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Caught by the Bad Boys Series

Page 95

by Raathi Chota


  “Not gonna argue on that one.” He laughed then pursed his lips as he thought.




  “I-I don’t understand,” she stuttered as he continued to admire her.

  “Too many words!” Parker exclaimed then dragged the knife down Keene’s chest. I shut my eyes as I blocked out Keene’s shouts. His feet weren’t tied to the chair, so he banged them against the floor. With each bang, my heart pounded because it was my fault.

  “Lesbian!” Miranda rushed out, but Parker continued. “I-I don’t know. Perfect. Alone.”

  “Parker, stop,” Austin interjected, and I opened my eyes to see a cut by Keene’s chest. I silently cried as Miranda said random words while Austin tried to stop Parker.

  “What the fuck, Austin?” he demanded as Austin pushed the knife out of his hand.

  “This is going too far!” Austin yelled. “He said just a few scratches and bruises!”

  “You know that I don’t work with just a few scratches and bruises.” Parker laughed. “Besides, he said to warn them and keep them until midnight!”

  At the word “he,” I saw Keene look at me. He shared with me the same look, and I slightly nodded. There was only one “he” they could’ve spoken about.

  “Jaden is going to fucking kill us!” Austin exclaimed. “They all are!”

  “Screw Jaden, this guy is paying us to triple the amount that Jaden was gonna give me,” Parker said then picked up the knife. “He’s paying us.”

  “Was? What happened to Jaden’s stu—”

  “Smoked it, dude.” One of the twins laughed as Austin paled.

  “You guys are drunk and high?”

  “And the stupid caught on,” Tamia muttered under her breath, yet they didn’t hear as they argued with each other.

  “Yeah, while you were with Noel that guy called us and clearly stated that we’ll get our money if we do as he says,” Parker explained. “Which is warn those assholes who they messed with and keep her mouth shut.”

  I saw the knife being pointed toward me. Suddenly everyone looked at me, and I wanted to cry. Yet nothing came out.

  “Where’s Noel?” Keene demanded. Since Parker was behind Keene, he looked down with a smirk.

  “Well, if you listen really carefully, you can hear him calling for help,” Parker whispered. “We knocked him out too then locked him in his own beach house.”

  They laughed except for Austin, who glanced at each of us with a concerned look. Tamia covered in vomit, Keene bleeding from his face and chest, Tiffany crying non-stop and me, forcibly tied up everywhere.

  “Ethan will pay you double the amount that guy is paying you!” Miranda bawled out. “Just please, Austin, let us go.”

  “Miranda!” Tamia exclaimed.

  “What, Tamia?” Miranda yelled. “It just shows that these guys fucking care more about money and themselves than anyone else!”

  Parker stepped forward with his knife as he glared at Miranda. Behind him, I saw a sudden light, and everyone seemed to notice it too.

  “Shit,” Parker muttered as the sound of a car could be heard. “Shut them up,” he instructed then walked toward me. I moved as he crouched down and loosened my feet. From there, he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

  “Mm!” I screamed against my gag as I saw the guys pull the girls away on their chairs, leaving Keene, who was in too much pain. We went upstairs, and I felt cold metal against my calf. I tried to kick Parker, but the metal went deeper, so I was forced to stop and wince in pain.

  “Oh, Lana Willson, you and I both know who that caller was,” Parker said as I heard a sliding door open. “Yet he did tell me something that I didn’t tell anyone else,” he said as he set me back on my feet again. I realized we were on the roof, but it was completely dark, which made me nervous. Parker walked right around me then pulled me against his chest. He held my tied-up hands with one hand and pressed the knife against my throat with the other. “Someone’s going to die, and it’s all Blake, Ethan, Carter, and Aidan’s fault for trusting you with drugs,” he said then stopped. “But we all know it’s your fault.”

  As Parker breathed on my neck, I heard bangs followed by voices. My eyes traveled down, and that’s when I saw a light. It came from a phone, and that’s when I realized the guys were here as they tried to open the door.

  “Miranda!” Marcus yelled, and I tried to call, but Parker’s grip tightened on me.

  “Make a sound, and I’ll hurt you so fucking bad, Willson, that none of them will be able to save you,” Parker whispered. I watched hopelessly as they kicked, knocked, and banged the door. Some even went around the back and checked windows. Yet none of them looked up. I had to find a way. Parker rested his chin on my shoulder mockingly, as if he waited for more action. Using that as a distraction, I looked down at my feet where little pebbles laid. I awkwardly put one between my toes and carefully picked it up, then dropped it down. It landed on Blake’s beanie, yet he didn’t notice and shrugged it off. Carter was behind Blake, who saw the red pebble land on his best friend’s head. I swear my heart raced as the blond looked up.

  “Lana!” he yelled, and suddenly everyone looked up.

  “Fuck,” Parker muttered then pulled me away. He pulled me to the ground, and I groaned when Parker walked away. The lights turned off, which made him cuss even more. The only way the lights could be turned on was from inside. I didn’t know how long I laid on the ground, but every time Parker looked at me, he hesitated…as if he were scared. My eyes suddenly drooped, and the last image I got was of the sliding door being pushed open. Two figures ran out, and one tackled Parker to the ground.

  “Princess? Fuck, no…please,” Levi muttered. “I’m so sorry. Come on, stay with me.”

  He first untied my hands, and they instantly dropped. I felt so weak. He pulled off the material, and I swore I’d never been so grateful to breathe. Levi wrapped his arms around me, and I buried my head in his chest. I heard his heartbeat, but what really hit me was the soft cries from him. He rocked me back and forth and assured me that it’s over. I heard an ambulance followed by police, and that’s when I let out a sigh of relief. Slowly Levi stood up with me in his arms. I glanced at his bandage, and he assured me he’s okay. I noticed the two officers pull Parker away from Blake. They had blood on their faces, and as Levi carried me into the house, they turned to me. I saw the remorseful look on his face. Once we reached downstairs, Benny ran toward me. I looked up to see a familiar look in his eye. The same look he had when he showed me his scars. The same guilty look on his face.

  “Lana,” he breathed out then kissed my forehead. He then pressed his forehead against mine, and I shut my eyes immediately. My teeth chattered to prevent myself from crying. I didn’t want to; I couldn’t.

  “Dude. Take care of her,” Levi said then dumped me into Benny’s arms. Benny nodded then walked me to the nearest sofa. He sat me down, and I finally looked around. Tiffany cried in Aidan’s arms, Miranda and Marcus had an in-depth conversation in the corner of the room, and Melissa sat on Nick’s lap as he stroked her hair. Then there was Tamia. She was seated in the same chair, still covered in vomit, yet Axel tried. He tried so hard, but she pushed him away. Noel was finally out and speaking to the cops along with Ethan. Levi and Jaden helped Keene with his injuries while the others cleaned.

  “Lana, are you okay?” Benny whispered.

  “No,” I whispered then wrapped my arms around his neck. The past few months flooded through my mind, and like lightning, it struck out. It cracked out of my mind, and I cried in his arms. I screamed so loud and so much that from the corner of my eye I saw people look. “I’m not.” I sobbed then looked at my boyfriend. “Someone’s going to die.”


  We went to bed late. Once the house was back in shape, we turned the living room into a cozy place and watched a movie and had hot cocoa. None of us spoke during the film y
et no one complained. Not even Liam or Aidan. Ethan told us he’d get us new phones; we insisted that it’s okay, but he wanted to. He apologized for being a horrible host. Yet he wasn’t. We had cracked neighbors for spring break.

  The next morning, I woke up early. I couldn’t sleep after last night. Plus, the nightmares got worse. When I got out of bed, I looked on Tiffany’s bed where Aidan was next to her. I sighed because Benny asked if he should sleep with me. I pushed him away and said he should go sleep. I felt horrible, and to see Aidan’s arms around Tiffany while they slept made it even worse. I realized I must’ve been a creep as I watched them, so I quietly walked out of the room. I walked down the hall in my Captain America pajamas and heard snores from some rooms. The smell of tobacco hit my nose as I reached the stairs. I sniffed around then looked at the open door that led to the roof. I walked out and peeked my head through. Blake sat on the bench as he smoked a cigarette. I approached him, and he turned to me. He removed the cigarette from his lips then looked at me.

  “I-I’m sorry, I jus—”

  “It’s okay,” I whispered then sat next to him. I admit, I’d go for one after everything that happened but not first thing in the morning. He nodded then put the thing between his lips. He wore black sweatpants, and I looked to see his blue eye. He had a cut on his mouth and forehead, and I turned away when he noticed I stared.

  “Are you okay? After last night?”

  “I’m trying to be okay.”

  “I’m sorry. Fuck. Some of us should have stayed with Keene, then none of thi—”

  “Blake, don’t blame yourself. This is all my fault, and this is all so fucked up,” I cut him off. “Plus, James called Parker, so they would’ve done it anyway.”

  “Yeah, all Parker cares about is money.” Blake shook his head then blew out a smoke ring.

  “What’s gonna happen to them?”

  “I don’t know. Ethan told me they’re all locked up. Don’t know how long because Jennifer is rich, plus her mom is a lawyer.” Blake sighed then dumped the ash in an ashtray that separated us. “I’m just so fucking tired of this. I just want one normal fucking day.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “This is not your fault, Lana. Stop blaming yourself. You of all people don’t deserve to go through this,” he said as I turned to him. “You should be going through your college applications and deciding on a school…not this shit.”

  After that, he smoked. I’d been accepted into a few schools, but I wanted to go to Yale. I didn’t know why, but that’s my place. That’s my new start.

  “H-How’s Keene?” I asked.

  “He’s okay. You know him. He doesn’t let something like that destroy him,” Blake said as I nodded.

  “He doesn’t like to be pitied.” I thought of the times people sympathized with him because he was a foster kid. When I met him, and he told me, I did too, but he said I shouldn’t. He said he didn’t want to be reminded of his past. “Do you think James will still pay Parker and them when they’re bailed out?”

  “Not really. They failed. They didn’t keep you guys until midnight.”

  “So what happens now?”

  “Now, Lana Willson…” Blake grinned. “Now we get ready for my cousin’s party tomorrow.”


  Blake and I decided to make breakfast for everyone since we were the only ones up. I told Blake to make the pancakes since he made delicious ones while I made the toast, sausages, and eggs. Once everyone was up, I made coffee and tea. The dining table was an oak bench which seated eight people on both sides. It matched the rest of the furniture in the house. Since the house was an open plan, I turned around to see Blake set the table. I heard loud footsteps above me, and when I switched to the stairs, I saw Liam run down. I spun around then leaned on the island and Blake was opposite me.

  “My dream came true. I woke up to the smell of food,” Liam stated with a big smile on his face. I laughed then looked in front of me to see Blake. My laughter died down when I saw his stern look. His gaze shifted behind me, and his eyes suddenly widened. Blake walked to the stove, and I spun around to see steam.

  “I told you to watch it,” he stated and fixed his twenty-second perfect circular pancake.

  “I was! I was jus—”

  “Distracted by my hotness?” He cocked his head to me. I pursed my lips then shook my head as he laughed. We continued to cook while everyone else made their way down. I put sugar on the table when I saw Jaden and Tamia walk downstairs.

  “I swear, I’ve taken five showers this morning!” Tamia complained. “This barf smell does not want to go away!”

  “Maybe if you take a shower with me, mama bear, it will go away,” Jaden suggested as he wiggled his brows.

  “Never gonna happen, Jaden, and stop it with the mama and papa bear shit. I mean, why do I have to be mama bear?”

  “Well, you’re the oldest girl, and Keene is the oldest guy,” Marcus pointed out as he ran a hand through his blue hair, which he’d decided to keep for a while.

  “Actually, Keene, Axel, and Jaden are all round about the same age,” Liam stated as he stood next to Marcus. “Axel is too cool to be papa bear, and well…Jaden scares me a little.”

  “Dude, you don’t gotta be scared of me.” Jaden laughed then playfully hit Liam’s back, and Liam flinched. “Unless you fuck with me, bro, then there’s shit.” Jaden laughed, and everyone else awkwardly smiled back. He hit Liam’s back again then stopped. “Seriously, though, don’t fuck with me.”

  “Message received.” Liam saluted then awkwardly walked away. I walked past the pantry to get cups and plates. Jaden followed since he offered to help. Once we got everything, we walked, and as I counted the cups, I bumped into his back. I gripped the stuff tightly and was ready to cuss at him, but his attention was drawn somewhere else. I followed his gaze to see him look out the window, which viewed right into Katherine Taylor’s room.

  “Whoa!” Jaden’s voice echoed since Katherine’s back was to us as she put on her bra. I wanted to gag and tell Jaden to walk. Nonetheless, being the annoying yet sly Jaden Reid, his voice attracted the others. So I was forced to watch as the guys ogled Katherine’s body and she heard them and decided to give them a show. I managed to squeeze to the front, where I found Levi. I nudged him with my shoulder and gave him a look.

  “All right, guys.” He laughed then took a few cups from me. “Show’s over.”

  “Not yet, Radcliff, there’s more,” Jaden said. Levi and I looked to see someone else enter the room. My eyes widened as I saw Kelly strut in with her dark blue hair.

  “Where are the cups?” someone yelled from the kitchen, and the boys laughed even more, since it was Miranda.

  “Shit, she’s going to freak!” I exclaimed then pushed all of them away from the pantry using my free hand. We got into the kitchen just in time to see Miranda and Melissa in front of us. Marcus walked out from behind me with a grin then placed his arm on Miranda’s shoulder. I let out a sigh of relief when they walked away. Once the table was laid and the food was on, we sat down. On one side of the bench was me, Ethan, Tamia, Tiffany, Axel, and Jaden. Opposite us were Levi, Carter, Blake, Benny, Nick, Melissa, Miranda, and Marcus.

  “Why aren’t tweedle dum and tweedle dee sitting down?” Nick gestured to Liam and Aidan, who grinned.

  “Wait for it,” Aidan said to Liam. They turned to us with grins, and as Ethan got up, we heard a strange sound below us. The people on my side of the bench collapsed to the left, and the people opposite us went to the right. Aidan and Liam laughed, and as I got up, I saw Aidan empty his pockets to reveal a few screws.

  “You idiots!”

  “My food!”

  “Dude, what the fu—”

  “Don’t worry, man, it’s from IKEA. We can get it back up in no time.” Aidan laughed then followed Liam into the garage. Having nowhere to sit didn’t stop any of us from eating. I decided on a pancake first because if I didn’t, Aidan and Liam would gobble them up. I sat between Benn
y and Melissa then ate. Everyone else soon followed, and I looked over my shoulder at Liam and Aidan, who ate rather than fix the bench.

  “Papa bear!” Liam and Aidan said in unison, and I turned my head to see Keene walk downstairs. He stared at the two and shook his head. Aidan threw his hands up then continued, but Liam pouted at him. “Did someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed?”

  “Quiet, Liam, and what happened?” Keene asked as he walked to the table.

  “Their asses were too fat, so they broke it. Now we have to fix it,” Aidan said while Liam shook his head in disappointment. Jaden threw a pillow at them, but they ducked in time then got back to work. I watched as Levi got up and walked toward Keene.

  “What are you doing up, man? We said we’ll bring you breakfast,” Levi stated.

  “I can get it myself,” Keene replied then took a plate.

  “You have to rest in bed, Keene. Your body is sti—” I said, but he put his plate down then slammed his fist on the table.

  “I’m fine. Stop worrying. It’s not like I have a fucking disease. Just a few cuts…see?” he said then raised his tank top. I looked at the various Band-Aids on his chest then at the one below his eye. I slowly nodded then ate. “Sorry, it’s just…I’d rather be down here having breakfast with all of you than being up there alone in bed, staring at the ceiling.”

  Once everyone returned to their food, I saw Levi and Keene talk by the island. Keene whispered uncontrollably, but Levi cut him off then pulled him into a hug.


  The day had finally arrived for Aidan Rowley’s eighteenth birthday. We made him breakfast in bed, which included a cake. Bad idea to let Liam carry it because it almost fell, which could’ve burned the whole house down. Other than that, we also gave him his gifts instead of at the beach, where they’d probably get lost. By late afternoon, everyone got ready. Since Aidan was one of the popular guys at school, many people came. I decided to wear a red skirt, white tank top, and a leather jacket over it with black sandals. The beach was packed with people who danced. Tyler and Liam controlled the music and played throwback songs while people danced. Benny and I sat in front of the bonfire with a few other people from school. Noel sat opposite us, and we talked for a while, but then things sort of became discreet, so he got busy on his phone. Ethan and Keene invited him, and he came, but nobody spoke to him because of the people at his beach house. I felt sorry for him; he was a nice guy. Keene wouldn’t share his apartment with him if he weren’t.


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