Book Read Free

Best Laid Plans

Page 10

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  “Mr. Fournier.” Grayson put his hand out.

  “Grayson, so formal? I thought we were friends?”

  Grayson put his glass on the table and looked up at Caden. “Okay, Caden.”

  “Much better,” Caden smiled and looked around the room. “You are alone?”

  “Well I’m here with my brother and the Drake brothers.” Grayson looked around; he’d lost sight of Taylor.

  “Oh, Mr. Drake seems to be occupied with Miss Levine at the moment. Better him than me.” Caden chuckled. Grayson looked in the direction Caden pointed out and saw Brianna cozying up to Taylor. He excused himself and went the long way around the banquet hall to avoid running into anyone else on his way. Brianna was whining about their breakup when Grayson walked up on them.

  “Come on Taylor, what we had was good.” Brianna smiled, running her hand up Taylor’s bicep.

  “Look, it’s not going to happen.” Taylor’s eyes met with Grayson’s over Brianna’s head.

  “What…” Brianna turned around to see what Taylor was so preoccupied with. “And you are?”

  “Grayson Quinton.” Grayson extended his hand.

  “He’s an intern at the company Brianna.” Taylor moved out of her reach. “Now, if you’ll excuse me.”

  “Oh my God,” Brianna saw the look on Grayson’s face. “You’re with him, aren’t you?” Brianna looked at Taylor again. “You’re gay!” “Don’t be stupid Brianna,” Taylor looked around the crowded ballroom. People stopped their conversations, and were now paying attention to Brianna’s high pitched voice. Dogs could probably hear her a mile away. Taylor’s heart raced in his chest, as all eyes were on him now. “He works for me and that’s all. I am not gay for fucks sake. Don’t be stupid!”

  “Yes, by all means Brianna don’t be stupid.” Grayson looked at Taylor. “I’m just an employee.” Grayson turned and walked away as fast as he could.


  Xander heard the commotion and looked at Jagger. “This isn’t going to work, is it?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Tell these people you’re with me, Jagger.” Xander looked at the crowded room. “Tell them.”

  “That’s not fair, Xander.” Jagger lowered his voice. “You’re right, it’s not. But you would do the exact same thing to me, wouldn’t you?” Xander looked around the room, as all eyes followed Taylor’s slow walk over to them. “Jagger?”

  “What do you want me to say? I’m not ready yet Xander. I want too, God knows I do—” “But you won’t.” Xander sighed. “Good Night, Jagger.” Xander followed his brother out the do Noy8dth="ors of the hotel. He found Grayson on the side of the building crying. He grabbed his brother and hugged him. “It’s okay, Gray.” Xander heard a slight cough, and turned to see Caden Fournier looking at them. “Yes?”

  “Can I offer you a ride home?” Caden looked at Grayson’s tear stained face.

  “Not unless that ride home is on a plane for Washington.” Grayson wiped his eyes.

  “I can arrange that.” Caden motioned to his limo pulling up.

  Xander raised an eyebrow at his brother. “It’s up to you Grayson, I go where you go.”

  “I want to go home.” Grayson sniffled. Xander looked at Caden. “We accept your offer.” The way to the doors of the hotel, was met with everyone stopping to ask what the problem was. After many “There’s no problem”. Jagger and Taylor finally made it outside to the front of the building. Xander and Grayson were nowhere to be found. Taylor cursed and kicked the curb.

  “I knew this would happen, I just fucking knew it!” Taylor ran a hand through his hair. “We’ve got no one to blame but ourselves Taylor. You and I both know that Grayson and Xander are so much more than just our employees. You are in love with Grayson and I’m in love with Xander.”

  “Well then, I guess we better start looking for them and throw ourselves at their fucking mercy.”

  Grayson looked out the window of Caden Fournier’s private jet. His heart hurt so badly he wanted to cut it out. He’d never felt pain like this before. Xander was in the same state, he’d done his own crying privately, and Grayson left him alone until he’d come back to the seat and they cried together. Now Xander was finally asleep and Grayson was left with his thoughts.

  “Your cell phone is ringing.”

  Grayson jumped at the sound of Caden’s voice. “I don’t want to talk to him.” Caden picked up the phone and looked at the caller ID. “Riley?” “That I’ll take,” Grayson put his hand out. He smiled when Caden placed the phone in his hand. “Thank you.”

  “De rien.” Caden smiled.

  Grayson flipped his phone open and heard Riley going a mile a minute. “Okay, okay, slow down Riley.” “Troy called and then Sam called, they said you were in pain and you weren’t answering your phone. What’s wrong baby? Why are you upset?”

  Grayson went into the explanation of the black-tie event, how he had walked up on Taylor and Brianna and Taylor’s excuse. He almost choked on the words as they came out. To make things worse, Caden was overhearing the whole c Noy8="18" wonversation. He wasn’t trying to, it was just hard not to hear it with Riley’s loud expletives. “So that’s it.”

  “Where are you sweetie? I want you to come see me and Mateo.”

  “Well, I’m on a plane right now headed for Washington. It’s Caden Fournier’s, he offered us a ride.” “Put him on the phone, please.” Grayson handed the phone to Caden. “Um, it’s Riley Flynn. He wants to talk to you.”

  Caden arched a brow and took the phone. “This is Caden.” Grayson watched, as Caden listened to whatever Riley was saying. It must have been a good conversation, because Caden was already smiling. Riley had that effect on people though. You’d buy swamp land in Florida if he asked you to.

  “Yes, I’m sure that will not be a problem, Mr. Flynn.” Caden chuckled. “Alright then if you insist, Riley. I will make sure they are there. It was a pleasure speaking with you.” Caden handed the phone back to Grayson. “I’ll be right back; I must speak with the pilot.”

  Grayson watched him leave and got back on the phone. “Riley?”

  “I’m here; look Caden’s bringing you to Arizona okay? Don’t worry. I’ll make all the calls to your Dad and brother.”

  “Thank you, Riley.”

  “It’s no problem; I’ve wanted you guys to come visit. See you soon Grayson.”

  “Bye.” Grayson hung up the phone and looked out the window. Arizona, it was better than home right now. He didn’t need to see all the looks of sadness. He’d wish he’d never found his mate, at least then his heart would still be intact.

  “I know it’s not my place, but I remember what it was like to be hiding who I was.” Caden sat in the seat opposite Grayson. “For the longest time I stayed hidden in fear of losing my business, my friends and colleagues. It is a hard truth to face, but being gay is not easy.”

  “Are you out?” Grayson looked at Caden. The man commanded attention and he certainly did not hide in the background. “I am.” Caden nodded. “I waited until I had enough money and I would not care if I lost a business deal here or there. When I came out so to speak, I lost a few friends, but they were not my closest friends. The people who love you will never turn their back on you. Jagger and Taylor have never had that kind of love before. I have met their father. He is not a nice man.”

  “So you think I overreacted?” Grayson closed his eyes and sighed. “I cannot tell you what is right or wrong. I can only tell you what I observe. Whether or not you choose to do something about it is up to you. I will say however, that I will not cry if you do not go back to Taylor.” Caden smiled when Grayson blushed. “I am very direct, Grayson.”

  “I’m getting that.” “I am also not one to come between love, and it is obvious to me you are very much in love with Taylor Drake.” Caden leaned forward and took Grayson’s hand. “Take some time and think about it, do not make a rash decision. Because as angry as you are, it will eventually pass and you Noy8Ta will be left wi
th the love you feel for Taylor. Heartache can last year’s Grayson, be very sure of what you can live with.”

  “You’re a good guy, you know that?” Grayson smiled.

  “Do not tell anyone.” Caden winked.

  “Why are you single?” Grayson looked over Caden. “I mean, you’re gorgeous.” “Well, thank you.” Caden sat back smiling. “I have not found the one man that makes my heart beat a bit faster. I never know if they are with me for my money or for love.” Caden sighed.

  “Well,” Grayson smiled. “If I wasn’t so in love with Taylor, you’d know why I was with you.”


  “It’d be for sex.” Grayson waggled his eyebrows.

  “Mon Dieu!” Caden cracked up. “Taylor does have his hands full, doesn’t he?”

  Grayson smiled slyly. “Well I waited, if you know what I mean.”

  Caden’s eyes went wide. “No…”

  “Yes, Xander and I, well we wanted it to be special.” Grayson blushed. “I don’t know why I’m telling you this.” “I am French, believe me I have heard it all.” Caden chuckled softly. He leaned over and took Grayson’s hands. “If you are ever in need of anything, you call me alright? I would like you to consider us friends.”

  Grayson smiled at Caden Fournier, the man was drop dead delicious and sweet as could be. “I do Caden, I really do.” ~~Chapter Eleven~~ The next three days were spent in misery. Taylor couldn’t function at work or at home and Jagger was in the same state. They’d tried calling Grayson and Xander only to get voicemail each and every time. They’d gone to their apartment but no one answered the door. Finally after calling Dakota they’d found out that Grayson and Xander went to Arizona. Taylor looked out over the ocean from his balcony. The house seemed empty. Grayson’s laughter was missing from it. Riley had been kind at least, he’d told them to just give the boys some time. If anything Riley understood about coming out. He’d almost lost Mateo because he’d been afraid to come out. He’d assured Taylor that Grayson and Xander just needed some time.

  Taylor heard the front door open then close and footsteps were coming up the stairs. Jagger came into the bedroom and joined him on the balcony.

  “So, Bianca called. Caden wants us in Vegas tomorrow.” Jagger sighed.

  “Well we either get the bid or we don’t. I don’t even care anymore.” Taylor sighed. “What are we doing Taylor? We got away from dad and yet here we are. I don’t know about you, but I miss Xander. Half of me is gone and it’s killing me.” Jagger gripped the railing.

  “You don’t think I’m hurting?” Taylor looked at Noy8me.” JaJagger. “I can’t breathe. I keep trying to open up my mind so that I can just hear his thoughts, but he’s closed me off.” Taylor sighed. “All I can do is keep sending my thoughts to him. That I miss him, and I fucking love him. Fuck, I should have said it the minute I realized it.”

  “I know,” Jagger sighed. “I’m guilty of it too. I’m so in love with Xander it’s crushing me being away from him.”

  “Then we go to Vegas and deal with the plans. Then we go to Arizona and we fucking beg on our goddamn knees for our mates, because God help me I feel dead inside.” Taylor put his hand out to his brother. “Deal?”

  “Deal.” Jagger gripped his brother’s hand.

  “Well then, let’s pack.” ~~ Caden sighed, his real estate agent had sent him hundreds of properties in Seattle and he was having a difficult time choosing just one. He’d requested just a simple home overlooking the ocean. Well, he had plenty to choose from. He looked out the window of his suite and watched the bustling town of Vegas. He’d miss it, that was for sure, but he needed a change. He realized after talking with Grayson that he missed having someone in his life. He missed the euphoric feeling of being in love. It was harder for him however, never knowing if the man he was with was with him for love or money. Caden sighed and looked at his watch, the Drake brother’s would be there at any moment and he had devised a plan of sorts. It was cruel he supposed, but needed. His phone beeped, bringing him out of his thoughts. He picked up the line.

  “Yes dear,” Caden drawled.

  “Mr. Fournier, the Drake brothers are here.”

  “Send them up, Evangeline.” “Will you be needing coffee?” Evangeline snickered. “No, smart ass.” Caden chuckled. “Get back to your apartment and pack for Seattle.”

  “Yes sir!” Caden laughed and hung up the phone. He sat at his desk looking over the plans for the hotel in Egypt. It was utter brilliance the way these men thought. They had a true and rare talent to see things others could not, and with Grayson and Xander at their sides, they could do so much more. There was a soft knock on the door and Caden stood up.

  “Come in.” Jagger walked in with Taylor right behind him. They looked awful. Pale faces with bags under their eyes. It was obvious they were miserable without Xander and Grayson.

  “Hello,” Caden smiled. “Why don’t you have a seat? Can I get you something to drink?”

  “No, thank you. We’re fine.” Taylor unbuttoned the top button of his suit and sat down.

  “As I said at our last meeting, I would very much like to work with the two of you. Your plans are brilliant; I see quite a future in store for you Voy8he pl both. I am ready to offer you the deal of a lifetime. Every future building that goes up will be by your hands, and I have quite a few more buildings I plan on erecting.”

  “So what’s the deal?” Jagger sat forward. “There’s always a catch.” Caden smiled demonically. “I will sign off on Egypt and every future project on one condition.” Caden leaned forward. “I want one night with Grayson Quinton.”

  Taylor stood up; the chair flew across the room. “Are you fucking nuts?” “No, I am a business man. And when I like something, I go after it until it’s mine. He’s your associate Mr. Drake; he’s free to make his own choices.”

  “The fuck he is!” Taylor snarled.

  “Why do you care what Mr. Quinton does Mr. Drake? He’s works for you, he is a free man.”

  “No he’s not!” Taylor roared. He was close to letting his lupine side out and he felt Jagger’s hand in his.

  “You would risk millions of dollars, maybe even billions for a man.” Caden tilted his head. “Why?”

  “Because, I love him!” Taylor shouted.

  Caden smiled wide, as Taylor slumped into his chair. “Interesting.”

  “There I said it.” Taylor looked up at Caden. “You can take your plans and shove them up your ass. I don’t fucking care anymore.”

  “So I can assume that Xander is off the table as well then?” Caden looked at Jagger. “You assume correctly.” Jagger stood up. “We’re done here. We don’t need your money Mr. Fournier, and we have somewhere to be.”

  “Ah yes, Arizona eh?” Caden smiled at the look of shock on Jagger and Taylor’s faces. He picked up the phone. “Evangeline darling, please send my lawyer up and have the jet fueled and ready to leave. The Drake brothers are leaving for Arizona as soon as we sign the contracts.”

  “I…I don’t understand.” Jagger slumped back down in the chair. “You both have love in your lives; it would be a shame if you lost it. Not all of us find it or we do and it is fleeting.” Caden sat back in his chair and smiled at Taylor and Jagger. “I had to know if your love was stronger than the lure of money. I also hate homophobic people, but I can see that is not the case with you two. You are nothing like your father.”

  Taylor’s head snapped up. “You know Carson?” “Oh yes,” Caden chuckled. “We had a meeting last year and he was talking about gays. I took offense and decided not to work with him. He will regret his words for a long time. You two are your own men. Please do not ever think you are anything like your father. As far as being gay, I am not ashamed of it and neither should you two be. You are in love. Embrace it.”

  “I don’t know what to say.” Taylor half smiled. “You are nothing like we thought you’d be.” “A crazy man with too much money?” Caden laughed. “I admit, I like to have fun and push the li
mits. I can get bored easily.” The door to the room opened and a balding man walked in carrying a briefcase.

  “Ah, there you are Clyde. This is Jagger and Taylor Drake.” Caden stood up and came around his desk. “Let us hurry and get the contracts signed. These men have to be in Arizona right away.”

  Jagger took Caden’s hand. “Thank you, for all of this.”

  “No need. We French people are notoriously romantic.” Caden winked.

  “And eccentric.” Taylor laughed and shook Caden’s hand. “But we wouldn’t have it any other way Mr. Fournier.”

  “Ah, you must call me Caden.” Caden took Jagger and Taylor’s hands in his. “I will be proud to call you both friends.”

  “Same here Caden,” Jagger smiled. “Same here.” ~~Chapter Twelve~~ Grayson pulled his sunglasses down over his eyes, the blazing heat of Arizona drying his swim trunks only minutes after getting out of the pool. It was ridiculous. It was another beautiful day, not a cloud in the sky and over one hundred degrees. He felt like he was melting on the lounge chair. Xander was still in the pool with Mateo and Josh and he was sitting back with Riley and Mark. Some other people were showing up soon he guessed. They were all getting ready to leave for Anchorage for the weddings. He smiled at the thought of Sawyer getting married. Sawyer had been convinced he’d never find his mate, and then Troy walked back onto the reservation. Grayson thought of Taylor and his heart seized, God he missed him so much.

  Grayson was pulled out of his thoughts by Xander’s voice.

  “I can hear you.”

  “I can’t help it.” Grayson pouted.

  Mark smiled looking over at Grayson. “That must be so weird, to hear each other’s thoughts.” Mark smiled looking at his husband in the pool. “I’m kind of glad I don’t hear Josh’s.”

  Josh cracked up. “You’d have me committed babe.”

  “I still might.” Mark arched a brow.

  Josh flexed his biceps. “Come on babe, you know you love me.”


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