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Page 20

by Wilson, Yumoyori


  "Yes, Stryker?" She was out of breath, giving me a heated gaze.

  "Don't be mad. you dearly and just don't want you getting hurt. If you really want to go, we suggest Elias and Daniel come with you. They won't leave your side and they should be more than enough. Kai will be on standby if he needs to teleport you to Heila and we’ll take the longer route," I reassured her.

  She nodded, pressing her forehead against mine as she closed her eyes. "I'm sorry for getting mad. I'm just frustrated and nervous," she revealed.

  "I know. But we're with you no matter what and won't leave you. That includes all our spirits. Understood?"

  I needed her to understand that we would always be there. In this relationship, there would be no boundaries. I wanted her and the rest of her spirits to be comfortable with all of us. It would be a long journey and we need time to learn about one another— all of us, but it would be worth it.

  "Understood," she replied.

  I pulled her into my arms. "Sorry," I repeated.

  "No, I'm sorry for getting upset and not being more understanding. I love you guys...all of you and can see your point of view. Especially when you explain it like that. I'll be cautious during the exam and at least Elias and Daniel will be with me," she explained.

  I rolled her onto her back, hovering over her.

  "Good. I don't want you going to bed angry," I admitted.

  She gave me a seductive smile. "Can we do something else before bed?" she proposed.

  I gave her a wide grin. "Be careful what you wish for, Makoto," I cautioned.

  "I wish Ryder would stop hating on my onesie." She giggled at my frown.

  "It's annoying."

  "It's adorable."

  "On you. But it's a hindrance on so many levels."

  "It's comfortable."

  "For you and an obstacle preventing me from enjoying this precious body of yours," I whispered, my hand sliding between her legs — gliding across her wet entrance.

  She moaned. "Stryker," she whimpered, my fingers playing with her entrance as I sucked on her hard nipple.

  "Let's leave the unicorn onesie for another discussion. It's time to please you," I confirmed. I enjoyed every second, listening to my name roll off her tongue as I brought her over the edge of ecstasy.

  That night, I got exactly what I wished for.

  “Karen and I will make sure everything goes smoothly with the check-in. All of you will need scans and re-evaluations to make sure you’re fit to go back on duty. As for the royalty mark, Arthur can easily rid her of it, replacing it with her rightful birthmark. I don’t think Mako will disagree with pledging to her father,” Winterlya announced.

  I was relaxed against the wall, listening to the game plan Winterlya, Vinzent, Matthew, Karen, and Kai were developing.

  We were currently in Matthew’s office, having woken up early to gather and put the final plans in motion to leave for Heila.

  We'd arrived in Minato early this morning, Daniel putting Mako straight to bed and all of us getting a few hours of rest before getting up and gathering to set everything up.

  Makoto should have been getting up and ready for Leonardo's exam, Elias and Daniel were assigned to go along with her and ensure she was safe for the entire exam period.

  I was restless throughout the night, Marcus having weird nightmares added to the mix. It made it hard to fall asleep and after being woken up twice by the sudden shot of fear, I gave up. We should have been excited to be returning to a place we'd called home for many cycles, but we were all nervous about this trip and it was starting to get to me.

  My plan was to head to the Headmaster's office. I'd give him a quick report and that would be it. Maybe I could sneak in a nap once I gathered the remaining furniture at our home in Knightwood and met the others at the transport ship.

  I opened my eyes to glance at the clock. The exams should start in less than an hour.

  "Can't wait. Finally closing this chapter after all these cycles." Stryker sighed in relief.

  I smiled, closing my eyes. To think we'd been brought together sixteen cycles ago, presented with a mission to find the stolen princess of Heila and now, we'd finally accomplished our task as knights.

  I didn't have to reminisce about the goods and bads. Everything that happened was worth it, and it made me satisfied that we'd finally enjoy some moment of peace before we'd have to adjust to our new roles and duties back in Heila.

  I tuned back into the conversation, nodding my head at the explanation of the plan one last time.

  “I guess that’s it. I have another meeting with the headmaster before we get ready. I’ll—” I began when I flinched, freezing in place.


  One after another the multiple waves of emotions hit me like a truck. I didn't know how to describe it. Like a tsunami hitting you and getting lost in the wild waves that craved to consume your entire body and ensure you felt every moment of it.

  The world went black.

  I struggled to fight the darkness, over and over again. My head was pounding and I tried to open my eyes, yet my body felt heavy and my mind was foggy— lost in the multiple emotions that begged to be felt by the only person who could sense all of them— me.

  “Daniel! Calm the fuck down! You knocked Ryder out!” Marcus yelled through our bond.

  The sound was muffled as if I truly was underwater. I knew they were talking about the bond, but the submerged words made it difficult for me to understand. I tried to focus on the conversation that followed.

  “Shit! Is Ryder okay? Did anyone see?” Eli’s high pitch voice exclaimed.

  “No one saw. He was about to leave to see the headmaster when he passed out. Karen and Winterlya are here. Elyion why is your voice so high?” Kai questioned.

  “Um...Midnight and Daniel got into an argument and she stormed out...after kissing me,” Eli revealed.

  Everything went silent for a few seconds.

  “Daniel,” Kai called out again.

  I didn't know what was wrong, but if Kai was using that tone of voice and with what I was currently experiencing, I knew Daniel was involved.

  I'd almost forgotten the times we'd exhausted ourselves and I'd go into sensory overload— Karen having to help me out and then lecture the both of us for fighting.

  Something must have happened between Makoto and him. No, he and Midnight would be the problem.

  “Sorry. The words left me before I could stop. Give me a moment,” Daniel apologized, his sorrowful voice made me even more concerned.

  The submerged feeling began to fade, the wave of feelings freeing me as the multiple emotions around the room subsided. I groaned, trying to move. I didn't want to worry them and I needed to know what was going on. But I was struggling to stay awake.

  “Easy, Ryder. Relax for a few minutes,” Winterlya urged.

  I gave up, allowing my body to heed her request— focusing my attention on trying to stay awake.

  “What did Midnight say?” Marcus asked.

  “Was she crying?” Kai questioned.

  “She called me out on being an ass to Mako. And she informed me that I needed to figure out if I loved Mako and wanted to be with her or if I was only going to serve as her knight. And some other things...but, it’s the whole Claire thing...” Daniel trailed off.

  “Daniel, you need to trust yourself more. Makoto is a fierce woman who knows what she wants. If she didn’t care about you, she wouldn’t be so worried about you. I think Midnight just doesn’t want her getting hurt. She trusts all of us even though the world has been so cruel to her. Stop thinking you don’t deserve her love, unless you want to lose her,” EliaseAnne lectured.

  Everyone was silent.

  She continued. “We need to go. Makoto’s probably at the exam site getting checked in already. Kai, keep using your foresight if you have enough energy. Be careful not to push yourself. Marcus, make sure Ryder’s okay. Let’s go, Daniel
,” she ordered.

  “All right,” they agreed, leaving our knight bond.

  “Can you assist me, Matthew? Let’s get Ryder to Karen’s private office. He can rest there. Kai will teleport you guys to Heila. Vinzent, how are you going to Heila? I don’t think Kai can handle taking three people,” Marcus directed.

  “Don’t worry about me. I can get to Heila easily,” Vinzent replied.

  “Let’s put this plan in action,” Marcus concluded.

  Those were the last words till the darkness took me into the abyss.

  "I'm fine. We don't have time for me to be laying here," I stressed.

  "You'll be useless if you face plant to the floor so stop whining and stay still. Kai needs me to leave with Winterlya," Karen ordered.

  "Ryder, chill. At least Makoto is fine. We'll figure out what's going on," Marcus reassured me.

  I groaned but stayed still.

  I had woken up in Karen's private office on the medical table she had set up. My anxiety was through the roof and I just wanted to make sure everyone was okay, especially Daniel and Makoto.

  I knew it wouldn't be long until Daniel confronted Midnight, but I thought after our trip to Earthala, the two of them seemed like they had worked things out after the hot spring trip, I thought it would be dealt with.

  Today out of all days was the worst time to be dealing with this. I felt a hand press on my forehead, a warm sensation flooding my mind. I sighed as I relaxed, feeling the tension in my body begin to fade and the fogginess in my mind cleared up.

  I was finally able to open my eyes, squinting at the bright light shining down on me. It switched off, making me sigh.

  "How are you feeling?" Karen asked.

  "Much better than before. Damn, I haven't had one of those since I was a teen." I ruffled my hair. Marcus helped me sit up.

  "I'm glad I could help." She gave me a soft smile.

  I bowed my head. "Thank you, Karen."

  "You’re welcome. I need to get to Heila and get things set up for your arrival. Kai should be a moment and then you guys can make your way to the port and meet the others. Regardless of the dispute that happened, they should be doing the exam and you guys can help work it out with them later," Karen acknowledged.

  Marcus and I nodded in agreement. We needed to work this out the moment we regrouped. I'd been delaying it for far too long and we were facing the consequences of neglecting our friend.

  Karen bid farewell and scurried out the door. I could feel the shift of energy from outside— Kai and Winterlya must have been waiting outside for her to teleport.

  "Can you walk?" Marcus asked.

  "Ya, I'll be fine. I can rest when we get this solved. Let just...fuck," I cursed, feeling the sudden spike from Daniel and Elias. It took me a moment to concentrate on the circle that represented our bond— noticing that Daniel’s silhouette was a dark golden brown color which belonged to Azriel and Elias' was pink, signifying EliaseAnne had taken over. What the fuck is going on?

  “KAI. Makoto isn’t breathing. Tell Winterlya and Karen they need to prepare to treat Nephilim poisoning. I need you here ASAP. If I restart her heart she’ll need medical attention. Eli’s slowing down the progression of the poison,” Azriel exclaimed.

  My heart skipped a beat, as the sheer panic of what was just disclosed sunk in. Mako...isn't breathing. Nephilim I shook my head as I took a deep breath. I couldn't ask questions that wouldn't deliver answers. I needed to jump into leader mode.

  “Where are you?” I demanded.

  “Mountain side of the exam. Eli, remove your hands, I need to shock her,” Azriel announced.

  I pushed myself off the bed, taking three steps when I stopped— a wave of dizziness hit me. Shit...I can't function right now.

  "Let me take over," Stryker replied.

  I closed my eyes, letting him take over.


  I opened my eyes at the exact moment the door swung open; Kai's wide eyes met my black ones. I could already see the exhaustion beginning to seep into his facial expression, but the wave of panic and fear flowing off him reminded me of the urgent situation at hand.

  “KAI! Now!” Eli screamed.

  Kai reached our side, his eyes flickering from his normal amber color to a bright orange— Hinotori attempting to take over but Kai fighting to stay in control. Kai had come a long way from his angry youth, Hinotori too, but once pushed his rage could be lethal to the person in question.

  He placed his hands on our shoulders— the world began to dissolve as we teleported.

  We materialized in seconds, the ground appearing beneath us. Marcus and I took a moment to recover from the dizziness, but the image that greeted me made my eyes widen as time slowed around me.

  My beautiful Makoto in a pool of blood. Her skin was so pale like a sheet of white, her lips were blue and were blood-stained. Daniel hovering over her as he continued to mend the obvious wound in her chest— her once white shirt drenched in her own blood.

  What scared me the most was the absence of emotion. Her usual vibrant aura that always flickered with happiness, calm, and curiosity was gone— as if she was now an empty vessel.

  My ears could pick up the weak rhythm of her heart rate, but it didn't give me enough reassurance to say Mako's soul was present. Her body was there, but her very essence wasn't and THAT was what made my hand tremble in rage.

  I swallowed, needing to keep calm till I knew Mako was in Heila getting the best treatment possible to save her life.

  I quickly took a glance at Azriel who was in his shifted form, something he'd been unable to do until this moment.

  His hair was now a long, ashy white blonde, floating gently in the air as if the wind kept the strands captive. His pure white angel wings were outstretched and looked so holy, as if one touch could cleanse anyone of their wrongdoings.

  The power that coursed through him and his determination to keep Makoto alive was the strongest I'd ever felt in my entire life and though I wouldn't admit it to him, I truly believed he could save Mako.

  “Winterlya, Karen and the rest of the medical team are ready. The Queen has been notified as well and will assist in the treatment. Are you two ready? I won’t be able to make it as smooth a trip as usual,” Kai explained, kneeling beside Daniel.

  When I observed Kai's face he looked exhausted; his skin already beginning to pale and his cheeks flushed. I knew Kai was strong, but I couldn't risk having two shifters fighting for their lives.

  Azriel must have noticed my intense gaze. “Kai, you’re pushing it,” he warned, his singsong voice low and threatening.

  Kai gave him a look, but sighed.

  “Hinotori,” he commanded, his eyes closed. They opened again, now glowing bright amber with immense power.

  “It’s been awhile Azriel, Elyion. Shall we? The Princess is already showing signs of decline. Let us not delay,” he announced.

  I noticed his accent was thick which only happened when either Kai or Hinotori were utterly exhausted or extremely pissed.

  All three of them turned their gazes to us. Marcus' eyes closed, Ryuu taking over.

  “Keep us posted on the Princess’ condition. We won’t take long,” Ryuu requested.

  “I’ll clean everything down here. Just focus on stabilizing her. We believe in you three,” I reassured them. I didn't need them worrying about multiple things. They just needed to focus on Mako and making sure she survived.

  “May the Stars protect us on our path to salvation,” Azriel whispered as they dematerialized— only the pool of Makoto’s blood remained.

  We stood there in silence, neither of us knew what to say. I didn't know how to react. Cry or destroy everything in sight? I was so furious that this had happened. How could something like this slip out of our grasp? How did everything change? Kai's predictions were never wrong, so how did this get missed? Something or someone interfered and I needed to figure out how it led to this very moment.

  My legs moved for
ward, taking a few steps to stand at the edge of the large pool of blood that lingered on the ground— the blood of the woman I'd loved for sixteen cycles.

  The woman who made us laugh with joy. The woman who cradled my host in her arms when he cried. The woman who had a heart of gold and a laugh that made you smile, regardless of how shitty a situation could be. A woman who'd struggled in life yet was willing to save our world from whatever this darkness was. Our Princess, friend, and lover whom we all adored, was fighting for her life, yet again.

  My hand trembled as I fought tears, trying to stay focused on what needed to be accomplished down here. I prayed the Starlight gods would save our precious Firefly.

  I heard footsteps— Ryuu came over and placed his hand on my shoulder.

  “Stryker. It’s not your fault. We didn’t see this coming. Even Kai didn’t see this. Something must have changed. Someone did this, and we’ll find out who soon enough,” he vowed.

  I lifted my head to face him. I was ready to speak, but I heard the sound of footsteps. From the way Ryuu’s face went from worried to confused, let me know I wasn't hallucinating.

  We glanced over to the right— Leonardo’s figure appeared when the thick fog began to clear.

  “Huh? Ryder and Marcus. What are you guys doing here? What’s with the thick, red stuff on the ground? Is that animal blood or something? I thought EliaseAnne and Daniel were supposed to be here? Did you decide to take their place or something?”

  I couldn't say a word as the questions just rolled off his tongue, one after another while he placed his hands on his knees and huffed. I noticed a black orb in his right hand.

  He lifted his head up, grinning from ear to ear before he rose up.

  “Can you believe I found the orb? I’m one step closer to becoming a knight. I seriously have to thank Makoto for coming with me. Where is she anyways? Maybe Professor Sepherant dismissed her,” he disclosed, scratching his chin in wonder.


  “What did you just say?” Ryuu questioned, sounding astonished.


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