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Silver & Black

Page 27

by Tyler May

  After taking a long shower, I peek out into the room. Silver is still sleeping. Good, the man works too much. He needs this. I get dressed, putting my glasses on and go down to the kitchen to get some coffee. Someone has already made it. By the looks of the breakfast tray left on the counter, the chef must have been in early to do this. I grab the tray and a cup of coffee and make my way back to the room. Still sleeping. I grab my phone off the dresser, set it on the tray, and tiptoe out onto the balcony. It’s a breathtaking view.

  I put everything down. I sip the coffee and stare into the woodsy view. I need to tell Levi about everything Silver has done this weekend. He’s going to be so excited. I turn back on my phone. “Now who’s the early bird?” Silver sneaks up behind me. “Why didn’t you wake me?”

  “You need the sleep.”

  He presses to my back and sniffs. “And you took a shower without me?” I turn in his arms to face him. “Wow, you look so fucking sexy in your glasses.”

  “So I’ve heard.” I kiss him. “I went and got the breakfast tray the chef prepared.”

  “Why don’t you enjoy the view and some coffee while I go shower. Then after, we can eat and do whatever you want.”


  He releases me and smacks my ass playfully. Winking, he walks back into the room. I yawn and go back to trying to call Levi. All of a sudden, I hear a buzzing sound. I look around and I hear it again. It’s Silver’s phone. Shit, he left it out here from last night. I grab it and wipe off the dew that has gathered on it. I hope it’s not ruined. The phone vibrates again. I can’t help but see the message pop up on the smartphone screen.

  You never answered me: yes or no, Brian. You have until tomorrow to make your choice or Greyson finds out everything.

  “What?” I look into the room to see if Silver is coming out. He’s still in the bathroom. “What the hell is this?” I don’t recognize the number, but it beeps again.

  You left me hanging last night. That will NOT happen again, do you hear me? What’s your precious boy going to think when he finds out Mr. Perfect is nothing but a big liar. Call me. I’m fucking pissed. You’ve messed with the wrong man, Brian.

  My heart races, I run my hand through my hair nervously. Should I read what they were talking about last night? “Why is that even a question?” I scroll the phone open. No lock screen, thank God. I keep glancing into the room to watch for him. I click the number in his text messages. There are several communications between the two numbers from last night, and from the sounds of the messages this isn’t the first time they’ve talked. I skim the messages.

  I’ve tried to reach you all day. Why is your phone off?

  Silver: I’m with Greyson. I turned it off. I will deal with this when I get home.

  You’ll deal with it now. I did what you asked. I followed through with my part of this deal, and you need to do yours. I want my money, Brian.

  Silver: The money will be there like I promised. You better not even mess with him again.

  LOL. That’s so funny. It’s like the pot calling the kettle black. Does he even have a clue what you’re doing? What you’ve done?

  Silver: Don’t try me. I told you I will take care of everything.

  You’re in no position to be making threats.

  Silver: I never hurt him. You’re a fucking bastard.

  True, but at least I’m an honest bastard. The money, Brian, or we go back to my plan. You didn’t like my plan.

  Silver: I swear if you even come near him, I will find you.

  Not very smart―not at all. You wanted it this way. This was your game and now you have to pay some way or Greyson will. That was the original plan anyway. It sucks when feelings get in the way of a business arrangement. Haven’t you ever heard the saying: never mix business with pleasure? It never goes the way you imagined it. The money. No more waiting.

  Silver: I’ll take care of Greyson. You don’t worry about anything.

  The next messages are from this morning that I already read. I nervously watch the door, still no sign from Silver. I don’t know what I just read. I can’t make sense of it. I feel like I’m going to be sick. I go to the door and peek around the corner. I can still hear the water from the shower running. I stand there and listen. I have to screenshot the messages and send them to me without him finding out. I snap the couple images of all the messages. Attaching it to a text, I send it to myself. My phone beeps. The water turns off. Shit. My hands shake as I delete the photos off his phone and the messages to my phone. He should never find out. I feel like my heart is going to beat out of my chest. “What the fuck is going on?”

  “You have my phone?” he says and I jump.

  “Yeah, you left it out here. It was wet so I was drying it off.” I’m holding it tightly in my hands.

  “May I have it?” he says, putting out his hand. I nod and hand it to him. “Were there any messages or calls?”

  “Not that I noticed. I never looked. I just noticed it while I was talking to Levi.”

  “You look flushed. Are you ok?” he says, and then touches my hand. I pull it away. “Greyson?”

  “I’m sorry. I thought it was my allergies acting up. I woke up and my eyes were really red, but now my throat is killing me. I feel like shit.” I had to think of something, fast. The wording in the message scares me. What did he mean when he said he would take care of me?

  “You look pale as a ghost. Do you need me to call a doctor or something?” He tries to hug me and I scoot backwards, bumping into table. “Ok, what’s going on, Greyson?”

  “I feel sick, very sick. I don’t want you to catch it.”

  “I’ll take my chances,” he says, pulling me into a hug. My mind is reeling with scenarios, but my body and my heart love the embrace. “What can I do?”

  “I… uh.” I know I need to confront him, but not here. If I get him home, I can confront the situation without being stuck in the middle of nowhere. I hope I’m reading too much into this.

  “Do you want to go home? I don’t mind,” he offers without me saying a word.

  “I feel bad cutting the trip short,” I lie.

  “Don’t. If you’re sick, you’re my main priority, Greyson. I’ll call the pilot and make sure everything is set to go.”

  “Thank you.”

  “My pleasure,” he says and pecks me on the lips and then walks back inside with the phone to his ear.

  I exhale heavily. “Please let this be nothing,” I whisper under my breath. “I’m just being paranoid,” I say to myself. “Maybe he’s being blackmailed? But for what, what does this person know that Silver’s willing to pay money to cover up? He obviously doesn’t want me to know or find out. He’s fucking lying to me.” I pace anxiously on the balcony, I hate feeling vulnerable. “We’ll just get home and I’ll call him out on the text, that’s what I’ll do.”

  “Who you talking to?” he says, putting his phone in his pocket.

  “Myself.” I chuckle to cover my nerves. “Everything ok?”

  “Perfect. The plane should be ready within the hour. If you feel up to it, we can pack and go whenever.”

  “Thank you, Silver.”

  “You never have to thank me. I’ll do anything to keep you safe and healthy. Shall we pack?” I nod, my heart sinks into my stomach. He looks so sincere. The way he says it, I believe him, or maybe I just want to. Fuck.

  It doesn’t take us long to pack the few things we brought. He arranges a car to pick us up and take us back to the small airport. We don’t talk, except for him asking how I feel. The drive seems to last forever. I know it’s just my anxiety. He’s scrolling through his phone and every once in a while replies to an incoming text. My curiosity is killing me. Is he texting the person behind the mystery number? If so, what is he saying? I realize I’m staring at him a little too long. He turns his head and looks at me. He grins, and then rubs my thigh.

  We’re finally at the airport, and not a moment too soon. I need some air. “I’m going to go check wi
th the pilot to see if we’re clear to leave. Will you be ok?” I nod and pace. I watch him walk to the plane. He looks like the perfect man for me. Why do I keep doing this to myself? I fall too hard, too soon. I stand still and stare at the man I thought I knew, and then it all comes rushing back.

  Chance is sometimes man-made.

  The world is far too large for everything to be coincidental.

  I’m very specific, Mr. Black.

  I want all of you.

  I’ve done my research on you, Mr. Black.

  I take a deep breath. The words he spoke that I thought were playful, seductive…. Maybe they meant more. Maybe they were warning signs. Fuck, I don’t know, maybe they were innocent. I need a cigarette. I glance into the small terminal and see a young woman. I run into the building. “Excuse me you wouldn’t happen to have a cigarette, would you?”

  “Yeah, don’t tell my boss,” she says, smiling at me. “Here.”


  “No problem. Are you worried about flying?”

  “Something like that. I actually should go. Thank you again.” I go back outside and light up. Silver glares at me with his head tilted. He shakes his head. I turn away from him. I haven’t smoked, except an occasional one, in almost two months. I finish and toss it to the ground. As I turn, Silver is standing right behind me. I jump.

  “God, you’re so jumpy today.”

  “I know. I’m sorry. I get this way when I’m sick.”

  “Well, I’m sure the cigarette you just smoked is going to help with your sickness,” he says sarcastically. “Doesn’t matter. The pilot says we’re clear to fly, if you’re ready.”

  “I’m so ready.”

  We get into plane and buckle in tight. My nerves are so shot about the situation, that I’m not even worried about flying. I’m just worried about getting home. Home is where I need to be.

  ~Chapter Thirty-Four~

  We’ve been on the plane for a bit over an hour. I haven’t talked to Silver. I’m leaning on the chair playing my sick card. Silver watches over me the entire time. I take off my seatbelt and turn into the chair. Silver sighs. “Are you ok?”

  “Yeah.” I’m short with my answer.

  “I’m not upset that we’re leaving, Greyson. If that’s what you think. The truth is I have some pertinent business I want to take care of.”

  “Is that so? Hope it’s nothing serious.”

  “I’m beginning to think this is more than you not feeling well.” Smart man.

  “Why do think that?”

  “You haven’t said one word since we left and now you’ve taken off your seatbelt. What’s going on, Greyson?”


  “I’m not dumb.” He reaches over and turns me to face him. “Tell me. Whatever it is, we can fix it together.”

  “How much longer do we have until we land?”

  He puts his fingers to his mouth and exhales harshly through his nose. “I don’t know, but I guess you don’t want to talk about it? Something is scaring you and I can’t figure out what. Did I do something to scare you, to hurt you?” Yes. I think. The sadness in his eyes is killing me.

  I rub my hand through my hair. “Ok,” I say. “Ok, you want to know?”

  “Yes. Please. It’s paining me to see you hurt like this.”

  “You never want to hurt me, right, Silver?”


  “So what was the―” My words are interrupted by his phone. “Maybe you should get that. It could be your ‘pertinent business’.”

  He glances down at the screen. “Fuck. I do have to take this. We’re finishing this after.” He gets up and walks to the back of the plane. He’s not far enough away because I can hear most of what he’s saying. “I didn’t get any messages. No. I told you it’s being taken care of. We’re on our way back. I can meet you later tonight. Give me some time.” He pauses and turns further into the wall. “Fuck, Marcus, what do you want me to do?” Marcus? They’re working together? My stomach starts to turn and the bile creeps slowly into my throat. My mouth waters and I know I’m going to be sick. I run to the back past Silver. “Greyson, are you ok?” I don’t answer. I run into the bathroom and lock the door. As I throw-up my fear into the toilet. I panic more. Silver knocks at the door. “Are you ok? You looked green. Is it motion sickness? I can get you something for that.”

  “No, Silver. Just leave me the fuck alone. Can’t you hear that I’m not ok?” I’ve never screamed at him. Ever.

  “I just want to help,” he mutters caringly through door. “Let me in, Greyson.”

  “How much longer until we’re home?” I sit on the floor next to the toilet.

  “Not much longer. You should probably finish up in there as fast as you can. The pilot should be issuing the seatbelt warning soon. I’ll get you an airsickness bag.” He walks away. I hear the announcement to buckle because we will be landing. I have no choice but to go back out.

  I take my seat next to Silver, and buckle in. He grins at me, but doesn’t speak. The plane descends onto the landing strip. The landing seems hard, or it could just be my emotions making everything seem that way. We come to a complete stop. After the engine is turned off, the assistant opens the door. I look at Silver and get up and run out off the plane. He follows me. “Greyson.”

  “I called Levi to meet me here.” I point to the cab that Levi is pulling up in.


  “I need to think, Brian.”

  “Brian? Oh,” he says, through an emotional sign. “You never call me by my name.” He nods. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what for. I don’t know what I did, but I’m sorry you feel like you need to run from me.” He turns to Connor who is originally there to pick us both up. “Get Mr. Black’s things from the cabin and put them in the cab.” Connor nods and then locks eyes to me. I turn away. What the hell am I doing? “I’ll give you the space you need, but I promise you, you will be the only thing on my mind.”

  I start to get emotional as my eyes water. “I’m sorry.”

  “Then talk to me. This isn’t fair.”

  “You’re right. It isn’t fair at all.” I walk toward the cab and open the door. “Not at all.” I get in and shut the door. “Just go,” I tell the cab driver. He pulls away. I glance out the window to Silver standing there broken.

  “Well, honey, I expected you to come back exasperated, but in a good way. What the fuck happened?” Levi asks.

  “Everything was perfect. He was perfect. I was in heaven. He bought me such a thoughtful and amazing gift: a toy boat just like the one my mom had gotten me―you know the one my dad stole. Everything this weekend was so thoughtful.”

  “Aw, that’s sweet.”

  “Yeah.” My voice cracks. “This morning when I got up Silver’s phone was beeping. I glanced at it and it had this cryptic message. I opened it.”

  “He didn’t have his screen locked?”

  “No.” I take my phone out of my pocket and scroll to the picture I sent myself. “Here, look at these. And don’t worry I deleted them off Silver’s phone.”

  Levi looks at the screenshots and shakes his head. “What the hell?”

  “Exactly what I said.” I bang my head back on the headrest. “Should I go to the police? Maybe I should call Cynthia.”

  “Cynthia?” Levi asks. I forgot he doesn’t know her.

  “The detective Silver took me to.” I look sincerely at Levi. “Tell me what I need to do. What I should do?”

  “I don’t know. This wasn’t in the movie.”

  “Levi.” I am not in the mood for Pretty Woman references.

  “Sorry, honey, I was just trying to make you smile. Ok, let’s think. You don’t recognize the number?” I shake my head. “But you for sure heard him say ‘Marcus’?” I nod. “Let’s call the number and see who answers.”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “We can block my number from showing up and make up an excuse like it’s the wrong number.”
/>   “That might work. We can at least hear the voice.”

  “Exactly.” Levi takes out his phone and begins to dial the number, but before he can finish, my phone beeps with a text. I glance down at the screen assuming it is Silver, but I couldn’t be more wrong. It’s the number. Levi glance over my shoulder and reads with me.

  Greyson Black, how your life is about to change. The man you know as Silver is tarnished. Check your door when you get home and see for yourself.

  The cab pulls up to the front of our building. Levi pays the cabbie and we get out. We reluctantly walk into the building with my bags. “He said to check something out by our door. What if someone’s there?”

  “Should I call the police, Levi? Help me out here.”

  “I don’t know. I don’t know. I’ve never had to deal with anything like this.”

  “Shit.” We wait for the elevator. As it opens, the man in the gray hoodie sees and runs past us, pushing Levi in the process. I throw my bags to the ground and run after him. I am beyond tired of this shit. I have to try and see this man or catch him. He’s running so fast I can’t keep up. He takes off down the alley a few blocks from my apartment.

  I go back to the apartment building. Levi is waiting outside. “Did you see him?”

  “No,” I answer, breathless. “He had to be here delivering whatever it is that the number said.”

  “Should we go check?” Levi asks.

  “Yeah, let’s go. I’ll call the police after.” We grab my bags and head upstairs.

  We look by the door, we don’t see anything. Levi huffs and then opens our apartment door. He cautiously opens it and flicks on the lights. He reaches down and picks up a single large envelope. He must have slid it under our door. Levi holds it, and I stare blankly at it. “Do you want me to open it?”


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