused to claim him. She’d finally gotten her daughter back, only to push her out of her life today. She’d found out the son she’d been told had died 24 years ago, was really alive. Now she was being told, the man she’d trusted so many years ago, one she thought had betrayed her, was also still alive. Not only was he alive, but he was being tortured and experimented on by a sadistic son of a bitch that had orchestrated all of the hell in her life. And to top it off, Chase was gone. Her mate was gone, and she was alone, once again.

  Resting her head back against the top of the bathtub, Angel let the tears flow. After taking another drink of her wine, she threw the bottle across the bathroom, smashing it against the far wall. Shattered, she thought as she stared at it. Just like her life.

  Chapter 21

  Jade’s heart was breaking for her Alpha. She’d not only heard his gut wrenching pain, but she’d also felt it bone deep. And now she understood what it was about. She wanted to kick herself for telling Chase about her father the way she had. She hadn’t been thinking about how he would feel when he found out Angel’s old flame was still alive. She’d only been thinking about herself and what would happen if she was removed from the White River Compound.

  Jade wanted to follow Chase. She needed to explain to him that what happened between her father and Angel years ago, the love they may have felt for each other, was nothing compared to what Chase and Angel could have now. They were mates, and the bond between mates was never broken. When she tried to go to him, though, Trace stopped her. “You need to let him be for a while,” he said. “Chase left on purpose. He could hurt someone in his condition.”

  “He’s right,” a voice interrupted when she would have protested. “I don’t know what happened, but Chase isn’t thinking clearly right now. He’s letting his emotions get the best of him and he could easily hurt someone. The best thing he could have done is leave. He will be back when he’s ready.”

  Looking over, Jade took in the tall, dark haired, muscular man standing in the doorway of the waiting room where she and Trace were still sitting. They’d been there for a full hour, but she knew Doc Josie was trying to take care of several patients at once. Sophia and Starr were the less injured of them all, so they would be seen last.

  “Hey Slade,” Trace said as he got up and bumped fists with the man. “What’s going on?”

  “Chase sent me to show you and your mate your new digs,” Slade said with a grin. “He said you have a mother and sister, too?” he questioned with a glance around the room.

  “They’re in with Doc Josie,” Trace responded, gesturing towards the first room. “I thought they would be done by now.”

  Suddenly, the door opened and Sophia and Starr emerged with Doc Josie. Smiling, Josie told them goodbye and went into the room next to theirs. Smiling, his mother came over and gently hugged Trace. “She said we are fine,” Sophia told them.

  “Just like we tried to tell you,” Starr grumbled.

  Trace grinned and introduced them to Slade. “Slade is going to show us to our new homes for the time being,” he said.

  “New homes?” Sophia asked hopefully. “We are going to live by you?”

  “Right across from him, actually,” Slade laughed. “You can drive each other crazy like family is supposed to.”

  Happiness filling Sophia’s eyes, she turned to Jade. “This means so much to me.” Gently taking hold of Jade’s hand, Sophia said, “Welcome to my family, Jade. I am so happy to meet you.”

  “Thank you,” Jade said, lightly squeezing Sophia’s fingers.

  “I will never forget what you did for me, Jade,” Sophia told her, tears shining in her eyes. “Thank you for protecting me from Philip.”

  “I will always protect you,” Jade vowed. “Both of you,” she said including Starr.

  Smiling, Trace pulled Jade close, kissing her softly. “We better find our new homes so we can get some rest. I think we all need it.” Jade shivered at the heat in his gaze, blushing when Slade laughed.

  Motioning for them to follow him, Slade left the waiting area. As he stepped toward the doors, Slade stopped suddenly. Cocking his head to the side, he breathed in deeply, his eyes widening in surprise.

  “What is it?” Trace asked, stepping in front of Jade to protect her. Not answering, Slade moved quickly past him and down the hall before stopping in front of Gypsy’s door. Resting a hand lightly on the doorjamb, he watched her sleep.

  “Stay here with your family, Trace,” Jade said as she stepped around him. When he would have protested, Jade shook her head. “I will be fine, but you need to stay here for now. Please.” Reluctantly, Trace let her go, but continued to stand in the doorway of the waiting room watching.

  Jade quietly approached Slade, stopping just behind him. “What happened to her,” he
growled, taking in Gypsy’s broken arm and bruised features.

  “She was held by Trace’s father, a Colombian drug lord, in horrible conditions for months,” Jade told Slade softly as she moved to stand next to him. “She and Trace were both starved and beaten repeatedly. She’s been through a lot and has lost her memory. Personally, I think she is suppressing it so she doesn’t have to remember everything she has endured.” As Slade’s hand tightened on the jamb, she went on, “If she is who I think she is to you, Slade, please, give her time. She will remember. Gypsy is a fighter. She fought for my mate. If it wasn’t for her courage, he might not be here today.”

  Slowly Slade entered the room and made his way to Gypsy’s bedside. Reaching out, he rested a gentle hand on her head, before slowly sliding it down her long dark hair. Gypsy’s eyes fluttered open and came to rest on Slade’s face. At first fear filled her gaze, but then her eyes widened and she asked quietly, “Do I know you?”

  “No,” Slade told her, shaking his head. “Not yet.” Softly tracing a finger down her cheek he whispered, “Get some rest, Gypsy.”

  As Gypsy drifted back to sleep, a soft smile on her lips, Jade felt hope rise in her. Gypsy had a mate. A strong mate who would help her get through this dark part in her life. She was going to make it, Jade had no doubt.

  Seeing Doc Josie coming their way, Jade raised a finger to her lips. Nodding in Slade’s direction, she said, “Looks like Gypsy won’t have to go through this alone.”

  Eyeing them with concern, Josie motioned for Jade to follow her. Taking Jade to her office, Josie sat at her desk while Jade took a seat in one of the chairs in front of it. “Is Slade Gypsy’s mate?” she asked.

  Nodding, Jade smiled. “Yes, he is”

  “From what I know, Slade was married once before over 100 years ago,” Josie said frowning. “His wife wasn’t his true mate, but he loved her and chose to marry for love instead of waiting for his fated mate. His wife died during child birth along with the baby. Slade was devastated. He hasn’t shown interest in anyone since. Hopefully after all this time, he will be willing to open his heart to Gypsy.”


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