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Charity's Secrets

Page 11

by Maya James

  "Well, apparently that's where he's from and he goes back there all the time. They're talking about places they've both been to, things they have in common. The other guys are conceding to his victory," Trisha laughs.

  "That's awesome! We need to find out what he's doing New Year's Eve."

  "Already on it," Trisha says.

  We move back over to the group and start working it for Melissa until she has Tommy's number. Once that's taken care of, we leave them at the Grill. It's girl's night out; we can’t waste it hanging with guys the entire time.

  We celebrate Melissa's conquest by drinking and dancing at Club Shelter on Vandam Street. The three of us got lost in the music and we deserved that. Melissa had the night of her life and that's all that mattered.

  I have missed seeing her face; her bright, elated face.


  He really is stunning to look at. I guess I should have expected that.

  "Where is your friend that was at the bar with you yesterday?" he asks calmly, sipping his drink.

  "She's on a date," I tell him through a proud smile.

  Melissa had called Tommy earlier today and asked if he had plans. He said no, which probably means he did and he broke them all for her. That doesn't matter, she's on a date, and she was thrilled.

  Hoes before Bros, Buddy!

  "She met someone yesterday, so they're getting to know each other. That fits in nicely with our plans for you."

  He raises his eyebrows curiously. It makes his hazel eyes twinkle. It also makes it a little more uncomfortable to be out for dinner with someone other than Justin.

  Justin is amply distracted today meeting John Roberts, Austin Hill, and Senator Lewis. It's a video conference, nothing in person. Justin won't allow face to face meetings, not now, not until they know everything about this other team. We've found another member of their group; someone mid-level who should be a great connection to more of the people at the top of the chain. They have strategy to discuss, so I'm using the time wisely.

  "So how does her date help?" he asks.

  "It will be the distraction we need," I tell him. "I'll get everyone so wrapped up with the excitement of my friend and her date that they'll never see you coming. I want you at Cipriani early, so we can get this over and out in the open before anyone suspects anything at all. She's going to be shocked when she sees you, and that's an understatement. I'm sure the two of you are going to want and need to talk, and you won't want all of our eyes on you when you do it. My friend's date coming in right after you should get the attention off the two of you—let you guys focus on each other."

  I open my bag and pull his ticket out, handing it to him. "We have a platinum VIP table. Your ticket gets you into the area, but I'll have to text you to let you know where they seat us. I want you to be able to march right up to her and sit down. We'll have a seat right next to her, she'll think it's for my friend's date."

  He takes the ticket with a wide smile. It's adorable that I can see the excitement and nervousness on his face. This has been a long time coming, and he's more than ready.

  He's so fucking cute!

  "And you still don't think you should tell JP before New Year's?" he asks, concerned.

  I shake my head, just as I did the other times he's asked me that.

  His eyes twinkle again, and it makes me nervous all over. No, I don't think Justin knowing about this, about all the mysterious conversions and meetings, would be good for anyone. I look away at the soft glow coming through the fabric-covered lights on the ceiling and flowing down the row pillars dividing the room. It's not the distraction I'd hoped for.

  The Gotham Bar and Grill is a lot more romantic than its name might suggest. I think it sounds more like a club, or some place you would go with work friends—or meeting someone to set up one of your friends. It is not that at all.

  "It feels too much like a date, doesn't it?" he asks through a confident laugh. Obviously I am being an easy read.

  I laugh back, relieved. "Yes, I was shooting something a little more casual. I don't want to think about what would happen if either of them found us right now."

  "Yeah, not good," he says. His laughter thunders across our small table.

  I shrug my shoulders effortlessly. "It's only two more days, then they will all know everything."

  Okay—not really everything.

  "You're right," he concedes.

  I see his body relax, and I wish I could do the same. I can't wait for all of this to be over.

  "I don't remember if I've thanked you enough, Charity, so I'm saying it again. Thank you. With all my heart, thank you."

  "You should save that," I say seriously. "Neither of us knows how this will go for sure. I think I know, I hope I know. But we both know she is one tough bitch and not easy to understand."

  "I know her, and I know you pretty well already. You don't gamble with terrible odds. You're much smarter than that; you know exactly when to strike, so if your instincts said to do this, I'm on board," he says. "You're a lot like her, actually."

  That makes me smile, but my smile didn't last.

  "Oh fuck!" I gasp, feeling the color run out of my face.

  Not now! We were so damn close!

  "What is it?" he pleads.

  "Justin!" I chirp.

  Not good! Not good! Not good!

  He's moving like an animal, charging. By the time I said his name, he was only a step or two behind my friend.

  My heart absolutely breaks. I can see his emotions. I know what this looks like, what he must be thinking. Justin's spirit is broken, devastated, and it's my fault.

  And he's furious!

  Before I can stop him, he balls his right hand into a fist and turns my friend around by the shoulder with his left hand. Justin cocks his punch, but freezes.

  A woman beside us gasps loudly, anticipating a dangerous attack.

  "Terrence?" he asks softly, quickly dropping his arm before it starts any more commotion than he's already done.

  Terrence had instinctively thrown up an elbow to defend his face. "Yes! For Christ's sake, JP—don't hit me!"

  Justin lets go of his shoulder. He glances between me and Terrence, tormented by his confusion. "Can someone tell me what the fuck is going on before I assume the worst—again?"

  "Sit down, Baby" I say softly, trying to assure him with my voice.

  "Please, JP," Terrence says, motioning toward one of the two empty chairs. He still looks nervous that Justin will hit him.

  Reluctantly, Justin pulls the chair out and lowers himself into it. Behind him now, the woman he'd frightened settles herself the best that she can, refusing to let him completely out of her sight.

  Justin sets his eyes on Terence heavily. "Is this what I think it is?" he demands.

  "No," I answer. "It's not what it looks like at all, I promise you."

  "Actually, that's what I thought it was; I'm past that already."

  Of course he is.

  "I want to know if it's what I'm thinking now," he demands, still aiming himself at Terrence. I don't understand why he's doing that.

  "Yes," Terrence answers. "She's doing the same thing you tried years ago. But this time I think it can work. I was hurt then, but I'm ready now. And Charity believes Lena is ready now too."

  Wait! He tried to get them back together once before?

  I see the relief flooding into Justin's beautiful face. "This is what you have been working on, why you've been sneaking off? To get Lena and Terrence back together?"

  No, not the only thing!

  "Yes. It's a surprise for New Year's Eve," I tell him.

  "She doesn't know?" Justin asks.

  "Not a clue," Terrence replies.

  Justin thinks about that for a second. "If that's true—that's impressive as hell," he says. "Nothing gets by that woman and for her not to have clue is huge. But I don't understand why you didn't come to me for this." He turns to Terrence. "You know I wanted you and Lena together, why not use my h

  I don't want Terrence answering. I took this thing on because it needed to be fine, but also to hide the other things I'm working on. It's my baby, my reasons for how it went down. I see he's about to answer and I have to stop it.

  "He didn't know you weren't part of it, not at first. I contacted him and I didn't tell him one way or another, not until I knew if he was interested or not," I said, forcefully taking over. "It was my decision to keep you out."

  "Why?" he asks, shaking his head in confusion. Even Terrence is hanging on for an answer.

  "Because nothing gets by Lena—like you said yourself. I think you might have been the weak link. She knows you so well, Justin. I don't think she could crack you, that's not what I mean. But I think if you knew about this, she would pick up that there was something she needed to find out about."

  Where did I come up with that shit?

  Justin grinds his teeth for a moment. "Fair enough," he says at last.

  Thank Christ—he's buying it.

  "At least it explains some things," Justin continues. I'm so fucking excited to hear that part.

  Suddenly, I'm glad he caught me. I don't know why I didn't it see earlier; this was much better than surprising him along with Lena on New Year's. Now he has the satisfaction the hunter in him needs, an explanation for my odd behavior lately and now he can be a part of it.

  Justin rests his strong forearms on the edge of the table and braids his fingers together. His suit is hiding it, but I can imagine how his muscles are bulging and flexing. When his shining, green eyes land on mine I shiver. In all these months, I have not lost my desire to lick his lips. Without using his mouth, he smiles at me and I cannot figure out how he is so powerful over me.

  Behind him, I see that nervous woman keeping her eye on Justin. Her husband is doing it too. I'm sorry we made them so uncomfortable.

  "This is Lena, my family," Justin says sternly. "I want to help if I can."

  "Of course," I reply, touching his hands with mine.

  Justin changes his gaze to Terrence. "You're sure this is what you want? I don't want my friend's heartbroken again. Last time it was my fault. I understood that then, but I get it even more now."

  "When you came to me and asked me not to let her go, I was so angry still," Terrence reveals. "Haven't you ever let your pride and anger get in your own way?"

  Neither one of us can answer no to that; not too many people probably could.

  "I should have fought for her. I should have never let her get away, but maybe it's not too late."

  "Good answer," Justin says. "So, tell me how we're doing this."

  Justin had missed the dinner, but our waiter brought him a drink as Terrence and I explain everything to him. It doesn't take long; we don't have some elaborate plan with music and flowers, no spot lights from the ceiling lighting her up for the whole place to see—Lena would never stand for that! We are simply keeping her distracted long enough to have Justin get him to the table while she is surrounded by people that love her and understand.

  The older couple behind Justin look relieved when we finally stand up to walk out. Part of me wants to apologize to them in some small way, but the rest of me is swooning over Justin's territorial aggression.

  That, and how great his ass looks in his suit!

  We walk Terence out and help him get a cab. As he disappears into the night, I realize that the next time I see him it will hopefully be as the love of Lena's life. My stomach swirls with excitement.

  "You know you've exposed yourself, right?" I ask Justin through a sinister expression. "You're obviously tracking me. There's no way to deny that after this."

  I don't expect the sexy grin that he gives me. Understand that I don't mind it, but I thought he should look more like a dog caught with his nose stuck in a jar of peanut butter.

  "You do see that you're just as exposed, don't you?" he replies wickedly, his tongue practically stuck in his cheek.

  My expression shouts, "How so?"

  "Yes, I keep an eye on you to keep you safe, which you've obviously known for some time—using it and avoiding it at your will," he points out.

  That's very true. My acknowledging smile makes him proud.

  "You are something else, Warrior."

  "I know it," I tease as I snake my arms around his neck shoulders. "Did you really think I was cheating on you—that I could ever?"

  Heavy sadness seeps into his eyes. "I didn't, not until I saw that you were here with another man."

  There is a raw emotion here that he doesn't know how to express. I see it making him tremble.

  "I wouldn't do that to you, Justin. I wouldn't have anyway, but now I can see how even the possibility affects you and I don't ever want you to hurt like that."

  The emotion quickly passes and he pushes me back a little. "I know you wouldn't, and I will never—ever—hurt you like that either." He touches my chin gently and runs his warm finger along my jaw as he stares into my soul. He sets his promise into me with his eyes. Then he takes both hands and holds my face. "You are my world. You're all I need to survive." With all the passion he had for our first kiss, he lifts me to him, making me float on the cold air.

  I am wrapped into the heat of his love. Our mouths play tenderly, lips caressing each other. I adore him, and from now on I'm going to have to be a bit more careful.

  NEW YEAR'S EVE HAS arrived in a blur. I can’t believe it's here already, mostly because it means Melissa will be leaving. Just the thought of not seeing her for a while again is making my heart heavy.

  "How are you making out?" Justin asks as he tucks the tail of his new, sage green Armani into his custom Fioravanti suit.

  For the last twenty minutes I’ve been changing back and forth between a pair of Christian Louboutin’s and gorgeous Miu Miu zip-front boots. I'm sure right now I look like a ball of confusion inside a bubble of desperation. At least my black Donna Karan jersey dress is a decision I made over a week ago. Shit—I'd be crying by now if I still had that to think about.

  "The boots," he demands even though I haven't said a thing.

  Well there you go, decision made. I put the Louboutin’s away for another day and slip the Miu Miu's on in front of the long mirror.

  Fucking sexy!

  "See," he says like the cocky jerk that he is, making me smile. He steps closer to me and puts his hands on my waist while I breath him in. "Truth is, it doesn't matter what shoes you put on; you're so beautiful you make whatever you wear look hot." His face moves closer slowly until I feel the heat from his lips, but instead of leaning further, he tugs me forward by my hips. My mouth crashes into his and I feel his lips part.

  All I want to do now is taste him. There's no time, I know. I'd wasted it all on the shoes and we can't be late—not tonight. But my concern disappears as his tongue slides along mine.

  One of his intensely masculine hands drops from my waist to the bottom of my dress. Justin slides it under the back and I feel his fingertips dig under my panties so that his hand is covering my ass. He groans from his throat as he squeezes me and it makes our tongues vibrate.

  We should stop now but his other hand moves up my side and onto my breast, gripping it gently before moving on to my shoulder and then gliding around my neck under my hair. My knees buckle, but he catches me as if he anticipated my reaction. As he supports me, I feel his tongue pull away and his mouth begin to close. Justin uses his hand to turn my head, and I feel his tongue dart along my cheek to my ear where his lips press into me again.

  "Oh my God, what you do to me—" I whisper in a breathy voice.

  Justin's tongue slides up my neck closer to my ear. He whispers back, "Warrior, you have no idea what I'm going to do to you." Then he bites my ear lobe softly, tugging it as he pulls away.

  His smile kills me and is causing my stomach to swirl with excitement. I know him; he means tonight. Whatever he has planned could be at any time—probably when I expect it the least.

  "Are you almost ready?" he asks.
"We'll need to go soon." I can hear the anticipation in him. He's so excited for Lena.

  "Nearly. I just have to put on my jewelry. What about you?"

  "I have to do my tie and my shoes. I'll be good to go in about five minutes. Tony's already waiting downstairs," he says firmly. The wickedness hasn't left his face despite his bossy tone.

  "What do you think she's gonna do?" I ask.

  Justin thinks about that for second with his green eyes on the ceiling. "She hates attention; normally this would not be a smart thing to do, but its Terrence. I remember the way she looked at him and how she melted whenever he came around. It was nearly as strong as what you do to me and it was beautiful." He pauses for a moment longer. "I think it's going to be amazing to be there and see it. I like that you have Melissa's date coming right after. It'll take the pressure off them, and Lena will need that. She will not want to melt with everyone looking at her—and she will need to melt for this."

  "Now I really can't wait," I add, my voice pumped full of adrenaline.

  I try to clip my necklace around my neck, but I keep fumbling it. Suddenly Justin is pulling it out of my fingers without my asking him.

  He's so attentive.

  Several minutes later we are in the elevator holding our jackets and listening to the beeps of the floors blowing by. Both of us are smiling brightly when the car stopped on the ninth and picked up another couple. They're all dressed up and ready for their night like us. This reminds me of John talking about the city having a mood and it certainly does today. There was a blanket of excitement over New York the entire day, and everywhere you go, you cannot get away from it.

  Justin helps with my jacket as we cross the lobby and then we step into the crisp night.

  Sam raises his glass over the table at Cipriani. His long, black fingers are wrapped around his drink firmly in front of his handsome face. "Before anyone gets too drunk or vanishes into a coat closet, I'd like to thank a couple of people for tonight." Everyone begins to scoop up their drinks as "Royals" by Lorde begins to play. "First to Charity and Justin for all the arrangements and work they put into this and getting us these tickets and table."


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