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Silver & Black

Page 14

by Tyler May

  “How’s that?” Silver asks.

  “He killed himself four months ago.” She looks at me and tries to read my expression which is blank.

  “Are you sure? I thought he was in jail.” Silver is always so thorough.

  “He was being treated for depression. The nurses at the prison were giving him his meds daily. He must have been hiding them under his tongue or something because he saved up a ton of them and took them all at once; overdosed in his sleep. I’m sorry, Greyson.”

  “Why are you saying you’re sorry? That man was horrible to Greyson.” Silver is getting irritated.

  “I think I can answer for myself, Silver.” I look at Silver and he nods to say sorry, but I can tell he is agitated. “You’re right though, he treated me horribly, but I don’t wish anyone dead. He had a family; parents that loved him. What does this mean? We have no lead then?”

  Cynthia settles back in her seat; “I’m afraid that even he was a long shot, but at least we had something to go off of. Does anyone know what he did to you? Someone that would copycat him?”

  “The only people that know are Silver, I just told him last night, and Levi. Levi’s my roommate and he would never tell anyone. I never told anyone else. I mean there were cops, lawyers, and the judge that knew. That’s all though, and I don’t think Derrek would have told anyone, but that’s only an assumption.”

  “Anyone else that you can think of that might have a personal agenda against you?” Cynthia asks and I shake my head.

  “How about Jeff?” Silver asks.

  “Jeff wouldn’t hurt me. Plus, why would he send the photos to himself?”

  “To make himself look innocent. And as far as hurting you, we don’t even know if this man wants to. We just know, right now, that he is trying to scare you. I think Jeff is very capable of that.”

  “I know you don’t like Jeff, but what would he have to gain from this?” Silver shrugs his shoulders. I smile back at him. “Jeff’s a good guy. He’s just confused and he loves me.” I glance to Cynthia who is watching Silver intently. I know he doesn’t like to hear that, but it’s the truth, and I’m sure Cynthia, as a friend of his, feels for him. Shit, maybe I should reassure them. “But I don’t love him. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t care for him though.”

  Silver smiles warmly. “You’re a good man.”

  “Well from this point on what we do is…. Wait,” Cynthia states.

  “Wait? What? Until something happens to him?”

  “Brian, right now there are only a bunch of individual pieces to this puzzle. Some of these pieces might not even belong to this particular puzzle. I would suggest being vigilant and reporting anything suspicious. If you think a situation is dangerous; treat it as such. And most importantly, try not to go anywhere alone right now; at least until these incidents go away or he’s caught.” She looks at me and I nod.

  “Do they usually just go away?” I think I know the answer to my question already, but I want to hear it from her.

  “Not usually, but every case is different. I have a meeting I have to get to.” She takes a card out of her drawer and hands it to me. “If there’s anything, day or night, call me. This has my cell number and office. I’ll walk you gentlemen out.”

  Silver pecks her cheek at the door. “Call me; I would love to be there for you and Chase when he has his surgery and before. If you need anything please do not hesitate to call me.” She thanks him and then shakes my hand. “Thank you for everything, Cynthia.” I agree and thank her again.

  “Wish I could do more.” She pats Brian’s back. “You two look happy, stay that way.”

  ~Chapter Seventeen~

  After an afternoon of shopping and a quick lunch, Silver has Connor drop me off back at my place. He has some business he has to attend to before we go out to the bar with Levi this evening. He walks me to my door and to make sure I get in safely. A little overkill I think, but he’s taking Cynthia’s suggestions very seriously, and I probably should too.

  I lock the door behind me. Levi is in his room. I can hear rustling, moaning, and the bed squeaking. He’s obviously not alone. Trying not to interrupt, I close my bedroom door without making a noise. Deciding to check my emails and to see if my grades have been posted for the semester yet, I pull out my laptop. My inbox is full of nonsense, but there is an email from Jeff. I click.


  Your check is in my office. You can have it early if you want to come and get it. If not you can get it Friday. Hope all is well. I miss you.


  I could use my check early. Thankfully, I still get one more for the couple of days I worked this week on next week’s pay schedule. Tucking my phone in my pocket, I run out the door to catch the scheduled subway train. I’m not too sure about seeing Jeff, but I guess that’s unavoidable when he’s the one holding the check.

  I get off the subway and walk the few blocks to the coffeehouse. I hope Jeff doesn’t try to keep me. I still need to get home and get ready for tonight, and time is running thin. I stop at the window and gaze in. I miss my coworkers. I can see Shelly and Brant working, but Jeff isn’t in view. Maybe this is the perfect time. The familiar bell rings, greeting me. Shelly flashes me a warm smile. She was happy to see me. Brant nods and waves. “Hey, guys, did Jeff happen to leave my check up here?” Wishful thinking, I know.

  “Ah, let me check,” Shelly says, pulling out the drawer. She shakes her head, “Nope, sorry. Jeff probably has it.”

  “You want me to go get him?” Brant offers.

  “No, I’ll do it. Thanks,” I say with a bit of dread. Normally seeing Jeff wouldn’t be a problem, but I can’t take his nagging right now. I pause at the closed office door trying to listen if he was alone or not. I don’t hear anything but some typing. I knock.

  “Come in,” Jeff announces almost in an annoyed voice. I peek through the door and he smiles. “Oh, Grey, I thought it was one of the others.” He gets up nervously from his seat and stands as I walk in. “Did you come for your check?”

  “Why else would I be here?” I know that was rude.

  “Of course,” he huffs as he reaches in the drawer in his desk. “I guess it would be wishful thinking to think you were here for any other reason.” He hands me the envelope.

  “Thank you,” I say and offer him a small smile of thanks. “I appreciate you offering it early.”

  “Figured it’s the least I could do.” He’s staring at me. “How are things going? I’m sorry about the―”

  I interrupt him. “It’s fine, Jeff. Let’s just forget about it, but I should get going I have plans tonight.”

  “A date?” He doesn’t hesitate.

  “Jeff, please don’t.”

  “Don’t what? Make friendly conversation? Because that’s all I’m doing?” The way his body tenses and his voice cracks, I know that’s not true.

  “Fine.” I play along. “Yes, I have a date tonight. Is that what you want me to say? I’m going out with Levi.”

  “You have a date with Levi? Come on, Grey do you think I’m stupid?” This man’s attitude changes more than the weather.

  “No one called you stupid, Jeff. I’m going to go.” I walk to the door, open it slightly, and look back. He never tries to stop me. That’s a refreshing change. “Bye, Jeff.”

  “Good-bye, Grey.” He frowns. I pull the door almost closed when he calls, “Wait!” Knew that was too easy. Jeff grabs the door and pulls open the door again. “Please, don’t go.”

  “Jeff, come on―why does it always have to be this way?”

  “Let me take you out on a date. I’ve never done that.”

  “Because you had a girlfriend, correction, a fiancée. It’s kind of hard to date someone when you’re so busy with that,” I smugly answer.

  “Has Brian taken you out yet?”

  “You’re obsessed―what Brian and I do is none of your business.”

  “Has he?”

  I chuckle, fully aggravated now. “We’re done with this
conversation.” I start to walk away and then stop. I need to say one more thing. “If Brian wasn’t in the picture, would you be acting like this? I mean I feel like it’s just because I have someone else that is interested in me.”

  “Yes,” he answers.

  “Yes to what part?”

  “Yes, I would feel the same way. I’m just coming to terms with it at an incredibly inconvenient time.”

  “It’s not inconvenient, Jeff. Your timing is just fucked up because now you have no girlfriend. That’s what it comes down to. I don’t think it’s me you want. You just don’t want to be alone.”

  “I’m never going to win with you, am I? I‘ve said I’m sorry more times to you in the past few days than I have in my entire life. I. AM. SORRY. GREY!” He stresses each word.

  “I accept your apology, but that don’t mean I’m willing to give you another chance. I’m very interested in Mr. Silver. Very.” I stress my point as he did his. “And don’t give me shit. It’s the way it’s going to be, Jeff.”

  Jeff glances to the floor, nods, and mutters, “He’s not the right guy for you.”

  “So you’ve said, but how do you know? I don’t even know. That’s why I want to get to know him.”

  “You mean fuck him.” And the jerk resurfaces.

  “Which was good by the way, probably the best I’ve ever had,” I shoot back waiting for his snide remark. He looks utterly defeated. It’s not something I like to do. I know I remark hit below the belt, but subtle hints aren’t doing it for him. He blows off my bold ‘no’, so a harsh dose of reality is my only option. “I’m sorry, but I have to go.” Jeff doesn’t say a word back to me as I walk out.

  So my comments were immature for sure. I feel bad about that, but I had to put Jeff in his place. How many times do I have to repeat myself? Maybe knowing that Silver and I have done more, or even him thinking we had, will be enough to get him off of my back. I stop at the bank and deposit my check then it’s back to my place to get ready.

  Levi and Milo are on the couch snuggling, watching a show on fashion. Guess I know who was in the room with Levi now. I hope at least. “Where’d you go? I heard you come in,” Levi says and scoots down for me to join them on the sofa.

  “I went to get my check. Jeff had it early. I’ll give you the money for rent tomorrow when the check clears.”

  “I got your rent,” Levi insists.

  “How did you get my rent when I just got paid?”

  “Ah―I don’t know.” Levi’s a horrible liar.

  “Levi, did Silver give you the money?”

  “No,” he says, and I can tell he’s lying through his teeth.

  “Give the money back to him. Do you hear me? I can’t believe he tried that.”

  “I will; but fuck, honey, if he wanted to pay my rent and buy me shining new things. I’d be on my knees all day long.” Levi hums, “and it’d be so good.” Milo is rolling in laughter listening to him, but he never says anything. Weird, Levi is outspoken and loud and Milo is not. I guess sometimes opposites do attract.

  I stand, patting him on the knee. “Give the money back. I’ll pay my own way. I have to go get ready.”

  “So do we―I have to be there in an hour, Milo, so if you want round three we have to do it fast.” Levi winks at him. Milo jumps up. Guess he’s excited about that. Round three, good grief… Levi is a horny one. “You can shower first, Grey, but don’t take too long.”

  “Yes sir!” I mock salute and head toward the bathroom.

  Connor picks me up in front of my apartment; Silver is in the backseat on the phone. I climb next to him, and he does not look happy. He asks the person on the phone to hold on a second, and then covers his phone with his hand. He leans over to greet me with a kiss. “I’m sorry. I was going to meet you upstairs, but I’m on the phone with a business associate. I’ll only be a few more minutes.”

  “It’s ok, finish,” I whisper. He smiles, and then returns to his call. Whoever he is on the phone with he doesn’t sounds pleased. Connor pulls from the curb onto the busy New York road. Silver is arguing with the man, I only know it’s a man because I can hear a deep voice from his phone.

  “You fucked up!” Silver reprimands the man. “Seriously, I guess. I’ll have my assistant book everything. I’ll be there tomorrow afternoon. I want everything straight and ready to go. I have to leave first thing Saturday to come home. My sister, my twin sister, is having an engagement party, and I won’t miss it because someone can’t do their job. Do you hear me?” Boy, I never knew Silver had a mean bone in his body. It’s kind of…sexy. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Bob.” He hangs up the phone and exhales in aggravation. He looks at me. “Sorry.”

  “For what?”

  “Yelling, I’m usually not that stern with my project managers, but I was counting on this guy and he dropped the ball more than once. I have to go to LA tomorrow morning. I’ll just be there overnight.”

  Is it weird I kind of feel sad? “Are you sure you want to go out? You probably have a lot of stuff to do before you leave.”

  “No, I want to. I need a night out like this―to unwind, relax, and spend time with you.”

  “Sounds good to me. Don’t you have to pack?”

  He chuckles. “Please, I have more clothes than any man I know. I just have to throw a few things together, and if I can’t pack fast, I’ll just buy it there. It’s just overnight.” He takes my hand and tugs gently toward him. I scoot all the way over to him. “You should come with me. It will be our first date,” he says.

  “Well, that’s a hell of a first date, but I can’t go, Silver. I have, well―nothing, but I can’t.”

  “Can’t or won’t?” He frowns.

  “I guess both―Silver, we just met. I don’t think it’s a good idea to go out of state with you just yet.” I had to speak the truth. I know that we’ve been intimate, and I really like him, but I still need to think with the head between my shoulders and not my legs.

  “I respect that―I wish I could change your mind, but I respect it.” He puts his arm around my shoulder and I settle comfortably next to him as we drive. “How was your day?”

  “Uneventful, which is saying a lot lately.”

  “I like to hear that. Mine was meetings and more meetings and….Oh, wait a pop-up meeting.”

  I laugh. “Well, your day sounds very eventful.” He nods.

  I remember the money. “Speaking of―I believe this should cover it.” I reach in my pocket and hand him he a stack of cash. “This is the same amount I know you gave Levi. I told him to give it back, but I’ll tell him I already gave it back to you.” He glares at me, and I return the intimidating glare. I’m going to win this one. “Thank you, but I don’t need you to pay my rent. I got paid. I do believe I remember telling you NOT to do this.”

  “I’m sorry. I was just trying to help.” He offers a pathetic response.

  “No, Silver, you were trying to control.”

  “Help, Greyson―simple as that. I don’t understand why you think in any other way. Seriously, Grey, I was trying to help. I figured you wouldn’t be getting a full paycheck. What’s wrong with helping?”

  “Nothing. I’m sorry. I just don’t want you ‘helping’ unless I ask.”

  “But you’re too proud. I know you won’t ask.”

  “That, again, is my choice, but I like that you’re so willing to help me. I actually got a full paycheck today. Jeff gave it to me early. I get another next week, so I will have enough.”

  “That’s cool that he gave it to you early.” I could tell he wanted to ask more, but he was trying so hard not to pry. “Did Levi go with you?”

  “No, he had Milo over and they were pretty busy, if you know what I mean.” I wink.

  “You went by yourself, Grey? Cynthia said no place alone until these incidents stop.”

  “I just went to the coffeehouse and back. I’m not going to live in fear, Silver. If I do, that man wins. I’m not going to let him steal that from me.” I’m not―not a

  “You amaze me.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” I shoot back.

  “No, no…. amaze me in a good way,” he assures. “You are very disciplined and very independent. You’re a hell of a man, and you’re right. Don’t let someone steal that from you. Did you see Jeff? Did he say any more about the emails?”

  “Actually, I never even asked. I just wanted to get in and out. He was acting weird.” I close my eyes. I know that was the wrong choice of words.

  “Acting weird? Tell me he didn’t try that stuff again.”

  “No, he was actually very sincere. He asked me out on a date because we never really went on one.” I pause purposely. I want to see if he is going to react. Surprisingly, he’s calm, so I continue. “I said no, obviously.” I notice a hint of a smile creep on his face.

  “I’m glad. I know we just met, but I’d really like to explore this more, Greyson.”

  “I do too,” I concur. Tilting my head up, we stare into each other’s eyes. He smiles softly, before laying his lips to mine. Tenderly he kisses me. It’s slow and precise; every move from his mouth perfectly accepted by mine. It was just what the timing called for, and what I needed to feel.

  We don’t pay attention to anything else except the taste of our slow intimate kiss. Before we know it, we’re parked in front of the club. Connor clears his throat. We break our kiss. “Sorry about that, Connor,” I say. I never even took into consideration he’s driving.

  “Grey, please, I love to see you both happy. Stuff like this doesn’t bother me at all.”

  “And that is why he’s my loyal friend, more than an employee,” Silver compliments.

  “Thank you, Brian. Now, you two have a good time and call me when you’re ready to come home,” Connor says.


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