Intractable Souls : Book 1 of the Bound for Ireland Series

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Intractable Souls : Book 1 of the Bound for Ireland Series Page 38

by Tricia Daniels

  “Let me guess, in your other job you’re a Ninja?” She jokes, hoping he finds the humor in it.

  “Right you are, and now that you know my secret, I will have to keep you locked up in my bedroom to keep you from revealing my secret identity.” He nuzzles his cheek against the top of her head and lets out a stifled laugh.

  With one hand still pressed against the door, he uses the other to retrieve hers from the doorknob and gently turns her around to face him. Eyes lowered she says nothing. Moving in close, he leans his forehead against hers.

  “You weren’t going to leave without kissing me goodbye were you?” His voice is feathery soft and calming.

  Closing her eyes, she slowly raises her head so that her nose rubs against his. When their lips meet, in a slow sweet gentle movement, she kisses him. Wrapping his hands around her body, he holds her tightly, until she can no longer bare the intimacy of the moment and puts her hands to his chest, using the leverage to push away from his embrace.

  “Everything ok, princess?” He searches her eyes for a sign.

  “Yes.” She stares right into his big green eyes.

  “Then why are you sneaking out?”

  “Because I knew you would try and convince me to stay. Honestly, Ethan. I’m exhausted. Some sex fiend, who just can’t seem to get enough, kept me awake all night last night.”

  A grin forms on one side of his mouth. “Mmmm… I hate when that happens to me.”

  She scowls at him. “Somehow I doubt that.”

  He chuckles. “Ok, I won’t try to stop you if you want to go home.”

  She breathes a sigh of relief. “Thank you. And we still have to have a talk about the tires.”

  He edges forward doing that sexy little thing he does, lowering his eyes and admiring her body from head to toe in a slow perusal. Smirking and biting his lip as he goes as if he has some very dirty, devious plans for it. It makes her pulse jump every time.

  “Why don’t you just pretend that I’m the tire salesman?”

  He doesn’t have to finish his sentence, she knows what he’s about to say. “Seriously, Ireland? That’s not funny.”

  He shrugs. “You shouldn’t restrict your talent to fast food delivery men. Don’t you believe in equal opportunity?” His smirk is infectious. “Tire salesmen need sex too.”

  She tries not to laugh at him. “You’re really annoying.”

  “So you’ve mentioned… several times.” He runs his hands over her body. “I don’t want to argue.“

  She nods her agreement. She doesn’t want to argue either.

  “Then if you insist on leaving, kiss me goodbye.”

  “First tell me how you know Nate Ross.”

  “Hmm, are you withholding kisses unless I provide information?” His hands twist in her hair now, twirling it around his fingers.

  “Yes, I guess I am.” She bites her lip and waits, expecting him to protest.

  “Nate and I met when he was in Scotland on tour. Now kiss me.” He tugs her forward and smashes his mouth against hers. Her arms hang heavily at her side, a little annoyed at his sparse answer she doesn’t want to return his embrace. His kiss softens as his mouth covers hers and her body betrays her, bringing her hands up to his biceps, squeezing and caressing as she returns his kiss.

  Somehow finding the restraint to ignore the raging hard on in his pants, he takes her by the hand and walks her to her car. This day is not about the sex, it’s about so much more, it’s about the intimacy… the connection. Making sure she’s buckled in safely, he closes the door. Just before she pulls away, she rolls down the window and asks. “One more kiss?”

  Leaning down, he meets her lips through the window, gifting her with the hottest, make-your-knees-weak good bye kiss. It’s so hot, she almost reconsiders leaving. As he straightens, she puts the car into gear and starts to grin. “Hey, Ireland.” She says out the open window. “Not that I’m bragging or anything, but I do believe I just won round three.” She breaks into the cheekiest smile as she witnesses the look on his face.

  “Well.Fuck.Me.” He scratches his head and looks back at her beautiful smile. “Well played, princess.” A grin forms on his delicious, kissable lips, as Rachel would call them. She would be partly right. They are definitely more than delicious.

  Chapter 20

  The air in the city is heavily burdened with smog on this humid summer morning. The traffic is at a stand still throughout the entire downtown core, yet Ethan sits in the Challenger unaffected by the mess around him. For the first time in many months he feels rested, recharged even. He might even go as far as saying he feels content. He scans the radio stations looking for something that suits his mood and when he finds it, he sings at the top of his voice, confident that the closed, tinted windows of the Challenger hide him from view.

  The phone rings, forcing him to turn down the volume before he hits the hands free button on the console. “Hello!”

  “Hi?” John is a little shocked by Ethan’s casual greeting. Usually by this time of the morning, he’s worked himself into tyrant mode.

  “Hey! How was your weekend? I trust you found a way to entertain our guest?” He chuckles.

  “It was a great weekend, Ethan. Thank you.” John scratches his head suspiciously.

  “I’m stuck in traffic. I’m about 20 minutes out still. What time is our first meeting?”

  “Not until 10am. You have plenty of time. I thought tomorrow night we could take Shannon to the restaurant for dinner. I’d like her to see it before she goes home.”

  “That sounds like a brilliant idea. Traffic’s starting to move now. I’ll see you in a few minutes.”

  John hangs up the phone and looks at Shannon with an uncomfortable look.

  “What’s wrong?” She asks concerned. She’d be lying if she said she wasn’t a little nervous about meeting Ethan in person. He has a reputation for being difficult, insensitive at times, and their reason for meeting today is not under pleasant circumstances.

  “Nothing. He’s in a really good mood.” John shrugs.

  Shannon watches John’s face, noting the uneasy look on it as he shuffles some stuff on his desk to make room for her to work there. “That’s good isn’t it? Why do you look worried?”

  “Ethan doesn’t do good moods often, especially these days. It makes me nervous.” He glances up at her, catching her watching him with wide eyes, and tries to put her at ease. “Don’t worry. Everything will be fine this afternoon.”

  She nods her head. “I can handle it. You will be there when I tell him right?” Looking down at her briefcase, she fusses with the clasp, trying to hide her anxiety.

  “Yes.” Walking towards her, he puts his hand on top of hers, stilling her movements, then lifting it to his mouth, he kisses it gently as he reaches down and pops open the clasp on the briefcase.

  She tries to smile at him, wishing that their time together wasn’t coming to an end. “I imagine the news will end his good mood.”

  John touches her chin with his thumb before brushing upwards across her cheek. He doesn’t care that anyone can walk in and see them. “Yes, I imagine it will.” Her stark blue eyes mirror his own and he worries how a future together will be possible under his current employer. For now, he needs to concern himself with shielding her from the fall out that will come with this afternoons news.

  Taking a deep breath, she presses her lips together tightly, reminding herself that she is used to dealing with tough clients. Ethan O’Connell is not the most difficult one she has had to deal with. Perhaps it’s his relationship with John that has made her feel more sensitive to the situation.

  John looks at his watch. “I need to go and make sure he’s ready for this meeting. You make yourself at home here in my office. Help yourself to whatever you need.”

  “Ok I will.” She watches him walk to the door and feeling a little anxious, she calls his name. “John…”

  Pausing, he turns to meet her worried look.

  “Ethan’s going to
FREAK… isn’t he?”

  He frowns and nods his head in agreement. “Yes, but don’t worry, baby. I won’t leave you to deal with him alone.” When he gets to the doorway, he peaks down both hallways for anyone coming and then blows her a kiss as he pulls the door shut.

  When he reaches Ethan’s office he finds him already there and sifting through his emails. “Is there anything you need me to do in preparation for this meeting?” He asks as Ethan looks up and acknowledges him.

  “I don’t think so. I’ve already reviewed the presentation we worked on last week. Everything looks good. The agenda went out ahead of time so things should run smoothly. There is one thing I’d like you to check into for me.”

  “Alright, what?”

  “I’d like to know if we have any clients… or potential clients in Nova Scotia. I’m thinking about taking a trip out that way.”

  “I’ll check into it and let you know.”

  Ethan stands, and as he passes John, he grins and pats him on the back. “Let’s get going then.”

  John looks at Ethan suspiciously, shaking his head at his unexpected behavior. Picking up the stack of handouts and the laptop he follows Ethan down the hall reviewing and discussing the finer points of the presentation. Ethan’s phone makes a beeping sound and he quickly checks to see what’s going on and then looks at John. “The battery is almost dead, do you have a charger?”

  “Not with me, but I know who does. Hannah has charged mine for me before.”

  As they reach the reception area Hannah stands to greet them, adjusting her breasts as they approach. “Good morning, Mr. O’Connell.” She says with a flirty smile.

  “Good Morning Hannah! I missed your beautiful smile when I arrived this morning.”

  She blushes as she sits down and gazes up at him. “I’m sorry I missed you, I must have just stepped away for a moment.”

  John flashes Ethan a look that he completely ignores as he leans against the desk and continues flirting with her. “I was wondering if you might be able to charge my phone for me while I’m in my meeting?” He holds it out in front of him, showing her that the battery is almost dead.

  “Of course!“ She beams. “My phone uses the same charger.” She reaches up and takes it out of his hand, making sure to touch him as she does. Her eyes never leave his, glazed over with a hunger, as if she’s been fasting and he’s her next meal. John is concerned that Ethan seems to have no perception of the signals she’s sending.

  “Any calls that come through the switchboard for me you can forward to John.”

  “ANYTHING for you Mr. O’Connell.” Her words purposely intended to send a seductive message.

  “Hannah, you’re awesome!” He smiles at her, putting his hand on top of hers, giving them a little squeeze and winking, not thinking twice about his actions. When they walk away from the desk, John leans in and expresses his concern.

  “Do you think it’s a good idea to encourage her like that?”

  “Like what?”

  “Flirting with her like that. It’s a bad idea.”

  Ethan looks over his shoulder at her as she leans forward and peaks at him around the corner of the desk. When their eyes meet, Ethan finally realizes what John is talking about.

  “Oh shit! You’re right. Sometimes I don’t even realize I’m doing it.”

  “Well you better dial it down, prince charming. If you’re serious about Olivia at all, you had better start thinking about how she would feel if she saw you flirting with another girl like that? Especially Hannah.”

  Ethan stops dead in his tracks and looks at John as if he has just thrown a glass of water in his face to wake him up. “Christ, good point.”

  Running around her house and tearing it apart, Olivia looks for her phone again. Sitting on the side of the couch. she runs her fingers through her hair in frustration. “Geez, not again.” She worries that Ethan is going to think that she’s doing it on purpose as an excuse to see him. As if his ego needs to get any bigger. Deciding not to stress over it, she heads to work, excited over the news she has to share with Rachel.

  Standing at the doorway, waiting for Rachel to acknowledge her, she can’t hide her smile.

  “What are you up to?” Rachel asks when she finally looks up.

  “I just wanted to let you know that Ethan’s lips are definitely delicious and extremely kissable.” She shifts her weight back and forth, too excited to stand still.

  “Get the fuck out of here! You finally kissed him?” Her voice is extremely loud and Olivia’s eyes open wide.

  “Rachel! You just said the F word!” She’s shocked at her reaction, having only heard Rachel use that word on very rare occasions. She nods her head yes, quickly looking to see if anyone is close enough to hear.

  “I knew those lips were sweet. Details… I want details!” She waves her hand summoning her into her office. Olivia laughs. “You won’t believe the night he planned. He cooked dinner and he set up this beautiful gazebo outside with twinkle lights and candles and music. Then we danced.” She glows as she recounts their evening for her best friend, making sure to include all the pertinent details. “He sang to me.” She says, warmth washing over her at the memory.

  “Are you kidding me?”

  Olivia raises her eyebrows and smiles. “He has almost convinced me that he’s not the arrogant, quick tempered, man slut that I thought he was.”

  “It sounds like a wonderful date. Scott used to do stuff like that for me.” She reminisces for a moment, not realizing that Olivia’s smile has faded into a frown and her brows furrowed.

  “It wasn’t a date.” Olivia denies.

  “Uh, it sure sounds like a date.”

  “Well it wasn’t.” She argues.

  “Ok, if you insist. Who cares what you call it as long as there was awesome sex afterwards!” She wiggles her eyebrows at her.

  Olivia develops a sour look on her face. “We didn’t have sex last night. We just talked and danced… and kissed.”

  Rachel laughs. “It was definitely a date.”

  Olivia thinks about the night and closes her eyes, whispering under her breath. “Sneaky bastard!”

  Rachel’s smile is a mile wide and she tries to choke back her laughter.

  “It’s not funny.” Olivia snorts.

  “Come on, Liv. You have to admit it’s kind of funny. He found a way to finally get you to go on a date with him and you didn’t even realize it.” She looks at Olivia’s face and notices the chagrin. “You’re not mad at him now are you?”

  She takes a deep breath and lets it out all at once. “No, I’m not mad at him. It was a really nice night. I saw a side of him that I don’t think a lot of people get to see. He was sweet and gentle and charming in a way that was… genuine.”

  Rachel stares at her stunned. “Oh my God. You’re falling for him.”

  Olivia is startled at the words, and her nerves spasm as if someone had just jumped out from behind the door and screamed Boo!

  “What? No!” Butterflies flutter through her veins with the realization. “He…I…” She silently concedes, looking down as if she is ashamed. Son of a bitch!

  They both stiffen as a deep voice speaks from the doorway. “Good morning ladies, discussing your game plan for the day?”

  Rachel looks at Olivia nervously, wondering if he had heard any of the conversation. “Good morning, Mr. Dunn.”

  He looks between the two of them and then nods. “I was looking for Olivia.” He passes a folder in her direction and she quickly stands to take it from him, flipping it open as she does.

  Jeremiah Dunn, Co-Owner of Dunn & McLennan is short man, in his late 50’s. The dark black rims of his glasses stand out harshly against his well-manicured white hair and beard. Unlike his business partner, he seldom wears suits to work. Casual slacks and sweaters are more in line with his inner geek, his rounded belly giving hint to the fact that he spends much more time behind a computer than being active. As far as Olivia knows, there was never a Mrs.
Dunn and she has wondered on several occasional about his sexual preference. Not that it matters, as bosses go, he is patient and kind and she enjoys working for him.

  “I’d like you to go in and see this client today. They called me at home last night with some concerns. My notes are in the file.”

  Olivia nods as she reads through the papers. “Yes, sir. I’ll look after it.”

  “Thank you, Olivia.” He steps away from the door and stops, turning back to look at her. “There is something different about you today.” He says with a smile. “You’re absolutely glowing.”

  Shoving his hands in his pockets, he scurries back up the hallway to his office in the south end of the building. Olivia’s face turns beat red as she glances over at Rachel, absolutely horrified by his observation. Rachel shrugs. “Well, he’s not wrong. You are glowing.”

  She frowns. “Now I feel like saying the ‘F’ word.”

  Rachel laughs and rolls her eyes. She holds her hand out gesturing towards the file Olivia is holding. “What’s going on?”

  Olivia releases it to her and sits while she quickly flips through the notes. She laughs once and glances up quickly. “Good luck with this one.”

  “Oh, don’t worry. I already know how to fix it.” She says in a confident tone.

  Rachel shakes her head. “Girlfriend your brains are seriously wasted here.” She says handing the file back to her. “So, since you’re going to be right downtown anyways are you going to drop in to see Ethan and have a nooner? I bet you’re dying for him to spread you out across that huge mahogany desk.”

  “No! Oh my God, you can be crass sometimes.” She gives her a look of disgust to hide the real truth. She has fantasized many times about climbing up on that desk and spreading her legs in front of him while he sits in his chair, wearing a power suit and ruling over his empire.

  Rachel glares at her, making a face that makes her feel that she’s under close scrutiny. “This from someone who has sex with her boyfriend anywhere but in a bed?”


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