Book Read Free

Scripted Reality

Page 11

by Karen Frances

  “I can’t accept this,” he says, tears filling in his eyes.

  “You can and you will. I won’t take no for an answer.”

  “Really?” I nod. “You’ve no idea what this means to me. This means I can turn up for an interview clean and fresh tomorrow instead of looking like this. It means I stand a chance of putting what’s left of my life back together.”

  “Glad to hear it.”

  We stand and I can hear Julie gasp. When I turn, her eyes are filled with tears. “Thank you so much. I have no way to repay your kindness.”

  “It’s not needed. I hope and pray that you can get your life back together.”

  He nods, picking up his belongings, and walks away. He turns his head and waves over his shoulder. I turn and take Julie’s hand and walk back through the crowd of people and I think I’ve gone completely un-noticed.

  “Ella McGregor, what you’ve done and his reaction is totally priceless. You, my friend, are one of the kindest people I know.”

  “And you are a bit emotional.”

  “It must be near that time of the month for me.”

  Sometimes I think I am kind, but other times I just think I’m a lost soul, much like the man I just helped.

  “WHAT TIME ARE WE LEAVING?” Julie asks as we finish getting ready in the master bedroom. I didn’t want to be in here but, according to Julie, the bedroom at the back of the house wasn’t big enough for both of us and everything she’s brought with her. She’s even brought her make-up on wheels tonight. Bloody hell; she’s too organised. Any normal person would’ve brought a make-up bag with a few essentials, but not Julie.

  It’s been really fun getting ready tonight. Julie has done my hair and make-up and I hardly recognise the person in the mirror. I know I was dressed up on Saturday for our night out but this is different. I’m sure many will class this as my first public appearance in months. I suppose, in a way, it is.

  “Dad will be here in twenty minutes with Callum and we’re all travelling together.”

  “Connor too?”

  “Yes, Connor too.” She smiles and stares but doesn’t utter a word. I’ve told her this conversation is off limits at the moment until I find myself in a happier place. And I’m getting there. Slowly but surely. Connor has given me space since yesterday morning and, for that, I’m grateful. It’s hard to think when he’s around and, the strange thing is, when he isn’t around, he’s all I seem to think about.

  It makes no sense. Or maybe it does.

  Julie stands in her dress looking incredible; her hair, make-up, everything about her. She loves nights like these, probably more than me at times. “Right, lady. Time for you to get in that dress. I’ll zip you into it but I know someone else will be desperate to zip you out of it.”

  “Julie, you’re impossible,” I screech, pulling the dress on. She smiles as she pulls the zip up. “Please don’t make this any harder for me than it is tonight.”

  She stands behind me, leaning over my shoulder, and we’re both looking into the mirror. “Ella, my gorgeous friend. Take a good look at you and tell me what you see.”

  I think about her words for a moment. “I see a woman who has been hurt. She’s scared. But I also see the woman or girl I once was. I see her strength and determination. I see her kindness and her love. Little parts of me are returning.”

  “Okay, that’s what you see. I see a woman who is strong-willed. Who is determined to push her life forward and stop living in the past. I see the love you have for your friends and family shine from you on a daily basis, even when we all drive you insane.” She laughs a little. “But I see this gorgeous talented woman who has carved out an amazing career for herself. I feel lucky that she’s my best friend in the whole world. But I also see her conflicted emotions that she has for a certain male friend, and, yes, I know this conversation is off limits. But I also see how he feels about you.”

  “Julie, please,” I say, not knowing if my emotions can take any more.

  “Okay, I’ll stop, only because we don’t have time for me to touch up your make-up. Now, tonight is all about looking glamorous and turning heads in our high street dresses.”

  “Come on. Let’s get downstairs, so we’re ready to leave as soon as the car gets here.”

  I slip the shoes on my feet and she hands me the bag and shawl and we leave the bedroom. Connor is downstairs; I can hear him moving around. I don’t even know what he’s wearing tonight. He’s spent a lot of time with Callum and my dad since yesterday which has meant I’ve had the space I wanted, or rather, thought I wanted.

  Crazy as it sounds, I’ve missed him.

  Suddenly, there’s knots in my stomach as I descend the stairs. This is ridiculous. When I reach the bottom, I stop, close my eyes, and gather my thoughts.

  “Wow. Oh. My. God. You, Connor Andrews, are a sight for sore eyes,” I hear Julie say as she enters my front room. I suppose I should go and see what all the fuss is about.

  “You don’t look so bad you . . .” Connor stops talking in the middle of his sentence when I enter the room. He stands by the large bay windows, surprised, his eyes glistening as he looks me over. “Ella, you look stunning.” He takes slow steps toward me and suddenly it feels like it’s only the two of us in the room. Our eyes meet and I feel a current of electricity run through my body. Julie is right; he is a sight for sore eyes in his family tartan. I should’ve expected him to wear it; after all, he’s home in Scotland and this is a big event. I’m sure Callum and my dad will be wearing kilts.

  I’ve seen him in a kilt before, but I’ve never taken the time to really appreciate how good he looks in it. Incredibly handsome. Everything from his well-groomed hair all the way down to his well-shined shoes. He oozes self-confidence, and why shouldn’t he? This is why women fall at his feet.

  “It’s good to see you still wear the kilt well.”

  “I wear a lot of things well, as you know.”

  Julie coughs, clearing her throat, and I feel my face redden at what he’s implying. Or maybe he’s not implying anything and it’s me that’s got the wrong end of the stick.

  He’s now in touching distance and that’s all I want to do; touch him. Run my fingers along the roughness of the stubble along his jawline. I take a breath in and all I smell is the tantalizing smell of his aftershave.

  “Okay, enough already, you two,” Julie snaps, bringing me out of my Connor-induced state. “Any more of that and you, Connor Andrews, will be missing your own premiere. Now, I believe there is a car outside waiting on us.”

  “Okay,” I say, reluctant to leave.

  “Ella, before we go, I have to say it again and maybe you’ll believe it. You look stunning; picture perfect. That dress, it was made for you. Where did you go shopping?”

  “You really want to know?” He nods enthusiastically. “Inspire.”

  “You mean the high street chain?”


  “Ella, by wearing that tonight you have probably single-handedly quadrupled their sales.”

  “Oh, Ella is all about helping others out,” Julie pipes up. “Now, hurry up.” Connor glances between us and I can already hear the unspoken question, but at this moment in time, I have no intention of telling him about yesterday. That can wait.

  We follow Julie and I set the alarm before locking the door. “I told the manager she was free to advertise that I’m wearing one of their dresses after tonight.”

  “You’re full of surprises,” he says, taking my arm as we walk down the stairs. My brother and Dad are standing outside beside the black limousine that’s parked in my driveway. They’re both wearing kilts. They look incredibly handsome. I’m really lucky having them in my life. They’re such a huge part of it.

  “There she is, back where she belongs,” my dad says, his eyes bursting with pride and filled with unshed tears.

  “Don’t you dare. You’ll set me off and Julie says I can’t ruin the make-up.”

  “Julie has a point. Sweetheart, you look
like you again. Something has put the sparkle back in my girl’s eyes. Your mum would be so proud to see you looking so strong.”

  “For tonight, I am strong. I can’t guarantee what I’ll be like tomorrow but, hey, I’m giving it a go.”

  “You are and that’s all I ask of you. I’m so proud of you and Callum. Now, let’s get this man to his premiere on time.”

  I smile and greet my brother with a hug before climbing in.

  “Now, ladies, remember there is a long walk to the entrance,” my dad reminds us. It should only take five minutes at most from exiting the car to standing on the front steps. It’s a pity the street the cinema is on is a pedestrian only zone. No cars are allowed. I’m sure there will be a red carpet laid for the entire walk down the street. And five minutes is a long walk.

  The car stops and I’m not sure I’m ready for this. All cameras will be on Connor tonight and that means they’ll be on the rest of our party too. Dad gets out, followed by Callum and then Julie. “Ella, are you ready?” We haven’t spoken about tonight, and what it will mean for us being on his arm. I’m nervous but I hear the anticipation in his voice.

  “Yes. I’m ready.” I know what this will signal to the world of showbiz, but I’m more concerned about what it means for us. For our friendship. A friendship that, because I crossed a line, could hang in the balance.

  He climbs out and there’s cheering and cameras flashing, but Connor doesn’t acknowledge anyone. He stands patiently waiting on me with his hand out. I finally give it to him and he helps me out of the car. Whistling, shouting, cameras flashing. This is the part I was dreading the most.

  “Connor, a picture of you and your good lady,” a photographer yells out.

  “Shall we?”

  I smile and nod, even though I feel tension running through my veins. His eyes fill with happiness as his smile fills his face. He wraps his arm around my waist and I lean my head on his shoulder as one photographer snaps away.

  Another car pulls up, it’s Trevor and Betty. I forgot they would be here. I hope I get a chance to catch up with her after the showing, but if not, I’m going to make the time this week to go and see the woman I’ve always seen as my other mum.

  They greet us before walking a little further on with my dad. Callum is posing with Julie and they look good together, but I don’t think they’ll ever be anything more than friends. But then again, I thought that about Connor.

  And, in my head, we are certainly more than friends, and this is where it gets complicated for me.

  “Are either of you going to confirm that you’re now seeing each other?” The question is called out from a reporter.

  “Oh, come on. This isn’t the time to confirm or deny your allegations. But Miss McGregor is my friend. Always has been and always will be.”

  “So, you are both still very much single and on the market?”

  I look him in the eyes and something clicks, “Oh, I don’t know about that,” I say, not to the reporter but to Connor, bringing the biggest grin to his face. There’s a tingling in my stomach as he leans forward and dips his head, claiming my lips with his in the softest of kisses, sending shivers all through my body.

  A few days and he’s turned my life upside down. Or maybe he’s just helped me see what he’s seen all along which is . . . that we could be really good together.

  “You and I need to talk,” he whispers against my lips, breaking our kiss.

  “Yes, I think we do, but tonight is your night to enjoy.”

  “The only thing I plan on enjoying is you. Is it too early to leave?” I laugh at him and he turns me away from the cameras and we walk to the entrance where the others are waiting. Julie has a stupid grin on her face. My dad has a look of concern but there’s also a slight happiness lingering in his eyes as well.

  Inside, it’s really busy. Everyone who is anybody is here; a few big names from Hollywood, along with their partners. I’ve always loved the social aspect of nights like tonight. It will be good to catch up with a few acquaintances. We’re each handed a glass of champagne. Connor keeps my hand in his as various people come over and speak to us. Dad is standing with Julie, Trevor, and Betty; all talking. My brother is standing with a couple of football players. I smile as I realise who he’s with; Fletcher Adams and Logan Walker.

  I might not be interested in football, but I do know who they are, because they’re always making headline news. I swear they make the headlines more than I do. I see their wives standing at the side, both stunning women. Jessica Adams is probably a woman I should introduce myself to, because she might be able to help me work out what I want to do. After all, she’s now doing lots of work at highlighting domestic violence. I’ll speak to Callum and he can introduce me to her and Fletcher.

  “I didn’t think I would be seeing you again so soon.” I turn and I’m facing Alex Mathews and his wife Libby. “Libby, this is Ella, and the man of the night, Connor Andrews.”

  “A pleasure to meet you both,” Libby says.

  “And you,” I say as I take a look at them together. It’s funny seeing Alex standing here with his arm around his wife’s waist, looking so happy and relaxed. He never looked like this in Katherine Hunter’s company. There was never a sparkle in his eye; not like now.

  “Alex told me you were at the club on Saturday and mentioned maybe meeting up and having some lunch,” she says as Connor and Alex talk about the movie.

  “It would be great if you have the time. I know how busy you must be with the hotel and your children.”

  “They all keep me on my toes, but getting an hour or so to myself to catch up with adults is also important and I know Alex would love to catch up with you.”

  “Well, he has my number now so when you’re free, just give me a call.”

  “Mum, Dad, you made it.” I turn back to Connor’s voice in time to see his parents walking toward us.

  “We’ll leave you to it,” Libby says, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

  “Speak to you both later on,” I say to Libby and Alex.

  “Of course we made it. Did you really think we would miss our boy’s premiere here in his home country?” She kisses Connor and he looks totally made up that his parents made it. “Ella, you look beautiful, as always.” His mum takes me in her arms and gives me a hug.

  “Thank you. It’s great to see you both again.”

  “We’re so excited. You know this is the first time we’ve been to a premiere,” his dad tells me.

  They are both bursting with pride as they talk, and why shouldn’t they be? Connor is one of the hardest working actors I know, and with hard work comes success. They should enjoy tonight.

  An announcement is made for everyone to enter the screening room. Everyone starts to head inside. The rest of our party comes over and wishes Connor good luck. My dad takes his parents with him. I turn to give Connor a brief kiss.

  “You are staying right by my side the whole night,” Connor tells me, taking my hand in his. He leads me through the crowd and all the way down to where the rest of the cast and directors are sitting.

  Silence descends around the room as the screen comes to life.

  “I WAS BEGINNING TO THINK Connor wasn’t going to let you go.” Julie giggles, handing me another drink. I look around the room and it’s packed; everyone is excitedly talking about the movie. It’s had a great response and I’m sure it will break box office sales.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I say smugly. She’s right; he reluctantly let me go when I excused myself to go to the ladies.

  “Yeah, right. He’s desperate to get you all to himself.”

  I have no reply to that because I can’t wait until we can leave, but he can’t leave his own after party early. I stand with Julie, my dad, and Trevor and Betty, and watch, smiling, as Connor works his way around the room. Connor’s parents left about twenty minutes ago. They couldn’t hide how proud they were of him, but his mum was tired. I got a chance to catch up with Betty and I�
�ve promised to go and visit her this week. She told me I’d better go so she can feed me, and that I should bring my new hunk of a man.

  Connor’s parents loved being here; the film is amazing and Connor was perfect for the leading role as detective Chris Stone. His Mum has tried to encourage him to go and stay with them for a few days. He said he would wait and see what was happening in the next few weeks. As he spoke to her, her eyes darted between me and her son and I’m sure she realised I was the reason he wanted to stay here in Glasgow.

  Connor has a bottle of beer in his hand, but I’ve not seen him take a drink from it in the last ten minutes. He might be mingling, but his eyes have been on me most of the time, burning with a deep intensity across the room.

  “So, what now? That was one hell of a kiss and I’m sure it’s already viral and on every social media site in the world,” Julie says. She has a point and I can’t make up my mind if that’s a good or a bad thing. For once it would be nice to have some sort of privacy, but I know I’ll never get it.

  “I don’t know. I guess Connor and I talk.” We should do that before we do anything else.

  “Is that before or after he undresses you tonight?”


  “I’m keeping it real.”

  Callum approaches us with Fletcher and Jessica Adams. I had mentioned to him that I wanted to meet them; my brother seemed a little surprised, but said he would sort it. “Ella, Julie, this is Fletch and Jess.”

  “Hi,” we say in unison. “Actually, Jess, you might be able to help me. Offer me some advice.”

  “If I can.”

  Everyone looks at me and I can already tell Callum and Julie are curious to hear what I have to say.

  “I know you’re now doing a lot of charity work for Women’s Aid and I’m looking for some advice. I won’t go into all the details now, but I’m really interested in trying to raise money for homeless people.”

  “Wow!” Julie and my brother say. Callum seems more shocked than my friend, but then again, Julie was with me yesterday.

  “Really?” Callum asks.


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