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Caught by the Bad Boys Series

Page 91

by Raathi Chota

  “What the hell hap—”

  “Just a little cut.” Levi showed his wound that was covered by the belt. Griffon’s eyes widened as he led us in. I shut the door while Uncle Griff helped Levi to the living room. His apartment still looked the same with its black and white furniture yet it looked more modern. I walked into the living room to see a big flat screen TV on the wall, and at the bottom, CDs surrounded it. Next to the TV, against the wall was a massive sound system since Uncle Griff loved his CDs. He entered the room with a first aid kit and walked toward Levi. I watched as he sat on the coffee table and observed Levi’s wound.

  “What happened?” he asked. Levi glanced up at me with an insistent look. I let out a sigh as he gave me a curt nod.

  “We went racing,” I mumbled. Uncle Griff suddenly snapped as he got up and threw the bandage on the ground.

  “What did I tell you?” he demanded and looked at Levi. “Another fucking accident!”

  “It wasn’t an accident, the racing was all right, it—”

  “Yet you still disobeyed me and made a promise not to race or put her in danger again!” he yelled then looked at me. “Haven’t either of you learned your lesson?”

  I stared at the ground guiltily as I remembered when Levi told me that Uncle Griff yelled at him at the hospital. By his shouts, I couldn’t have imagined the last time.

  “This happened after the race,” I whispered. “The cops came, and that’s when everyone ran.”

  “Lana, your dad is the sheriff,” Uncle Griff stated after a while. “Levi, your dad is a businessman. They’re both well known in Illinois. Which means people would obviously know their kids!”

  “If he’s well known here, then why the fuck aren’t they staying here?” Levi yelled then stood up as he stared at Uncle Griff. The atmosphere was tense as I stared at the two. Over the years, Levi grew to meet Uncle Griff’s stature yet Uncle Griff still worked out. Levi was shirtless while Uncle Griff remained in his tank top.

  “Parker stabbed Levi after we escaped the cops,” I softly said. Uncle Griff’s features softened as he looked at the wound, then Levi.

  “Why would he do that?” he asked as Levi sat down.

  “He can’t get over the fact that Austin lost a lot of money.”

  “How much did you win? In total tonight?”

  “About three thousand, excluding the grand I put in,” Levi answered, and I watched as Uncle Griff’s brows rose as he sighed.

  “That’s a lot of money, Levi. Your dad gave you that money to start over, to help you out for the first few months!” Uncle Griff raised his voice, and I closed my eyes. “Yet you decide to waste it on that! What if you lost?”

  “I always win,” Levi stated. “I’m okay, Uncle Griff, my car is good, and the knife didn’t even go in that deep! I’m fucking fi—”

  “Not everything is about you!” Uncle Griff yelled, and my eyes snapped open. “Look at her, Levi!” He screamed in Levi’s face yet Levi looked down in shame. “Levi. Look. At. Her.”

  I didn’t know how I looked, but when Levi turned to me, I lowered my gaze and took in my appearance. My dress was dirty, my legs had marks from when they pushed me, and don’t get me started on the hair. Uncle Griff sighed and picked up the bandage. I watched as he sat in front of Levi and continued. I sat down on the leather armchair.

  “West is a shitty principal. Letting Parker walk around like that just because he’s a friend of Kelly,” Uncle Griff began. “That kid is crazy. Who knows what else he’s done?” I saw Levi turn to me. I bit my bottom lip and shook my head because I knew Levi would gladly like to tell Parker about the harassment. “I’ve known you two since you were little and seeing how you are now…” Uncle Griff stated as he looked at me then Levi. “You’ve held a gun and were injected with heroin. I’m disappointed.”

  “We’re sorry,” Levi mumbled.

  “No, I’m disappointed in myself because I mostly looked after you two while your parents were working. I turned you two into this.”

  “It’s not your fault, Uncle Griff. It’s James,” Levi said while Uncle Griff tied the bandage around his bicep. Uncle Griff slowly nodded then stood up. I leaned back in the armchair as he looked at us.

  “You two can stay here for the night. You haven’t in a while, but I still have some clothing here,” he said then walked into the kitchen. “Lana, if your clothes are too small, use Levi’s, and Levi, if yours is small, borrow one of my shirts.”

  I took off my boots then checked my phone to see a missed call from Carter and Aidan. I was about to call them back, but Uncle Griff entered the living room with chips and sodas.

  “Levi, you’re okay sleeping here?” He gestured to the leather sofa. Levi nodded and mumbled a thank you. “Lana, you can take the guest room,” he said then gave me a once over. “Go get yourself cleaned up, then you can eat.”

  I nodded and stood up. I took my jacket off and threw it over the armchair. When I entered the hall, I sent Aidan and Carter a text. I made sure that I asked about Blake. I opened the guest room and searched the drawers. I took out a shirt and noticed that it was Levi’s. Once I was cleaned with my hair tied up and clothing folded, I checked my phone to see that Aidan replied.

  Aidan: I thought Blake was with you guys? Don’t worry we’re all crashing at Miranda’s house. Yet I don’t know where Marcus, Miranda, or her mom are. Miranda and Marcus left right after we got here.

  I frowned because Mrs. Stevens might be out again and Miranda had to get her. At least she had Marcus with her. I sent Blake a text again even if his phone died. I entered the living room and noticed Levi changed into a pair of old boxers and stayed shirtless. Both were on the sofa as I quietly sat down next to Levi and grabbed a soda. My contacts were out, and that’s when I felt the tiredness sweep through me. Levi put his arm around my shoulder. I cautiously leaned into him and saw that his wound was on the other side.

  “Should’ve just left you at Carter’s house,” Levi mumbled. “He would’ve taken care of you.”

  “Stop it. We’re safe, and you’re okay,” I whispered.

  “All right, I’m gonna go back to dreaming about Jessica Alba,” Uncle Griff stated then stood up. He turned to us, and the corner of his mouth lifted. “I’m glad you two have each other’s backs. It’s what makes Lana and Levi.”

  After that, he left, as Levi and I thought. He slowly turned to me, and even with his swollen face, he still managed to smile.

  “Love you,” I said, yet it came out as a whisper. There was a sudden glint in his blue eyes as he bit his lip.

  “Love you too, princess.”


  The next day, we woke up late. Uncle Griff didn’t have anything planned, so he made a late breakfast for us while I showered. I found clothing that fit me, but I still stuck to my ankle boots. Since Uncle Griff’s apartment was an open plan, I walked out of the hallway and saw him by the stove. I glanced at the sofa to see a blanket and pillow, yet Levi was not found.

  “Morning,” Uncle Griff greeted.

  “Morning. Where’s Levi?” I asked then walked into the kitchen to help set the table.

  “He’s using my shower,” he answered as I took out plates. I put them on the island since he had high chairs around them. I set the glasses, juice, condiments and put in the toast. Afterward, I took a seat opposite him and watched him cook. He spun around and placed a plate of eggs in the center. “Wow, haven’t seen you those clothes in a while,” he said. I propped my chin on my hand and smiled. It’s true that they were the clothes I wore before Levi spoiled me when I was sixteen. I was dressed in a brown tee, olive green cardigan, black tights, and skirt. He smiled at me then turned to the stove again. Levi sat next to me. He gave me a half-smile and reached for the juice. I noticed that he wore a plain blue tee with jeans.

  “How’s the cut?” I asked as he poured us juice.

  “It’s okay, I guess.” He shrugged, and I noticed he tried to avoid using his right arm. Uncle Griff sat opposite us after
he placed the food on the table. He turned on the radio, and it played nineties RnB. We ate in silence with the music, and I glanced at Levi to see the bumps had gone down, which left bruises.

  “I never told Bobby,” Uncle Griff said after a while. “I just said that you guys decided to stay here for the night.”

  “Thanks,” Levi said.

  “So, what are your plans for today?”

  “Check up on Blake.” I beat Levi to it. They turned to me with confused looks as I sighed. “I never heard from him last night, just wanna check up on him.”

  “Okay, and err…sorry about all the yelling last night,” Uncle Griff said as Levi and I looked at him. “Just…your parents are anxious about you guys. Even though they’re trying to help, the real help you’ll get at this age is from your friends.” I nodded in agreement.

  After we had finished breakfast, we cleaned up then said goodbye to Uncle Griff since we’d probably see him after we came back from the beach house. I decided to drive since Levi’s dominant arm was injured, yet neither of us were capable of driving since I didn’t have my glasses. Although we didn’t tell Uncle Griff that. So we worked together; I drove while Levi guided me on the things up ahead. Eventually, we made it to the Gunners’ household in one piece. I noticed Mrs. Gunner’s car was gone as well as Axel’s, yet Blake’s motorcycle was there. Since Levi lived here, he had a key. I awkwardly walked inside to be met by absolute silence. I followed Levi into the kitchen where Blake quietly sat and ate a bowl of cereal.

  “Hey, man,” Levi said as we watched Blake. He turned his head to us, and his eyes automatically locked on me. It was only for a few seconds until he glanced at Levi.


  “What happened last night?”


  My eyebrows rose because that answered most of my questions. Blake continued to eat, and I saw Levi turn to me. He motioned with his eyes for me to make a move, but I froze. Blake finished then got up to put his bowl in the sink. From there, he walked past us, and I looked over my shoulder to see him enter his room.

  “I’ll be in my room.” Levi awkwardly stretched then walked off. I huffed and walked to Blake’s room. I knocked on the door and peeked my head through to see him sit cross-legged on his bed as he stared at the opposite wall. I awkwardly entered and sat on the edge of the bed.

  “You look cute today,” he said after a while. I bit back a smile as I glanced down at my outfit. “I got your message.” I turned to him. His eyes suddenly softened as he looked at me. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Where did you go?”

  “I put you in the car then was about to get in, but I saw Melissa coming out of the bathrooms looking confused, so I just ran over and helped her to the Lamborghini,” he explained. “When I turned back, I saw you guys leaving.”

  “I’m sorry,” I breathed out with a guilt-ridden look on my face.

  “No, I should’ve been in that car. I could’ve helped Levi. Heck, they wouldn’t even have been in the car!”

  “You did the right thing, Blake. You helped Melissa. Plus, we’re okay.” I smiled as I placed my hand over his. “What happened when you got arrested?”

  “Well, Officer Jackson wasn’t so happy to see me again. Thankfully, your dad wasn’t at the station when we got there.” He tilted his head at me. “But guess who was? Fucking Detective Kale.” He shook his head then released his grip from my hand. When I pulled my hand away, he tugged on it. “Momma came an hour later, and he dropped the charges. I know I should be glad, but I just think he did it because of her. If she didn’t answer the phone and Axel did instead, then…” Blake trailed off, and I rubbed my thumb against his index finger for comfort.

  “Your mom wouldn’t go for him, Blake. She cares too much about you and Axel than to worry about her own life,” I said and pulled my hand away.

  “True. I’m just so sorry. You sounded so scared on the phone, and I felt useless listening to it,” he admitted, and I looked down at my shoes. The bed dipped, and I saw Blake shift toward me. I felt his breath on my neck but still kept my gaze. “This wouldn’t have happened.” I watched as his hand grazed over my thighs to the scratches I had which I covered up with Band-Aids. They were still visible through my black tights.

  “It’s not your fault,” I said then abruptly stood up.

  “Yeah, it’s fucking Parker and Austin!” he exclaimed and followed my actions. Blake towered over me as his eyes darkened. “I swear when I see them, I am going to rip their fucking tongues out, wrap them around their necks, and hang them from a church bell.”

  “As much as I’d pay to see that, it’s fine, Blake. Uncle Griff said he’s going to do something when we get back to school.” I grabbed his wrists. He squinted his eyes then looked down at me.

  “It’s not fucking fine, Lana! He fucking raped and hurt you!” he snapped yet my grip tightened. “No one hurts you ever again. I don’t care if you think it’s fine, but when I see him, I’m beating the shit out of him.”

  “Then he’ll just end up stabbing you!” I raised my voice. “I can’t let more people get hurt because of me!”

  “Fine, then we’ll do the right thing and tell your dad,” Blake said, and my hold dropped on him. “Everything that Parker has ever done to you.”

  “Agreed,” Levi said behind me as he entered the room. We gave him questioning looks to which he threw his arms up. “What? You guys are always loud in this room, and this is a quiet house.”

  “Can’t we tell someone else?” I whispered as I turned back to Blake.

  “Who, Lana? We should tell an adult. He’s assaulting other girls too,” Blake hissed.

  “We’ll tell Uncle Griff,” I said, and he groaned. “He knows the most about Parker!”

  “Yeah, and then Uncle Griff will tell your dad.” Levi nodded.

  “Okay, but we’ll tell him after spring break,” I said, because it’d kill the mood if we told him now. Blake and Levi nodded in agreement, and I managed to smile.

  “Okay then, see you in the car.” Levi clapped his hands then cussed since his arm hurt.

  “Come on.” I smiled at Blake since Levi and I decided to do something off the bucket list.

  “I can’t. Even though the charges were dropped, Momma still grounded me until Friday.”

  “Oh, well, we can hang here.”

  “No, no, no. Go have fun,” he said then pulled me in for a hug. I buried my face in the crook of his neck because I finally felt secure. “Just please…be safe.”


  The car stopped at a familiar building. I glanced up to see that Levi told me to drive to Rodney’s. I smiled at the building but was confused as to why we were here. We got out, and I caught up to Levi. He took out the paper, and as I scanned it, I realized we were here for matching shoes.

  “We wrote this down when we were like…seven,” I said as we walked in.

  “Yeah, and you wrote down to read a book before the film when you were ten,” he said then snatched the paper from me. “So what’s your point?”

  Before I’d answer his question, Axel approached us. He had a smirk plastered on his face then pointed down to his shirt. He gave us a twirl, and we noticed the back had “MANAGER” written in a white font.

  “Wow, Rodney must love you…either that, or you bribed him,” Levi said. Axel pursed his lips, and we laughed.

  “Well, I’ve been working hard shifts because who wouldn’t want to blast tunes of their choice every day?” Axel rhetorically asked. “A few days ago, I constantly played Santana, and these two chicks were getting frustrated, and they told me to change it, but I said only until they buy something.”

  “Wow, Axel.” I chuckled as we walked through the store.

  “True, pumpkin!” he said then walked in front of us. He turned around and walked backward. “So what can I do for my favorite blue-eyed people?”

  “Just going to the second floor, man.” Levi held up the paper as Axel grinned.

  “The old b
ucket list…let me guess, shoes?”

  “How’d you know?” I asked as he walked with us to the escalators.

  “Pumpkin, I’ve seen and ticked a few things off that list on New Year’s. I even know who did what.” He winked as we went up.

  “I’ll never forget that night,” Levi commented as we reached the top. I nodded in agreement then followed Axel. The faint memory of when Ethan, Aidan, Carter, and Blake brought me here for the first time appeared in my head. I was so weird and quiet back then.

  “So what shoes are you guys looking for?” Axel snapped me out of my thoughts as we walked to the back of the store. From left to right, boots, sneakers, and shoes of all brands displayed on the wall.

  “Well, we both have a pair of Doc Martens already,” Levi said as he pursed his lips. I sat down by a bench and watched as Levi walked up and down as he observed the different shoes. “Princess, what about Converse?”

  “Nah, Benny got me a new pair.”

  “What about Palladium?” Axel asked as he held up a cute gray baggy boot. My eyes lit up as I turned to Levi. “Dude, I have a navy-blue pair. They’re good.”

  “Not good enough,” Levi mumbled then continued to search. My jaw dropped as I stood up and took the boot from Axel.

  “What do you mean ‘not good enough’? It’s cute, Levi.” I pouted.

  “Trust me, princess, they might look cute, but they won’t look right on you. It’s too big.”

  “Wha—no they’re not! Please!”

  “Trust me. I wouldn’t let you wear something that doesn’t look right on you,” he said. “Like last night for instance, when I chose your outfit, I made sure you looked hot but not so hot that other guys got ideas.”


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