Intractable Souls : Book 1 of the Bound for Ireland Series

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Intractable Souls : Book 1 of the Bound for Ireland Series Page 26

by Tricia Daniels

  Adjusting his position so that he can press his lips against her cheek, his chest skims across her back. The light trace of hair starting just above his belly button, leads downwards, disappearing beneath his shorts. She can feel every one of them as they brush against her damp skin and push her into sensory overload. Twitching nerves don’t discourage her, it makes her crave more and she pleads.

  “I need you to touch me.” Her chest heaves in a quick breath as she begs him once again.

  Ethan grazes her jaw with his teeth, biting at her chin. Kissing his way towards her mouth, he sucks her bottom lip into his. “I need to touch you.” Finally he caresses her breast, kneading it beneath his palm. Grasping it firmly in his hand he gives the nipple a firm pinch, making her gasp, before he abandons it and pushes his hand down over her stomach. The soft, sensual touch of his fingertips make her body vibrate with want as he brushes them across the sensitive nerves there.

  His torture is relentless. “Do you like the way I touch you?” He guides his hand down between her legs on the outside of her pants and stops.

  “Yes!” She arches her back, hungry for his touch.

  Running his hand between her legs, he presses his palm firmly against her. He can tell even through her shorts that she is aroused and extremely wet. Moaning, she maneuvers herself onto her back and opens her legs, giving him better access.

  “But you want more…?”

  “Yes, Please… Yes!”

  He hooks his thumbs on the waistband of her shorts and lowers them down just below her thighs. She is so aroused that she begins to tremble when his hand slides across her bare skin and between her legs the first time. Her body arches involuntarily pressing herself against his touch.

  “I’m sorry, I can’t help it.” She apologizes for moving.

  “You need to learn how to stay still, baby.” He begins to rub his fingers in gentle circles around her swelling sex. “It’s my job to give you pleasure. Trust me to take you there.”

  Her breathing starts to break into short shallow gasps as he finds her sweet spot and caresses it with firm pressure. “Oh!” She presses her hips forward against his hand moving in time with him. Every few moments he slides his hand downward and enters her dripping hole, only lingering long enough to moisten his fingers and tease her before he returns to rub her sensitive clit in a gentle rhythm. He reads her body with expertise, knowing exactly when to slow his movements and when to press harder and faster. Within minutes she is writhing against him, tender and swollen.

  Ethan takes pride in his skill, bringing her this far in such a brief period of time. To Olivia it feels like they’ve been there for hours when he finally lowers his mouth to her breast. He licks, sucks, and teases with his tongue, drawing from her a low sensual moan. He’s not finished yet. Not by any means. He continues to torment her with hot breathy whispers in her ear while he masturbates her.

  “Ethan.” She whispers his name as she feels her orgasm starting to build with his tireless touch and his rigid pulsing cock rubbing into her side.

  “You feel it now.” He groans into her ear.


  “Turn back onto your side, facing away from me.”

  “What? No… Ethan?”

  He bites at her neck and presses his mouth against her shoulder knowing it’s her weakness. “Do it.” As he knew she would, she does as she’s told under his authoritative command, shifting to her side and allowing him to press his chest to her back.

  When he moves his hands for just a moment to lower his shorts, she feels like she’s going to lose her mind waiting for him to return his touch. Freeing himself from his pants, he rubs his perfectly rigid cock against her backside before he lets it slide between her cheeks from behind and skim between her legs, rubbing every inch of her sensitive cleft. Returning his hand to her clit, he means to finish business and the sensation is glorious and after a sharp intake of breath, she calls out his name. “Ethan!”

  Moving his hips back and forth, dragging himself along her from the very swollen limit of her clit to her buttocks, he threatens to enter her, but keeps his promise. She never realized just how sensitive the nerves are south of border. It could just be that no one has every touched her there when she was this aroused. Come to think of it, she doesn’t ever remember feeling this aroused. With his withdrawal, she feels the head of his cock drag heavily across that area between her vagina and her backside, taking her arousal to a whole new level. She finds herself pushing against him as he skims across her there, gripping the cushions tightly with her hands when he thrusts his hips forward again. Pushing her hips back against him hard makes him moan, as her movement forces him forward and presses him firmly against her tight virgin bottom, pushing against it, pulsing and wanting. Just one firm push of his hips and he’d be in. It would be heaven, he’s sure of it.

  Her eyes pop wide open and she panics. “Ethan!” Her hand swings towards him in an attempt to push him away but he grabs her wrist and restrains her. “Shhhh.”

  “Ethan, I don’t want to. I’m not comfortable with that.”

  Damn! He groans in disappointment. “Ok, I won’t go there.” He pulls his hips back, moving away from her and making his cock drop heavily against his leg. “Not tonight anyway… I’ll pleasure you there another time.” He nips at her ear and she struggles to swallow. She has never considered having anal sex and she’s disturbed that his promise has ignited an excitement and curiosity in her.

  “Concentrate on the pleasure.” He whispers as he presses his hand against her with controlled pressure. Each movement stimulating a sensitive spot between her legs, pushing her towards ecstasy.

  “Pleasure me.” She whispers back.

  Ethan feels his pleasure coil and build stronger and he moans against her cheek as he readjusts his position and continues to stroke himself against her. “Yes, I need to.” He senses the tremor in her body. “You’re going to come now. I can feel it.”

  She starts to pant. “Yes!” Waves of an overwhelming orgasm start to wash over her. Rippling through her body and spreading outwards with growing force.

  “Oh!” She arches her back and rocks her hips trying to get more pressure from his hand against her clit. The head of his cock rubs against her from behind, sliding across sensitive nerves as he continues to move his body, meeting her needs.

  “That’s right baby. THIS is the only reason I exist. I live, only to bring you pleasure.”

  She meets her climax as her body shakes violently, convulsing against him repeatedly, screaming out his name in celebration of the pleasure he had promised and skillfully delivered. The sound of his name screamed from her lips, prompts his own release, spreading burst after burst of hot semen over the swollen folds of her sex.

  Gasping for air, feeling exhausted and weak, she turns to face him, pressing herself firmly against him so that they are chest to chest. Reeling from his own orgasm, he folds his arms around her and presses his lips against the top of her head. It seems like forever for their breathing to return to normal, neither of them able to speak.

  Ethan is the first to break the silence. “See… I told you that you can.”

  Olivia smiles against his chest. “I’d say… and then some.” She pushes herself up to sit on the edge of the couch. “I need a shower.”

  Ethan props himself on his forearms and watches her across the floor and up the stairs. Not yet ready for there to be that much distance between them, he hikes up his shorts and heads up the stairs behind her, taking them two at a time. She’s standing under the warm spray of the shower when he enters the bathroom and drops his shorts on the floor. Aware that he’s there, she turns to take a long look at his delicious muscular body, her eyes dropping to the large package between his legs. Pulling back the curtain and stepping in, he grins at her boldness.

  If her brain wasn’t still numb from her orgasm she would have found this in violation of their agreement but when he takes the body wash out of her hands and finishes lathering her
up, she can’t think of one single reason to protest. When he’s done, she returns the favor leaving a trail of soapy bubbles over every inch of him. Wrapped in each other’s arms they stand under the soothing hot water letting it wash the lather from their bodies as they stand completely still. It’s an epic fail in her attempt to restrict intimacy with him. Quite frankly… she doesn’t care.

  Holding out his hand, he helps her step out of the shower and then wraps her in a towel, tucking it firmly at the side so that it doesn’t slide down. Grabbing for a smaller towel to wrap around her hair she brushes past him and starts to smile. “You smell like strawberries now.”

  Pulling her close and nuzzling his chin against the top of her head, he breathes her in. “I really don’t care.” He just wants to be as close to her as possible.

  What’s going on here? This wasn’t supposed to happen. Her head fights the feelings growing in her heart, making her pull away from him. “I should get dressed.” She starts to back away and then remembers something. “Ethan.”

  He glances up as he towels the moisture off his well-toned body. Swallowing hard, she stops and stares as he rubs it across his muscled chest and then cinches it around his waist. Lucky towel. “I keep forgetting to tell you. You left clothes here when I was sick. I washed them and they’re hanging in the closet in the spare room.”

  He nods, pretending not to be frustrated by the distance she keeps trying to put between them.

  When she comes out of her bedroom dressed in her most comfortable sleepwear, she can hear Ethan downstairs. Sitting on the bottom step, she watches him wash the wine glasses while singing an upbeat and happy song while he works, unaware she’s returned. From the stairs her eyes follow the thick grey material of his sweatshirt along his broad muscular shoulders. At their widest point his powerful back begins to narrow downwards, ending at a very trim waist. The elastic of his track pants hold snuggly at his hips and the pale grey fleece clings seductively over a round firm ass, perfectly showcased by his powerful, athletic thighs. She sits on the step and watches him, her heart throbbing. Closing her eyes for a moment, she takes a deep breath as she whispers to herself. “I definitely must be dreaming.“

  Drying his hands on the towel, he stops singing when he turns to find her sitting there watching him. He wonders what thoughts are on her mind and grins that charming boyish grin that she’s certain gets him laid. A LOT.

  “It’s getting late, I should get going.”

  “Ok” She gets to her feet and follows him to the top of the stairs.

  Here they are again, standing at the door feeling uncomfortable. Why is it so awkward saying goodbye? She doesn’t know if she should hug him or shake his hand. Maybe neither? This agreement was supposed to keep things simple, but in a way it has made things so much more complicated.

  Ethan doesn’t hesitate, wrapping his arms around her in a snug embrace. “Thank you, for keeping me company tonight.”

  She smiles and feels relieved that he took the lead. “I hope you feel better now.”

  “That would be a good assessment.” He grins at the way her face turns red. “Listen, Olivia… I’ve got a really busy weekend and the following week is full of appointments for the grand opening of the club in a few weeks. I’m not sure how much time I’ll have for us.”

  What is he saying? “That’s ok. You don’t have to spend any time with me. You’ve got important things to look after. I understand.” She has no right to be disappointed but she is and she doesn’t hide it well.

  Frowning, he brings his hand to the side of her cheek rubbing his thumb across her bottom lip. “Don’t pout, it’s killing me. I just meant that if you call me and I don’t answer right away, it’s because I’m busy. I just didn’t want you to think I’m avoiding you.”

  “Oh.” She blushes.

  “Next weekend, I’m all yours. I promise.”

  He’s defenseless against the glowing radiance she starts to project when her heart dances in her chest. Her eyes sparkle like starlight as she bites her lip trying to hide her demure smile. She’s so beautiful that he almost forgets to breathe. “Jesus, stop looking at me like that or, period or not, I’m coming back in there to fuck you.”

  Leaning forward to kiss her, his lips skim softly against hers before she leans back and pulls away. He growls in frustration. “Fucking agreement.” Shaking his head, he starts down the stairs to the door and pulls it open. “I’ll try to find time to see you before next Friday, if I can.”

  Something stops him and he turns to watch her walk down the stairs, stopping on the bottom step and putting them at the same eye level. Taking a step towards her, he looks her over from head to toe, admiring her body. “I can’t believe the things I put up with so I can be with you, Miss James. You are going to drive me completely insane. I know it.”

  “Good night, Ethan.” She whispers, reaching for him and running her fingers through his hair, teasing him by smoothing out the parts that are still sticking up from his towel drying. Grabbing her hand, he gives her a warning. “Stop, I’m not joking. If you keep touching me I will take you straight back upstairs. Only this time, you may be punished for teasing me.”

  Yes please! “Ok, I’m sorry, you better go.” She frowns.

  Stepping out the doorway, muttering things she can’t make out in his Irish accent, he walks through the yard. Standing at the door, she waits until she hears the car door close then steps back inside and locks it behind her. Leaning against it, she takes a deep breath, a smile spreading across her face from ear to ear. Putting her hand over her heart, she feels it beat loud and happy. She can’t remember the last time she felt so full of joy. That’s a good thing right? So then, why does the feeling terrify her?

  Chapter 13

  Olivia spends the rest of the weekend on the couch with a hot water bottle and a large bottle of extra strength Midol. Her contact with Ethan has been minimal, other than the few times he’s texted to let her know that he’s thinking of her. If the truth were told, she’s somewhat glad that his busy schedule has given her a break right now, since she’s feeling bloated, cranky, and not good company at all. By Sunday night, she’s terribly lonely and after making herself a cup of tea, she curls up on the couch and calls her sister.


  “Hi! It’s me… just checking in.”

  “Hi! How are you feeling?”

  “I’m doing much better except I’ve got my period.” Olivia complains.

  “Ew. Yuck. That’s the one thing about being pregnant. I didn’t miss that at all.”

  “How is everything there? Are Rick and the kids ok?”

  “Yes, everyone is just fine.”

  “Good! I haven’t heard from you for a while.”

  “Well, I called to check on you a few weeks ago but you were sick. I talked to your friend.”

  “Oh? Rachel didn’t tell me you called.” She’s surprised that it would slip Rachel’s mind.

  “It wasn’t Rachel I spoke with. It was Ethan.” Megan struggles to bite her tongue, determined not to pry but busting at the seams to know what’s going on.

  “Oh.” She doesn’t know why, but she feels a little embarrassed.

  “I called at least 10 times. I tried your cell phone and the house phone. He finally answered your cell and apologized, saying that he wasn’t quite sure who I was and you were so out of it he had to ask you several times before you actually told him.”

  “Is that all he said?” Olivia wonders just how much her sister knows.

  “Pretty much. He said that you had been very ill, but that he was staying with you until you were well and that I shouldn’t worry.”


  “It seemed that you were in good hands.” Megan is getting suspicious. Why isn’t her sister elaborating on anything?

  “Yes. I really was.”

  “I don’t recall you mentioning that he’s Irish.”

  “I probably didn’t.” Olivia laughs.

  “What is it about men w
ith accents?” Megan muses as she lets out a dreamy sigh.

  “I know right?”

  “The last time we talked you were feeling a little conflicted about him. Have you worked it out?”

  “Well… kind of.” There is something in her voice that only a sister would notice.

  “Oh my God! You slept with him.”

  Olivia gets defensive and she’s not sure why. “Only twice… but it was on the same day so it really only counts as once.” How ridiculous is that logic?

  Olivia hears the creek of the screen door hinge and she knows that Megan has taken the phone outside for privacy.

  “I knew it!”

  “It really sucks that I can’t hide anything from you, do you know that?” Frustration strains her voice.

  “And yet… you still try. So the big question is… are you ok?”

  “Yes, I’m fine. It’s just a casual relationship. You know? Friends with benefits kind of thing.”


  “You sound disappointed.”

  “ Sorry. It’s just that when I talked to him he spoke of you with such adoration and caring that I kind of envisioned him in a more ‘significant’ role.”

  There is dead silence on the phone and Megan knows there is much more to the story.



  “What’s really going on?”

  She isn’t even going to bother trying to deny it. There would be no point. Megan has always been able to tell when Olivia’s world is a little off skew. “I don’t know Meg. I feel like I’m ready to move forward but something keeps stopping me.”

  “Well maybe you need to cleanse your chakra. Let all the negative energy drain from your body. You know? Make room for more positive things.”

  “I think I’m beyond chakra cleaning. Truth is that there is just something about him. Something familiar, like I’ve known him forever. He makes me feel things I never thought I’d feel again… and it’s wonderful and exhilarating and then… I panic.”


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