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Kitchen Promises (Riverside Trilogy, #3) (The Riverside Trilogy)

Page 13

by Brooke Cumberland

  As I finished helping her get ready for the special day, I took the opportunity to just look at her. She was spectacular. Not only was she the future mother of my babies, but she willingly went along with this crazy life I brought her into—first the media, then Kendra, and then Violet and Liam.

  “You’re amazing, you know that?” I looked up into her eyes, admiring her beauty.

  “Why’d you say that?” She blushed.

  “Because…you’re just so wonderful. If I hadn’t already proposed to you, I’d ask you to marry me right now.”

  “Well, don’t let that stop you.” She smirked.

  “Molly Woods…the love of my life…the mother of our future babies…will you marry me? Again?” I smiled wide, less nervous this time around than before.

  “Well…since you asked so sweetly.” Her eyes fluttered.

  “Hey, don’t keep me waiting. You’re killing a man over here.”

  “Yes….as long…as you promise to rub my feet,” she said playfully. “Anytime I want,” she added.

  “Anything,” I promised.

  “Then it’s settled.”


  “So…how long after do you think we should start having kids?” she quipped.

  “I was thinking…six months ago.”

  She pointed down to her belly. “Well, look…we’re right on track!”

  We both laughed. I stood up and kissed her gently on her forehead. “And this…is why I’m marrying you. Our marriage will never get old and boring.”

  “I’ll leave the old and boring to you, babe. The perks of marrying an older man.” She winked.

  I pressed my body against hers and growled. “You’re lucky you’re on bed rest, otherwise…”

  “Otherwise what,” she counter-offered, letting her body press against me.

  “You don’t even want to know…” I kissed her on her lips, savoring her taste. Molly was always playful and testing her boundaries. “But right now…we have a party to get to.”

  “Did you get me a special ‘I have to sit on my ass’ chair?” she sneered.

  “As a matter of fact…”

  “No! No, you didn’t!” she pushed back.

  “Okay, you’re right, I didn’t. But sweetheart, don’t worry about it. You sit and relax. Michael will bring everything to you.” I kissed her on the top of her head.

  I left her to see if Michael needed any help. He was like a robot, bossing people around. He hired caterers and coordinators to set everything up.

  “Is this your baby shower?” I laughed at Michael.

  “You never know. Those could be my babies in there.” He grinned.

  “Keep dreamin’, man.” I laughed, patting him on the shoulder. I walked to the kitchen, or at least I thought it was my kitchen. The room had been turned into a full on restaurant. There were cute little finger foods scattered all over the countertops, little pink and blue boxes, and a bunch of tiny little baby confetti sprinkled everywhere.

  “Well, what do you think?” Michael asked as he approached me.

  “I think you went a little overboard.” I grinned, knowing that everything Michael did was over the top.

  “I wouldn’t do it any other way!”

  “I figured.” I chuckled. “I think Molly will love it.”

  “She better. The coordinator cost me a fortune,” he muttered.

  “I told you I’d take care of it.”

  “I don’t need you and your fancy moneybags to pay for it. I can throw my best girl a party.”

  “Whatever you say. But if you need it, I can help.”

  Michael and I never had what you call—a serious friendship. I loved that he’s always been there for Molly and Stella, and I loved that he’s still there for her, but I could still tell he was guarded when it came to me. He used humor and sarcasm to bond with me, without getting too attached.

  I couldn’t blame him though. I pretty much weaseled my way into their lives unexpectedly. Michael was her best friend and go-to person for everything, and then I came in and took over.

  Mental note: Have a heart-to-heart with Michael before the babies are born. I’m sure this is a life-changing event for him, as well.

  “Well, guests will be arriving soon,” Michael interrupted my thoughts. Everything is ready!” he squealed.

  “It’s…stunning.” I didn’t really know how to respond to a baby shower, but I was doing my best. “You did a great job, Michael. Molly will love it.”

  “It looks like Babies ‘R Us threw up in here.” I heard Molly’s voice from behind us. She was smiling, which hopefully meant she approved of Michael’s over-planning.

  “That was my plan,” Michael said sarcastically.

  “What are you doing out of bed? I was just about to come up and get you,” I interrupted.

  “I’m not a dog. I don’t need to be fetched, thank you,” she snarled. “Plus, you two were taking too long. I was getting anxious.”

  I laughed at her stubbornness. She never had a long-attention span.

  “Well, since you’re down here, why don’t you take a quick tour with Michael? Then…you need to sit.” I eyed her carefully. Although she was strictly supposed to be resting, I wanted her to at least enjoy the baby shower.

  “Fine. As soon as I take a bite of whatever this is,” she replied, grabbing a handful of appetizers sitting on the counter.

  I watched as Michael guided her through the house. There were tables set up, all beautifully decorated in multi-colored table clothes. Flowers, confetti, and balloons accompanied the tables and room. I’d never been to a baby shower before, but I was pretty sure this was a bit over the top.

  * * *

  As guests started to arrive, I did my best to stay out of the way. I made sure Molly stayed on the loveseat and had water and food. Her face lit up every time someone entered and handed her a gift. I could tell she was being genuine, and I was happy she was enjoying herself. I wasn’t sure who all these chicks were, so I introduced myself to them.

  “Well, holy hell, Molly. You’ve been keeping him locked up or what?” I heard one woman say. I was close enough to hear, but far enough away that she wouldn’t hear me laugh. Michael had invited her restaurant co-workers, a few classmates from college, and a handful of regulars from the restaurant. Molly was a sociable person, so it didn’t surprise me to see a room filled with giddy chicks.

  I stayed my distance, letting the spotlight stay on Molly. It was the first time in months that I actually just watched her. She was carefree and sincerely enjoying herself. I watched as she laughed with the girls and Michael. She was letting them rub her belly, guess their genders, and some even wanted to see her engagement ring

  I could tell she was a little uncomfortable with all the attention, but she seemed to be handling it well. I started swiping some of the food as I heard a knock on the door.

  I quickly shoved it in my mouth and opened it to see Violet, Stanley, and Liam.

  “Well, hey guys.” I smiled, trying to choke back the food. “What brings you here?”

  “Michael invited Liam to the party.”

  “Is there cake?” he squealed, eyes lit up. Before I could answer him, he ran past me. I heard Stella calling for him and soon the two were gone, hunting down cake.

  “Well, you two are welcome to stay if you wish.” I opened my arm up to the rest of the house. I knew it probably seemed weird to invite your ex/mother of your child and her boyfriend, who was also your fiancé’s unannounced biological father, but honestly, it wasn’t. Violet and I had come to terms with our arrangement, and I was only lucky that Molly seemed okay with it as well.

  Violet’s face lit up instantly, but then went to uncertain. “I’ll keep Stanley company, don’t worry. You go mingle and whatever it is that chicks do at baby showers.”

  “Okay, just until she opens the presents. I love baby clothes!” she gushed. She ran past me before I could even comment.

  “Well, then I guess it’s settled.” I
invited Stanley in and shut the door behind him. We were more business acquaintances than friends, and that was enough for me. I didn’t want to cross boundaries knowing that Molly was uncomfortable with Stanley being around.

  “Wanna grab a plate before they swipe it all?” I nodded my head toward the crowd of ladies sitting around Molly.

  “Sure. I never turn down food.” He grinned.




  If one more person rubs their slimy hands on my belly…

  “Molly, oh my god! You’re so big!”

  If one more person tells me how big I am…

  “Oh honey, you look so tired. Get some rest before sleep is no longer an option.”

  If one more person tells me how tired I look…

  Do these people not realize I’m carrying twins here? Not to mention, that is the last thing you say to a pregnant woman?

  Just as I was about to snap and rip the fake smile off my face, my cell phone chimed, distracting me from Miss ‘Feelin’ Up My Belly’ hands.

  Blocked Number: How nice of your biological father to come to your baby shower. Why don’t you go tell Daddy he’s going to be a grandpa…before I do.

  I looked around in a panic and saw Drake and Stanley talking in the kitchen. I didn’t even know he was here, but I guess I should’ve assumed as soon as I saw Violet and Liam.

  Wait? Someone knows.

  But who?

  I glanced around the room. Michael was in the middle of a cluster with a few of my girlfriends, a couple girls were chatting together by the punch table, and a couple friends were on their cell phones. No one knew about Stanley except for Drake and Michael—and they wouldn’t tell a soul.

  Molly: Who is this?

  Blocked Number: Someone who knows your secret.

  I rolled my eyes. Obviously. Someone was fucking with me.

  Before I even responded, it rang again.

  Blocked Number: And will tell if you don’t.

  Molly: What do you want?

  I continued looking around. No one was looking suspicious. I hadn’t even seen half these people in months, there’s no way any of them knew. And even if they did, why would they threaten me? What good would it do for them?

  And then it hit me like a ton of bricks.


  He must know. My parents must have told him years ago when they were all still friends. But why would he threaten me when he’s the one with the new identity? I should be threatening him.

  Blocked Number: Looks like you’ve put the pieces together, sweetheart.

  I searched around me in a panic, feeling violated that he must be watching me somehow. It didn’t help that Drake’s place had floor to ceiling windows overlooking Chicago, meaning anyone in the buildings nearby could see in with a telescope.

  Molly: Stop watching me. I’ll tell Drake everything.

  Blocked Number: You already told Drake everything. Too bad he doesn’t believe you. Guess you better do as I say now. Or else Stanley and all of Chicago will find out.

  Fuck. How does he know that? What good would it do him for Stanley to know the truth?

  Nothing. It’d do no good for him. He was messing with me. Trying to get me to submit to him or get revenge.

  Molly: Fuck you.

  Blocked Number: Guess we’re not playing nice. Too bad.

  I didn’t respond. I wasn’t going to play his game.

  Blocked Number: Imagine what that’ll do to Drake’s professional career. The media will blow up. Imagine how it’ll effect your parents. Not to mention how will Stanley take the news that the clinic violated his terms of privacy.

  Shit. I sat and thought for a moment. This would make a huge clusterfuck—a domino effect of hurting many people. First, my parents. They didn’t need to be put in the middle of this. They didn’t want any of their friends or other family members knowing the truth. It wasn’t meant to be shared with the world.

  And then Drake. Any negative press on him or me wasn’t what he needed right now. He was in the middle of making deals and expanding the hotel and restaurant. He needed investors and the last thing he needed was another internet scam.

  And lastly, what would it do to Violet, Liam, and Stanley? I didn’t want Stanley to know, period. I didn’t want that awkwardness between us all, especially since Drake and he were becoming business acquaintances. It wasn’t something he was ever supposed to find out. Hell, I wasn’t ever supposed to know about it. Could this affect his career? Would it ruin his relationship with Violet and Liam?

  And what if I told Stanley myself? Just get it out there.

  I couldn’t. First, I don’t even know that he’d believe me. I have no proof whatsoever except the information my parents told me. However, I can bet Denny has proof. He was able to change his identity and completely bury his old one, I’m sure he has documents of some sort proving everything.

  Would Stanley announce it to anyone? Would he contact the agency for violating his terms of privacy? That could only mean getting my parents involved along with a whole bunch of other legal shit. Nothing good could come out of Stanley knowing. It had to stay a secret.

  Too many people’s lives were at risk. Denny was a powerhouse in business just like Drake and Stanley. Collaborating with Stanley meant that he was gaining more attention and developing stronger networks. I could never prove his identity. Even showing his text messages didn’t prove anything. I was screwed.

  This was big enough where it would stress me out and put the babies in danger. If I just gave him what he wanted, this would all go away. I didn’t want to give this man any power over me, but I had to think of my babies. Stress was something the doctor told me I needed to control to make sure I carried them as long as I could.

  Molly: What do you want from me?

  I cringed as I hit the send button. I imagined his conniving face lighting up as he thought he was getting what he wanted.

  Blocked Number: Tell Drake you can’t marry him.

  Molly: You’re insane. If you think I’m letting you control me, you’re wrong.

  Blocked Number: I made my identity disappear. Just like Liam. Imagine what else I could make disappear.

  I gasped aloud, unwillingly. I dropped the phone. Everyone was too busy chatting and eating to notice that I was sitting there with my mouth wide open, tears about to spill out.

  Molly: You fucking monster.

  It was the best I could come up with at the time. I was angry, hurt, and in physical pain just from the mention of Liam.

  Blocked Number: I’ll take that as you’re not going to play nice.

  Molly: I’ll go to the cops. You won’t get away with this.

  Blocked Number: I already have. You go to the cops, you’ll regret it. I promise you.

  I shivered as I read his text. I promise you. That was worse than knowing what his plan was. Now if I told Drake, I had no idea what to expect. It’s bad enough he was having a hard time believing that Dan was Denny, but now to convince him he’s after me? Yeah, he’ll have me committed or something.

  Just as I about to scream and swear aloud, Michael’s overly cheery voice interrupted.

  “Okay, everyone!” Michael clapped. “Time for games!” he squealed.

  Ugh crap.

  “First game is really simple. You’ll find some string on the tables. Measure out how big you think Molly’s belly is. Person closest to her actual size, wins a gift basket!” I turned my eyes to where Michael was gesturing. I hadn’t even realized he had games and prizes. Just great.

  It wasn’t that I didn’t appreciate all the work Michael did, but I just wasn’t in the mood for games and prizes, and seeing how fat I actually was with string.

  I couldn’t keep my mind off Denny. Once again, the bastard was taking control. I had completely forgotten that he knew. There was a time my parents confided in Denny for everything. However, I hadn’t told anyone, because as far as I was concerned, it was all a nightmare, a dream. I kne
w it wasn’t, but it was the easiest way for me to forget about it. I was so young, I didn’t understand, but word of it now, could put my entire family in jeopardy.

  “Mols, you gotta stand up, babe.” Michael stood in front of me, holding his hand out for me.

  “I thought I wasn’t supposed to be standing,” I shot back.

  He cocked his hip and rolled his eyes. “You can get up for one minute.”

  I grabbed his hand and let him lift me up. I felt like a whale and according to all the people who wrapped their too-long strings around me, I looked like one, too.

  “Looks like we have a winner!” Michael squealed again. He was loving this. Way too much.

  I pushed thoughts of Denny to the back of my mind as I tried to enjoy the rest of the baby shower. Everyone looked like they were having fun eating, playing games, and watching me open gifts. The twins officially have more clothes than I do.

  “Okay, everyone.” Michael stood up and announced. “I have a very special finale. The first ever sneak-peek at the nursery! Molly hasn’t even seen it yet, so I’m going to take her first, then the rest of you are allowed to go see it.”

  Finally, some good news.

  “Yes, can’t wait!” I genuinely smiled. He lifted me off the loveseat again and held my hand as we walked upstairs. There was a beautiful, large yellow bow over the door. “Can I open it?”

  “Go ahead, Mama.” He winked.

  I walked in and before I even saw everything, I began crying. The tears came unwillingly as I glanced around and noticed Drake standing in between the two cribs.

  “Well, what do you think?” Drake wiped his arms open wide, displaying the room.

  “It’s…breathtaking! Oh my god!” The room was a mixture of grey, yellow, and white. It was decorated in an Elephant theme. Yellow and white lantern balls hung from the ceiling. The cribs were white with little grey and yellow polka dots painted on the railings, and a sheer, white canopy hung just above. It was something out of a magazine. A rocker was placed in the corner. There were wooden shelves hanging on the wall with children’s books and little Elephant wall décor hanging in between.


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