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“Not going to happen, pal,” he said.
The young man turned to Dutch, surprised by his intervention, but saw a look in Dutch’s eyes that made him back off of his aggression. And he slung away from Dutch’s grasp.
Dutch looked at Gina. She looked more angry than flustered. “You okay?” he asked her.
“I’m fine,” she said, staring at the young attorney, daring him to so much as think about hitting her.
“How about we get out of here?”
Gina continued to stare at her nemesis, as if deciding if the conflict was worth escalating. Then she exhaled, deciding not. “Sounds like a plan to me,” she said, glancing once again at the attorney, and then she began to leave with Dutch.
“She’d better leave!” they could hear the young attorney boast, the anger still in his voice.
“You know how she is,” added one of the females at the table. “They say she’s crazy, anyway.” And they all laughed.
Dutch and Gina headed through the colonnade, across the lobby, and up to one of the just-arrived elevators. They stepped on as an elderly couple stepped off.
“What’s your room number?” Dutch asked her.
“Sixty-seven,” she said as the doors closed. She hated confrontation, but she would give as good as she got any day of the week.
Dutch pressed the button to the sixth floor and leaned against the rail. She looked more vulnerable, and younger, than she had looked in the lounge.
“Are you sharing your room with any of your brain brawl friends?” he asked her.
She gave him a look that could melt steel.
He smiled. “Understood,” he said, and then folded his arms. “So what was it that the kid said that caused you to drench him?”
Gina hesitated, didn’t really feel like getting into it, and then sighed. It didn’t matter. “He said he liked me,” she said.
Dutch hesitated himself, expecting a punch line. When none came, he smiled. “And that caused the downpour? Because he said he liked you?”
“He said it for the hundredth time.”
Dutch nodded. “I see.” Then he stared at her longer, and as the elevator approached the sixth floor, decided it was now or never. “So if I were to say, for the first time that is, that I happen to like you, too, what would I be in for?”
Gina considered him. She’d already concluded that he was attracted to her, that didn’t take a genius to figure out the way his eyes kept roaming all over her body. What she hadn’t worked out, however, was if she wanted to bother. It would be a one-night stand, she would see to that, but she wasn’t exactly the one night stand type. Hit and runs never appealed to her. There was something morally off-putting about them. But he was so adorable. And he did race to her defense, definite points there.
She decided to go with it. “What would you like to be in for?” she asked him.
Dutch’s heart leaped with hopefulness. “Want the truth,” he asked, staring deep into her eyes, unsure if she could handle it, “or bullshit?”
Gina almost smiled at his frankness, but maintained her cool. “I’ll take the truth, if you don’t mind,” she replied, daring him to go there.
He went there. “I’d like to hold your beautiful body in my arms, to be deep inside of you, to fuck you so long and so hard that I make you feel unlike any other man before me ever had.”
Gina expected some truth, and some predictable bravado thrown in, but nothing on this order. Her entire face flushed hot. But she found she liked his bluntness. “Well,” she said, staring into his eyes. Then she thought about it further, and then exhaled as if she’d reached a conclusion. “That’ll certainly beat a brain brawl any day of the week,” she said, and Dutch, overjoyed, laughed.
The elevator lurched to a stop and prepared to open at the sixth floor, and she moved to unload. But Dutch took her by the hand. “Certain you want to do this?” he asked her.
“Certain, no,” she said thoughtfully, as the elevator binged and the doors began to open, “but I want to do it.”
He pulled her toward him. “Then stay on,” he said. “We’ll go to my room.” In case your attorney friends decide to interrupt us in yours, he wanted to add.
A family piled onto the elevator and the doors closed again. Dutch turned Gina’s body so that she would face him when he noticed the father of the family taking peeps at her large breasts.
Gina smiled, understanding why Dutch did it. “Protective, are we?” she asked in jest.
“With what’s mine,” Dutch said with all seriousness, “oh, yeah.”
The door closed behind them as they entered his hotel room, and the sound of silence made them realize that they were now on the road of no return. Because as quickly as the door slammed shut, a sexual energy entered like a searing wildfire in the once drab room. A room, Gina noted, that was just like hers, which surprised her. She expected a man of his obvious stature to have a suite, or at least something more substantial. Unless spring break reservationists had already taken the best rooms, and he had to get what was left. Then she realized what she was doing, that she was finding something to distract, which meant she was far more nervous than she was letting on.
“What would you like to drink?” Dutch asked her.
“Whatever you’re drinking suits me.”
“Smart lady,” he said with a smile and headed for the wet bar.
Gina walked around the small room, watching him as he poured drinks. He’d already made perfectly clear what he wanted to do to her, and she’d assented. She loved truth. She loved bluntness. That was why she didn’t beat around the bush, playing any core games, and sat on the bed. They weren’t friends. They weren’t even lovers. They were just two people who wanted to get laid, would get laid, and, as far as she was concerned, that would be the end of it.
He walked over to the bed and handed her a glass of wine, pleased by her lack of insecurity.
“Thanks,” she said as she crossed her legs and leaned back on the palm of her hand.
But yet, Dutch thought, as he couldn’t take his eyes off of her, she had an innocence about her, a sweetness even. Big, bright eyes, smooth, unblemished skin, a naturalness to her that was refreshing to him. “How old are you, Gina?” he asked her as he sipped his drink.
“Why do you keep asking me that?” Gina wanted to know. “Twenty-five, remember? I’m legal. How old are you?”
“Don’t ask,” he said with a smile, sat his glass on the nightstand, and began removing his suit coat and unbuttoning his shirt. Once his shirt was unbuttoned, revealing a muscular chest and a ribbed-line, flat stomach, he moved up to Gina, standing like a towering figure of strength in front of her.
“Do you want to play cute games,” he asked her, “laugh coquettishly at stale jokes, delay the inevitable, or get on with it?”
Gina smiled. She liked his style. “Get on with it, please,” she said.
He removed her glass and sat it on the nightstand also, and then, without hesitation, leaned down, his hands resting on either side of her, and kissed her ever so gently on her lips.
There was a gentleness to his kiss, a kind of warm, sweet easiness. She closed her eyes, drinking in his taste, enjoying him.
As his kissing slowed, he looked into her eyes. Made sure she was still with him. Then he did what he had been itching to do since he first laid eyes on her, and took the straps of her dress and pulled them down, past her breasts, to her waist.
When he pulled her dress down, her plump, fully erect breasts popped out like two brown melons, juicy and ripe. Dutch stood tall and stared at Gina, as he slowly, expertly caressed her breasts, his big hands rubbing and then squeezing , soothing and then caressing. Gina stared back at Dutch, her big, brown eyes filled with a kind of wonderment that would make a man feel almost heroic.
But Gina couldn’t help it. He was backing up his big talk. He knew how to finesse it, just the way she loved it. She was accustomed to men seeing her bare breasts and, realizing they wer
e natural issue, no enhancements whatsoever, would go nuts and began squeezing too hard or sucking too long and making her feel like some kind of rubber toy, rather than a woman.
Dutch, however, didn’t have that problem. He loved the way she felt in his hands, and moving along quickly was not an option. He looked from those magnetic eyes of hers, to those lips again, and he found himself licking his. And kissing her passionately on those lips as he continued to caress her breasts.
He got on his knees as his lips moved down to her breasts, and he began to suck, to tease, and ultimately to put her nipples, one by one, and then both of them, into his mouth. Gina loved the feeling of his mouth on her breasts, at the intensity when he sucked her nipples.
He studied her face as he began fondling her breasts again, his look as purposeful as a doctor looking on at his anesthetized patient.
Gina was aware of his stare, but more aware of how he was making her feel. She looked up at him as he fondled her, and his breath caught. Something about her turned him on so completely. But he kept seeing innocence when he looked into her eyes.
“Sure you can handle me?” he asked her.
Gina smiled. He was certainly sure of himself. “I can handle it,” she said.
Dutch kept staring anyway, at that little face. She had a look about her, a sense and style about her, that seemed to personify something that mere beauty just didn’t capture. She was strong, and her own person, and determined, it was all in her bright brown eyes. But a sweetness was in those eyes too, a kind of trusting that seemed to belie her outward expressions of strength. That was why he stared. That was why he kept wanting to make sure she could handle this.
His eyes trailed down, from her expressive eyes, to her velvety brown skin, to her full, adorable lips. His eyes stayed on her lips. Especially when she smiled, revealing those beautiful white teeth that highlighted stunningly her dark skin. He put his lips on hers, felt the instant heat, and kissed her once again.
The kiss was a long, circular kiss this time, where he was tasting her and she was tasting him and they both decided that they were enjoying the meal. Gina usually hated, absolutely abhorred when a guy put his mouth on hers. But not this time. She was amazed at how much she enjoyed it. This man knew what he was doing.
Dutch had expected her to taste sweet, she had that kind of mouth, but he never dreamed she’d be this delectable. He stood up, took her by the shoulders and stood her up from the bed, and got a taste of her in full. They embraced as his tongue explored hers in a tease of pent-up sexual tension that had been bubbling within him for far too long. And she was the perfect woman to release on. Oh, how wonderful she tasted to him! He closed his eyes and could have continued kissing her for hours, his mouth moving around and around over hers. And her curvaceous, pliable body in his arms made him begin to understand why that young man so wanted her to like him.
When they stopped kissing and Dutch looked at her, he didn’t see any superwoman sex maven, but a lost kid, searching for love in all the wrong places, surprised that just a kiss could feel this good. And it disturbed him. Was she really ready for this?
Although Gina didn’t feel like the lost kid he may have been making her out to be, she was, however, surprised. She’d had her share of boyfriends in her past, and she thought she’d seen and felt all there was to this sex thing. But in the hands of this man, she’d felt the kind of longing for affection she never dreamed was possible to feel. Sex for her had always been a tiresome chore, something she simply had to endure to get where she needed to go, which was the affection part, which usually didn’t show up in the end anyway. But this man was affection personified. Especially when he placed his hand on her chin, and gently lifted her face up to his.
“Sure you want to go through with this?” he asked her. He would die where he stood if she wasn’t sure, his manhood was throbbing just that aggressively, but by that bewildered look in her eyes, he had to ask it.
Gina stared into his own expressive eyes. Was this guy for real, or what, she wondered? What man would care if she wanted to go through with anything? They’d have her on that bed fucking her brains out regardless of what she wanted. She agreed to do it and they wouldn’t care what she felt after that agreement.
But this guy was different. He seemed so genuine. His kind, soft eyes seemed so concerned. Of course, he could be a master player who was so good at the game that Gina didn’t even know she was being played. But somehow, looking into his eyes, she doubted that.
And the thought of not going through with this, with this man, was a joke to her. No way was she turning back now. “Yes, I’m sure,” she said heartfelt and Dutch smiled. And an enchanting smile it was, Gina thought, as she found herself staring at his perfect teeth. Did this man have any flaws, she wondered? But of course he did. And big time flaws at that. Why else, she reasoned, would a great looking, apparently successful dude like him need to spend his evening with some just beginning her career kid like her?
Dutch, however, couldn’t think of anyone else he would rather be with. He found everything about her pleasing. He couldn’t say why. He couldn’t point to anything about her that would seal the deal and make him label her the most gorgeous maven he’d ever had.
But there was something about her that touched him on a different level. He saw more than mere gorgeousness when he looked at her. And as he continued to remove her dress, and her panties completely, as his loins began to pulsate at the thought of fucking her, he felt her looks more than he saw them. As if her true attractiveness was beyond the surface, and was alive with vitality and energy, the kind of attractiveness that would make the most beautiful of beauty queens look plain, drab, and so ordinary that, compared to her, they wouldn’t look beautiful at all.
Dutch removed his clothes just as quickly as he had undressed her, rendering them both completely naked.
Gina had always made it her business to never stare at a her sex partner’s body, or at least not blatantly stare, but she couldn’t help herself this time. She stared unblinkingly at Dutch’s strapping frame, from his muscular chest, to his flat, rib-lined stomach, to his big, fat manhood that dangled before her like a powerful, jewel ready to be possessed. She’d never seen one quite this big, which wasn’t a complete stretch since she hadn’t seen that many. But the sight of it, and the possibility of what that thick rod could do to her, caused her to intake air in a loud, sensual sigh.
Dutch smiled when he heard her reaction to how well he was hung. He was accustomed to such a reaction from females, but he was exceptionally pleased to see it in this woman before him. To him it only confirmed his suspicion. She wasn’t anywhere near as experienced as her natural self-assuredness made her out to be.
Gina tried to pivot from the point of admiration to actively participating in this affair, but after she reached out and touched his rod, and began caressing its long, thick form, something in him, some level of control, began to break. He lifted her into his arms and laid her onto the bed, kissing her breasts, her stomach, spreading her legs, her sweet, womanly scent intoxicating him. But he didn’t want to rush it. He moved up and began kissing her again. But this time it was with more hunger, his lips bearing down on hers hard.
She could feel his ever-expanding penis press against her womanhood, as he couldn’t seem able to stop kissing her. Not that she wanted him to stop, because she didn’t. But she was amazed at his ability to hold out.
By the way he kissed her, it was surprising that they’d only just met, as her body began to match his in a passion that would have been shared more by long-time couples than one-night-stands. This wasn’t sex. She knew sex. This was love making, a kind of sweet, wonderful, enchanting sensuality she’d never experienced before.
He moved down the length of her magnificent body, kissing and caressing as he moved. When he reached her thighs, he again parted her legs and began to explore her womanhood with his fingers, one stroke at a time, one finger at a time, and then both fingers, sliding in and out of her,
making her ready, making her wet.
He knew he didn’t know her like this, but he couldn’t help it. He kissed her womanhood, and he couldn’t stop kissing and licking and eating it. He wanted her so badly that he looked up at her, moved back up the length of her, and almost entered her raw. He wanted to enter her raw.
But Gina was not that far gone, and she stopped him. He may have been able to make her feel unlike anybody else had ever before, but he was still a man. He put on a condom.
Dutch entered her slowly, his penis expanding the further in he moved. He looked at her as he explored her, as his penis moved in circular motions, touching her in such a way that she could feel the friction to every inch deep inside of her. And this woman who was supposed to be so tough, had tears in her eyes as he fucked her. He laid down on top of her, and pulled her into his arms. He’d never felt this kind of connection before, not this kind, and he didn’t want it to end.