Intractable Souls : Book 1 of the Bound for Ireland Series

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Intractable Souls : Book 1 of the Bound for Ireland Series Page 37

by Tricia Daniels

  “Some coincidence, huh?” He takes the book out of her hands and closes it, watching her reaction.

  “I’ll say.” She’s pensive for a moment. “A pretty huge coincidence.” This is the second time today she’s had a gnawing feeling that he’s hiding something.

  Putting the book on the shelf, he takes her hand and leads her out to the back yard. “Come, it’s time for dinner.”

  It’s almost dusk and she wonders why they’re heading outside. “In the dark?”

  “Not for long.” Flipping a switch just outside the door, he lights up a gazebo that he has set up on the stone patio with hundreds of white twinkle lights. She gasps when she sees it, the lights twinkling in the dark like fireflies as he holds back the mesh doorway and lets her in. In the centre of the gazebo he has set up a small round bistro table. It’s set with the most elegant of dishes and a bottle of wine sits chilling in an ice bucket on a sideboard nearby. Candles flicker in the centre of the table and he picks up a small remote and presses a button, filling the air with the smooth sound of jazz. She’s amazed at the time and thought he put into it. When she looks over at him he returns her smile and pulls out her chair. Once she’s seated, he pours her a glass of wine and excuses himself for a moment.

  Returning with two plates, he places them on the table and then sits across from her.

  “When did you have time to cook?” She asks, surprised that dinner is ready.

  He gives her that sexy boyish grin. “I can be very resourceful.”

  She stares at the plate in front of her. Herbed chicken, roasted potatoes and asparagus.

  “Ethan, it looks amazing.” She picks up her cutlery and takes her first bite. “Mmmm, it is amazing. I’m sorry I ever doubted you.”

  “Non-believer.” He teases.

  When they finish eating, he takes her by the hand and leads her to a couch against the back wall of the gazebo. It’s clearly a piece of outdoor furniture but it looks comfortable and inviting with lots of soft and cushy throw pillows. Turning off several strands of the little lights, he leaves them with not much more than the soft glow of the candles. Sitting beside him, his arm possessively wrapped around her shoulders, she feels the heat from his body.

  “I love the picture on the fireplace mantel. I assume that’s your family?”

  “Yes, that was taken at Christmas. Christmas tradition is huge in my family. Every year my parents host a …” He pauses for a moment not sure what word he is looking for “Well, I’m not sure if it’s called a BALL here, but they rent a ballroom and there’s an orchestra and dancing.”

  “Really? It sounds wonderful, like the dream I had.” She pauses. “Your sisters are very beautiful. It’s hard being so far away from family.” She tries to stop a frown from appearing on her face. “I know all about that.”

  “You’re missing your sister?”

  “Yes, very much.”

  “Can I ask about your parents? You never talk about them.” He feels her body go tense for a moment making him regret bringing it up. “You don’t have to talk about them, if it makes you feel uncomfortable.” Turning his head to the side, he kisses her temple. Leaning into him, she reaches up to hold the hand that’s heavily draped behind her, clinging to her shoulder. Squeezing it, she takes a breath as if trying to build up courage.

  “They were killed in a car accident almost 7 years ago now. There is nobody left but Megan and me. She married Rick almost a year after they died. I had a really hard time with that.”

  “I bet. I’m so sorry, baby.” Turning his body towards her, his knees push against her thigh. When she turns sideways he lifts her legs and lays them back down across his lap, bridging his thighs so she’s facing him now. Ethan feels a chill against his leg and looks down at her bare feet. “Where are your shoes, woman? Your feet are freezing!”

  “I took them off during dinner, they were bugging me.” She smiles when he shakes his head at her, giving her that special Ethan O’Connell smirk. The one that’s annoying and extremely sexy at the same time. The same one that is most likely to get him into her pants.

  Rubbing her feet, he tries to restore some heat to them before moving his hands to rest on her thigh. Holding her there, he gently caresses her skin with his fingers as if trying to erase her sorrow. “How did your sister end up on the East Coast?”

  “Rick’s company closed their distribution centre here. He was relocated to the East Coast office.”

  “Leaving you here alone?” Thinking about it makes him feel irritated and sensing the topic is about to spoil their romantic mood, Olivia decides to ease up on it.

  “Not alone, Ethan. I have Scott and Rachel, they are family to me.” She smiles trying to distract him from his thoughts.

  “And now you have me.” He looks at her with an expression that very closely resembles a boyish innocence, as he flattens his hand and rubs his palm heavily from her knee to her hip. How long does she have him for? She reaches up, presses her palm on the side of his cheek, and holds him there acknowledging his sweet admission. Her eyes lock with his in a long silent pause. In the past few days she’s seen a very different Ethan O’Connell. She no longer sees only the ruthless business man but a whole softer, gentler side. A side that, until now, was hidden by his usual intensity.

  A shiver moves through her and her eyes wander, trying to avoid alerting him to how his closeness is affecting her. She spots a guitar leaning hidden in the corner and smiles.

  Pointing at it, she asks. “Will you play something for me?”

  Smiling, he stands to get it and turns off the stereo with the remote. Olivia gets comfortable on the couch propping pillows around her and settling in. Pulling a stool over in front of her, he starts to strum on the strings. She’s not sure what she was expecting him to play but when she recognizes Hedley’s hit song ‘Kiss You Inside Out’ her heart starts to throb. This acoustic arrangement has a much slower melody and Ethan’s voice caresses the words with tenderness.

  I don’t know if you’re ready to go

  Where I’m willing to take you girl

  I will feel every inch of your skin

  And you know I can rock your world

  She can’t take her eyes off of him as he serenades her.

  Give up the fight

  I’m in control

  Why don’t you let it go.

  Yeah, I wanna know you inside out

  I’ll spend my life trying to figure out

  Just close your eyes and shut your mouth

  And let me kiss you inside out.

  Ethan holds her gaze the entire time, looking down at the guitar only a few times. She’s overwhelmed as this beautiful, frustrating man sings her a love song.

  I don’t care if you steal all my air

  We can breathe in together as one

  She’s heard the song a hundred times on the radio but never really listened to the words, but it’s as if they were written specifically for her. His performance ignites something inside her that she thought she would never feel again. She fights the tears as moisture starts to cloud her vision, afraid that if she blinks it will force them to fall. Could this feeling be love?

  I wanna know you inside out

  I’ll spend my life trying to figure out

  Just close your eyes and shut your mouth

  And let me kiss you inside out.

  Let me love you, let me love you

  Let me love you babe.

  She closes her eyes as he sings those words and imagines being trapped beneath his kiss. Her blood pumps through her veins like molten lava and the sudden need to feel his body against her overwhelms her. Finishing his song, he quickly stands up and places the guitar back in its stand. When he turns around and catches a glimpse of her in the candle light it’s unmistakably clear that he’s looking into both his past and future. There is only her, and no one else. She takes his breath away so intensely that he’s not satisfied with just her body, he wants her heart too. Fuck the agreement. He’s been longin
g for her to look at him the way she is at this moment. It’s a look of desire, passion and adoration.

  He’s not going to screw things up tonight, he’s decided that he’s going to worship her the way she deserves to be worshipped by a man. Her soft brown curls fall seductively across her shoulders, perfectly framing her face. He’s enchanted by the softness in her eyes, now wide with anticipation as they look up at him through damp lashes. Her lips soft, moist, and kissable. He will no longer be denied them.

  Sensing his need, she gets to her feet as he moves towards her. The electricity in the air makes every nerve in her body tingle with the anticipation of his touch and her body immediately responds to him. No words are spoken as he wraps his arms around her and their two bodies melt into one. Bringing his hand to the side of her face he pauses, his eyes locked to hers as if he’s searching for something in her gaze. He would settle for anything; a clue, a hint, a silent confession of her love. When he finds what he’s searching for in her riveting hazel eyes, he slides his hand through her hair, until his fingers curl around the back of her neck. Pulling her forward until their lips almost touch, he holds her there and whispers against her lips. “I’m going to kiss you now.” His intention setting off a torrent of emotions through her body.

  Her hands move to his shoulders in an automatic defensive move but he ignores it, his voice becoming softly assertive. “And you’re going to let me.” His demand is met with tacit assent as she softens her grip, rubbing his shoulders underneath her hands. Not wasting another second, he slants his mouth over hers. As their lips touch for the first time in consensual desire he entices her briefly with his warm, soft kiss and then pulls away leaving her wanting more.

  It’s as all first kisses should be… soft, sincere and extremely sensual. His hands slide down her sides and stop at her waist, gently pulling her hips against his and then sliding, with desirous intent around to her back. His mouth stays close to her, still tasting her on his lips, but not wanting to push. He waits for her response.

  Raising her hand to the nape of his neck, her thumb gently brushing from his ear down along the edge of his jaw. Moving to his lips slowly, her hesitation drives him wild. Finally she presses against him and parts her lips, matching his movements and sliding along them in perfect unison. Nipping at his bottom lip, she holds it gently between her teeth before breaking away and letting the suspense build between them. They are like teenagers kissing for the first time, figuring out how to please each other.

  As the kisses deepen, with their building desire, he opens his mouth wider and she responds, making his cock swell painfully inside his jeans at the first easy touch of her tongue. Moaning, he closes his mouth around it and moves with a little more urgency. Feeling his response and knowing where this is leading, she prepares herself for the rough male aggression that comes with his need to be inside her. However, tonight there is no hostile takeover of control, just a sweet return of affection as they explore and learn how their mouths fit together.

  Pulling away, he gently brushes his thumb over her kiss-swollen lips as he releases her and takes a step backwards. No! Her heart is racing and her body craves him more than it ever has before, but she’s confused by the space that he just put between them. Moving towards the stereo, he leaves her standing lonely in the middle of the room while he turns the power on. Putting the stereo remote into his back pocket, he joins her in the middle of the room and wraps his arms around her. “Dance with me.” He smiles, suspecting that she would refuse him nothing at this moment. “Do you know how to waltz?”

  “No.” She chuckles, thinking he’s joking and then looks up at him in curiosity. “Do you?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  Of course he does! There is that damn smirk again. “Teach me?” She urges.

  “Perhaps another time.” He has other plans for tonight.

  She pouts as he takes the remote out of his pocket and forwards a few songs finding one with the perfect rhythm. Stepping into her, he wraps his arms around her waist. Butterflies, flutter around in her stomach as she puts one hand on his chest. With the other she holds his shoulder, squeezing it and thinking about the tattoo. Ethan sways her gently to the music, their feet barely moving, but it doesn’t matter, all she wants right now is to have his large body against her. When she lifts her head to look up at him, he kisses her again, repeatedly, making up for lost time.

  “These lips are mine now.” He says possessively when he pulls away. “Tell me they are mine. I want to hear you say it.” He holds her chin so she can’t look away.

  “Ethan.” She doesn’t want to encourage his possessive nature.

  “Say it.” His voice is soft, but it’s still a command not to be ignored.

  Heat surges between her legs and she looks long and hard into his meadow green eyes before she answers. “My lips belong to you.”

  He rewards her with another kiss; rougher, more greedy. Tension coils deep inside her and arousal dampens her panties. Then he suddenly pulls away, looking at her with an expression she can’t figure out. For the second time today he looks like he wants to say something but he hesitates. What is going on in his head? “Ethan?”

  In one breath, he forces it out before he changes his mind. “Olivia, I know my temper is an issue for you. I should warn you that, I don’t know what I’ll do if I ever see the bastard, Noah Thompson, kiss you again.”

  Quickly it becomes clear to her. That look… it’s his inner turmoil. Her face flushes red at the thought of him witnessing Noah’s kiss.

  “I just about lost my fucking mind last night watching him put his lips on you.” His fingers dig possessively into the flesh of her hips.

  Her heart prickles with an uncomfortable feeling. Poor Ethan, she didn’t set out to do anything to upset him. It just happened and it most certainly will never be happening again after what Noah called her. If Ethan knew about that, he’d kill him for sure. But he kept his promise, even after witnessing Noah kissing her, he controlled his temper. It couldn’t have been easy for him. Maybe she really is important to him? The thought makes her stomach roll. She doesn’t want him to feel this way. She can’t bare to see the torment in his eyes. She needs to console him, reassure him, and chase away his anxiety. That’s a switch. It’s usually the other way around.

  “Shhhh.” Running her hands over his shoulders and chest, she soothes away his tension. Whispering in his ear, she gently skims her mouth against the tender lobe. “My lips belong only to you.” That seems to relax him, his shoulders soften and he loosens his grip on her. She pulls him in for a passionate kiss, wondering how she could have ever thought that NOT kissing him was a good idea. Possessing his lips with a scorching intensity, she makes him groan against her mouth as he lifts her off the ground for a moment. Wrapping her arms around him, she holds tightly around his neck until he sets her down. The expression on his face is no longer turmoil, it’s something else… desire, passion… need.

  Taking her by the hand, he leads her towards the house and out of the chilly evening air. Yes! Now we’re talking. She scoops up her shoes along the way, making him chuckle and shake his head. She jumps when his phone rings. It’s the first time they’ve been interrupted all night, other than the soothing sounds of crickets. Ethan frowns at the display. “It’s John, I better take this.”

  “Of course.” It’s a welcome break for her libido.

  “Hey, what’s going on?” He says into the phone with concern in his voice.

  “Hey, sorry to bother you, but I have Nate Ross on the phone for you. I know you’ve been trying to touch base so I thought you’d want to talk to him. I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”

  Ethan suddenly realizes that when he answered the call he accidently hit the speaker button allowing Olivia to hear the conversation. She raises her eyebrows. “Nate Ross? As in Lead Singer of the group ‘Follow’?” She’s obviously impressed.

  “Good evening, Olivia.” John’s voice is very professional and he doesn’t seem s
urprised at all that they’re together.

  “Hi John.” She smiles and bats her eyelashes at Ethan who rolls his eyes.

  “John, just hold on a minute.” Ethan turns the speaker off and puts his hand over the phone. “Yes, that Nate Ross. Will you excuse me for a minute?”

  Olivia is embarrassed at her intrusion. “Yes, I’m sorry, I should get going anyways.”

  He grazes his thumb along her chin. “I’ll only be a minute. Don’t go anywhere.” Heading up the stairs he puts his phone back at his ear. “John, go ahead and put Nate through now.”

  When she hears the door close, she assumes all the secrecy has something to do with the grand opening. He’s been very tight lipped about his plans for the big night and she finds it really quite annoying. Wandering around the room looking at his pictures she picks up the one of his family, looking at it closely and thinking how wonderful it must be to have everyone together at Christmas. Exhaustion sets in suddenly making her eyes feel heavy. It’s getting late and Ethan kept her awake all last night. Christ the man has stamina. If he comes back downstairs he’ll want to continue where they left off and she’s too weak to fight him. Emotionally it’s been a rough week and she just needs some time to recharge. Besides, work comes very early in the morning, so it’s probably best that she just leaves now and avoids having to deal with him when he returns downstairs. She can send him a text when she gets home to let him know she’s home safe and thank him for the evening. He won’t like it, but that’s just tough.

  Standing at the doorway, she slips her feet into her shoes with her hand on the doorknob trying to make her get away. When she turns the knob and tries to pull open the door it won’t budge. Feeling the heat from his body behind her, she raises her eyes to find his hand flat against the door holding it shut. Holy shit! How did he get there so quickly without making a sound?


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