Best Laid Plans

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Best Laid Plans Page 2

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  “Fine,” Brianna pouted. “No lunch sex for you.” Brianna turned on her heel and walked back towards the elevators. “Thank God.” Taylor sighed and turned his attentions to the man in the hallway. The anger coming from the man was expected, the hurt, a surprise. Great, he was not making a good first impression. He approached the man and saw that he wasn’t quite a man yet, maybe nineteen. The black hair was cut short and Taylor’s mouth dropped open at his eyes. They were so beautiful, he found himself entranced. Taylor stuck his hand out, his eyes never leaving the younger mans. “Taylor Drake.”

  “Well, at least you weren’t getting a blow job.” Xander snorted.

  Grayson looked at the hand being offered, and then back up at his mates face. “No offense, I have no idea where it’s been.”

  Taylor bristled at the comment. “Look, I’m sorry about that, it’s a long—” “Don’t bother,” Grayson waved his hand in the air. “Between you and your brother, my brother and I are pretty saddened by our lot in life when it comes to mates. We thought they would at least be gay, but you’re getting kissed and jack ass there,” Grayson jerked his thumb to the door behind him. “Was getting a blow job.”

  “Oh Christ,” Taylor moaned. He could see why his mate was upset. “Can I at least have your name?”

  “Oh yeah sure, that’s all you’ll get from me. Grayson Quinton, Queets pack.” “Look Grayson, could we please just talk?” Taylor moved closer to his mate. “I’ve been waiting a long time for my mate; I don’t want to blow this.”

  “Interesting of words,” Grayson arched a brow. The door to Jagger’s office opened and Vanessa swept out, her gaze lingering on Taylor, then on the other two men.

  “Taylor,” Vanessa hissed, between clenched teeth.

  “Slut.” Taylor sneered.

  “Fuck you.” Vanessa spat at him and turned on her heel, striding for the elevator.

  “Not in this lifetime.” Taylor waved at her. Taylor realized Grayson was staring at him. “I can’t stand her, she’s a gold digger.” “Yes, well tall and delicious was getting blown by gold digger.” Xander rubbed his eyes with the palms of his hands. “I’m already tired and I just want to go home.”

  “Come on,” Grayson grabbed Xander’s hand and started for the elevator. “Nice to meet you guys.” Grayson gave Taylor a sarcastic smile. “I’m lying by the way.”

  “Wait, please.” Taylor put his hand on Grayson’s bicep. “Please just…” “Just what?” Grayson looked at his mate. They all turned, as Jagger ran out into the hall, his eyes fell on Xander. He walked over quickly and took Xander by the shoulders.

  “God I’m so sorry, I have no excuse for my behavior.” Jagger looked into his mates eyes. “What is your name?”

  Xander sighed. “Xander Quinton, Queets pack. We’ve met.”

  “I remember,” Jagger nodded. “You are hard to forget.”

  Xander snapped to attention. “What?” Jagger opened his mouth, only to hear his secretary’s voice coming from down the hall. He cursed softly and looked at Xander. “Please don’t leave, give me a chance.”

  Xander tilted his head; he’d never forgotten this man from the moment he’d laid eyes on him. Dirty blonde hair and amazing blue eyes and a body… “Okay, I won’t leave.” Xander smiled as Jagger exhaled. “You have five minutes to plead your case.”

  “What about me?” Taylor looked at Grayson. “Do I have five minutes?”

  “You,” Grayson narrowed his eyes. “Have two.”

  “What?” Taylor’s mouth dropped open. “Oh, come on.”

  Grayson looked at his watch. “Fifty eight…”

  “Okay, shit!” Taylor grabbed Grayson and walked briskly towards his office. Jagger looked at Xander and put his hand out, indicating they should go in his office. Xander walked in and looked at the chair his mate had just occupied; he closed his eyes and tried to get rid of the image. “Do I have to be in here?”

  Jagger cursed softly. “We can go across the hall, if that’s more comfortable.” “Yes, please.” Xander turned and walked across the hall. He stepped into the office and looked around. A large oak desk sat in the corner and filing cabinets lined the far wall. The other three walls were glass, Xander walked to the one furthest from Jagger, looking out across the city of Anchorage.

  “Let me justall tell Carol to hold my calls, okay?” Jagger watched his mate at the window, now that he’d finally met him, he couldn’t bear to lose him. “Xander?”

  “Yeah, sure.” Xander sighed. He heard the door click and hung his head. What the hell had he ever done to deserve this? A mate that got blown by women? Just great. It seemed like seconds and Jagger was back, the door clicked shut softly and Xander heard Jagger cross the room to him.

  “Xander, please look at me.” Jagger’s hand hovered by Xander’s, he wanted to touch him in some small way. From the moment he’d laid eyes on this man, he’d never forgotten him.

  Xander raised his eyes to his mates and saw the worry in them. “What’s the point? You were with a woman, this will never work.”

  “It’s complicated Xander; I know what it looked like when you walked in—” “Really? Wow, where I come from if a chick is sucking your dick, you’re getting a blow job. Is Anchorage different? Is it called something else?”

  “No,” Jagger sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “Look, this is going to take a lot longer to explain and I’d rather do it somewhere else. Will you go to dinner with me tonight?”

  “Why? There’s nothing to say is there?” Xander moved to the door and felt Jagger’s hand in his. The reaction was immediate; Xander cursed his body for betraying him.

  “Please give me a chance Xander.” Jagger pulled Xander around to face him; his hand caressed the soft skin of Xander’s face. “We just found each other.”

  Xander closed his eyes and swallowed hard. “When?”

  Jagger relaxed a bit. “Tonight? I’ll pick you up and take you out?”

  Xander sighed and closed his eyes. “Alright.” ~~Chapter Three~~ Taylor paced his office thinking of what to say to his mate. Nothing he was thinking sounded right and he knew he’d fail miserably. He stopped pacing, looking at Grayson. “I’m not into women.”

  Grayson arched a brow. “Really? You deserve an Oscar then.” Taylor sighed. “Look, Brianna’s father, Harold Levine, has hired Jagger and I to design a building that’s going to be worth millions to us. I’m just…” Taylor struggled for an explanation.

  “Whoring yourself out?” Grayson looked at his watch. “Less than a minute.” Taylor opened his mouth to protest and realized that was exactly what he was doing. He let out a defeated sigh, meeting head on with Grayson. “Yes, I guess you’re right, but I don’t love her and I haven’t fucked her.”

  “But you’re not a virgin…are you?” Grayson felt his throat constricting, as Taylor shook his head sadly. “I saved myself for nothing.” Grayson looked at the floor. “I never even kissed anyone.” He whispered.

  Taylor sucked in a breath. His mate was pure? Oh fuck. “Shit, Grayson, I’m so sorry. I don’t know how to make this up to you.” “You can’t,” Grayson looked at Taylor, blue eyes looked back at him and Grayson could see the sadness there. “It was unrealistic of me to think my mate would wait for the day we would meet. I just wanted to save myself for the one I was meant to be with.” Grayson shook his head. “I look at you and I…” Grayson choked back a sob. “I’m so stupid.” Grayson opened the door and looked back at Taylor. “Enjoy Brianna.”

  Taylor flew to the door and shut it, sandwiching Grayson against it with his body. “Give me a chance, please Grayson. I’ll do whatever I can to make it up to you.” Taylor lifted Grayson’s face to his own gently with his fingertips. “Please?”

  Grayson’s body almost combusted with Taylor’s proximity. “I…I don’t know…” Taylor leaned in and kissed Grayson’s neck softly, letting his lips trail up the rapid pulse. “Just meet me for dinner, lunch, breakfast, coffee, anything,” Taylor kissed the soft
skin, inhaling his mates arousing scent. “Please?” He whispered.

  “O-Okay.” Grayson trembled under Taylor’s touch, his dick was so hard, he thought it would burst out of his expensive slacks. “When?”

  “Whenever you want.” Taylor backed away slowly, missing the heat of his mate instantly. Grayson pulled himself together and straightened his suit, lifting his jaw he took a deep breath. “Fine, you can pick me up tonight, six sharp. I believe human resources have our address.”

  Taylor opened the door, escorting Grayson out of his office. They ran into Xander leaving Jagger’s, both of them stood, watching their mates walk towards the elevator. Taylor smiled, as Grayson turned to look at him one more time before getting on the elevator. Xander gave a half wave as they stepped on. As soon as the doors closed, Jagger let out a long overdue breath.

  “Christ,” Jagger ran his hands over his face. “What the fuck was I thinking? I almost lost him before I got him.” Taylor slumped against the wall. “I’m so screwed; I can’t see Brianna anymore you know that right? I love you Jagger, but that’s my mate and I will not hurt him anymore than I already have.”

  “I know, don’t worry about it.” Jagger looked at his brother. “I’m ending things with Vanessa.”

  “The Queets pack,” Taylor looked at his brother and chuckled softly. “Who knew they would be our mates?”

  Jagger narrowed his eyes. “I know one person who would.”

  Taylor’s head snapped up. “Son of a bitch! Dakota!” Jagger grabbed Taylor’s arm. “I think we need to make a phone call.”

  Dakota sat back with his cup of coffee and picked up the phone before it even rang. “Hello Jagger.”

  “What the fuck?” Jagger suckedDak in a breath. “I see you’ve found your mates. I can hear your thoughts now.” Dakota sat back and winked at Sam. “It won’t be long before the power hits you too, the longer you spend with Grayson and Xander, the more powerful you’ll become.”

  “Thanks for the heads up, Dakota.” Jagger sighed.

  “Hey I wasn’t absolutely sure, I just had a feeling. So, how did it go?”

  “I think you know if you’ve heard our thoughts.” Jagger sighed, looking at Taylor.

  “Oh I do, I just wanted to hear you say it.” Dakota giggled. “Tread carefully boys, we’ll see you in August.” “Thanks so much, Dakota.” Jagger sat down in his chair. “Any advice before you hang up?”

  “Yes,” Dakota sighed and sipped his coffee. “Beg, because so far what I’ve heard is not encouraging.”

  “Great,” Jagger looked at Taylor. “We’ll see you soon, Dakota. Take care.” Jagger hung up and looked at Taylor. “I know you heard that.”

  Taylor slumped in the chair next to his brother’s desk. “Flowers? Candy? What the hell do you bring to a male mate?”

  “Jerky?” Jagger tried to smile. “We are so screwed.” Taylor put his face in his hands. Xander watched the city of Anchorage fly by through the cab window; their father had secured them an apartment close to work and in a nice neighborhood. They had a Mexican restaurant across the street and the apartment required a key to get in the front door, that or you had to be buzzed in. The cab flew down Fourth Ave and turned onto Fifth, the apartment building came into view and Xander pulled on Grayson’s sleeve.

  “We’re here.”

  Grayson paid the cab fare and they both stood on the sidewalk, looking up at the massive height of the apartments.

  “Well, let’s get changed.” Grayson sighed. Opening the door, Xander allowed his brother to enter first; they then took elevator to the fourth floor and walked the hallway to their unit. Xander unlocked the door and they both walked in, a sofa and loveseat occupied one wall and a large plasma TV covered the wall adjacent. Xander walked to his room and dropped his briefcase on the bed; he lay down and stared at the ceiling. The bed dipped with the weight of his brother and they lay still, not speaking for a few moments.

  “Jesus, it would be so much easier if they were ugly.” Xander chuckled.

  “No shit.” Grayson cracked up. “You want the shower first?”

  “Nah, go ahead.” Grayson striped off his suit and hung it back up in the closet; he stepped into the shower and adjusted the water to his preferred temperature. He sighed as the hot water flowed over his body warming it. He closed his eyes and felt Taylor’s lips on his neck, his fingerghts brushed the area and Goosebumps popped up on his skin. He had to admit he was attracted to Taylor Drake; the man was so hot, he was scorching. Grayson sighed and rubbed shampoo into his hair, he massaged his scalp, missing his longer tresses. He’d cut his hair shorter for the job, looking professional meant not looking like a hippie with a ponytail. Rinsing any remaining soap out of his hair, he turned the water off and stepped out, wrapping a towel around his hips and cleared the mirror of fog. Green eyes looked back from his reflection and Grayson sighed.

  “I hope I don’t regret this.” ~~ By six O’clock that evening Xander was about to jump out of skin. He and Grayson were pacing the living room floor, waiting for the Drake brother’s to make their appearance. Xander fidgeted in his crisp, pressed beige chinos, a gift from Troy for the new job. Grayson paced in his own black pair. Both wore white short sleeved button up shirts and Xander stopped pacing to look at his brother.

  “You look good.”

  “Yeah?” Grayson turned in a slow circle. “Am I kissable?”

  “Ew,” Xander made a face.

  The buzzer sounded and Grayson froze. “It’s them.” Xander walked to the keypad and pressed the buzzer letting them in. He looked at the door calculating how long it would take them to take the elevator up and make it to their unit. “I might puke.” Xander whispered.

  Grayson stared at the door and heard the footsteps drawing closer, a shadow passed under the door and soft voices could be heard. The bell rang for their apartment and Grayson almost jumped out of his loafers. “Get it.”

  “You get it!” Xander hissed. “Fine!” Grayson walked to the door and threw it open. His heart stopped in his chest and he actually had to remind himself to breathe. Taylor stood with a blue button up short sleeved shirt, with faded blue jeans that hugged every damn curve he had. “Shit.”

  Taylor cocked his head to the side. “Everything okay?”

  “Um, yeah, sure.” Grayson backed away from the door motioning Taylor in; he looked at Xander and mouthed.Oh. My. God! Xander swore he was hyperventilating, Jagger walked in right behind his brother. Black jeans hugged a perfect outline of the man’s cock and curved down his massive thighs. A white polo shirt completed the outfit and Xander wanted to weep at how beautiful his mate was. “Um, hi.”

  “Hi,” Jagger actually felt his cheeks flush, Xander looked gorgeous. “So, I thought we could hit Seafort Grill? They have really good food. Do you like seafood?”

  “Yes, I do.” Xander grabbed his wallet and keys and looked at Grayson. “So, I’ll see you later?” “Yep, have a good time.” Grayson smiled at his brother, as Jagger placed a hand at the small of his back, leading him out into the hall. The door shut and Grayson was left with Taylor in the apartment. Grayson forced his mouth closed. Taylor Drake belonged on a bill board in the middle of Times Square, in unheiderwear, preferably see-through.

  “So I um,” Taylor ran a hand through his hair. “I didn’t know what you liked, so I picked a place that had a little of everything.”

  “Okay,” Grayson grabbed his keys and made his way to the door. “Here, let me get that.” Taylor opened the door and tried to decide of he should touch Grayson or not. In the end, he placed his hand on Grayson’s lower back and tried to breathe normally.

  They made their way out to the street; Taylor walked Grayson to his car and opened the door for him.

  “Wow, nice car.” Grayson looked at the black Jaguar. “XK?”

  “Yeah,” Taylor grinned. “How did you know?” “I love these cars.” Grayson got in and ran his hand over the leather seats. His eyes took in the perfectly spotless interior and he smiled. Tay
lor knew how to take care of his car. “It’s beautiful.”

  Taylor slid in behind the wheel, turning in the seat to look at Grayson. “So are you.”

  Grayson felt his face burning and managed a smile. “Thank you.” “I mean it Grayson,” Taylor leaned over in the seat, he couldn’t help but run his fingers through Grayson’s hair. “Everything about you.” Taylor whispered.

  “It was you in the forest.” Grayson looked at Taylor. “I was there, I smelled you.” “I thought I saw someone, but I couldn’t be sure.” Taylor sat back in the seat. “I almost went crazy with your scent but I couldn’t stay, I knew my Dad was on his way and I wanted to warn Dakota.” Taylor looked over at Grayson. “Just give me a chance please?” “Well, let’s go then.” Grayson smiled, as he sat back in the comfortable seat. “I could get used to this.” He chuckled.

  “I hope so.” Taylor looked at Grayson in the passenger seat of his car, he belonged there. “I really do.”

  ~~ Xander stood on the street with his mouth dropped open. Jagger’s car was a fucking Aston Martin, Rapide. He almost came right there looking at it.

  “Xander?” Jagger looked at Xander breathing hard.

  “Yes?” Xander couldn’t tear his eyes away from the silver orgasm in the street.

  “Dinner?” Jagger unlocked the car with his remote and opened the door for Xander. Xander slid into the car like silk, he sat back drinking in the cars scent. Jagger got in behind the wheel and Xander took that opportunity to look him over. Slowly. Strong muscular biceps flexed as Jagger turned the wheel of the car, merging into traffic. The dirty blonde hair was cut short and styled perfectly. Jagger’s face was freshly shaved. The smell of cologne wafted up his nostrils and Xander hardened in his chinos. “So, when did you get this car?”

  “After the first sale, Grayson and I made a fortune and I’d always wanted one of these.”

  “Drake, Jagger Drake.” Xander giggled.

  “Ah, so I see you get the James Bond connection.” Jagger laughed.

  “Of course!” Xander sat back and closed his eyes, he felt fingers threading with his and looked over at Jagger.


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