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Silver & Black

Page 21

by Tyler May

  “I don’t at all, and I’m sorry for the stupid comment. It was the wrong phrasing. I can’t act like I understand what you’ve gone through with your father, but I can see what a strong self-sufficient man that you’ve turned into. You should be proud.” I close my eyes and hug him. He holds me. I really needed to feel his warm embrace. He holds me and looks into my eyes. “May I kiss my date now? I’ve missed those lips of yours.” He smirks.

  I reach up and pull the back of his head, leading his lips to mine. His soft lips massage mine, passionately. Slowly we enjoy the simple pleasure for minutes. The need isn’t sexual; it’s intimately personal and rewarding. It is quite possibly the best kiss I’ve ever received. He tugs gently on my bottom lip as he releases my mouth. He looks me up and down. A sexy grin takes over his face. I’ve forgotten with all the commotion that he hasn’t seen my suit.

  “Shit. I hope this is ok. I have the Ralph Lauren if it’s not. I just thought this was more me.”

  “You look incredible. It’s completely you, and I love it.”

  “Are you sure because I can change? It will only take me a second.” I release one of his hands, but he holds tight to the other pulling me back.

  “Greyson, you look so good I don’t want to leave the apartment.” He smirks. “But we have to. Don’t change. And I mean that literally. I’m happy that you decided to be yourself. You’re perfect the way you are. Ralph Lauren has nothing on Greyson Black’s style.”

  “Now I know you’re crazy.” I laugh. “Are you sure?”

  “Completely. But we better go, because if we stay here any longer I don’t think I’m going to withhold the urge to bend you over this couch. I don’t think my sister will take that excuse for appropriate tardiness.”

  “No, but it’d be fun to have you try to explain it to her.” I kiss him. “You look amazing, Silver.”

  “Thank you.” He rubs my back as we kiss. “Shall we go? We have quite a drive. I may have forgotten to tell you that the party is at one of my family’s homes in the Hamptons.”

  “Wow, ok. How many homes do your family own?” I ask, and he grins.

  “We have a long drive to discuss that.” He takes my hand as we walk out.

  ~Chapter Twenty-Six~

  The commute to the Hamptons is smooth, and it gives Silver and I enough time to get to know each other more. We haven’t stopped talking since Connor picked us up in the black town car. I explain more to him about my father and why I can’t trust him. Silver tells me more about his family, including how many homes they own. I really enjoy times like this. Silver really opens up and I love to learn more about him. Silver leans over the front seat and pulls out the envelope in his pocket. “Connor, do you mind holding this until after the party”

  “Not at all,” Connor says reaching for the envelope. “I’ll lock it in the glove compartment.”

  “Perfect.” Silver scoots back. “Regardless of what your father has done, this is free money. Maybe you should use it.”

  “I don’t know. I would prefer you just give it to someone who needs it.” He looks at me. “Someone other than me, Silver. I can tolerate most anything, but there is one thing I can’t stand, and that’s lying. Once my trust in you is gone then it almost never is regained. That’s why I got over Jeff so fast. I’m not saying I never lied. Everyone’s human, but when someone lies to gain for themselves or hurt someone else, that’s where my problem lies.” I place my hand on his knee. He shifts nervously and clears his throat. “You ok?”

  “Yes,” he says rubbing his forehead. “There’s actually something I should tell you. I’ve been meaning to tell you.” He turns his knees toward me, but my attention is quickly drawn to the enormous house as we pull up in the drive.

  “Holy crap is this where your parents live?” The house was set back. The land was rolling into pictures landscaping. We pass a tennis court and stables. As we pull into the circle drive in the front of the house, I can see the pool area. It’s incredible. Silver looks out the window.

  “This is where they live most of the time, although, they do commute back to New York for business.”

  I was so intrigued by the scenery that I never let Silver finish. “I’m sorry, what were you going to tell me?”

  “It’s nothing. It can wait.” Connor parks the car and gets out opening Silver’s door.

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m positive.” He extends his hand out and helps me exit the luxurious car. I stand tall next to him. Connor pulls the car over to the designated area of parking.

  “Brian, you’re parents are going to be ecstatic you’re here. Welcome home,” the doorman greets him as he holds open the door.

  “Thank you Stewart. I’m happy to be home.”

  Silver takes my hand and we walk in. The grand foyer is like a work of art, sophisticatedly decorated. It has two staircases coming down on both sides on the wall that flanks us. Silver leads me through the house into a ballroom; at least it looks like a ballroom. It’s definitely big enough to be one. There is a sea of people all dressed in black tie attire. There are servers walking around the room with silver trays of wine, drinks, and appetizers. Tables are set up around the room with centerpieces more expensive than the shoes I have on. I can feel a lump in my throat as my nerves take over. I don’t fit in here. Silver squeezes my hand and glances over to me and with a smile; he makes me feel confident to be on his arm.

  Silver grabs two glasses of wine off the tray as one of the servers pass. He hands one to me. I think I need something stronger than wine, but this will do for now. I sip slowly, taking in the Silver family’s way of life.

  “Brian,” Deborah exclaims as she walks into the room. She gives him a warm hug, whispering in his ear. Then she turns to me and hugs me, kissing me lightly on the cheek. “I’m so happy he hasn’t scared you away yet.”

  “There’s still plenty of time for that,” Silver jokes.

  Deborah can see the nervousness in my eyes. She glances down at the wine glass. “I bet Greyson could use something a bit stronger.”

  “Greyson could indeed.” I smile, warmly. I love that she gets me. It’s like she has this sense.

  “I’m stealing your date, Bri. You go and do whatever.” She waves her hands.

  “Stealing my date already?”

  “Mmhmm,” she hums, and then hooks her arm with mine.

  “Are you ok with this?” Silver asks me.

  “Of course he’s ok with it, look at me. I’m a catch.” She has the same personality as Silver. It’s weird, maybe it’s a twin thing. “Plus, I won’t scare him off as quickly as you do.”

  I laugh. “I’ll be fine.”

  “Ok.” He kisses me softly on the lips. “I actually want to talk business with a couple of people over there anyway. I’ll meet you at the bar in a few minutes.”

  Deborah walks me through the house. It’s like a fine museum. I’m afraid to touch anything. She details as much as she can about the house and its belongings as we pass. Several people stop her and congratulate her on the engagement. As we finally reach the outside bar, she exhales. I bet it is smothering having so many people want your attention. She turns to the bartender and orders two martinis with olives. The outside view is fetching. The decorations and flowers illuminate in the night. The glow of lights hangs in every direction.

  “This place looks magnificent,” I compliment.

  “Thank you. I’d love to take credit, but it’s all to my mother’s party expertise. She loves planning events and well, a wedding engagement of her only daughter is like the event of the year for her. That is until the wedding, at least.” She sips her drink. “To be honest, I’m glad I don’t have to do this. I don’t know half these people, but they come bearing large amount of money as gifts. Might as well smile and accept cordially.”

  “Are they friends of your parents?”

  “Mostly. Some of them are business acquaintances, that’s why Brian knows so many of them. Some are friends of Thomas’s. S
peaking of my fiancé, I’ll have to introduce you. I was telling him about our lunch date.”

  “That’d be nice.” We lean against the bar and scan the room. I love that she’s personable and casual. She has a smirk on her face as she spots Silver from across the room. He looks directly at me and winks.

  “He’s completely smitten with you. It’s so charming.” She has the same damn sexy smirk as Silver.

  “Well, I’ll be honest; I’m kind of smitten with him.”

  “You look fabulous, by the way,” She says, turning to face me.

  “Thank you.” I was relieved. “I wasn’t sure about the blue jacket.”

  “It looks great, very stylish.”

  “So how long have you and Thomas been together?”

  “Too long.” She laughs a moan. “Nine years.”

  “Nine years? Wow.” My eyes brighten in shock.

  “Say what you really want to, Greyson: what the hell took so long?”

  “Ok, so that was exactly what I was thinking.” I laugh.

  “They all do, and to answer, it was just how it worked out. I stood by him through medical school, student teaching, residency, and more. We were comfortable with each other. We knew then, and still do, there will never be anyone else. That’s why he allows me to flirt so much and never feels threatened. I met him and my entire life changed the instant my eyes met his. Don’t get me wrong, we’ve had bad moments, but we’ve always overcome them.” You could see the love in her eyes. I would give anything to feel that someday.

  “So, why now? What changed?”

  “Oh, the second most famous question: because he asked.” She laughs, sweetly. “And with this ring.” She holds out her hand exposing a gigantic diamond. “Now would you say no to that?” I shake my head. “How about you?”

  I shrug. “What about me? I’ve never been married or plan on it anytime soon, but I hope to someday.”

  “I was talking about how you and Brian met. I know he said that it was in a coffeehouse, one of his, but he’s not the romantic and always leave out the juicy details.”

  “We actually met at The Silver Lining. I went with a couple friends and he was buying me drinks all night. He never came over to me. I think he was thinking I would come to him.”

  “Sounds like him,” she says, finishing her drink.

  “I actually did go looking for him, but he had already left. I went to work the next morning and he pulled up in the alley as I was smoking. At first I thought he was arrogant. I was in somewhat of a complicated relationship with my boss from the coffeehouse. We broke up and Brian was, is, very persistent. It’s only been a very short time, but he makes me feel like I’m special. I never had that before.”

  “Aw, you have no idea how much I love hearing that. Brian is such a great man. He’s never been consistent at the dating thing, at least not in his adult life. I just want him to be happy. I worry about him.”


  “I don’t know,” she says, heartfelt. “Maybe it’s a twin thing.” She seems concerned. I don’t push for more. Maybe it’s a sensitive issue.

  “Darling,” a tall woman says greeting Deborah with a kiss on the cheek. “You’ve been hiding from all your guests. Now, who’s the young man stealing all your attention?” She puts her hand out for me to shake.

  “Mom, this is Greyson Black, Brian’s friend. Greyson, this is our mother, Jennifer.”

  Jennifer smiles warmly. “Oh, it’s so lovely to meet you, Greyson. We’ve heard nothing but great things. Oh, come here.” She hugs me. She looks me up and down, and I swear my palms start to sweat. “Where is that son of mine, anyway?”

  “You know Brian, Mother. He’s talking business.”

  “Well it’s very rude when he’s invited such a handsome man to join him.”

  “It’s fine. I understand and it’s lovely to meet you as well. Brian speaks highly of you and your husband.”

  “Speaking of which, have you been introduced yet?” I shake my head. She looks around the room and spots him. “Scott, dear, please come here,” she calls. He holds his finger up, gesturing one minute. “That man is always so busy, and there’s no wonder where Brian gets it from.”

  “Mother, are you talking about me again?” Silver walks up behind her and kisses her cheek and then stands by me. He leans down and kisses my lips gently.

  “Oh, honey, you know I never speak badly about my baby.”

  “Oh, your baby,” Deborah teases. She looks at me. “Four minutes and he’s played the baby card for thirty one years.”

  “I have not. You’re just jealous.” They laugh. “Mom, this is my friend Greyson.”

  “We’ve met. Your sister has already introduced us. He’s lovely.”

  Silver smiles at me. “I think so.” I swear my cheeks turn scarlet red. “Would you like another drink?” he whispers to me.

  “Something light. I just finished a martini with Deborah.” He turns and orders a glass of white wine. His father walks up behind him and pats him on the shoulder. “Hey, Dad.”

  “Son.” he says, shaking Silver’s hand. “How was your trip? Did you sign the deal?”

  “Always do, Dad, but let’s not talk business now.”

  “No business, is there such a thing?” His father grins, and then glances over to me. Silver notices.

  “Dad, this is Greyson Black, my date.”

  “Yes,” he says, firmly shaking my hand. “It’s nice to meet you. I’m happy to see that Brian hasn’t scared you away yet.”

  “Everyone keeps saying that. Should I be concerned?” I say, and Silver tilts his head and raises his eyebrow.

  “Not at all. So what do you do, son?” his father asks. I wasn’t prepared for this question. I should have known this would come up.

  “I’m still in school. I have just a couple classes left, Mr. Silver.”

  “Oh, please call me Scott. School, eh. So you’re a young one. What are your plans for the future after school?”

  I play with my tie as Scott bounces questions at me. Silver knows that I’m getting overwhelmed and nervous. “Dad, let’s not scare him.”

  “Who’s scaring him?” He pops some crackers from a bowl on the bar into his mouth. “Nothing wrong with preparing.”

  “Greyson is going into business management.”

  “Yes, yes, that’s great. Talk to this man,” he says, patting Silver on the shoulder. “He’s a mastermind when it comes to business. I’m sure he can find you some work.”

  “Dad. Good Lord. You don’t stop.”

  “It’s all good. I’ll make sure to take your advice, sir.” I have to kiss up a little.

  “You’re a good man, Greyson.” He pats my shoulder. “Brian, did you talk to Charles? He’s got those plans for you.”

  Silver sighs. “I didn’t want to do anymore business tonight, but I guess if he brought them just for me, I’ll go talk to him.” He lifts my chin. “This is it, I promise.”

  “It’s ok,” I whisper and he leans to kiss me quickly.

  “Where is Charles?”

  “He was in the ballroom last time I saw him.” Scott munches some more of the crackers and then orders a scotch on the rocks. “What are you drinking there, kid?”

  “Uh, just some wine.”

  “Wine?” He winces and then turns back to the bartender. “Give Greyson a scotch as well.”

  “Daddy, maybe Greyson likes the wine,” Deborah says.

  “Nonsense. Wine is good for dinners. Scotch is good for bullshitting.” He hands me the small tumbler.

  “My father is very opinionated.”

  “It’s not called opinionated, it’s called passion,” Scott exclaims.

  “Whatever, it’s certainly worked, look at all you’ve accomplished. And you have a beautiful family.” Hey, I’m mastering this kissing up thing.

  “That right there―family―is what it’s all about. Everything else is secondary. I think you and I will get along just fine, Greyson.” Scott leans on the bar.
  Jennifer has already excused herself to go and deal with the menu in the kitchen. Deborah hasn’t left our side. Guess she was telling the truth when she said most of these people bore her. Most everyone she is interested in seeing or talking to come to see her. I love listening to them talk about Silver. Scott explains his latest tinkering in the world of business, and I can really see what Silver means when he says that his dad is his role model. I would give anything to even have half of the relationship they had with my dad. His family is magnificent.

  As Deborah, Scott, and I share an appetizer and gossip by the bar, a tall man that looks as if he walked off the pages of a Gucci magazine comes over. Hot damn… I’ve had too many drinks already.

  “Scott.” The man shakes Scott’s hand.

  “Stephon, Brian tells me your meeting went well. I’m happy you could make it tonight.” Holy shit, that’s the man Silver was with in LA? I have to stop my mouth from dropping open.

  “Your son is very persuasive. You know I have no willpower when it comes to him.”

  Deborah clears her throat. “Stephon, I’d like you to meet Greyson. He’s Brian’s date.” Thank you, Deborah.

  “Greyson?” He tilts his head in a cocky fashion. “Funny. Brian never mentioned he would have a date this evening. I’m going to have to talk to that man.” He looks me up and down.

  “Brian does indeed. He and I have had many dates lately.” Take that you cocky son-of-a-bitch.

  “Hmm, interesting.”

  “Come on Stephon. I want to hear about your agreement with Brian,” Scott says, and they start to walk away. Scott turns over his shoulder and gives me a smirk and a thumbs-up.

  “Holy fuck,” I mumble to Deborah. “That man looks like a supermodel.”

  “Don’t tell me you’re intimidated by him,” she says. I cock my head. “Please. Stephon is the most judgmental, stuck-up man I’ve ever met, and that’s saying a lot. Look around, I’m surrounded by judgmental people. He has his nose so high in the air that a pigeon could perch on it.” She gets me laughing.


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