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Silver & Black

Page 12

by Tyler May

  “I’ll stay with him.” He grins at me. I was hoping he would.

  “Good, now let’s get this started.” We can hear her clicking on the computer then she starts asking basic questions: full name, birthdate, address, and more. “Ok, now describe these incidents, uh, everything: location, dates, as much detail as you can remember, Greyson.”

  I rattle off all the details that I can remember. Silver listens, I’m sure taking mental note of everything I am telling Cynthia. She follows up with some additional questions and I answer the best I can. “The email was it sent just to Jeff’s girlfriend or others?” she asks.

  “I don’t know. He said just her, but I’m not completely sure.”

  “Ok, well tomorrow when you come down I would like a copy of them,” she insists. “Are you ok with waiting until tomorrow? I just figured you were safe at home and you aren’t going anywhere tonight, right?”

  “No, we’re staying in.” Silver’s voice echoes sternly.

  She laughs. “Oh, Brian, always the hero―Don’t you boss that boy around too much.” Boy?

  “You know me too well, Cynthia. I’m going to keep him safe. He means a lot to me.” He rubs his hand on my knee and she murmurs approvingly into the phone.

  “Ok, Greyson, just a few more questions and then the rest we can go over tomorrow when we meet. Did you get a good look at him?”

  “Not a good one. He was covered with a gray hoodie, just a plain gray hoodie you could pick up anywhere. There were no markings on it. And he had a pair of sunglasses on at the time I saw his face.”

  “How about his height and color of his skin?” she asks while the sound of rapid clicking is heard.

  “He was Caucasian for sure. I don’t know about his height.” I think.

  “Well, I’m six foot one,” Silver offers. “Was he about my height: taller, shorter?”

  “No he wasn’t as tall as you. Maybe about my size, five foot eleven. Maybe even an inch shorter, I think that’s a good guess.”

  “Good ok… Well that gives us something. Just one more question. Do you know someone that would want to stalk you; has this happened before? We find that a lot of cases like this are recurrent stalkers.”

  I look at Silver. I guess he’s going to know everything now. “Yes, a man by the name of Derrek Braid.” She asks me to explain more and I close my eyes. I hate reliving this. “When I was young, my mom passed away. I had to go live with my father, who was heavy into drugs. He had a friend that was a few years younger than him, Derrek. They were always at the house when I would come home from school or whatever. They were always high. My dad liked Derrek because he had easy access to drugs, I don’t know how but―” She stops me.

  “We’re they lovers?”

  “Oh, no… my dad was a big-time bigot, but Derrek was gay.”

  “Ok, sorry, just go on honey,” she says compassionately. I look at Silver; his face was full of worry and concern.

  “Derrek stayed at the house a lot. A lot! I turned sixteen and had a party in my backyard. They were there of course, high. After everyone left I went to my room and Derrek came up. He sat on the bed next to me. He seemed like a nice guy, nothing like my dad, so he was easy to talk to. He was very compassionate. For several more months he would sneak up to my room and we would talk for hours, just talk. He confided in me that he was gay and I felt empathetic, because I knew I was gay; although I never voiced it for obvious reasons.” I stop and exhale, bracing myself for what I was going to tell them next. Do it Grey. I urge myself and go on.

  “One summer night, Derrek came up to my room to talk and we were laughing about something stupid my father did and he told me how cute I looked when I laughed, that I needed to do it more. I asked him to kiss me and he did. He was older than me, obviously, but I thought I loved him.” My words were coming out like a muffled. I look over to Silver and take a deep breath. “I realize now how stupid it was.”

  “You two were intimate?” Cynthia asks.

  “Yeah, we were.”

  “How much older was he?” Cynthia asked.

  “Why do you need to know that?”

  “It gives us a clue as to age if it’s him.”

  I think back, “It was close to my seventeenth birthday when we had sex for the first time. He was ten years older than me, twenty-seven at the time, so that would make him about thirty-two or thirty-three now.”

  “What happened after you two started to get intimate?” Cynthia asks and Silver cringes. He really can’t stand the thought of someone else with me, even from my past.

  “We snuck around having sex whenever we could. We tried to hide it from my dad. I guess we weren’t too good at it because my dad caught me with him and went ballistic. He beat the shit out of me, and didn’t do a damn thing to Derrek. Derrek sat there and let him do it. Watched him kick me and punch me until I was bleeding on my bedroom floor. My dad kicked me out of the house that day. I was just barely seventeen.” Silver is pressing his eyes together, but I continue. “I moved out, went to stay with a couple of friends until I graduated high school and then I moved into the dorms at the college over here. That’s when Derrek started following me. He said he wanted to be with me. He did some pretty awful things.”

  “Awful things―He,” Cynthia starts to question, but I interrupt her.

  “Yes, can we not talk about this, please?” I plead. I hate reliving this. Silver grips my hand and mouths I’m so sorry.

  “I know it’s hard to talk about, but I will have to know more, Greyson. But for now we can stop with just that. Was he caught?”

  “Yeah, they locked him up in a drug rehab/mental hospital thing after he tried to kill himself when he was in jail.”

  “Do you know how long his sentence was?”

  “No, I don’t know. They charged him with rape and assault.” Silver gasps at my words and looks up to the ceiling. Guess I just confirmed what he was thinking.

  “Ok, I’ll look it up. Do you think it’s him?”

  “I don’t know what to think. I hope not.” I pull Silver’s hand in mine.

  “Ok boys, I’m going to process this. Meet me in the morning down here and we can chat more. Greyson, just make sure you’re not alone. I’ll see you both tomorrow.” We say our good-byes and she hangs up.

  I get up and go into the kitchen to grab a couple of beers and forks for our dinner. Silver is processing everything he just heard. “You’re not mad at me are you?” I ask, handing him a beer and a fork.

  “Why would I be mad at you? None of this was your fault. You were a victim in more ways than one. Are you ok?”

  “I don’t tell people this stuff. I’ve only told Levi. I don’t like people to baby me. I took care of it the best I could.”

  “You did well. I wish I―” He shakes his head.

  “You didn’t even know me then, Silver. How could you have helped? Let’s just eat. I want to get my mind off of it for a little bit and I’m hungry. Did you order the entire menu?” I laugh and look at the rows of Chinese containers.

  “I didn’t know if you were allergic to nuts or seafood or even what you liked, so I ordered a variety. I figured you and Levi would have leftovers for a while.” He chuckles. “I love the shrimp and crab dishes.”

  “I’m not allergic to anything and I’m far from picky. I pretty much eat anything.”

  “Good, dig in then.”

  We talk over dinner and get to know each other better. He explains how he knows Cynthia and that her young son, Chase, has the same eye disease as him. He tells me more about his recovery and stuff he’s endured. I divulge more details about my dad and Derrek. We talk about my mom and his parents. It is an informative conversation and I am happy to learn more about this man. “I wish I could take away those memories for you. I wish I could take away everything that happened to you.” He rubs the side of my face.

  “It’s made me stronger. I am who I am because of my trials, good and bad. I can’t let them define me. I did for too long.”
r />   “You are so strong, so courageous. I’m in awe of the man you are.” His words of praise send a sense of pride through me that I never felt before. No one has ever told me something like this before. It’s nice to feel equal; he makes me feel like his equal. “Have you talked to someone about this professionally?”

  “Like a shrink?” I snap.

  “I’m just saying it might help. A psychiatrist can help you with any pent-up feelings.”

  “I’m over it. I’ve been over it for a long time.” I get up and pace. “Plus, I don’t have health insurance.”

  “Ah, don’t get mad, but yes you do.” I glare at him. What did he do? “I put you on my business coverage.”

  “What? How can you do that? When did you do that?” The questions keep bouncing at him.

  “Ok, just sit down.” He pulls me to the couch and takes my hand. “I noticed you weren’t covered when I reviewed your profile in our human resource department. I put you on then.” Two months ago. “I had all your information. I just had them fill it out and sign your name.” His eyes wince waiting for me to scream or something. I just sit and stare, speechless, not sure if it’s from anger or gratitude. He pleads his case more, “I just didn’t want something to happen to you and you go into debt. I’ve dealt with health issues, with my eyes, my entire life. I wanted to help that’s all.”

  “You wanted to have control of it.” I tilt my head.

  “If you see it that way then fine. I see it as helping and frankly it doesn’t matter what you say. I’m keeping the coverage on you.” His demanding persona is a turn-on. “So be mad all you want. Suck it up.”

  “Suck it up.” I smile and shove my shoulder into his. “Ok, sir! Is that what you want to hear?”

  “Has a nice ring to it.” He grins.

  “Thank you,” I whisper as I stand, push his back against the back of the couch, and crawl up on him.

  “That’s more like it.” He pulls me down to kiss him.

  He runs his hands up my back under my shirt as our kiss gets more involved. I stop to look into his eyes: they’re dark, needful… for me. I start to unbutton his dress shirt and his eyes are locked to mine. “You’re not stopping me,” I whisper, hoping he’ll continue.

  He shakes his head slowly. “You need this. You hold the power, Mr. Black.” He grins. “What will you do with it?” I caress his face and lower my lips to his.

  “I want you, Silver.” My heart is beating so fast waiting to hear his response.

  “Then take me. I’m yours.” He’s mine; all mine. He’s given me the control.

  ~Chapter Fifteen~

  “What made you change your mind? Not that I’m complaining.” Why am I questioning him, jeez Grey.

  “I can see the change in your eyes.” He traces the side of my face with the back of his fingers. “I can tell you want me, more than just for this.” He places my hand on his erection.

  “I do.” I push my lips to his, wanting to savor every minute of what is going to happen. I trail down his jawline to his neck. He moans as I suck gently. My hands lower and finish unbuttoning his shirt. Running my hands up his chest to his shoulders, I let his shirt fall against the back of the couch. My eyes lock to his. I am waiting for him to stop me. Instead, his smile encourages me to continue.

  He closes his eyes as he savors the feeling of me kissing down his chest. I swirl my tongue around both his nipples and lick the outline of his chiseled built chest. He tangles his fingers through my hair and rubs the side of my face as I make my way to his belt to undo it while I kiss around his waist. He shifts. Ah, he’s ticklish. This could be fun for another time. I unzip his pants and his cock is erect but shielded by his black boxer briefs. “Lift up.” I smirk and he does as I ask. I lower both his pants and his boxers in one swift move. He’s there naked; all mine to do with as I please. My heart beats hard against my chest. He’s fucking beautiful.

  “You ok?” he asks. I must have been staring too long.

  “Uh, yeah, you’re gorgeous, Silver.” He smiles and cups my face. I nudge his legs apart and take my place between his knees. I kiss around his cock and groin, teasing him. He’s breathing heavier now as he anticipates my move. His hands grip the cushions on both sides of him. I lick his seeping tip and engulf him with my mouth. He grasps my hair as I move over him.

  “Greyson, stop.” Shit, don’t do this now. I glance up at him still teasing his tip with my tongue. “I want to come with you. Our first time, I want to cum with you.”

  “Ok, I won’t let you come. Tell me when you’re close and I’ll stop, but I still want to do this.” I lick at his tip and then lower back onto him. He slouches lower onto the couch. I work his shaft and trail off to his balls. He grunts with pleasure as I massage them in my mouth.

  “Fuck, Greyson. You are incredible.” His words fuel my need. I need him. “Come here.” He pulls me up and removes my shirt in the process. He lowers me to the couch and climbs on top of me. He kisses down my chest to the tie on my sweats. He tortuously unties and removes them, slowly. “Commando?” He grins.

  “Laundry day.” I smile back. He takes my cock in his warm mouth and cups my balls with his hands. God, he knows how to please a man. I watch his head move up and down on me. The feeling is overwhelming and I instantly feel like I’m going to cum. “Slow down, baby.” He slows. “Maybe we should go to the bedroom. Just in case Levi comes home for some reason.” He takes his mouth off my cock and looks at me with a now-you’re-mentioning-that grin. “The joys of a roommate.” I say through a laugh. He stands up in all his naked glory and holds his hand out to help me up.

  “Greyson, you have no idea how much I want you.” He caresses me and runs his hand over my body. Our mouths attack each other’s skin, tasting every part we can reach. “Ok, which is your bedroom?” He says panting. I take his hand and pull him into my room.

  I shut my bedroom door and lock it. He exams the room. “You only have a double bed?”

  “I’m one person, Silver.”

  “Well, now you’re two. We’re going to buy a bigger bed tomorrow, at least a queen. I don’t know if a king will fit in here.” He is mentally measuring the space.

  “Are we?” I walk over to him and push him to the bed climbing on top of him. “What if I tell you no?”

  “I have lots of things I want to do to you, Mr. Black. I need a bigger bed.” Good answer.

  “Fine. Just because you’ve piqued my curiosity, I’ll let you buy me a new bed.”

  He smiles in his victory, grabs me and holds me tight as we fall on to the bed. “That’s what I like to hear.” He rolls me so I’m on my back and he’s on top. “You have protection, right?” I nod. “Good, now I want this slow, sensual. Our first time, I want to show you what it’s like to have a man make love to you, not just fuck you. ” He stops and smirks. “But there will be plenty of fucking too.” His words make me so hard I can hardly stand it. He lowers to my lips, biting and sucking them tenderly. Our hands roam with desperation over one another. He grinds his hips into mine and I moan into his mouth. It feels so good. He reaches between us and aligns both of our cocks to stroke them together. I close my eyes to take in every minute of this, every feeling, every sensation.

  “God, Silver, I want you in me please.” He smiles at my plea.

  “Where’s the condoms and lube?” I point to the top drawer of the nightstand. He pulls out both and lays them on the bed next to me. He opens the lube and spreads some onto my entrance and then coats his fingers with a generous amount. He slowly pushes one finger in me and then another. I pant, bucking my hips as his fingers fuck me.

  “Oh, fuck, Silver.” I moan, arching my back as I squirm from the sensation. I can’t take my eyes off of him and his eyes haven’t roamed at all either. He watches my face and studies the way I move, the way I sound. His eyes are heavy, filled with desire and need. “Now, Silver.”

  He removes his fingers and reaches for the condom on the bed. He tosses it on his chest. “Put it on me.” H
e orders and I gladly obey. I rip open the foil packet discarding the wrapper on the floor. I roll the condom on his impressive length. He rubs over his cock to reassure himself of my work, and then he applies some lube onto his cock and my entrance once more.

  I go to roll over onto my stomach. I guess I’m used to doing it that way; it’s how Jeff always did it. He stops me and presses me flat on my back. “I need to see you. I want to watch you and the pleasure you’re experiencing.” He wants to experience everything. See everything. He needs this. I need him. He leans down and lays a small simple kiss on my lips. “Are you sure?” I smile and nod.

  “I’m sure, Silver. I want you, please.” He settles between my legs as I pull them up and hold them. He lines his swollen cock up to my entrance then thrusts slightly. He stops to grin down at me. “Tease!” I smile as he lowers to kiss me. He props back up and pushes his tip through my tight muscles. He stops and looks at me for reassurance. I nod, mouthing ok to him. He slowly drives deeper, I roll my head back. “Ah, please.” He’s driving me mad. I just want to feel him in me, all of him. He nudges his length all the way in me, filling me, stretching me. His eyes never leave mine as he starts pumping in and out of me.

  “Oh, Greyson, you feel so good, so tight,” he says through clenched teeth. He folds himself on top of me, pressing our mouths together. The feeling of his hot grunts against my mouth, as he pumps into me, is enough to get me off alone. I moan against his mouth as he grinds slowly into me. He feels so fucking great. He straightens himself up, grips my ass, then pulls it to him and starts immediately pounding hard into me; each thrust smooth and quick. He’s hitting the right spot every time and I can feel my orgasm leaching up my spine so I reach for my cock. “Hold your leg,” he says as he releases the grip on my left leg. I take hold of it as he asked and moan as his hand grips my erection.


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