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Secrets Untold

Page 9

by Shelia M. Goss

  “Mom, it’s okay. We’ve talked. I think it’ll be all right.”

  “Okay. Fine. Whatever. When do you want to see her again?” my mom asked, holding on to her purse tightly.

  “Next weekend, if that’s okay.” Dion looked at me.

  My mom responded, “Uh, this can’t be an every weekend thing. We do have a family too, you know.”

  “Not every weekend but at least every other weekend, until we get comfortable with one another.”

  “Maybe once a month.”

  “Every other weekend,” he insisted.

  “People, I’m standing right here. I’m not a six-year-old. I’m about to be sixteen,” I yelled.

  “What do you want to do?” Dion asked.

  “I don’t know. Let’s play it by ear. I want to go to a basketball game Friday, so can you pick me up Saturday instead?” I asked.

  “Saturday morning, it is,” he agreed.

  “Now that we have that out of the way, let’s go, Porsha.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Porsha, you can call me during the week if you like. Anytime.”

  “Okay, Dion. I’ll call you if I feel like talking.”

  I walked back in the house to go through the front door.

  My mom was fast on my heels. “Slow down,” she said.

  “Well, you were the one who was ready to go,” I said.

  She turned the alarm on the car off, and we both got in the car.

  “We really don’t have to meet Trey. I was just rescuing you,” my mom said.

  “I didn’t need rescuing. We were actually having a nice conversation.”

  “Oh, really?” She sounded disappointed.

  I hated it for her, but it wasn’t my fault she found herself in this situation. She got on me about being honest, when she had been lying to me all my life.

  Once we got back home, I wanted to be by myself, so I went to my room and closed the door. Cole called several times, and so did Danielle and Tara. I avoided all of their calls until later that night. I sent everybody a text saying I wasn’t feeling well and that I would see them all at school. Cole didn’t sound too pleased with my response, but oh well . . . I wasn’t in the mood to explain my situation to him. Maybe tomorrow, but tonight I needed to spend time by myself—me and my thoughts.

  My mind tried to figure out the puzzle of my life. Dion seemed okay with me calling Trey Dad. Trey seemed okay with me wanting to get to know Dion. My mom didn’t seem too happy about it but was only going along with the program because she’d messed up by keeping a huge secret. I could have an attitude with Dion about everything, but he didn’t know I existed. He seemed to want a relationship with me.

  Brenda, my elder half-sister, seemed cool, although she’d only said a few words to me, but Jasmine had been a jerk ever since I’d known her, so nothing new there.

  My life was like a real-life soap opera. Would the drama ever end? Only time would tell, but for now, I needed to get some sleep because no telling what the week ahead would bring.

  The next morning, I wanted to be anywhere but school. Cole insisted on walking me to class. I didn’t talk much, so he asked me what was bothering me.

  “I’ll tell you later,” I responded. “Some family stuff.”

  “I’m here if you need to talk,” he assured me.

  He was so sweet. I just didn’t feel like going into it with him right now. It was hard enough concentrating in class. Danielle and Tara each slipped me letters in between classes. Both were inquiring about my meeting with Dion.

  Lunch time came quick, especially since I was dreading telling Danielle and Tara what happened.

  I was barely seated when Danielle said, “Spill it. We’ve been waiting on the juice all day.”

  “I have the new chocolate mousse lip gloss,” Tara said, trying to bribe me.

  “Although bribes are not necessary, I will take that lip gloss.”

  Tara handed me the tube.

  I recounted the events that took place on Sunday.

  “Speaking of drama queen, there she goes there.”

  Tara looked toward the door.

  “And her two friends are with her,” Danielle added.

  Jasmine walked toward our table with Britney Franklin and Sierra Sanchez in tow. “Can I talk to my sister alone please?” she said, emphasizing the word sister.

  Danielle and Tara looked at me.

  “It’s cool,” Danielle said. “Let’s go outside in the hallway.”

  I got up from the table, and Jasmine and her friends followed. I turned toward Jasmine. “I thought you said alone.”

  Jasmine whispered something to them, and they both retreated back into the cafeteria. “You’ll never be a McNeil,” Jasmine said, as she leaned on the wall.

  “I don’t want to be,” I responded. “I’m a Swint, and happy about it.”

  “Well, regardless of what my dad says, I’ll never accept you as my sister.”

  “You don’t have to accept me. I am what I am, so get over it.”

  “You think you can just come into my life and ruin it, don’t you? First you got my boyfriend, and now you’re trying to steal my dad away from me. I’m not having it.”

  Jasmine was really getting on my nerves with her whiny behavior. I walked up a little closer to her because I really didn’t want passers-by all up in our business. “Look, I didn’t ask for this. It was thrown at me, just like it was thrown at you. We’re sisters, and there’s nothing you can do about it. Deal with it.”

  “Cole will never love you like he loved me.”

  “I suggest you keep Cole’s name out of your mouth. What’s between us is between us. And this thing about me stealing your dad, I’m the one who should be mad. You’ve had him all to yourself for fifteen years. Well, move over, chica, because I’m here now and I want some of our dad’s attention.”

  “He’ll never love you like he loves me,” Jasmine shouted before storming away.

  Her words vibrated in my head.


  Later that evening I told my mom about the confrontation with Jasmine.

  She said, “I want you to stay clear of that child. She has the same issues as her mama. She’s crazy.”

  “But she’s my sister, and you told me I’m to get along with my siblings.”

  “Well, you might have to make one exception. She has no right stepping to you like that. I’m going to call her mama and set some things straight.”

  “No, Mom, don’t do that. It’ll only make things worse.”

  “Something needs to be done. If she approaches you again, let me know. In fact, call Dion and let him know what his other daughter is doing.”

  Hmm. That sounded like a good idea. Since Jasmine wanted to step to me the way she did, I’d have to prove to her that Dion could love me just as much as he loved her. While proving it to Jasmine, I would also be proving it to myself, although I wasn’t ready to admit that.

  I pulled out the card Dion had given me and dialed his number.

  “Dion, it’s me, Porsha.”

  “Porsha, I’ll have to lock in your number. I have to admit, I’m surprised to hear from you so soon.”

  “You did say I could call you for anything, right?”

  “Why? Of course, dear. What’s on your mind?”

  I told him about Jasmine’s behavior earlier, and he sounded as upset as my mom was.

  “Porsha, don’t worry about Jasmine. I will deal with her. In fact, she needs to apologize.”

  “Oh no, she doesn’t owe me an apology. I know finding out you have a sister must be real traumatic for her.” I was playing the dutiful new daughter role real well. Little Miss Jasmine better watch out before I have her written out of his will. Okay, that’s going a little too far, but she better chill before she alienates the daddy she’s loved her whole life.

  Less than thirty minutes later, Dion called me back. “I talked to Jasmine, and you won’t be having that problem with her again, she’s assured me.” />
  “Thanks, Dion.” I made sure I sounded real cheerful. “Well, I got homework. I’ll talk to you later.”

  “Okay, sweetheart. And I’m so glad you called me.”

  We hung up the phone. Schoolwork was no longer on my mind. Instead, I surfed the Internet and downloaded books on my e-reader.

  Jay and Jason were their usual bratty selves over dinner. My mom had us spoiled. The only chores I had were to make sure I kept my room and bathroom clean. I didn’t have to wash dishes unless I was in trouble.

  For some reason I was in the mood to wash dishes tonight, anything to avoid having to do homework. Ever since finding out about Dion, my grade point average was no longer a top priority for me. All this drama and I was only fifteen. What was the world coming to?

  My mom and dad sat at the kitchen table and talked while I washed and put up dishes.

  “I’m so proud of how our baby’s handling everything,” my mom said.

  “Yes, she’s being very mature about things,” my dad added.

  “Unlike Jasmine,” I chimed in.

  “Jasmine will come around. Just wait and see,” my dad said.

  “I’m not so sure about that. She has a lot of Kim’s traits.” Mom sipped on her cold drink.

  “Give it some time. If she doesn’t, that’s on her. Just don’t be mean to her.”

  “She better stay out of my way then,” I said as I continued to wash dishes.

  “We’re going to stay out of it. Let the kids handle it themselves,” my mom addressed my dad.

  They left the kitchen leaving me alone with my thoughts. Justin Bieber’s “Baby” ringtone sounded. It alerted me that Cole was on the other end. I wiped my hand on the dishtowel and hit the on button on the touch screen of the phone.

  “Are you ready to tell me what’s bothering you?” Cole asked.

  He had only known me a short time, but he could already pick up on my mood swings. I could tell I was going to like Cole more and more with each new thing he showed me.

  My mind flashed back to what Jasmine had said earlier. “Did you ever go out with Jasmine McNeil?” I asked.

  “We went out once or twice. Well, maybe three times max, I swear.”

  “She claims you were her boyfriend.”

  “I never asked her to be my girl. I found her too much of a drama princess. She’s nothing like you,” he said.

  “Well, we’re more alike than you’ll ever know,” I said.

  “What do you mean?” he asked hesitantly.

  “She’s my sister. My half-sister. We have the same dad.”

  “Trey Swint is Jasmine’s dad. Wow!”

  “No, Trey is not her dad.”

  “Well, I’m confused. You just said you two had the same dad.”

  “We do. Dion McNeil is my biological father. Trey is my dad.”

  “Wow! I didn’t know that.”

  “Neither did I until recently.”

  I told him about our family drama.

  “Now, that’s reality TV for you,” he commented.

  “So, are you sure you still want to be my boyfriend?”

  “Of course. Who knew you had two great dads?”

  “Okay, if I didn’t know any better, you’re in love with who my dads are.”

  “Porsha, I’m in love with you, not your dad. Or should I say, dads?”

  Did he just say love? Oh my goodness. It was love at first sight for him too. Breathe, I kept telling myself. Breathe. “Cole, it’s getting late. I really need to get me some sleep.”

  “Why you rushing me off the phone?” he asked.

  “Because you’re delusional. We haven’t known each other long enough for you to be ‘in love’ with me.”

  “I’ve loved you from the day I met you. I was just too shy to approach you.”

  Cole’s words left a lasting impression in my mind as I drifted off to sleep.


  Life seemed better to me in the morning. When I thought about it, my parents were getting along, my new dad was going to pick me up this weekend, and my boyfriend confessed he’d been in love with me for a very long time. After things being mixed up for so long, they suddenly began to look like they were okay. Being at school this morning didn’t seem like a chore. I wanted to be there, so I could see Cole.

  Cole wasn’t standing near the front of the school like he normally was, so I went inside the school and headed toward my homeroom class. I pulled out my cell phone and sent Cole a quick text message alerting him that I was at school.

  Stop the presses. I know my eyes didn’t see what they were seeing.

  I stopped in mid-step as I saw Jasmine kiss Cole or Cole kiss Jasmine. The fact was, their lips were touching. Their lips had no business touching. Cole had just informed me he loved me, and like a fool, I believed him. Not even a good twenty-four hours later, he was locking lips with my sister.

  My head started spinning as I felt my breakfast rise up toward my throat. I rushed to the bathroom and released. Afterward I cleaned myself up. I patted myself with a wet paper towel.

  When I returned to the hallway, most of the students were already gone to their classes. I slipped in the classroom seconds before my teacher. I barely paid attention to what was being said. All I could think of was the scene that played out earlier. I felt my heart crumbling in two in a matter of seconds.

  “Porsha,” Cole called out, as I was leaving class.

  I ignored him and walked in the opposite direction.

  “Wait up. I waited for you this morning, but you never came,” he said, once he caught up with me.

  “I came and I saw,” I responded, not once stopping.

  Cole ran and jumped in front of me. “It’s not what it seemed like.”

  I used the palm of my hand and hit my forehead. “Do I have Dumbo the fool plastered on my forehead? I don’t think so.”

  “Jasmine kissed me. I didn’t kiss her.”

  “You could have stopped her,” I responded.

  “If you were watching, you should have seen me push her off me.”

  My eyes were glued on the kiss. I didn’t see him push her. Did he push her? My memory couldn’t compute the information. “Whatever. It shouldn’t have happened. It did, and now we’re through.”

  “But, Porsha, I swear I didn’t kiss her. I don’t want Jasmine, I want you,” he yelled.

  Other students turned to look in our direction. Embarrassed, I pushed him out of the way and continued to my class.

  “Porsha,” he yelled out once more.

  I could hear my cell phone vibrating in my backpack, so when I got to the classroom, I snuck and checked it. There were several messages from Danielle and Tara asking about the 411 on Cole and Jasmine. It didn’t take long for things to get around school. I sent them a quick text saying, Nothing. Before I could turn my phone off, Cole sent me a message saying he was sorry and he wanted to talk. I ignored him.

  My stomach was empty, so I couldn’t wait for lunch. I almost turned around and left out when I saw my two besties sitting with Cole and Eric. “What is he doing here?” I asked as I placed my tray on the table.

  “Porsha, please talk to me.”

  “We don’t have anything to say to one another,” I assured him.

  “Give him a chance,” Danielle said.

  “Dani, I suggest you stay out of our business.”

  “Excuse me,” she responded. She went back to talking to Eric and Tara.

  “Jasmine saw you coming. She told me what she was going to do, and I should have walked away then. Before I knew it, she had me in a lip-lock. That’s the truth. The God-honest truth,” he blurted.

  A part of me believed him, but I wasn’t going to let him off that easy. “Fine, but you didn’t have to kiss her back.”

  “I didn’t kiss her back. I pushed her. Ask Eric. He was right there.”

  “Eric, did Cole push Jasmine?”

  “Well, not really push her, but he did try to make her stop, and she refused,” Eric stated. />
  I was fuming mad inside. Jasmine wanted to play games. I would show her how to play. Don’t nobody mess with my emotions and get away with it. Cole should have done more to stop Jasmine. I would forgive him this time, but if I ever caught them in a compromising position again, Cole would have hell to pay.

  “So do you forgive me?” he asked.

  “I’ll think about it.” I took a bite out of my sandwich.

  “I’ll do whatever I can to make it up to you,” he said.

  “Good. Well, I need a ride to the mall Thursday. Can you take me?”

  “I have practice Thursday after school.”

  “Oh well, I’ll find someone else then.”

  “I can take you around six. Can you stay around until then?”

  “Nope. I don’t need to go to the mall. I was just testing you.”

  Cole pled with me the rest of lunch. I gave him a hard time because right then I just wasn’t feeling him. He made it his mission to walk me to my next class. Jasmine and her friends were standing near one of the lockers as we walked by.

  I said I wasn’t going to say anything to her, but as we were passing by, Jasmine said, “Look at her with my leftovers.” She laughed loud.

  I stopped in mid-step, turned and faced her. “Jealousy is an ugly color on you, sister.”

  “Sister?” Britney asked.

  “Yes, sisters. She didn’t tell you? Her and I have the same dad, and I’m the oldest.” I smiled, turned around and continued to walk with Cole right on my heels.

  Jasmine shouted some obscenities.

  “I take it they didn’t know,” Cole stated.

  “Apparently not.”


  Danielle and Tara laughed when I told them about the hallway incident with Jasmine. My mom didn’t.

  “I hate the day I slept with Dion.”

  “Well, thanks, Mom.”

  “No, baby girl, not because of you. I wouldn’t trade you for the world. I wish Trey was your biological father. That way you wouldn’t have to deal with the likes of Jasmine.”

  “You and me both,” I said. The old feelings of anger were returning. If my mom hadn’t slept with Dion, my life wouldn’t be spiraling out of control. I frowned.


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