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Charity's Secrets

Page 8

by Maya James

  I would want him to do it for me, so I abide.

  Eventually the car stops. "Can you honk once please," Justin asks. The driver obeys and the limo lets out a short blast. I reach for the blindfold so I can see. "Hold on just a moment," he says, grabbing my hand. "I want to be sure."

  We wait a brief moment, but I’m going to bubble over soon. He’s asking for way too much patience from me.

  "Okay there they are," he says, his voice suddenly thrilled. I feel him help with the blindfold. It comes off and I look around quickly.

  "Oh my God! Justin!" Tears are instantly covering my face and rolling off my chin. I rip madly at the door with my excited fingers failing to work right for me. "Let me out!" I scream, almost in a panic while managing to laugh at myself at the same time.

  Finally the door clicks and I hop out, just as my parents reach the end of their walk. I throw my arms around them crying, so overjoyed to see their happy faces as they both wrap around me.

  "Merry Christmas, Baby," I hear my Dad say.

  My Mom is still unable to form a word. She just squeezes me tight while chirps and squeals bubble up from her throat.

  I'm faintly aware of Justin getting out of the limo behind me. I cannot believe he arranged this. I let go and turn around to him, hugging him and kissing his face. "Thank you, Baby! Thank you so much! I can't believe you managed to get me snow and my parents for Christmas."

  His wonderful, satisfied laugh rumbles in my ear. "It's not nearly as good as what you did for me, but I think it’s close."

  "No—it's better!" I defend.

  I hear my mother beside me. "Thank you so much, Mr. Collins. Thank you for bringing our baby home for Christmas."

  I let go of him so that I can properly introduce everyone, although it sounds like there have already been conversions between them while they made their plans for this.

  "It's my pleasure, Mrs. Powers, and please, I meant it when I said to call me Justin."

  That's so very typical of my mother. They know about Justin being my boss and that he owns the security company called Panther that I work for. It will take her a bit to drop the formality when she’s nervous.

  My father won't have problem. "Justin, it's good to finally meet you in person. And like my wife said, thank you for this. We really mean that."

  Watching them shake hands, finally seeing them all together, it was a better gift than I could have asked for. I start crying again.

  My mother pulls herself further into her coat. "Come on inside everybody, there's no sense in standing out here freezing."

  The smell of her cooking had filled the house and it hit us as soon as we came through the door; it smells like Christmas. Honey, molasses, and brown sugar waft in the air. The nostalgia I'm under is intense. I feel sixteen again, and my day begins to float by way too quickly.

  Justin had put this surprise in the works over a month ago, calling my parents without me knowing and they were more than willing to help. Really, I'm not surprised about Justin keeping a secret, but my parents—my mom—that is amazing!

  I never told them about the attack and how Justin and I had met, just like they never found out what happened to Steve and what he did to me. We had decided months ago that what they would know is I that had applied to Panther, got the job, and met Justin at the office. And Justin is rolling right along with it—again, not surprised. I was a little worried about screwing this up myself, but my ability to lie and keep secrets has been getting enough practice lately.

  Somewhere along the way, I've become a fucking expert.

  There is something exciting about watching Justin sitting with my father and the two of them getting along so well. It's like a test being passed while I watch, a rite of passage taking place before my eyes. My mother looks the way that I feel while I help her set the table.

  Dinner is wonderful, not just my mother's food, but every part of it. Justin manages to relax my mom, convincing her to have a glass of wine, and I don't remember the last time I heard her laugh this much. I also don't remember the last time I've eaten so damn much.


  After the food, Justin insists on clearing the table. My father always does the dishes when my mother cooks. I can't remember if I ever told Justin about that but either way my father appreciated the help.

  Steve had grown on my parents over time, but I could tell they love Justin already. They don't have to tell me this, I can see it. I believe he won them over the second he called them about bringing me home, that he understood what it would mean, not for them, but for me. He's given them something they've never had before, someone that cares more for their daughter than themselves.

  We settled in the front room after, and I see that every gift I had sent them is still waiting to be unwrapped. There's also quite a few for me and Justin, and that upsets me.

  "Mom, you didn't get us more gifts, did you? You guys already sent so much."

  She started laughed, hard. "Those were decoys, Honey," she said when she caught her breath.

  My father is laughing too. "Those were all from Justin." My father patted Justin on the back—I've never seen him do that!

  Justin looked guilty. "I'm sorry," he says softly. "I wanted you to open gifts with your family, so they couldn't mail theirs to New York. But if something didn't come in the mail from them, you might get suspicious, so I had them tell me all the things they almost got you, and I had them sent postmarked from PA."

  "You dog!" I heckled.

  "Leave him alone," my mother defended with a smile. "He did well."

  "Oh my God—you've brainwashed my parents and taken them over against me."

  They all laughed at my teasing. Justin looks damn proud of himself. I'll admit, I'm adoring every minute of this.

  We take our time opening the real gifts, and when we are nearly done someone rings the front doorbell. Everyone seems to have expected it but me.

  "That's for you," my mother says.

  As I get up from the floor, I ask, "Who is it? What else is going on now?"

  "Just open the door," my father laughs.

  I can see a shadow through the etched glass and I'm excited as I grab the handle and pull the door open.

  "Melissa!" I had missed her face so much.

  "Hey, Baby!" she shouts a she throws her arms around me.

  I hug her tightly, noticing a few bags on the porch behind her. "God, I missed you. I thought I knew how much until just now, seeing you it’s so much more." My eyes dampen.

  "I know, I know," she says, the happiness obvious in her voice.

  We hug for another moment, and then she straightens up. "Now, where is this man? I have to meet him!"

  Justin is right behind me, waiting. He puts his hand out to meet her. It's so obvious that he doesn't know her, or he would have known better. Melissa swats his hand out of the way and hugs him, making him smile.

  Instantly, I'm laughing at him. There is nothing formal about Melissa.

  "Thank you!" she says before she lets go of him. "Thank you for bringing my friend home today, and for getting me."

  That reminds me about her bags, and I start dragging them in. "Getting you?"

  "That's part of the surprise, she's flying back with us—tonight," Justin reveals with more of that bubbling pride in himself.

  I pull her back to me and hug her again, I'm just too damn excited.

  Melissa whispers in my ear, "Oh my fucking God—he's a pantry-dropper!"

  We both turn and look at him.

  "He is, isn't he?" I agree.

  "What? What am I?" he asks, curious.

  We laugh at him instead of answering. He turns back to my parents. "I'm in trouble here, aren't I?" They laugh and nod.

  "Come on all the way in. Let's finish the presents," my mom orders.

  For the next few hours we catch up over a few glasses of wine and then some coffee. Eventually, a car arrives and it's time to go. The hugs take a long time, and they are bittersweet. At least I don't have to say g
oodbye to Melissa, not yet.

  Shain and his lady are waiting when we arrive. Justin in his JP personality moves right past them to his seat without a word, but Melissa says hello as she passes, and I ask his fiancé how her afternoon was.

  "It was wonderful," she exclaims excitedly before I notice Shain signal her to be quiet.

  I wave him off. I want to know. "It's okay," I demand. "Tell me, what did you guys do?"

  She checks nervously with Shain. He doesn't know what to tell her now, he's never been in this position in front of us and so he shrugs absently and keeps an ear on us as he prepares the plane. Now she becomes a waterfall; obviously it was killing her to tell someone. She describes in detail all about the private dinner that was waiting for them. And after that, their driver took them around to see some amazing light displays and finally to the Hampton Inn where they had a room waiting with champagne and flowers, and private use of their indoor pool that had been surrounded in candles.

  I winked at Justin for that one. He tries to pretend that he didn't see it.

  They had an amazing time, and so did we, and that was all that mattered. Shain got the Hawker cleared for takeoff, and we were headed back to New York with my oldest friend beside me.

  I need her so much, more than they know—more than Justin can know.


  "So the place is all yours," I announce to Melissa, showing her around my apartment. "Just don't let anyone from back home know I'm living with Justin. I'm not ready for that yet."

  Justin and I brought her upstairs just for last night making her feel welcome and at home. The three of us drained a bottle of wine while we caught up and she got to know Justin. When I could tell she was getting tired, I had her crash in a spare room.

  Today I brought her down to my apartment. "It's still mine, I just don't sleep down here anymore." I checked even though I'm sure Justin would have planned well. Everything is stocked and ready to go. The cabinets are loaded, and so is the refrigerator. "Everything in here is yours. Don't ask, just use it or eat it. I'll probably crash here with you once or twice just to have some extra girl time. But now you can come and go without worrying about us." I turn to her with a wicked smile. "And down here, you won't have us waking you up at night."

  "Oh my God, you're so bad—and lucky! Could he be any hotter?" she croaks.

  "No, I don't think so," I laugh.

  "I need to find me one of those while I'm here."

  "My friend, Trisha, is already working on that," I joke. "She's dying to meet you, says we have to hook you up while you're here."

  She laughs at me again.

  "Seriously, Charity, he seems so wonderful and he literally worships you. You can see it in his eyes when he looks at you. I couldn't be happier for you. And your mom, holy shit! I think your dad needs to be worried—she was totally smitten."

  I snort-laughed so hard I'm worried Justin heard it upstairs. With Melissa, I couldn't be more comfortable, even with my snort.

  "Gawd, Woman! I missed that laugh," she sighs, hugging me for like the hundredth time since we've been together.

  "Did you see how much my dad likes him?" I asked. "I wasn't expecting that to come so easy."

  "Right?" Melissa agrees, her eyes wide. "It was like Justin was his younger brother or something. But, it's a good thing."

  "Absolutely," I agree. "It's early, I know, but I really think this is it. I can't ever see myself without him. You should see me when he travels—I'm a complete wreck."

  "You know I'm totally jealous, right?" she admits.

  "Yes, I love it!"

  Her laughter bursts through the warm room. "You're such a bitch."

  "No worries, I'll set you up. You're not the only one I'm working on right now anyway."

  Melissa looks confused. "Oh, yeah?"

  I shrug her off. "I'll fill you in later. I'll need your help with it when the time comes."

  "Anything you need," she says. "Just make sure mine is hot," she jokes.

  Justin does have a few very good looking friends, but they are all part of Panther one way or another, and we agreed they can't be on the menu for Melissa. There's too much risk of her finding out more than she should.

  I'm not sure how I can keep some things hidden from her; she knows me too well—and she'll be helping me with some things I can't trust to anyone but her. It may come to me telling her what Justin really does—as long as I can find a way of doing that without her putting it together with Steve and his disappearance.

  Today she looks so beautiful in the Michael Kors turtleneck sweater that I just gave her for Christmas. She had called me when she opened it to protest about its price, but I had quickly pointed out that she would have gotten it for me and would want me to just accept it. As hot as she looks, we're not going to have a problem hooking her up.

  The girls from the office are excited to meet Melissa. I texted everyone last night and arranged for us all to have lunch today at Delmonico’s. I'll make sure John is all set for the day, and then I'll show her around.

  I want her to meet Lena most of all.

  MELISSA LOVED THE PANTHER office, and loved John even more. She'd thought I was full of shit when I told her how great a guy he is. She still thinks it’s partly because I'm sleeping with Justin. I love her bluntness, but I assured her John was a sweetheart before that.

  Delmonico's is so elegant inside; all dark wood, soft table lamps, old portraits hanging on walls covered with old style wallpaper under a tin ceiling. I was here once with Justin, Trisha and Sam. The food was incredible, so I'm really looking forward to this today.

  Our waiter came to the table to greet us and ask if we wanted drinks.


  He's a stunning young man, and he catches Melissa's eye immediately, at least his ass does.

  "You wanna see if you can order that?" I ask her after he walks away.

  "Ah—shit yeah!" she breathes.

  "Can I have one?" Jennifer asks politely.

  Everyone smiles, but Lena's looks forced. I strategically sat Melissa between us, wanting her to get to know Lena better. She is as much Justin's sister as Melissa is mine, and I want us all to be close.

  "So," Lynda turns to Melissa, "has Charity told you all about how she stole Justin from me?"

  Melissa is shocked. Clearly, she has no words. Her jaw flaps silently.

  "Yeah, I had him all lined up too. I think I was second in line," Jennifer adds.

  Lynda continues. "Then this young little thing swoops in and screws it all up for the rest of us."

  Melissa understands the joke now. "Yeah," she shouts, "she did that shit back home too."

  "I knew it," Lynda snaps, laughing.

  Melissa rolls with it, "Yeah, we all hated her there too. She just gobbled up every decent guy that came along before anyone else had a chance."

  "Seriously, guys. I wanna know who called dibs on the waiter before he comes back?" Jennifer demands.

  "Home team advantage," Melissa giggles. "You guys get him."

  Lynda turns to me. "You see? You see how it's done? Your friend knows."

  Clarice and Cathy are hysterical at this point, mostly because they can see the waiter has heard a good chunk of the conversion. He smiles nervously back at us from the bar, looking like a turkey on Thanksgiving. The bartender is smiling with him, too.

  Holy shit, we are loud!

  We compose ourselves quickly and begin talking about the real menu.

  Lena is still quieter than usual, she still hasn't been herself in a while and that breaks my heart. When our drinks come, I find a way to get her and Melissa drawn into a conversation. This gives me a moment to take care of something important, casually slipping my phone from my bag and typing out an email.

  "Let’s meet for a drink tomorrow night. Manhattan Grill 5:30. I'll be with a girlfriend, but it will be safe."

  I sent it and waited.

  It wasn't long. "I'll be there." That's all it said.

  I relax now, rea
dy to enjoy our lunch with that part done. Tomorrow was going to be a real test of my new skills.

  AFTER LUNCH WITH THE girls, I took Melissa New York shopping. It's a whole new experience for a girl that has never been outside of her small town. We made our way uptown mostly on 5th Ave, freaked her out in a squealing subway car and I took her breath away with the view from the Top Of The Rock.

  Justin met us at the Boathouse for dinner. It reminded me of our gondola ride, where he confessed his love for me for the first time. I decided not to embarrass him by telling Melissa all about it right in front of him, but it makes me warm inside remembering that day. Of course, we stopped at Junior’s for cheesecake. That has a whole new memory for me now, Justin's hot mouth licking it off my sensitive body, rubbing my swollen clit with it.


  I can see that I've worn Melissa down successfully enough for today, and I want her to get some rest. We have a late night planned for tomorrow, so Justin has Tony bring us home. Melissa, exhausted, bails off the elevator at my apartment, insisting I don't need to show her in. The doors shut, and I'm alone with Justin. He grins at me like he knows something.

  "What's that smile about?" I ask playfully.

  He snickers lightly. "You look tired. I think you ran yourself down today."

  "Yeah, a little bit," I breathe, suddenly feeling it. "It was thrilling to show her around and see the fascination on her face as she took it all in for the first time."

  "I remember when that was you, when I was showing you everything," his gorgeous face lights up.

  "You still show me new things all the time," I remind him.

  The elevator opens to the penthouse, and we step out. Our apartment is quiet. A pile of gift boxes still covers the floor around our tree. Justin wanted to put them all away, of course, but I wouldn't let him. It has to stay Christmas for a few days longer.

  We start getting ready to go to bed. He lets me in the bathroom first like always, and he kisses me, knowing I will be out fast asleep before he gets done brushing his teeth. I watch him walk away in his boxers, muscles covering the back of him, and I feel an urge that I don't believe I have the energy to satisfy. My heavy eyes close when I can't see his perfect body any longer.


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