Best Laid Plans

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Best Laid Plans Page 4

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  ~~ Jagger sat in the driveway of Vanessa’s condo complex in his car, her light wasn’t on but he could see people in the backyard hot tub. He got out of the car and took a deep breath, he could do this, he had to. For Xander. Jagger walked to the front door and rang the bell, no one answered. He went around the side of the building, and pushed the backyard gate open. Three men were in the hot tub, and one of them had a look of ecstasy on his face.

  One look underwater told him why. Vanessa was giving one of them a blow job under water, well, that explained a lot on how she could hold her breath for so long. She was using the guys cock like an air tank. Jagger coughed quietly and smiled sweetly opening the gate wider; the other two men had a look of surprise on their faces. He would too, if he’d just gotten caught in a three way. Jagger patiently waited for Vanessa to come up for air, as the guy whose cock she was sucking tried to pry her off. Jagger crouched down right where she’d come up for a breath. A few seconds later Vanessa surfaced, coughing.

  “What the hell Joe? I’m trying to get you off!” Vanessa snarled. “Oh I’m sorry,” Jagger turned to the guy in the tub. “Joe is it?” Jagger smiled as Joe nodded slowly. “I’m sorry I interrupted Joe’s blow job Vanessa, this makes what I had to say so much easier.” Jagger stood up. “It’s over, good bye Vanessa.” Jagger waved at the other three men, as he made his way back out to the parking lot. He hit the remote for his car and opened the door.

  “Wait! Jagger!” Vanessa ran out in to the parking lot, clutching a towel around her waist. Jagger rested on the door frame, smiling sweetly. “I’ve said what I had to say Vanessa. It’s over, no more dates, no more money, nothing. You’ll have to go to Dad from now on.” Jagger got in and shut the door over Vanessa’s screaming; he started the car and pulled out with a huge smile from ear to ear. “You’re all mine now, Xander Quinton.”

  ~~ The alarm went off at seven and Grayson threw it across the room, the beeping spurted then stopped. Grayson groaned, as Xander’s alarm went oandff seconds later in his own room. He dragged himself out of bed and went to the kitchen to robotically make coffee. He didn’t even measure it out, just poured and hoped like hell when it hit, he’d wake up. He bumped into Xander on his way to the shower, and stood under the spray until his eyes were fully functional. He heard Xander brushing his teeth, and peeked around the shower curtain.

  “Get any sleep?”

  “Sort of, I kept having these wild sex dreams about Jagger.” Xander spit out his toothpaste.

  “God, you too?” Grayson cracked up.

  “You dreamt about Jagger?” Xander laughed and got water thrown at him. They switched places and Xander jumped in the shower as Grayson brushed his teeth. After quickly downing coffee and bagels with cream cheese, they dressed and headed down to the front of the building to meet their cab. They found a Lincoln town car waiting by the front, and a man dressed in a suit and hat waved at them.

  “Xander and Grayson Quinton?” He asked. “Yes, that’s us.” Xander looked at the man and then the car. “What’s all this?”

  “Mr. Drake sent me to pick you up for work sir. I’m Bernard Soul, your driver.”

  Grayson giggled. “Okay, first off its Xander and Grayson, Bernard. Not, ‘Sir’.

  “Fair enough,” Bernard smiled and opened the door for them. “Would you like some music for the drive?” “Actually no, we’d like to hear about you and how you came to be the driver.” Grayson sat forward in the seat. Bernard was maybe in his late forties, salt and pepper hair poked out beneath his hat. He had laugh lines around his kind, brown eyes.

  “Are you sure you want to hear about me? I’m boring.” Bernard chuckled. “Mr. Drake, the younger one, Taylor, found me homeless behind a restaurant a year ago. He cleaned me up and put me to work. I’d lost my job and I wasn’t finding work either, lost my house and my car. So I’m lying on the ground staring up at the sky, and I see this man looking down at me with a frown. He picks me up and takes me to a hotel, gets me clean clothes and hands me his card saying I have to be at work in the morning.” Bernard laughed softly. “You can imagine my surprise, when he actually had a job all lined up for me.”

  “So just like that?” Xander’s interest was piqued. “Just like that,” Bernard nodded. “Taylor and Jagger have been taking care of me ever since. I have a nice apartment now and a car too.” Bernard looked at the two men in the back seat. “You two are good for those boys; they’ve been through a lot.”

  “How do you know that?” Grayson regarded Bernard thoughtfully. “You don’t get as far as I have in life, not to be able to get someone to talk to you, especially when they are wounded and those boys have been wounded.”

  “Their Dad,” Grayson nodded.

  “I think you two will fit in just fine.” Bernard winked. “We’re here, have a good day at work.”

  “Thanks, Bernard!” Grayson jumped out of the car smiling.

  They entered the building and passed by t cahe sign in desk waving at Bianca.

  “Morning, Miss Bianca!” Xander smiled.

  Grayson cracked up. “We are disgustingly happy, aren’t we?” Xander hit the elevator button, grinning. “Yes, we are.”

  ~~Chapter Five~~ Jagger was finding it hard to concentrate, they had the plans for their new building spread out over the conference room table and Jagger swore he was looking at it upside down. He was so focused on the time and Xander’s arrival, he couldn’t think straight. He sighed loudly and rolled them back up looking at Taylor pacing. Neither one of them had slept much and ended up hanging out together last night talking about their breakups. The one thing Jagger wanted right now was to taste Xander’s lips. His skin was prickling and he looked over at Taylor.

  “They’re here.” Taylor ran a hand through his hair. “I don’t think I’ve ever been this nervous. I just want him so much.” Taylor looked out the door and heard the elevator. “I think I’m going to pass out.” Taylor saw Xander first and then Grayson came into view. Taylor’s breath caught and he couldn’t stop himself. He ran out the door and down the hall and before Grayson could even speak, Taylor picked him up and held him tight.

  Xander smiled at his brother in the arms of Taylor Drake. He felt arms come around his waist and leaned back into Jagger, the next thing he knew he was being pulled into the office and the door shut. Xander looked up into lust-blown pupils and felt his eyes shift. The temperature in the room went up at least ten degrees, as Jagger stood in front of him. “Jagger?”

  “I have to kiss you, please let me kiss you.” Jagger clasped his hands together, waiting for permission. Xander leaned in and kissed Jagger softly. He pulled away and looked at Jagger’s face, he was breathing hard and his eyes were still closed. “Jagger…” Xander whispered.

  Jagger opened his eyes and took Xander’s face in his hands. “I want to taste you so damn bad.” Jagger breathed. Xander met him half way, their lips met and Jagger felt Xander’s tongue on the tip of his own. He wasn’t sure which one of them moaned louder, their tongues slid into each other’s mouths and Jagger ran his fingers into Xander’s hair. Buttons were coming undone on both of their dress shirts and hands were exploring bare flesh. Jagger became aware that he was almost humping Xander’s leg against the door. They broke from the kiss both sweating, Jagger looked down at his shirt and then Xander’s and smiled.

  “Well, that answers that question.” Jagger looked into Xander’s flushed face.

  “Which one?” Xander was trying to get his breath back.

  “If you want me, as much as I want you.” Jagger pulled Xander into his arms.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever wanted anything more, Jagger.” ~~ Taylor realized he was still standing in the middle of the hall with Grayson in his arms. It felt so good, so right, he never wanted to let go. He walked backwards towards the office and groaned when Grayson’s legs wrapped around his hips. Damn, that was sexy as all hell. He fumbled with the doorknob to his office before finally getting it open, shutting the door with his foot. Grayson’s b
ack hit the door and a loud grunt left his lips, Taylor ran his hands up Grayson’s face and pulled his lips to his own. They hovered for seconds, blue eyes met green and the want passed between them.

  The minute Grayson’s warm lips touched his, Taylor’s legs almost caved; he’d never wanted someone like this. Grayson’s lips were like a meal he hadn’t had in weeks, he couldn’t stop devouring him. Grayson’s hands were in his hair, gripping it tightly, as their tongues twined and tasted every inch of each other. Grayson’s sexy moans and whimpers had Taylor’s cock weeping in his trousers. For a guy who’d never been kissed, Grayson was fucking talented. Grayson slid off his hips and down the door and his hands slid in between the buttons of his shirt. Skin on skin, Taylor gripped Grayson’s ass pushing him into the door and rubbed his cock against Grayson’s through the material of their slacks. “Oh God,” Grayson keened. “I want you.”

  Taylor licked up Grayson’s throat and took his lips again. “I want you too.” “Touch me, Taylor. I want to feel your hands on my skin.” Grayson’s hands slid down Taylor’s back and he gripped his ass tightly, as he thrust into Taylor’s hips. Taylor’s hands slid down the back of his pants and Grayson growled as they made contact with his bare skin. He couldn’t stop himself; the urge to have Taylor naked on the damn desk was strong. Their mouths met in an urgent kiss, as their hands continued to explore.

  The phone ringing brought Taylor out of his lust filled haze. “Shit, we have to stop.” Taylor backed away from Grayson and tried to catch his breath. “Jesus, Grayson, I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want you.” Taylor backed up into his desk, his eyes never leaving Grayson’s, as picked up the phone. “Taylor Drake.”

  Grayson watched Taylor’s face, as he listened to the person on the other end of the line. His eyes lit up and Grayson smiled, he loved seeing his mate happy.

  “Yes Sir, we can be there tomorrow and I’ll bring the plans.” Taylor hung up and looked at Grayson. “We got the Fournier meeting in Vegas!”

  “Vegas?” Grayson looked confused. “Vegas baby!” Taylor picked Grayson up and twirled him. “Millions Grayson, millions of dollars!” Taylor put Grayson down and kissed him hard. “We have to go tell Jagger!” Taylor took Grayson’s hand, and they exited the office going across the hall. Taylor knocked and heard his brother on the other side telling him to come in. The room was so hot you could cook bacon on the desk. Xander was on the couch breathing hard, and Jagger was next to him gulping down a bottle of water. “Guess who just called, Jagger?”

  Jagger read his brother’s face. “No…” “Yes! Caden Fournier! We got the meeting!” Taylor shouted. ene

  Grayson sat next to his brother, and the two of them watched Jagger and Taylor jumping up and down in fascination.

  “So, I take it Vegas is a good thing?” Xander cocked an eyebrow. “Yes, Taylor said millions of dollars.” Grayson smiled at Taylor laughing.

  Jagger grabbed the phone. “Carol, book four seats to Vegas ASAP please.”

  “Four?” Xander stood up and looked at his mate.

  “Oh yes Xander, we are all going to Vegas!” Jagger picked Xander up, bouncing him up and down. Taylor looked at the time. “Okay, we need to get packed and ready. Grayson, you and Xander get back to the apartment and pack a suitcase. Pack at least two suits, but some casual clothes as well; this isn’t going to be all work and no play.” Taylor looked at the excited look on his mates face. “Ever been to Vegas?”

  “Nope,” Grayson shook his head. “Well, now you will.” Taylor grabbed Grayson and pulled him into his arms, his hand caressing the soft skin of his mates face. “I can’t wait to show you everything.”

  Grayson’s eyes went immediately to Taylor’s lips. “I can’t wait to do quite a few things.” “Oh God, help me.” Taylor whispered. Jagger laughed softly and tapped at his watch. “Okay guys, let’s get a move on. Bernard will pick you both up outside your apartment in exactly two hours.”

  “Let’s go.” Xander smiled.

  ~~ Taylor figured out Grayson hated to fly the minute the plane started rolling, his fingers gripped the seat until his knuckles turned white. It didn’t get any better after they were in the air either, the slightest hint of turbulence, and Grayson had the puke bag in his lap.

  “Grayson,” Taylor put his arm around his mate. “Tell me what you need me to do, and I’ll do it.” “I...just distract me, talk to me, something.” Grayson exhaled slowly.

  Taylor turned Grayson’s face to his and gently kissed his lips. They were sitting in first class in the front row, and Jagger and Xander were directly across the aisle. No one could see them and Taylor took advantage of it, his hand slid up Grayson’s inner thigh as his lips gently caressed the warm ones beneath his. His thumb lingered right below Grayson’s crotch and massaged in slow circles. Grayson knew just how to kiss him, it was almost instinctual for their tongues to find each other, and they met and twined effortlessly. Grayson was an aphrodisiac he couldn’t get enough of, and he swore he’d won the mate lottery when Grayson Quinton entered his life. They broke from the kiss both panting and Taylor ran the pad of his thumb over Grayson’s soft cheekbone.

  “Distracted?” Taylor chuckled softly.

  “Yes, but now I’m horny too.” Grayson’s cheeks heated.

  They both heard the soft laughter coming from across the aisle, and looked in the direction of Xander and Jagger.

  “You know,” Xander raised a brow. “They have bathrooms for that sort of behavior.” Taylor stuck his tongue out at Xander and stifled a laugh, as the flight attendant made her way up the aisle with the drink cart. Her voice shocking Taylor.

  “Mon Dieu! I missed behavior?”

  Taylor looked up at the flight attendant’s face. Black hair in a French twist and sparkling grey eyes were smiling at him, the name tag said ‘Sabine’.

  “Uh, nothing too provocative I assure you.” Taylor blushed.

  “Merde,” Sabine sighed. “You can start again, no? Two men kissing is,” Sabine shivered. “Very sexy!”

  Grayson cracked up and looked at Sabine. “I’m a little afraid to fly; he was just trying to calm me down.”

  “I see it worked.” Sabine winked. “Let me know if you need anything else, Chéri.”

  Taylor looked over at Jagger and Xander, as Sabine made her way back toward the galley. “Not one word from you two.” ~~ After landing in Seattle, they picked up their connecting flight to Las Vegas. Grayson looked out the window as the lights of Vegas lit up the night sky. It was breath taking even from ten thousand feet in the air. The plane barely kissed the runway and Grayson relaxed as they pulled up to the skyway and de-boarded. They all made their way to baggage claim and waited for their bags to come around on the conveyor belt. Grayson took a look around the crowded airport and noticed a man holding up a sign that said ‘Drake’; he pulled on Taylor’s sleeve.

  “I think that’s for us.” Grayson pointed to the man.

  Taylor nodded and walked over to the man, putting his hand out. “I’m Taylor Drake.” “Yes Sir, Mr. Fournier wishes you to accompany me to the MGM Skylofts. I am Phillip, your driver. I will take you wherever you need to go for the duration of your stay.”

  “Thank you Phillip, this is my brother Jagger and our associates Grayson and Xander Quinton.”

  “Good to meet you,” Phillip smiled. “Please follow me.”

  Following Phillip to the stretch limo, Grayson gasped, as the heat of Vegas assaulted him. Even at nine at night it was unbearable.

  “Jesus,” Grayson loosened his tie. “It doesn’t get much better,” Phillip smiled. “Mr. Fournier will meet you for dinner tomorrow night at Joël Robuchon restaurant at precisely seven. Your rooms are paid for and he wishes you to enjoy yourselves before the meeting.”

  Jagger whistled softly. “That’s a pretty penny he’s putting out.” Jagger shook his head. “The Skylofts?”

  “Mr. Fournier wants you to be comfortable, Mr. Drake.” Phillip smiled opening the limo door. Once they were all sea
ted in the air conditioned limo, Phillip eased it into traffic. Within minutes they pulled in front of the MGM and their bags were being whisked away. Taylheior stood by the front entrance and handed Phillip a fifty dollar bill from his wallet.

  “Thank you Phillip, you have a nice night.” Taylor shook his hand. He smiled as Phillip tipped his hat, disappearing into the limo. They were checked in and on their way upstairs in minutes, Taylor took Grayson’s hand as they walked into their suite. It was surreal, and he heard Grayson gasp.

  “Oh wow,” Grayson whispered. Making his way around the suite, he took it all in. Bedroom, dining area, living room, the bathroom was utterly fantastic and Grayson found himself wanting to set up shop in the large tub. He made his way back to the main room and found Taylor looking out the window. “It’s so beautiful, I feel so spoiled.”

  Taylor turned to look at Grayson, and put his hand out. “Come here, and look at the view.” Grayson came to his side and Taylor put his arms around the younger man’s waist, wrapping him up. “Look at the lights of Vegas; have you ever seen anything so spectacular?”

  Grayson leaned his head back to look at Taylor. “I’ve seen something even more spectacular.” Taylor pulled Grayson around to face him; he placed his hand gently on Grayson’s neck and pulled him to his lips. “So beautiful,” he murmured against Grayson’s mouth.

  Their mouths locked in a languid, sensual kiss, Grayson’s fingers made quick work of the buttons on Taylor’s dress shirt. His jacket fell softly to the floor and Grayson worked to get Taylor’s tie off before peeling back his shirt and breaking from the kiss to look at the gorgeous half naked man in front of him. Strong chiseled biceps flexed, as Grayson’s hands began a slow exploration of the torso on display. Rounded pectoral muscles trembled under his fingertips and six pack abs rippled, as his fingers delved to the waist band of Taylor’s pants. Grayson looked up into the beautiful face of Taylor Drake and saw his eyes closed, his breathing labored.


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