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Razing Kayne

Page 25

by Julieanne Reeves

  “Did you do these from pictures?” Jess studied what she could only describe as a candid shot of herself, but she had no memory of anyone taking her picture the day of the snowball fight.

  Kayne shook his head. “No, everything I draw is from live subject or memory.”

  When Jess moved to reveal the last sketch, Kayne put his hand down on hers. “Don't, please.”

  “It's okay, Kayne.” Jess realized the picture must be another drawing of Oksana. It wasn't as if Jess didn't realize how lovely she'd been, or how much the images spoke of Kayne's affection for her. And if the image of a beautifully pregnant Oksana had made her more than a little jealous, that was her problem, not his.

  Kayne searched her face for a long moment, then very reluctantly let her lift his hand out of the way.

  Jess gasped. The picture wasn't of Oksana, but the woman was stunningly beautiful and gloriously naked, revealing the full curve of her breasts with their rosy pale nipples aroused, a narrow waist, and gently rounded stomach that flared into hourglass hips. She was lying in bed, a riot of curls cascading around her heart-shaped face. Her eyes were hooded, her cheeks flushed with latent desire, her swollen lips spread slightly in a seductive smile. In short, she looked like someone who'd been well loved.

  “This is how you see me?” Jess whispered, hardly able to believe his perception.

  His voice was laced with frustration when he said, “No. You are far lovelier than anything I could ever capture on paper. No matter how hard I try.”

  Even if it were a lie, she loved him for it. Jess shifted until she could cup his face in her hands and kissed him gently. Then again more passionately as she pushed him back against the couch.


  Holy Shit! He liked this aggressive side of her.

  Within minutes, they were both naked. Kayne shoved the coffee table out of the way and took her down to the thick-carpeted floor. He came to rest atop her and kissed her deeply. He pressed a knee between hers, nudging her open, and then settled between her thighs, bringing his erection in contact with her clitoris. God, he wanted to be inside her, but it seemed she was having none of that.

  Jess pushed at his shoulder. “Over.”

  He rolled onto his back, taking her with him. There was no hesitation anymore, she simply spread her thighs to accommodate his hips, then planted her hands and shoved up off his chest until she straddled him. She gave him a seductive smile as she reached down, took his turgid shaft in hand, and gave it several firm strokes. He loved the confident way she touched him, with just the right amount of pressure to drive him insane.

  Kayne reached up and cupped her breasts, relishing in the sound of her shuddering gasp. “So sensitive, baby.”

  His cock in hand, Jess poised herself to take him in. “I want you to draw us. Just like this.”

  Kayne watched as she opened for him, taking him in ever so slowly; inch by tantalizing inch. “Okay.” Christ, he’d grant her about anything at that moment.

  She released a deep breath and sank completely onto him, taking him balls-deep. “With you buried inside me, just like this.”

  Kayne closed his eyes, letting his head fall back. He wanted to howl from the pleasure of his shaft being so tightly fisted in her hot wetness. He fought the caveman within that demanded he drag his mate under him and take her fast and hard.

  Jess panted. “I want it for my office.”

  His eyes popped open. “Your office?”

  She rose off of him, poising with just the tip of his cock inside her sleek folds as she waited for an answer. “Yes.”

  Jess shifted away when he tried to arch up into her. He growled in frustration.

  She taunted him with her body. “I’ll put it in that nook behind the door, so only I can see it.” She lowered herself, allowing a couple shallow strokes before she sank deep and stilled.

  Kayne jackknifed into a sitting position and captured her lips for a soul-searing kiss. “Christ baby, you're killing me.” The slow fuck she was giving him was driving him batshit crazy, but he was determined to let her lead for as long as he could. And then she shifted, wrapping her legs around him so that he was seated as deeply as he could go, the tip of his erection kissing the entrance to her womb.

  Slowly, she began to rock against him. Just enough movement to keep him achingly aroused, but not enough to take either of them over the edge. As he looked into her eyes, he realized this was what she wanted, this face-to-face intimacy that he often, unintentionally, overlooked because he was so goddamned hot for her. He wanted that, too, he realized. Kayne hoped she’d recognize the fire for her that burned in his soul and prayed to God he'd see it reflected in her.

  And so they talked in hushed tones as they touched and caressed, whispering of dreams and desires, and oftentimes nonsense. Kayne held on by his teeth, and when he couldn't take it another second, he pulled her under him, covered her, and plunged deep, all control gone. He caught the back of her knees with his forearms, spreading her wide. Each drag and thrust threatening to send him over the edge, and he knew she was right there with him, could feel her muscles contracting around him, taking all of him.

  Kayne shifted slightly, reaching between them to stroke her clit with his thumb, even as he whispered, “Come for me, baby.” She did, his name a benediction torn from her soul. He howled her name to the heavens as she took him with her.

  Kayne collapsed onto his side, dragging Jess with him in a tangle of arms and legs, their bodies still joined. He sucked in gasping lungfuls of air as his heart beat a frantic tattoo against his ribs. Good God, it had been the most amazing orgasm he’d ever had.

  “You okay?” He managed to press out between breaths.

  He felt her nod against his chest, but whatever words she said were drowned out by the thunderstorm’s arrival.

  Lightning flashed like a noontime sun, lights flickered, and thunder cracked and rolled. A split second later, the house plunged into darkness.

  “The kids!” Jess cried, pushing at his shoulder. “They'll be looking for me.”

  He disengaged their bodies and rolled away, letting her up. Jess pulled his T-shirt over her head, and he watched it fall nearly to her knees as he kicked into his jeans. He fastened them even as he began to walk, Jess sticking close to his side.

  They made their way to the nursery, knowing Grace and Isabelle would be the most frightened, but when they got there all four children were waiting for them.

  “Why are you all in here?” Jess asked.

  “Izzy said she saw someone on the stairs.” Ash nervously pointed toward the now barricaded passage.

  Kayne turned to his son. “What do you mean, saw someone?”

  Isabelle ducked her head. “I saw the scary man, again.”

  A cold chill ran down Kayne’s spine. “What scary man?”

  Isabelle wrapped herself around his legs. “The one in the window.”

  Kayne stroked Isabelle’s silky crown of curls. “Someone has been outside your window?” He felt Isabelle’s nod against his hip. Kayne wished he could see Jess better to gauge her reaction. Dammit, why the hell wasn’t the generator working?

  Kayne shifted Isabelle to Jess’s side. “Wait here.”

  Kayne studied the chair wedged under the door handle to keep the door from being opened. “Who put the chair here?”

  “I did,” Ash said proudly.

  “Good job, kiddo. Smart thinking. Just don't forget to barricade both doors next time.” Kayne knew there wasn't anyone in the house, he'd set the alarm himself. However, he liked that Ash had kept a clear head and knew how to take care of his siblings.

  “There isn't another chair in here, but I have my Maglite.” Ash sounded pleased with himself. Kayne was just about to ask him for it when the power kicked back on.

  Kayne fought really hard not to laugh when he realized Ash was still standing near the hallway door holding the 4 D-cell flashlight like a baseball bat, ready to kick some boogeyman’s ass.

  Kayne steppe
d into the empty, illuminated stairwell and activated the security screen. The alarm wasn't on. Son of a fucking bitch!

  He quickly scrolled through the construction-blueprint style screens, scanning for anyone who didn't belong. The house was empty save for the six of them. He reactivated the alarm and searched all the door and window indicators. Everything appeared secure and activated.

  “Okay, kiddos, no one in the house but us. Let’s get you back to bed.” One look at his children’s faces, and he knew their king-sized bed was about to get really crowded.


  Kayne woke to the sound of a cell phone vibrating. It took him a moment to realize why he felt like a sardine. He was snuggled up with his wife and a bed full of children. Not only was the arm under Jess numb, but the one holding Gracie atop his chest had little feeling in it as well. Before he could figure out how to extract himself, Jess grabbed the phone and answered, “Hello?”

  Kayne lay close enough that he could hear the sound of radio traffic through the phone, followed by muted silence while the dispatcher responded to the officer. Why the hell were they calling him in the middle of the night? He wasn’t the on-call officer.

  “Hey, it’s Shay in dispatch. I need Kayne.”

  “Sorry, he’s taken,” Jess mumbled.

  Shay laughed. “You can keep him. I only need to borrow him for a call out.”

  Even if Kayne had wanted to take the phone, he wasn't sure if he could. Seeing his dilemma, Jess held the phone so he could hear better.

  “I’m not the one on call,” Kayne grumbled.

  “I know, but he’s already tied up on an accident scene, and we have a report that the highway has washed out somewhere east of Little Green Valley.”

  Kayne rolled his eyes toward the ceiling, biting back a sigh of frustration. “Isn't there someone else? I really don't want to leave my wife and kids alone tonight. They're all snuggled up in bed with us as it is.”

  “Yeah, I wish I were there too.” She paused, laughed. “I mean in my own bed. It’s been a hellacious night—we must be getting close to a full moon. Anyway, Sgt. Balentine said you're the closest unit.”

  “Go already,” Jess mumbled, but she snuggled deeper, sending pins and needles snaking up his arm.

  He searched out her face in the darkness. “Are you sure, baby?”

  “As long as you promise to hurry home, Pookie Bear, I'll miss you.” Jess batted her eyes at him adoringly.

  “I'll check 10-8 in a few,” Kayne sighed, knowing he was going to have to figure out how to extricate himself from the sardine can of the bed. He did not want to leave them.

  “Okay, Pookie Bear.” Shay chuckled before she hung up.

  Kayne pinched Jess’s ass, satisfied when she yelped in surprise. “You're in so much trouble for that,” he growled.

  “I guess you're really not much of a Pookie Bear, you're more of a Pookums? Or maybe a Snooky Poo?” Jess giggled when he cringed. “Sugar Kayne, Candy Kayne?”

  “You're enjoying the fact that I'm a captive audience, aren't you?”

  Jess nodded—the little witch.

  Fifteen minutes later, Kayne climbed into his patrol car. “Eleven-three-eight, 10-8, en-route.”


  Jess startled awake, disoriented, certain someone had shouted her name in warning. The hair on the back of her neck was standing on end, and a chill raked down her spine. She felt hunted. That was the only word for it. Hunted.

  She lay motionless for a moment, orienting herself. The storm was still fussing outside, but that wasn’t what had her senses on alert. She looked toward the alarm clock on the opposite side of her bed, only to realize the power was out again.

  Lightning flashed as she turned back to the window. In that brief moment of illumination, she saw a masked figure, clad in black, looming over the bed.

  Jess gasped even as she stomped down the scream trying to escape her. Despite the mask, she knew it wasn't Kayne.

  Someone was in their house.

  “Who's there?” she demanded. Jess searched for the flashlight she knew would still be wrapped in Ash's hands or close by. Another flash lit the room as her hand closed around the handle, but the man was nowhere to be seen.

  A scan of the room with the flashlight showed whoever had been there was gone. Jess picked up her cell phone and dialed.

  “9-1-1, what is your emergency?” Jess recognized Hayden’s voice. She'd been a dispatcher back when Jess worked for the police department.

  “I have an intruder.” Just saying the words out loud scared the hell out of her. She carefully climbed out of bed and tucked the cell phone between her ear and shoulder to free up her right hand. Without taking her eye off the bedroom door, she leaned down, placed her thumb on the biometric lock of the bedside gun safe, and felt the lock silently disengage.

  Jess blindly reached in, grabbed the subcompact 9mm, and tucked it under her arm. Then she retrieved the ten-round magazine. She slid the magazine into the firearm and felt it click into place. Jess laid the flashlight on the edge of the bed for a moment, and chambered a round as quietly as possible, flinching when it sounded loudly in the silent room. Palming the loaded firearm in her right hand, the flashlight in her left, she cautiously made her way toward the bedroom door.

  Jess used her forearm to slam the door shut and then threw the lock. Knowing the door wouldn't even slow down a determined person, she dragged a folding step-stool from the closet and wedged it under the door handle, barricading them in.

  She scanned the flashlight over the kids, amazed they were still sleeping. Her heart stilled when she didn't see Gracie. But then Ash rolled over, and there she was. Somehow, the little sprite had made her way into his arms after Kayne left.

  God, Jess wanted Kayne to come home.


  “Eleven-three-eight, are you copying Payson PD's traffic?” Kayne’s dispatch asked.

  Kayne picked up his microphone. “Negative.” Shay was really beginning to piss him off. Since checking on duty, he'd fielded two phone calls and a dozen messages via computer, and she'd managed to just out and out annoy him over the radio, even when she wasn't talking to him. No one should be so goddamned cheerful at 3 am.

  On top of that, he'd been all the way to the top of the Mogollon Rim on Highway 260 and halfway back, with no signs of a washout. Sure, the heavy rainfall had displaced a few rocks along the side of the canyon passes, but that was normal, and there had been no reason to call him, or anyone else for that matter, out of bed.

  “They’re responding to your 10-42. Your 1-0-1 reported an intruder.”

  Son of a bitch! No reason to call him out of bed, unless it was to get him out of the house. Kayne's heart nearly jumped out of his chest. Jess had called in an intruder? Motherfucker!

  “Copy, how long ago?”

  “PD just called. Officers are enroute. They wanted to confirm your 10-20.”

  Kayne flipped on his overhead lights. “I haven't been anywhere near the house,” he said, realizing they wanted his location to make sure he hadn't gone home for a minute, and Jess hadn’t realized it was him.

  His location, however, was a problem. Even running code, with the heavy rain and low visibility, he was a good five to ten minutes away.

  “I'm enroute, Code 3.” Kayne added sirens to the flashing lights. He prayed P.D. would get there quickly, because anything could happen in a moment, much less ten fucking minutes.

  “Battalion One, I'm on scene of the PD's intruder call.”

  Kayne glared at the in-car scanner when he heard Cody's voice. What the fuck? Why was Cody anywhere near their house at three in the morning, much less checking on scene like he was some sort of law enforcement officer?

  Kayne had a funny feeling he knew exactly who the intruder was. If he was right, Cody had just crossed the line from nuisance to dangerous. Kayne listened as Rafe Chatham ordered Cody to stay out of the house and let the cops handle it. It was clear from Cody’s response that he had no intention of followi
ng that order.


  Once he got within a couple miles of home, Kayne killed the sirens so he wouldn’t announce his arrival and continued on with flashing lights until he reached the long driveway, where he shut everything down and pulled in behind the other arriving police vehicles.

  Kayne had barely let the car come to a standstill before throwing it into park and scrambling out. He grabbed the first officer he recognized, Nick Astenbeck. “Are they okay?”

  Nick nodded. “Dispatch has them on the line. They're all barricaded in the master bedroom, wherever the hell that is.”

  Kayne heard the frustration in Nick's voice. While the twenty-thousand square foot house/event center might be many people's idea of a dream home, it was a cop's nightmare. And currently a cop's wife's nightmare.

  “Very southeast corner, right under the lower tower.” Kayne pointed to one of the two round towers. He glanced at the second tower, the highest point on the house. The red clearance beacon wasn't flashing. “The power is out.”

  Trace St. Moritz seemed to materialize out of thin air next to him. “Yeah, that's what Jess told dispatch.”

  Kayne blinked at him. “What the hell are you and Rafe doing out at this time of the morning?”

  “We have no fucking idea.” Rafe shook his head in disgust. “It's too complicated to explain.”

  “Where's Cody?” Kayne looked around but didn’t see the belligerent hose-monkey.

  Rafe threw his hand toward the house. “Supposedly he's inside, somewhere. Maybe the dumbass will get himself shot and save us from having to report him.”

  Obviously, Cody hadn't listened to Rafe's warnings, or he'd already been inside when he checked on scene. Either way, Kayne didn't want him anywhere near Jess. “How the hell did he get in?” Kayne wondered aloud.

  “You're uh...not going to like the answer.” Trace rubbed the back of his neck with one hand. “But all of us have access to the code for the side door into the garage. It's on file for emergency access, since it’s a place of business too.”

  Son of a bitch!


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