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Kitchen Promises (Riverside Trilogy, #3) (The Riverside Trilogy)

Page 19

by Brooke Cumberland

  “I want it back. Now,” I repeated firmly.

  “Oh? And what are you going to do for it?”

  “You fucking bastard.”

  I heard Stella gasp next to me. Shit, she just heard me.

  “Stella, I want you to go over there on that bench.” I pointed across the boat to where I could still watch her. “Do not move, you understand?”

  She nodded and walked over, giving me enough space to talk to Denny. “How the hell are you here?”

  “Oh, didn’t Drake tell you?” he asked amused. I wanted to punch him square in the face and wipe that grin right off his face.

  “Why are you here?”

  “We have unfinished business, sweetheart.”

  “Don’t you fucking call me sweetheart, you sick bastard,” I spit back.

  “Mm mm mm…I’d watch your language, pretty lady.” He shook his finger at me, scolding me as if I were a child. “The funny thing is, when you hire a man to do your dirty work, you should always check whose payroll he’s on first.”

  I had no idea what the hell he was talking about. I didn’t want to know what Drake did to get rid of Denny. I didn’t want the details.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Drake thought he could hire a hit man to get rid of me. Too bad that man was already being paid to take care of him.”

  My eyes just about bulged out of my face. I gasped as I understood what he was saying. He was going to have Drake killed…

  “Too bad you can’t call and warn him.” He wore a smug smile. I felt sick to my stomach. I wanted to vomit at just the sight of him, but now hearing everything, I was about to die.



  As soon as I hung up with Mr. Madden, I knew what I had to do. It wasn’t dirty work per se, but it was pay back for what he did for me.

  I let Carla know I was leaving for the day and to hold all my calls. I was sweating as I walked out of the Riverside and found my driver. I told him my location, wiping my hands off on my dress pants.

  I didn’t know why I was so nervous. I wasn’t doing anything illegal—immoral, probably, but illegal, no. He had asked me to get rid of a few girls of his. And by get rid of, he meant make sure they get to the airport and never come back. I got them fake passports so I could have them shipped overseas. I didn’t need to ask him who these girls were; I knew they were prostitutes on his payroll.

  I went to the underground tunnel where he explained I was to meet him. He couldn’t be seen with them for legal reasons, and he knew no one would suspect me. I didn’t get myself involved in any of that shit. I was as clean as they came, typically.

  “Right here,” I told my driver. “Pull over here.”

  He parked, but kept the engine running. I waited for my signal before opening the door to meet Mr. Madden.

  “I’ll be right back. Wait for me,” I ordered before opening my door.

  I walked up the alleyway to where he told me to meet him. It was uncanny how dark and quiet it was. There were lights above me, but they were so dull I could barely see five feet in front of me.

  Just then, my cell phone rang. “Fuck,” I mumbled to myself. I forgot to silence it before leaving. I was going to ignore it, but saw Molly’s name.

  “Hello?” I said as quietly as I could without it being obvious that I was trying to whisper.

  “Hello, Drake.” A man’s voice answered. I spun around, seeing if someone was behind me, but I was alone.

  “Who is this?”

  “I’ll be doing the talking, Drake. You understand me?”

  “Where’s Molly? You better not be fucking with me, or so help me,” I threatened.

  “Or what? You’ll have me killed?” He laughed. “Oh wait, you already did that. Too bad it didn’t work out for you.”

  You have to be fucking shitting me. Anger boiled as I realized it was Denny. How the hell is that possible?

  “I’m not going to ask you again? Where is Molly?”

  “Calm yourself down. Molly and Stella are right here.” I could hear him smiling. Fuck, he has them both.

  “Don’t you fucking touch them! I will kill you, you dirty bastard!”

  “My, my, my…you and Molly sure have dirty, foul mouths.”

  I forced a hand through my hair, sweating even more. Then I saw Mr. Madden walking toward me. And it finally clicked.

  This was all a fucking set up.



  Denny flashed opened his jacket, revealing a gun. I tried not to scream, but the gasp that escaped my mouth was loud enough to be one.

  “Shut your pretty fucking mouth, you hear me? Or I’ll order Drake dead right now.” I nodded vigorously as I covered my mouth with my hand. I glanced over my shoulder to where Stella was sitting oblivious. The boat smacking the water was so loud that no one could hear our conversation, giving Denny exactly what he wanted.

  “And I won’t even put Stella in danger,” he mused. “But you gotta listen to me.”

  “What do you want?”

  “You do as I say and you both walk out of here safe and sound.”

  “What about Drake? Why are you doing this?”

  “Sorry, sweetheart, Drake is the target. That’s not going to change.”

  “No, please. I’ll do anything. Just please don’t hurt him,” I pleaded.

  “It’s too bad you didn’t listen to me before.”

  “Why are you such a monster? Why are you doing this?” It was intimidating talking to Denny face to face versus through text messages, but his voice in my head was eerily similar to this real tone.

  “You know, I spent years in prison because of you. I didn’t even do anything, you spoiled little brat. You cried to mommy and daddy, and said I did.”

  “They caught you!” I whisper-yelled. “I was six!” I reminded him.

  “You were always a fucking brat, you know that?” He reached in for his phone and began dialing.

  I stepped toward him pleading, “No, please, don’t! I’ll do anything, I swear!” I reached for his hand, but he swatted me away.

  “Don’t fucking touch. Or I will be forced to hurt you and Stella.” I cringed at the sound of her name. I was fucked. I had no choice but to let him make the call.

  I looked around, searching for any staff. Too bad most of them hung out downstairs in the mini bar that was attached. No one would believe me, even if I caused a scene.

  I surrendered and let him continue dialing. I felt sick as I heard him talk, ordering his hit. I lunged over the boat and through up viciously. I started sobbing uncontrollably, unable to stop myself.

  A staff member finally came to my side, asking if I was all right. I was about to tell her to call for help when I saw Denny standing next to Stella from the other side of the boat.

  “I’m fine, thank you,” I said. She handed me a tissue and continued walking. I walked over to Denny and grabbed Stella’s hand in mine, walking us as far away from him as I could.

  “Mommy, are you okay?” Stella asked as I dragged her to the bathroom. Luckily, there wasn’t a line anymore, so we got right in. I pushed her in and locked it.

  “Stella, stay in here. Do not come out until I tell you.” She nodded and I shut the door behind me, checking once to make sure it had locked. I was going to deal with him once and for all.



  “Mr. Stagliano, you made it,” Mr. Madden said as he reached me.

  “What is this?” I demanded. “Why is Denny alive?”

  “Ah, yes, about that.” He smirked. “Denny is a powerful man, more than most give him credit for. All was fine in the world, I got him a new identity, erased his old one, and then Molly showed back up. There was just too much to risk if she blabbed her fucking mouth, which she did. Denny stayed under the radar, so that you both thought he was gone for good.”

  “We didn’t have anything on Denny. That’s a lie. He threatened her.”

is name is a threat. What do you think being in prison for that many years does to a man? He needed a new life, a fresh start. I gave him that. Too bad you and Molly had to get involved.”

  “We didn’t get involved!”

  “Do you know what would happen to this whole underground establishment if authorities knew Denny McMillan was alive? And working with the mob? Well, see, I couldn’t have that happen.” He began walking circles around me, making my head rush as I tried to plead with him to understand me.

  “I swear, Mr. Madden, Molly and I just want to be left alone. We didn’t tell anyone.”

  “Man, I wish that was enough, Drake.” He pursed his lips. I knew he was messing with me, pretending to care but he really didn’t give a flying fuck. “I’ll know our secret is safe when you are gone. That’s the only way.” He shifted and grabbed the gun that was tucked in his pants.

  “You have to be kidding me.”

  He pointed with his gun. “Does this face look like it’s kidding, Drake? You forgot who you’re talking to.”

  Before I could respond, a gun went off. For the millisecond before the pain reached me, I said goodbye to Molly. I knew this was it. I’d been shot before; there’d be no way I’d get a third chance at life.



  I marched back up to the dock where Denny was as if I had nothing to lose, when in reality, I had everything to lose. Something fierce came over me, but the moment I saw Denny I walked right up to him and slapped him as hard as I could across the face. Then, before he could react, I slapped him again the other way. My wedding ring left a nice mark against his cheek, too. Just as he was about to grab me, I reached for his gun. I knew what having a gun out in the open like this would do. Hell, I’m pretty sure I had an audience now.

  I threw it as far as I could out into the water. At least now, Denny was defenseless. I wasn’t sure if he made the call or not, or just threatened to, but I wasn’t giving him the upper hand anymore.

  “You’re stupid. You think I only have one gun?”

  Shit. I hadn’t thought about that. I was filled with rage and adrenaline walking back up here that I hadn’t even contemplated that he’d have more than one gun.

  “Fine. Just do it, Denny. Shoot me. Just get it over with,” I challenged him. And then I noticed that the crowd around us was getting quieter. I was being heard.

  Well, too late to go back now.

  “Do it!” I screamed louder, challenging him once again. “Shoot me!”

  “Ma’am, is there a problem?” I hear a soft voice from behind me.

  I suspect it’s a staff member, so I replied, “I’d move out of the way, if I were you, unless you want my guts splattered all over you.”

  And then it was like wildfire. Two armed men came out of nowhere and grabbed Denny, cuffing his hands behind his back. My phone slipped out of his hand out of his reach. I quickly grabbed it before anyone could take it.

  “Where’s your weapon, sir?”

  “In the river.”

  “He has another one,” I interrupt.

  They tackled him to the ground, patting him down.

  “He’s clean,” I heard one of them announce.

  “No, that’s impossible,” I muttered.

  “Ma’am, we’re almost to land. Why don’t you stay with us up front?” She began grabbing my arm, but I yanked it away.

  “No, I have to get my daughter first.”

  She escorted me down to the bathroom where I knock and called out, “Stella, it’s mommy. You can let me in now.”

  I didn’t hear anything and knocked again. “Stella! It’s mommy. Open up!” I wiggled the doorknob and it opens right up. “Stella? Oh my god, she’s gone!”

  “Ma’am, just calm down, please.”

  “Calm down? My daughter is gone! She’s missing!”

  I pushed past her and ran back up the stairs to the dock.

  “Where is she?” I yelled, not even caring that I was making yet another scene.

  “You didn’t think I’d come alone, did you?” He flashed a cocky grin.

  “I swear, if you hurt her!” I ran at him, pushing him with as much force as I could. I was filled with adrenaline and rage.

  And apparently too much.

  I pushed him right over.



  The pain didn’t come. And neither did the blood. Well, not my blood, at least. My body crashed to the ground, but not because I was in pain, because I was pushed.

  I looked up and saw my driver. He was holding a gun in his hand pointed directly at Mr. Madden. He was covered in blood, not moving on the ground.

  “Holy shit,” I muttered.

  “We have to go. Now!” he yelled. He placed his gun back in his pants and began running toward the car. I looked around before getting up and running behind him.

  We both got in the car and slammed the doors shut. The tires squealed as he turned around. I needed to get to Molly, but I had no idea where she was.

  I called her cell, but as I figured, straight to voicemail. I called the house number, hoping Shirley had some answers for me.

  “Stagliano residence,” she answered.

  “Shirley, it’s Drake. It’s an emergency. I need you to tell me if you know where Molly is. Is she home? Did she say where she was going?” I rambled off, later realizing I wasn’t giving her a second to speak.

  “Mrs. Stagliano is not home, sir.”

  “Did she say where she was going?”

  “She took Stella out on the boat.”


  “Thank you.” I quickly hung up, knowing exactly where she would’ve gone. When her parents visited, we took them on a sunset cruise, so I was almost positive she was there now.

  I told my driver where to go. I gave him all the details on the situation as he drove. I knew he was panicking inside about what he had just done, but it was his job—his job was to protect me as well.

  I jumped out as soon as I saw the sign for the boats. I ran over to the ticket booth, begging for information on when the boat was supposed to arrive.

  “I’m sorry, sir. It was supposed to dock fifteen minutes ago. Hence, the line.” He waved a hand over to the crowd that was very long and by the looks of it, getting very anxious.

  “Something’s wrong. My wife is on there. She called me from the boat. Someone is on there to hurt her. You need to call for help.”

  “I’m sure everything is fine, sir. They would’ve called if something was wrong. Sometimes this happens. Someone gets sick or there are too many boats in the weighing area.”

  “No! That’s not it!” I shouted, slamming my fist on the counter.

  “Sir, I’m going to have to ask you to leave now. Or I’ll call the cops.”

  “Yes! Call the fucking cops! Tell them someone is on that fucking boat to hurt my wife!”

  The girl gave me a suspicious look, as if she didn’t fully believe me, but believed me enough to call.

  “Fine, I’ll call. But that’s all I’m doing. Now go.” She waved me off.

  For the first time in my life, I felt helpless. There wasn’t enough time for me to do anything.

  “How much for a little boat?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “How…much for a little boat? To rent? To go out on the lake?” I clarified, holding my wallet out, ready to pay anything.

  “Sir, we don’t have anything like that. We only do tours.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me? Get me your manager, please,” I said sternly.

  “Is there something wrong, sir?” An older gentleman came into view, looking completely harmless.

  “I need to rent a boat. Any boat.”

  “We don’t offer those kinds of services, sir. I’m sorry.”

  “I’ll pay you ten thousand dollars.”

  “Sir, I really don’t—”

  “Twenty thousand.”

  I watched as he scratched his head, mumbling something to a worker ne

  “You can take the staff boat, sir.” I watched as he walked out of the employee hold and nodded me over.

  I followed him down, shrugging my suit jacket off. He gave me instructions as he started the boat.

  “Thank you,” I said, rushing him off. I could drive a fucking boat.

  “Are you staying or going?” I snapped, ready to go.

  “Please be careful. If you get hurt there’s a liability issue and—”

  “I promise not to sue. There, happy?”

  He nodded and reluctantly got off the boat. I didn’t waste anytime cranking the handle, gaining speed. I had no idea where I was going, but as soon as I was passed the weighing station, I bounced off the waves until I saw the company’s boat charter.

  I could tell that it was held up. It wasn’t moving. Something was wrong.

  “Molly!” I screamed. It was a long shot, the boat was loud, but I screamed anyway. “Molly!”

  A couple of staff members saw me as I drove the boat up closer. “Sir? What are you doing?” a woman gasped.

  “My wife is on this boat! Where is she?”

  “Drake?” God, the sound of her voice was like pure Heaven. “Oh my god! You’re alright?” she gasped.

  “I’m fine, baby!” I grinned wide at the sight of her smile. “Why is the boat stopped?”

  “Passenger overboard!” a staff member yelled back. “You need to get back, sir.”

  I put the boat in reverse, but I was not going much farther back. I was going to get my girl off there.

  I felt my phone vibrate against me and was relieved to see Molly’s name pop up.

  “Molly, what’s going on?”

  “Drake, he’s here. Denny’s here,” she cried.

  “I know, sweetheart. Tell me, where is he?”

  “He’s the one that went overboard. They’ve been searching for almost a half hour. They called for help, but so far, nothing.”

  “Where’s Stella?”

  “I locked her in the bathroom and when I went back to grab her, she was gone! I confronted Denny who said he didn’t come alone. Now the whole boat is on lock down. They won’t let me go search for her.”

  “You’re fucking kidding me,” I wailed out. How could they torture a mother like that, knowing her child was out of reach? I was furious.


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