Kopassus forces, 59, 61, 69–71, 75–77, 81, 85, 98–100, 103–6, 115, 188, 200, 205–6, 232–34, 236, 239, 241
Kopkamtib, powers of, 51–53
Kosgoro, 50
Kostrad forces, 38, 49, 59, 64, 69–70, 98, 102–3, 105, 233–34
Kota district, Jakarta, 64, 67, 132
Krakatau, 55–56
kretek supplies, 56, 135, 139
Kristiono, Bambang, 234, 237
Kuala Lumpur, smoke pollution in, 213
Kuok, Robert, 136
Kusuma, Sugianto, 141
Kutai Kertanegara regency, 123
Kwalik, Kelly, 206
Laksono, Agung, 167
Lampung massacre, 58, 71, 156
Lance, Bert, 137
Land is Life movement, 190
Lapindo Brantas oil company, 143–44
Laskar Jihad movement, 74, 76, 91, 161–62, 227
Latief, Abdul, 38, 42, 73
Latif, Yudi, 165
Leahy provisions, 99
Lee Kuan Yew, 33, 69, 238
Levine, David, 31
Lhokseumawe, oil found near, 85–86
Liberaal Politiek policy, 13
Liem Bian Kie (Jusuf Wanandi), 135
Liem Sioe Liong (Sudono Salim), 55, 134, 176
Ligitan, 255
Lion Air, 124, 146
Lippo group, 136, 140–41, 161
literacy rates, 15, 28, 65
logging industry, 179, 189, 197, 207, 215, 217–18
Lubang Buaya (Crocodile Hole), 25–26, 36–39
Lubis, Mochtar, 26, 31, 53
Lubis, Zulkifli, 28
Luns, Joseph, 193
Mada, Gajah, 8
Maeda, Tadashi, 19
Mahaban, Shadia, 86–87, 89–90, 92–93, 166, 260
Mahakam gas and oil field, 122
Majapahit empire, 8–9
Majelis Permusayawaratan Rakyat, 43, 50, 159
Majelis Ulama Indonesia, 159
Malacca, Portuguese capture of, 9–10
Malari affair, 52, 54, 136
Malay language, adoption of, 7
Malaysia, 23, 33–34, 43, 46, 49, 85, 87, 89, 108, 119, 133, 136, 162, 213, 216–20, 231, 253
Malik, Adam, 43, 46, 152, 194
Mallarangeng, Andi, 183
Manado, US air wing supports rebels from, 29
Mandela, Nelson, 253
manganese mining, 117
Manning, Christopher, 126, 198
Manokwari, 194
manufacturing industry, 125–26, 136
Marhaen, 61
Marshal, Hercules Rozario, 233
Marsinah, 249
Marxism, teaching of banned, 79
Masoka, Aristoteles, 200
Mastura, Rusdi, 228
Masyumi party, 27–30, 50
Mataram Sultanate, 9–11, 150, 153
Matsuo, Akihisa, 209–10
Max Havelaar (novel), 13
Mbah Suro cult, 155
McIntyre, Angus, 62
McVey, Ruth, 45
media, 2, 41, 73, 100, 141, 146, 162–63, 165, 169, 173, 186, 228, 232–33, 235–36, 247
Media Nusantara Citra television network, 141
“Medina Charter,” 158
“Mega Rice Project,” 215
Melanesian Spearhead Group, 189
Memet, Yogie, 62
mercury contamination, 220–21
Merdeka Square, troops assemble in, 36, 38–39, 70, 108
Middle Eastern religious influences, 153, 164–65
Midi, Abdurrahman, 115
militias, widespread use of, 110
mineral production, 127
Minangkabau people, uprising by, 13
Ministry of Agriculture, 128, 158
Ministry of Defence, 96, 106, 174
Ministry of Finance, 55, 107, 127, 177, 184
Ministry of Forests, 90, 215, 218
Ministry of Home Affairs, 230
Ministry of Industries, 55
Ministry of Information, 2, 73
Ministry of Natural Resources and Mines, 127
Mintaredja, 50
Mobile Brigade, 206
mobile phones, 75, 118, 124, 178, 206, 235, 255
Mohamad, Goenawan, 63
Mohamad, Mahathir, 253
Mohammad, Fadel, 247
Mooie Indie themes, 6
Mooy, 59
Morning Star flag, 74, 93, 191, 194, 199, 202, 206
Mote, Octavianus, 208
Mountbatten, Louis, 20
Muhammadiyah movement, 48, 63, 72, 153–54, 156–58, 180, 242
Muna, Riefqi, 109
Munawar, Said Agil Hussein Al, 169
Murdani, Benny, 49, 58, 62, 233, 237
Murtopo, Ali, 49–50, 52, 54, 58, 155, 195
Museum of PKI Treachery, 26
Muslim Brotherhood, 149, 157–58, 183, 202
Musyawarah Besar meeting, 43, 195, 199
Muzzakar, Kahar, 88
mysticism, used against Suharto, 53
Nahdatul Ulama party, 28, 51, 54, 60–61, 63, 79, 154, 156, 158, 180, 228–29, 242
Naro, John, 50, 155
Nasakom synthesis, 30–31
Nasution, Abdul Haris, 25, 28–30, 32, 36, 40, 42, 49–50, 69, 95
Nasution, Adnan Buyung, 53, 179
Nasution, Effendi, 40
Natalegawa, Marty, 189
National Audit Agency, 169, 176
National Commission on Human Rights, 194
National Committee for West Papua, 203
National Development Planning Agency, 59, 127
National Human Rights Commission, 99
National Monument protest, 161
Nations Energy, 143
Natsir, Mohammed, 29
Natural Resources and Mines Ministry, 127
Nazaruddin, Muhammad, 169
Nederlandsche Handel-Maatschappij, 131
Negara Islam Indonesia movement, 22, 154–55
Negara Kesatuan Republic Indonesia, 188
Nehru, Vikram, 127
Nessen, Billy, 86–87
Netherlands: administers East Indies, 10–11; apologizes for 1946 killings, 229; citizens of ordered to leave Indonesia 34; conquests by, 10–12, 87; Dutch assets in Indonesia nationalized, 131; expansion of empire, 13–14; forced out of aid consortium, 58–59; post-war reconquest attempts, 20–21; response to resistance movements, 16–17; surrenders to Japan in East Indies, 17; withdraws from New Guinea 26, 36, 222–226
Netherlands East India Company, 17, 48, 129, 131
New Caledonia, 75, 189
New Guinea, 6, 14, 16, 21–22, 30, 47, 49, 79, 131, 187–99, 202, 205, 207, 210, 213, 219; see also Papuan provinces
New Guinea Council, 193–94
New Order regime, 2, 24, 45–51, 55, 57, 96, 98, 100, 110, 117, 119, 125, 137, 140–42, 146, 154, 162, 174, 196, 198, 210, 232, 242; see also Suharto
Newmont gold mine, 127–28
nickel mining, 117
Nicobar Islands, effects of tsunami on, 83
Nitisastro, Widjojo, 43, 46
Noerdin, Alex, 247
Non-Aligned Movement, 252
North Borneo, proposed consultation with, 33
North Sumatra, 14, 29, 40, 160
Norway, support of emission reduction scheme, 217–18
Nugra Sentana group, 141
Nursalim, Sjamsul, 141, 178
Nusakambangan Island, 52
Nusantara, 5
Nyai Loro Kidul myth, 150, 166
Obama, Barack, 104, 235, 243, 245, 256
Oei Ek Tjhong (Eka Tjipta Widjaya), 140
Oetama, Jakob, 146
oil supplies 121–22
Ondawame, John Otto, 208
Onghokham, 6, 9, 53, 135
Operasi Khusus (“Opsus”) unit, 49, 54, 155, 195
Operasi Koteka, 196
Operasi Tumpas, 195
Operasi Wibawa, 194
Organisasi Papua Merdeka, 188
Organisation of the Islamic Conference, 257
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, 121
Ortiz-Sanz, Fernando, 195
Otsus-Plus proposals, 200–1, 204, 209, 230
P. T. Bumi holding company, 146
Pacific War. See World War II
Pakpahan, Muchtar, 73
Palangkaraya airport protests, 162
Palapa satellite, 8
palm oil industry, 92, 114, 116, 134, 140–41, 170, 216–18
palm sugar, as cash earner, 118
Paloh, Surya Dharma, 146–47, 168, 242
Pamecutan, massacre at, 14
Pamungkas, Sri Bintang, 63, 73
Pancasila principles, 18, 22, 30, 40, 60, 62–63, 150, 154, 158
Panglaykim, Jusuf, 135
Panjaitan, Luhut, 115, 242
Panjaitan, Sintong, 69–70
Papanek, Gustav, 132
Papua New Guinea, border with, 188–89
Papuan People’s Council, 203–4
Papuan provinces: administration of, 192–200; gold mining in, 220; independence movements in, 81, 93, 191; population growth, 221; potential for unrest, 6; refugees from seek asylum in Australia, 254; under Megawati, 81; under Yudhoyono 225–32
Parengkuan, August, 230
Parmusi Partai, 50–51, 155
Partai Amanat Nasional, 72
Partai Demokrasi Indonesia, 51, 73
Partai Demokrat, 90, 157, 231, 241
Partai Golongan Karya (“Golkar”), 50–52, 54, 60–61, 63, 72–73, 77–78, 80, 90, 96, 103, 116, 137, 146–47, 157, 167, 170, 227, 235, 238–42, 247, 249
Partai Keadilan Sejahtera: corruption scandals, 183, 241; governor of West Java from, 149; moderation in, 165; rise and fall in popularity, 157–59, 241
Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa, 72
Partai Kommunis Indonesia (PKI): alleged “treachery” of, 26; army plans response to, 34–35; members massacred after coup attempt, 38; minority vote for, 27; officially banned by Suharto, 43; sympathizers with detained, 51; unilateral action campaign, 34; uprisings led by, 16, 21
Partai Muslimin Indonesia, 50
Partai Nasional Demokrat, 147
Partai Nasional Indonesia, 16–17, 27–28, 34, 49, 51, 154
Partai Persatuan Pembangunan: absorbs smaller Islamic parties, 155; formation of, 51; gains support under Suharto, 54, 78; loses support after NU separates from, 60; presidential candidates from, 241–42; Suharto government attacks, 63; threats against, 54
Partai Sosialis Indonesia, 27
Pascoe, Lynn, 172, 190
Pastika, I Made Mangu, 97, 151
Pelabuhan Ratu, 150
Pembela Tanah Air forces, 18
Pemerintah Revolusioner Republik Indonesia revolt, 22
Pemuda Ansor, 228
Pemuda Pancasila movement, 40, 62–63
Pemuda Rakyat movement, 39
Penny, David, 118
peranakan Chinese. See Chinese minority
Permesta revolt, 22, 29–30, 32, 135, 252
Pertamina: debt levels of, 53–54; military contacts of, 96; monopoly held by, 121; proposed investment in, 123; under Suharto, 46, 55, 57
peyek biscuit, 118
police forces. See armed forces; Indonesian National Police
political parties. See names of parties
Polo, Marco, 9, 152
population growth: in Java, 12–13, 28; in Papuan provinces, 197
Portugal, conquests by, 10
Portuguese Timor. See East Timor
Poso, sectarian violence in, 74, 76, 91, 163, 228
Possible Dream, The, 1
poverty levels, 118–20
Prabowo, Titiek Suharto, 233–34
Pranoto, 42
Prawiro, Purnomo, 146
Prawiro, Radius, 46, 55, 59
preman (thugs), 59, 62, 74, 85, 126, 141, 161
private sector enterprises, 129, 132, 136, 209, 214
Probosutedjo, 56, 135–36, 173
protectionism, 129
public service, corruption in, 178
Puncak district, 205
Purnama, Basuki Tjahaja, 238
Purwoprandjono, Muchdi: acquitted on murder charge, 228; becomes intelligence chief, 81; dishonorable discharge of, 98; Habibie challenged by, 69; joins PPP, 241
Raffles, Thomas Stamford, 11–12
Rahman, Tunku Abdul, 33
railway development, 125, 131–32
Rais, Amien: accused of corruption, 197; as presidential candidate, 78; expelled from ICMI for criticism, 63; forms and leads PAN, 72–73, 156–58
Rajasa, Hatta, 241–42, 245–46
Raskin program, 119–20
Recapital, 145
Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation Program, 217
reformasi period, 26, 88, 95, 100, 113, 123
Reid, Anthony, 89
Religion of Java, The, 152
religion. See Christianity; Hinduism; Islam
Republic of the South Moluccas, 22
Republic of the United States of Indonesia, power transferred to, 21
Republika, 58
Revolutionary Council, 38
Revolutionary Government of the Republic of Indonesia declared, 22, 29
Riady, James, 137, 161
Riady, Mochtar, 136–37
Riady family 140–41
Riau province, 170, 176, 218
Ricklefs, M. C., 8, 10, 12, 14
Rio Tinto, 114
Ritonga, Abdul Hakim, 179
rivers, pollution of, 222
Riyanto, Bibit Samad, 178
Rizieq, Habib, 161
Rizvi, Rafat Ali, 182
Robertson, Graeme, 114
Rockefeller, Michael, 198
Roosa, John, 35, 37, 42
Roost Im Ordre motto, 6
Rothschild, Nathaniel, 144–45
Royal Dutch Shell, 14, 32
Rubiandini, Rudi, 185
Rudd, Kevin, 228
Rudyamoto, F. X. Hadi, 247
Rujito, Colonel, 233
Rukmana, Siti Hardijanti: business interests, 57, 141; runs Taman Mini, 6
Rumakiek, Rex, 208
Rumkoren, Seth, 195
Russia, 16, 124, 209, 254, 257
Ryacudu, Riyamizard, 81, 103, 200
Sadli, Mohammad, 46
Said, Salim, 101
Salafism, 162, 197
Saleh, Rachmat, 46
Salim, Anthony, 140–41
Salim, Sudono (Liem Sioe Liong), 56, 64, 134–41, 176
Saltford, John, 193
Samarinda, 220
Samkakay, Paulus, 202, 207
Samual, H. N. V., 29
Santa Cruz massacre, 59, 74–75, 98, 104
Santoso, Djoko, 91, 108–9
Sarekat Islam movement, 16, 153
Sasono, Adi, 69, 75–76, 159, 260
Sastroamidjojo, Ali, 49
Sastrosatomo, Sudarpo, 134
Satgas Rajawali force, 205
; Schumpeter, Joseph, 132–33
Seamless Pipe Indonesia Jaya, 143
Seda, Frans, 46
Sekber Keistimewaan group, 106
self-determination policy, 193–95
Semar legends, 48
Semen Cibinong cement company 165
Sendang Semanggi spring, 142
Senopati, 9
Shia Islam. See Sunni-Shia conflicts
Shinawatra, Thaksin, 103
Silalahi, Sudi, 227
Silalahi, T. B., 231
Simbolon, Mahidin, 99
Simbolon, Maludin, 29
Simopyaref, Stephanus, 191
Simpson, Bradley A., 42
Singapore, 12, 15, 17, 20, 29, 33, 41, 46, 64, 69, 80, 88, 108, 219
Singarimbun, Masri, 118
Sinivasan, Marimutu, 138
Sipadan, 255
Sjahrir, Sutan, 17–18, 22
“Sjam” (Kamaruzaman), 35–36, 38, 41–42
Skouw, 187–88
smoke pollution, 219, 223
Snowden, Edward, 255
Soares, Abilio, 99
Soekarno-Hatta Airport, 124
Soerjosoemarno, Yapto, 62
Soeryadjaya, Edwin, 114–15, 127, 141
Soeryadjaya, Willem, 136
Soesastro, Hadi, 122
Solo, social welfare in, 126
Solomon Islands, 189
Solossa, Jaap, 201
Sosrowerdojo, Hadisubeno, 49
South China Sea, territorial claims in, 256
South Sudan, 209, 257
South Sulawesi, 22, 55, 88, 90, 154, 229
South Sumatra province, 58, 247
Soviet Union. See Russia
Special Autonomy Law (Otsus), 200–1, 204, 209, 230
Special Forces, execute PKI members, 40–41
spiritualism, 134, 136, 150, 164
Srihardjo, 118, 126
Sriwijaya empire, 7–8
Stanvac, tighter production split, 32
Subandrio, 35, 42–43, 73
Subianto, Prabowo: as presidential candidate, 232; dishonorable discharge of, 98; Habibie challenged by, 69; military career, 59; New Guinea raids led by, 188; on covert operations, 103, 142; warns Wahid to endorse Suharto, 61
Subroto (economist), 46
Subroto, Gatot, 135
Subroto, Wisnu, 179
Sudarsono, Juwono, 107, 109
Sudomo, 49, 53
Sudwikatmono, Agus, 56–57, 136, 141
Suebu, Barnabas, 204
Sufi missionaries, 152
Sugama, Yoga, 49
Sugarti, 118
Suharto: achievements as president, 64–65; called on to resign, 64; “charitable foundations,” 135, 172–73; corruption investigations of, 169, 173; involvement in smuggling, 134; Kalimantan policy, 114; lack of succession plan, 54; moves towards Islam, 48, 54; nostalgia for era of, 226; policy on ethnic Chinese, 135; presidential style, 46–47; relations with Habibie after retirement, 71–72; relatives and allies given favors by, 52; religious beliefs 174, 178–179; response to attempted coup, 42; response to criticism, 63; see also New Order regime
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